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A Broad-Coverage Challenge Corpus for

Sentence Understanding through Inference

Adina Williams1 Nikita Nangia2 Samuel R. Bowman1,2,3

Department of Linguistics 2
Center for Data Science 3 Department of Computer Science
New York University New York University New York University

Abstract which current models extract reasonable represen-

tations of language meaning in these settings.
This paper introduces the Multi-Genre Natu-
ral Language Inference (MultiNLI) corpus, a The task of natural language inference (NLI)
dataset designed for use in the development is well positioned to serve as a benchmark task
and evaluation of machine learning models for for research on NLU. In this task, also known
sentence understanding. At 433k examples, as recognizing textual entailment (Cooper et al.,
this resource is one of the largest corpora avail- 1996; Fyodorov et al., 2000; Condoravdi et al.,
able for natural language inference (a.k.a. rec-
2003; Bos and Markert, 2005; Dagan et al., 2006;
ognizing textual entailment), improving upon
available resources in both its coverage and
MacCartney and Manning, 2009), a model is pre-
difficulty. MultiNLI accomplishes this by of- sented with a pair of sentences—like one of those
fering data from ten distinct genres of written in Figure 1—and asked to judge the relationship
and spoken English, making it possible to eval- between their meanings by picking a label from
uate systems on nearly the full complexity of a small set: typically ENTAILMENT, NEUTRAL,
the language, while supplying an explicit set- and CONTRADICTION. Succeeding at NLI does
ting for evaluating cross-genre domain adap- not require a system to solve any difficult machine
tation. In addition, an evaluation using exist-
learning problems except, crucially, that of ex-
ing machine learning models designed for the
Stanford NLI corpus shows that it represents a tracting effective and thorough representations for
substantially more difficult task than does that the meanings of sentences (i.e., their lexical and
corpus, despite the two showing similar levels compositional semantics). In particular, a model
of inter-annotator agreement. must handle phenomena like lexical entailment,
quantification, coreference, tense, belief, modal-
1 Introduction ity, and lexical and syntactic ambiguity.
Many of the most actively studied problems in As the only large human-annotated corpus for
NLP, including question answering, translation, NLI currently available, the Stanford NLI Cor-
and dialog, depend in large part on natural lan- pus (SNLI; Bowman et al., 2015) has enabled a
guage understanding (NLU) for success. While good deal of progress on NLU, serving as a ma-
there has been a great deal of work that uses rep- jor benchmark for machine learning work on sen-
resentation learning techniques to pursue progress tence understanding and spurring work on core
on these applied NLU problems directly, in or- representation learning techniques for NLU, such
der for a representation learning model to fully as attention (Wang and Jiang, 2016; Parikh et al.,
succeed at one of these problems, it must simul- 2016), memory (Munkhdalai and Yu, 2017), and
taneously succeed both at NLU, and at one or the use of parse structure (Mou et al., 2016b; Bow-
more additional hard machine learning problems man et al., 2016; Chen et al., 2017). However,
like structured prediction or memory access. This SNLI falls short of providing a sufficient testing
makes it difficult to accurately judge the degree to ground for machine learning models in two ways.

Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2018, pages 1112–1122
New Orleans, Louisiana, June 1 - 6, 2018. 2018 Association for Computational Linguistics
Met my first girlfriend that way. FACE - TO -FACE I didn’t meet my first girlfriend until later.

8 million in relief in the form of emergency housing. G OVERNMENT The 8 million dollars for emergency hous-
neutral ing was still not enough to solve the prob-
NNNN lem.
Now, as children tend their gardens, they have a new ap- L ETTERS All of the children love working in their
preciation of their relationship to the land, their cultural neutral gardens.
heritage, and their community. NNNN

At 8:34, the Boston Center controller received a third 9/11 The Boston Center controller got a third
transmission from American 11 entailment transmission from American 11.

I am a lacto-vegetarian. S LATE I enjoy eating cheese too much to abstain

neutral from dairy.

someone else noticed it and i said well i guess that’s true T ELEPHONE No one noticed and it wasn’t funny at all.
and it was somewhat melodious in other words it wasn’t contradiction
just you know it was really funny CCCC

Table 1: Randomly chosen examples from the development set of our new corpus, shown with their genre labels,
their selected gold labels, and the validation labels (abbreviated E , N , C) assigned by individual annotators.

