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Updated December 31, 2011
Individual Name: Tipu (aka Popeye or Mr. T 2) Birth Date: Est Jan 1, 1999
Common Name: Guyanan Tamandua Sex: Male
Taxonomic Name: Tamandua tetradactyla tetradactyla Category: B

Special Training Requirements: Normal Training.

Preferred Frequency of use: Once a month

Leash/Harness Requirements: None, but handler must be within reaching distance at all times.

Crate Size: Large that is labeled as specifically his. Not zipped-tied or bolted for ease to get out.
Crate Notes: Do NOT pick up by handle in can break due to animal’s weight. Do not cover in hot weather
and use crate fan.
Bedding: Towels- no holes or frayed strings.

Animal Can Be Placed: On the ground. Be aware of surroundings that he does not climb up or into
something that it would be hard to get him down from or out of. “Bird Perch” available for AP’s but
make sure you clean off the honey after use.

Allowable Treats: Packet of Honey (only from CZ supply) or banana. See Diet Sheet or ask a keeper.

Guest Handling Policy: At the handler’s discretion petting on his back may be allowed when the animal is
calm and being held by the handler; signs of stress can be passing gas and hissing. Do not allow any
touching on or near the face, head, OR his front claws. Do not allow guests to feed.

Medical Information: He has had problems with over heating so be aware of the temperature, especially
when riding in a vehicle. He has also had issues with his weight. Please report any vomiting to
keeper. He has had scabs or calluses on his back on both sides of his back bone and on his hip.

Behavioral Information: He does not like to be held for long periods of time. His powerful forearms can
rip the door off of a crate so make sure you keep an eye on him.

Night Party Specific Information: Tipu is more active at night and can get away from the handler if they
are not paying close attention. Can become scared by loud sudden noises, and can run when afraid.
Can be “hyper” active at night and grabby watch out for swipes from his claws.

Miscellaneous Information: Keep him away from wire fences, and areas that you will not be able to get
him out of in a hurry (should the need arise).
Also, if other departments bring animals, make sure you keep him out of their way to prevent any
potential interaction. Communicate with other animal departments to make sure animals will not be
crossing paths. Tipu can emit a defensive spray four times stronger smelling than a skunk. Be careful
when removing him from house /bucket to not scrape back or nose.

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