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Hy Pat,

i quite love my school! My school is called ITI Renato Elia and it situated in Castellammare di Stabia near the
train station.My school is very far from my house…So i have to wake up very early in the morning and then i
have to take train and bus. I hate that thing about my school but I chose that school because It s the best
software development school on my te rritory . I also love my school because i met really good teachers
and friends. I love my school because One of my friends play in SSC Napoli…so when i were 25 years old i
can say:”That was my school friend”

Luigi, I like this letter, it sounds natural, but you have forgotten paragraphs. What a pity!

We don’t say …. I quite love….. I love, I really love, or I quite

It would have been much better with paragraphs. Then you haven’t ended the letter…

Speak to you soon, take care.

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