First, the sentences in SNLI are derived from only source domain, and aim to train a model that per-
a single text genre—image captions—and are thus forms well on test data from a target domain with
limited to descriptions of concrete visual scenes, a different distribution—have resulted in gains
rendering the hypothesis sentences used to de- across many tasks (Daume III and Marcu, 2006;
scribe these scenes short and simple, and ren- Ben-David et al., 2007), including sequence and
dering many important phenomena—like tempo- part-of-speech tagging (Blitzer et al., 2006; Peng
ral reasoning (e.g., yesterday), belief (e.g., know), and Dredze, 2017). Moreover, in application areas
and modality (e.g., should)—rare enough to be ir- outside NLU, artificial neural network techniques
relevant to task performance. Second, because of have made it possible to train general-purpose fea-
these issues, SNLI is not sufficiently demanding ture extractors that, with no or minimal retraining,
to serve as an effective benchmark for NLU, with can extract useful features for a variety of styles of
the best current model performance falling within data (Krizhevsky et al., 2012; Zeiler and Fergus,
a few percentage points of human accuracy and 2014; Donahue et al., 2014). However, attempts to
limited room left for fine-grained comparisons be- bring this kind of general purpose representation
tween strong models. learning to NLU have seen only very limited suc-
This paper introduces a new challenge dataset, cess (see, for example, Mou et al., 2016a). Nearly
the Multi-Genre NLI Corpus (MultiNLI), whose all successful applications of representation learn-
chief purpose is to remedy these limitations by ing to NLU have involved models that are trained
making it possible to run large-scale NLI evalua- on data closely resembling the target evaluation
tions that capture more of the complexity of mod- data in both task and style. This fact limits the
ern English. While its size (433k pairs) and mode usefulness of these tools for problems involving
of collection are modeled closely on SNLI, unlike styles of language not represented in large anno-
that corpus, MultiNLI represents both written and tated training sets.
spoken speech in a wide range of styles, degrees With this in mind, we construct MultiNLI so as
of formality, and topics. to make it possible to explicitly evaluate models
Our chief motivation in creating this corpus is both on the quality of their sentence representa-
to provide a benchmark for ambitious machine tions within the training domain and on their abil-
learning research on the core problems of NLU, ity to derive reasonable representations in unfa-
but we are additionally interested in constructing miliar domains. The corpus is derived from ten
a corpus that facilitates work on domain adapta- different genres of written and spoken English,
tion and cross-domain transfer learning. These which are collectively meant to approximate the
techniques—which use labeled training data for a full diversity of ways in which modern standard

