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Data: Data is a plural form of the Latin Word Datum, Which means “something

given”. Data is a collection of raw, unorganized but related facts and figures. An
example is a collection of names of students on admission forms, their addresses and
subject marks.

Information: Information is the raw data that has been manipulated and
organized in the form of results/outputs, upon which people can take necessary
decisions. In other words, information is the meaningful, processed data which is
relevant and accurate thereby can be used in decision making, Examples are vouchers,
bills, fee registration cards or library cards.

Instruction: It directs the computer to perform a particular task.

Program: An ordered set of computer instructions, which tells the computer to

perform a particular process.

Hardware: The physical components of a computer is called hardware.

Software: Software is a set of computer programs required to utilize and control the
operation of the computer. Such as Disk Operating System (DOS), Windows, MS-Word,

Types of Software: There are two types of software.

(a) Application Software: Computer programs which direct a computer system

to perform specific information processing activities required for the solution of
business, scientific and other problems of computer users. For example, MS Word, MS
PowerPoint etc

(b) System Software: It controls & supports the operation of a computer

system such as operating system. In other words System software are programs, which
hold instructions related with the working of the hardware and software of the computer
system. System software behaves like an incharge and performs the responsibility of
overall supervision of input, processing and output of data.

Operating System: It is a type of the system software, which supervises all the
activities, or operations of the computer. It consists of program(s) which provides
communication b/w the user & the computer hardware.

Computer: A computer is an electronic device capable of performing many tasks

like accepting data, process that information to produce output for users & also can
store that output. It can take logical decisions or perform any task faster than human

Units of a Computer:
Input Unit: The initial unit, which provides communication between the user
and the computer, is the input unit. This unit is used to given information to a computer.
For example: keyboard.

Process: This unit of a computer is responsible to process the data, which is given
by the user. e.g. CPU (Central Processing Unit).

Output: The final part of a computer is the output unit, which provides results to
the user either on the screen or printed on the paper. e.g. Monitor. It is a
communicating link between a computer and people. It is used to transfer information
out of computing system.

Memory: It is like a storeroom of the computer in which we store our data or

programs. It is of two types.

(a) Primary Memory

(b) Secondary Memory

(a) Primary Memory: It is also called internal memory and present

inside the system unit. This device holds input data (before being processed),
results for output purpose (after processing). It has two main types.

(i) RAM
(ii) ROM

(i) Random Access Memory (RAM): RAM stands for Random

Access Memory. The data stored in this part of the memory can be read,
changed or erased completely and thus referred to as read/write memory.
RAM is also known as temporary memory because the information stored
in it is lost when the computer is switched off or the light goes off.

(ii) Read Only Memory (ROM): ROM stands for Read

Only Memory. The information stored in ROM is permanent and is not lost
due to light failure or switching off, of the computer. The data can be
accessed or read any time but cannot be changed or removed or written
on it. ROM is generally used to store manufactured-supplied programs,
routines for immediate access by the user of the system.

(b) Secondary Memory: A computer has the ability to store its

programs, the input data, and the immediate and final results of its calculations.

The term secondary storage is also known as auxiliary storage, external

storage, backup storage or long-term storage. A storage is a device into which
information can be introduced, held, and subsequently obtained. The information
can be erased. E.g. hard disk

Hard Disk: It is secondary storage which is used for more storage i.e. it can
store a huge amount of data and faster access speeds than floppy diskettes. It is also
called fixed disk.

Floppy Diskettes: It is a storage device, which has two types: one is 5.25-inch
disk and other is 3.5 inch. The data stored on diskette can be accessed directly.

Bit: It stands for “Binary digit”. The smallest unit of information in the computer is bit.
The value of the bit is either 0 or 1.

Bus: A set of conducting paths (for movement of data and instructions) which
interconnects the various components of a CPU.

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