This task will involve reading a line from a non-fiction
and Conversation Collection of two-sided, in-
article and writing three sentences that relate to it. The person conversations that took place in the early
line will describe a situation or event. Using only this 2000s (FACE - TO - FACE); reports, speeches, letters,
description and what you know about the world:
and press releases from public domain govern-
• Write one sentence that is definitely correct about ment websites (G OVERNMENT); letters from the
the situation or event in the line. Indiana Center for Intercultural Communication of
• Write one sentence that might be correct about the Philanthropic Fundraising Discourse written in the
situation or event in the line. late 1990s–early 2000s (L ETTERS); the public re-
• Write one sentence that is definitely incorrect port from the National Commission on Terrorist
about the situation or event in the line. Attacks Upon the United States released on July
22, 20042 (9/11); five non-fiction works on the
textile industry and child development published
Figure 1: The main text of a prompt (truncated) that by the Oxford University Press (OUP); popular
was presented to our annotators. This version is used culture articles from the archives of Slate Maga-
for the written non-fiction genres. zine (S LATE) written between 1996–2000; tran-
scriptions from University of Pennsylvania’s Lin-
American English is used. All of the genres ap- guistic Data Consortium Switchboard corpus of
pear in the test and development sets, but only five two-sided, telephone conversations that took place
are included in the training set. Models thus can in 1990 or 1991 (T ELEPHONE); travel guides pub-
be evaluated on both the matched test examples, lished by Berlitz Publishing in the early 2000s
which are derived from the same sources as those (T RAVEL); and short posts about linguistics for
in the training set, and on the mismatched exam- non-specialists from the Verbatim archives written
ples, which do not closely resemble any of those between 1990 and 1996 (V ERBATIM).
seen at training time. For our tenth genre, F ICTION, we compile sev-
eral freely available works of contemporary fiction
2 The Corpus written between 1912 and 2010, spanning various
genres, including mystery (The Mysterious Affair
2.1 Data Collection
at Styles,3 Christie, 1921; The Secret Adversary,4
The data collection methodology for MultiNLI is Christie, 1922; Murder in the Gun Room,5 Piper,
similar to that of SNLI: We create each sentence 1953), humor (Password Incorrect,6 Name, 2008),
pair by selecting a premise sentence from a preex- western (Rebel Spurs,7 Norton, 1962), science fic-
isting text source and asking a human annotator to tion (Seven Swords,8 Shea, 2008; Living History,9
compose a novel sentence to pair with it as a hy- Essex, 2016; The Sky Is Falling,10 Del Rey, 1973;
pothesis. This section discusses the sources of our Youth,11 Asimov, May 1952), and adventure (Cap-
premise sentences, our collection method for hy- tain Blood,12 Sabatini, 1922).
potheses, and our validation (relabeling) strategy. We construct premise sentences from these ten
Premise Text Sources The MultiNLI premise source texts with minimal preprocessing; unique
sentences are derived from ten sources of freely the sentences within genres, exclude very short
available text which are meant to be maximally
diverse and roughly represent the full range of
American English. We selected nine sources from 4
the second release of the Open American National 5
Corpus (OANC; Fillmore et al., 1998; Macleod
et al., 2000; Ide and Macleod, 2001; Ide and Su- 7
derman, 2006, downloaded 12/20161 ), balancing 8
the volume of source text roughly evenly across swords.html, shared with the author’s permission.
genres, and avoiding genres with content that
would be too difficult for untrained annotators. 10
OANC data constitutes the following nine gen- pg18768.txt
res: transcriptions from the Charlotte Narrative
1 12

sentences (under eight characters), and manu- Statistic SNLI MultiNLI
ally remove certain types of non-narrative writing, Pairs w/ unanimous gold label 58.3% 58.2%
such as mathematical formulae, bibliographic ref- Individual label = gold label 89.0% 88.7%
erences, and lists. Individual label = author’s label 85.8% 85.2%
Although SNLI is collected in largely the same Gold label = author’s label 91.2% 92.6%
way as MultiNLI, and is also permissively li- Gold label 6= author’s label 6.8% 5.6%
No gold label (no 3 labels match) 2.0% 1.8%
censed, we do not include SNLI in the MultiNLI
corpus distribution. SNLI can be appended and Table 2: Key validation statistics for SNLI (copied
treated as an unusually large additional CAPTIONS from Bowman et al., 2015) and MultiNLI.
genre, built on image captions from the Flickr30k
corpus (Young et al., 2014).
(, a crowdsoucring platform
Hypothesis Collection To collect a sentence
similar to the Amazon Mechanical Turk platform
pair, we present a crowdworker with a sentence
used for SNLI. We used this platform to hire an
from a source text and ask them to compose
organized group of workers. 387 annotators con-
three novel sentences (the hypotheses): one which
tributed through this group, and at no point was
is necessarily true or appropriate whenever the
any identifying information about them, including
premise is true (paired with the premise and la-
demographic information, available to the authors.
beled ENTAILMENT), one which is necessarily
false or inappropriate whenever the premise is true
(CONTRADICTION), and one where neither condi- Validation We perform an additional round of
tion applies (NEUTRAL). This method of data col- annotation on test and development examples
lection ensures that the three classes will be repre- to ensure accurate labelling. The validation
sented equally in the raw corpus. phase follows the same procedure used for SICK
The prompts that surround each premise sen- (Marelli et al., 2014b) and SNLI: Workers are pre-
tence during hypothesis collection are slightly tai- sented with pairs of sentences and asked to supply
lored to fit the genre of that premise sentence. a single label (ENTAILMENT, CONTRADICTION,
We pilot these prompts prior to data collection NEUTRAL ) for the pair. Each pair is relabeled by
to ensure that the instructions are clear and that four workers, yielding a total of five labels per
they yield hypothesis sentences that fit the in- example. Validation instructions are tailored by
tended meanings of the three classes. There are genre, based on the main data collection prompt
five unique prompts in total: one for written (Figure 1); a single FAQ, modeled after the valida-
non-fiction genres (S LATE , OUP, G OVERNMENT, tion FAQ from SNLI, is provided for reference. In
V ERBATIM , T RAVEL; Figure 1), one for spoken order to encourage thoughtful labeling, we manu-
genres (T ELEPHONE , FACE - TO -FACE), one for ally label one percent of the validation examples
each of the less formal written genres (F ICTION , and offer a $1 bonus each time a worker selects a
L ETTERS), and a specialized one for 9/11, tai- label that matches ours.
lored to fit its potentially emotional content. Each For each validated sentence pair, we assign a
prompt is accompanied by example premises and gold label representing a majority vote between
hypothesis that are specific to each genre. the initial label assigned to the pair by the original
Below the instructions, we present three text annotator, and the four additional labels assigned
fields—one for each label—followed by a field by validation annotators. A small number of ex-
for reporting issues, and a link to the frequently amples did not receive a three-vote consensus on
asked questions (FAQ) page. We provide one FAQ any one label. These examples are included in the
page per prompt. FAQs are modeled on their SNLI distributed corpus, but are marked with ‘-’ in the
counterparts (supplied by the authors of that work) gold label field, and should not be used in stan-
and include additional curated examples, answers dard evaluations. Table 2 shows summary statis-
to genre-specific questions arising from our pilot tics capturing the results of validation, alongside
phase, and information about logistical concerns corresponding figures for SNLI. These statistics
like payment. indicate that the labels included in MultiNLI are
For both hypothesis collection and validation, about as reliable as those included in SNLI, de-
we present prompts to annotators using Hybrid spite MultiNLI’s more diverse text contents.

#Examples #Wds. ‘S’ parses Model Acc.
Genre Train Dev. Test Prem. Prem. Hyp. Agrmt. ESIM CBOW
SNLI 550,152 10,000 10,000 14.1 74% 88% 89.0% 86.7% 80.6 %
F ICTION 77,348 2,000 2,000 14.4 94% 97% 89.4% 73.0% 67.5%
G OVERNMENT 77,350 2,000 2,000 24.4 90% 97% 87.4% 74.8% 67.5%
S LATE 77,306 2,000 2,000 21.4 94% 98% 87.1% 67.9% 60.6%
T ELEPHONE 83,348 2,000 2,000 25.9 71% 97% 88.3% 72.2% 63.7%
T RAVEL 77,350 2,000 2,000 24.9 97% 98% 89.9% 73.7% 64.6%
9/11 0 2,000 2,000 20.6 98% 99% 90.1% 71.9% 63.2%
FACE - TO - FACE 0 2,000 2,000 18.1 91% 96% 89.5% 71.2% 66.3%
L ETTERS 0 2,000 2,000 20.0 95% 98% 90.1% 74.7% 68.3%
OUP 0 2,000 2,000 25.7 96% 98% 88.1% 71.7% 62.8%
V ERBATIM 0 2,000 2,000 28.3 93% 97% 87.3% 71.9% 62.7%
MultiNLI Overall 392,702 20,000 20,000 22.3 91% 98% 88.7% 72.2% 64.7%

Table 3: Key statistics for the corpus by genre. The first five genres represent the matched section of the develop-
ment and test sets, and the remaining five represent the mismatched section. The first three statistics provide the
number of examples in each genre. #Wds. Prem. is the mean token count among premise sentences. ‘S’ parses
is the percentage of sentences for which the Stanford Parser produced a parse rooted with an ‘S’ (sentence) node.
Agrmt. is the percent of individual labels that match the gold label in validated examples. Model Acc. gives the test
accuracy for ESIM and CBOW models (trained on either SNLI or MultiNLI), as described in Section 3.

2.2 The Resulting Corpus this may be different from gold label, if
Table 1 shows randomly chosen development set a consensus of annotators chose a different
examples from the collected corpus. Hypotheses label during the validation phase.
tend to be fluent and correctly spelled, though not
• label[2...5]: The four labels assigned
all are complete sentences. Punctuation is often
during validation by individual annotators to
omitted. Hypotheses can rely heavily on knowl-
each development and test example. These
edge about the world, and often don’t correspond
fields will be empty for training examples.
closely with their premises in syntactic structure.
Unlabeled test data is available on Kaggle for The current version of the
both matched and mismatched sets as competi- corpus is freely available at
tions that will be open indefinitely; Evaluations
on a subset of the test set have previously been for typical machine learning uses, and may be
conducted with different leaderboards through the modified and redistributed. The majority of the
RepEval 2017 Workshop (Nangia et al., 2017). corpus is released under the OANC’s license,
The corpus is available in two formats—tab sep- which allows all content to be freely used, modi-
arated text and JSON Lines (jsonl), following fied, and shared under permissive terms. The data
SNLI. For each example, premise and hypothesis in the F ICTION section falls under several per-
strings, unique identifiers for the pair and prompt, missive licenses; Seven Swords is available under
and the following additional fields are specified: a Creative Commons Share-Alike 3.0 Unported
License, and with the explicit permission of the
• gold label: label used for classification.
author, Living History and Password Incorrect are
In examples rejected during the validation
available under Creative Commons Attribution
process, the value of this field will be ‘-’.
3.0 Unported Licenses; the remaining works of
• sentence{1,2} parse: Each sentence fiction are in the public domain in the United
as parsed by the Stanford PCFG Parser 3.5.2 States (but may be licensed differently elsewhere).
(Klein and Manning, 2003). Partition The distributed corpus comes with an
• sentence{1,2} binary parse: parses explicit train/test/development split. The test and
in unlabeled binary-branching format. development sets contain 2,000 randomly selected
examples each from each of the genres, resulting
• label[1]: The label assigned during the in a total of 20,000 examples per set. No premise
creation of the sentence pair. In rare cases sentence occurs in more than one set.

MNLI simple continuous bag of words (CBOW) model
Train Model SNLI Match. Mis. in which each sentence is represented as the sum
Most freq. 34.3 36.5 35.6 of the embedding representations of its words.
CBOW 80.6 - - The second computes representations by averag-
SNLI BiLSTM 81.5 - - ing the states of a bidirectional LSTM RNN (BiL-
ESIM 86.7 - -
STM; Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) over
CBOW 51.5 64.8 64.5
MNLI BiLSTM 50.8 66.9 66.9
words. For the third, we implement and evalu-
ESIM 60.7 72.3 72.1 ate Chen et al.’s Enhanced Sequential Inference
CBOW 74.7 65.2 64.6 Model (ESIM), which is roughly tied for the state
BiLSTM 74.0 67.5 67.1 of the art on SNLI at the time of writing. We use
ESIM 79.7 72.4 71.9 the base ESIM without ensembling with a TreeL-
STM (as in the ‘HIM’ runs in that work).
Table 4: Test set accuracies (%) for all models; Match.
represents test set performance on the MultiNLI genres The first two models produce separate vec-
that are also represented in the training set, Mis. repre- tor representations for each sentence and com-
sents test set performance on the remaining ones; Most pute label predictions for pairs of representations.
freq. is a trivial ‘most frequent class’ baseline. To do this, they concatenate the representations
for premise and hypothesis, their difference, and
Statistics Table 3 shows some additional statis- their element-wise product, following Mou et al.
tics. Premise sentences in MultiNLI tend to (2016b), and pass the result to a single tanh layer
be longer (max 401 words, mean 22.3 words) followed by a three-way softmax classifier.
than their hypotheses (max 70 words, mean All models are initialized with 300D reference
11.4 words), and much longer, on average, than GloVe vectors (840B token version; Pennington
premises in SNLI (mean 14.1 words); premises et al., 2014). Out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words
in MultiNLI also tend to be parsed as complete are initialized randomly and word embeddings are
sentences at a much higher rate on average (91%) fine-tuned during training. The models use 300D
than their SNLI counterparts (74%). We observe hidden states, as in most prior work on SNLI. We
that the two spoken genres differ in this—with use Dropout (Srivastava et al., 2014) for regular-
FACE - TO - FACE showing more complete sentences ization. For ESIM, we use a dropout rate of 0.5,
(91%) than T ELEPHONE (71%)—and speculate following the paper. For CBOW and BiLSTM
that the lack of visual feedback in a telephone set- models, we tune Dropout on the SNLI develop-
ting may result in a high incidence of interrupted ment set and find that a drop rate of 0.1 works
or otherwise incomplete sentences. well. We use the Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2015)
Hypothesis sentences in MultiNLI generally optimizer with default parameters. Code is avail-
cannot be derived from their premise sentences us- able at
ing only trivial editing strategies. While 2.5% of We train models on SNLI, MultiNLI, and a mix-
the hypotheses in SNLI differ from their premises ture; Table 4 shows the results. In the mixed set-
by deletion, only 0.9% of those in MultiNLI (170 ting, we use the full MultiNLI training set and ran-
examples total) are constructed in this way. Sim- domly select 15% of the SNLI training set at each
ilarly, in SNLI, 1.6% of hypotheses differ from epoch, ensuring that each available genre is seen
their premises by addition, substitution, or shuf- during training with roughly equal frequency.
fling a single word, while in MultiNLI this only
We also train a separate CBOW model on each
happens in 1.2% of examples. The percentage of
individual genre to establish the degree to which
hypothesis-premise pairs with high token overlap
simple models already allow for effective transfer
(>37%) was comparable between MultiNLI (30%
across genres, using a dropout rate of 0.2. When
of pairs) and SNLI (29%). These statistics sug-
training on SNLI, a single random sample of 15%
gest that MultiNLI’s annotations are comparable
of the original training set is used. For each genre
in quality to those of SNLI.
represented in the training set, the model that per-
forms best on it was trained on that genre; a
3 Baselines
model trained only on SNLI performs worse on
To test the difficulty of the corpus, we experiment every genre than comparable models trained on
with three neural network models. The first is a any genre from MultiNLI.

Models trained on a single genre from MultiNLI that would be easily intelligible to an untrained an-
perform well on similar genres; for example, the notator (or any non-expert).
model trained on T ELEPHONE attains the best Bowman et al. attempt to avoid this problem by
accuracy (63%) on FACE - TO -FACE, which was using an annotation prompt that is highly depen-
nearly one point better than it received on itself. dent on the concreteness of image descriptions;
S LATE seems to be a difficult and relatively un- but, as we engage with the much more abstract
usual genre and performance on it is relatively writing that is found in, for example, government
poor in this setting; when averaging over runs documents, there is no reason to assume a pri-
trained on SNLI and all genres in the matched ori that any similar prompt and annotation strat-
section of the training set, average performance egy can work. We are surprised to find that this
on S LATE was only 57.5%. Sentences in S LATE is not a major issue. Through a relatively straight-
cover a wide range of topics and phenomena, mak- forward trial-and-error piloting phase, followed by
ing it hard to do well on, but also forcing models discussion with our annotators, we manage to de-
trained on it be broadly capable; the model trained sign prompts for abstract genres that yield high
on S LATE achieves the highest accuracy of any inter-annotator agreement scores nearly identical
model on 9/11 (55.6%) and V ERBATIM (57.2%), to those of SNLI (see Table 2). These high scores
and relatively high accuracy on T RAVEL (57.4%) suggest that our annotators agreed on a single task
and G OVERNMENT (58.3%). We also observe that definition, and were able to apply it consistently
our models perform similarly on both the matched across genres.
and mismatched test sets of MultiNLI. We expect
genre mismatch issues to become more conspic- 4.2 Overall Difficulty
uous as models are developed that can better fit As expected, both the increase in the diver-
MultiNLI’s training genres. sity of linguistic phenomena in MultiNLI and its
To evaluate the contribution of sentence length longer average sentence length conspire to make
to corpus difficulty, we binned premises and hy- MultiNLI dramatically more difficult than SNLI.
potheses by length in 25-word increments for Our three baseline models perform better on SNLI
premises and 10-word increments for hypotheses. than MultiNLI by about 15% when trained on
Using the ESIM model, our strong baseline, we the respective datasets. All three models achieve
find a small effect (stronger for matched than mis- accuracy above 80% on the SNLI test set when
matched) of premise length on model accuracy: trained only on SNLI. However, when trained on
accuracy decreases slightly as premise sentences MultiNLI, only ESIM surpasses 70% accuracy
increase in length. We find no effect of hypothesis on MultiNLI’s test sets. When we train mod-
length on accuracy. els on MultiNLI and downsampled SNLI, we see
an expected significant improvement on SNLI,
4 Discussion and Analysis but no significant change in performance on the
MultiNLI test sets, suggesting including SNLI
4.1 Data Collection
in training doesn’t drive substantial improvement.
In data collection for NLI, different annotator de- These results attest to MultiNLI’s difficulty, and
cisions about the coreference between entities and with its relatively high inter-annotator agreement,
events across the two sentences in a pair can lead suggest that it presents a problem with substantial
to very different assignments of pairs to labels headroom for future work.
(de Marneffe et al., 2008; Marelli et al., 2014a;
Bowman et al., 2015). Drawing an example from 4.3 Analysis by Linguistic Phenomenon
Bowman et al., the pair “a boat sank in the Pacific To better understand the types of language un-
Ocean” and “a boat sank in the Atlantic Ocean” derstanding skills that MultiNLI tests, we analyze
can be labeled either CONTRADICTION or NEU - the collected corpus using a set of annotation tags
TRAL depending on (among other things) whether chosen to reflect linguistic phenomena which are
the two mentions of boats are assumed to refer known to be potentially difficult. We use two
to the same entity in the world. This uncertainty methods to assign tags to sentences. First, we
can present a serious problem for inter-annotator use the Penn Treebank (PTB; Marcus et al., 1993)
agreement, since it is not clear that it is possible to part-of-speech tag set (via the included Stanford
define an explicit set of rules around coreference Parser parses) to automatically isolate sentences

Dev. Freq. Most Frequent Label Model Acc.
Tag SNLI MultiNLI Diff. Label % CBOW BiLSTM ESIM
Entire Corpus 100 100 0 entailment ∼35 ∼65 ∼67 ∼72
Pronouns (PTB) 34 68 34 entailment 34 66 68 73
Quantifiers 33 63 30 contradiction 36 66 68 73
Modals (PTB) <1 28 28 entailment 35 65 67 72
Negation (PTB) 5 31 26 contradiction 48 67 70 75
WH terms (PTB) 5 30 25 entailment 35 64 65 72
Belief Verbs <1 19 18 entailment 34 64 67 71
Time Terms 19 36 17 neutral 35 64 66 71
Discourse Mark. <1 14 14 neutral 34 62 64 70
Presup. Triggers 8 22 14 neutral 34 65 67 73
Compr./Supr.(PTB) 3 17 14 neutral 39 61 63 69
Conditionals 4 15 11 neutral 35 65 68 73
Tense Match (PTB) 62 69 7 entailment 37 67 68 73
Interjections (PTB) <1 5 5 entailment 36 67 70 75
>20 words <1 5 5 entailment 42 65 67 76

Table 5: Dev. Freq. is the percentage of dev. set examples that include each phenomenon, ordered by greatest
difference in frequency of occurrence (Diff.) between MultiNLI and SNLI. Most Frequent Label specifies which
label is the most frequent for each tag in the MultiNLI dev. set, and % is its incidence. Model Acc. is the dev. set
accuracy (%) by annotation tag for each baseline model (trained on MultiNLI only). (PTB) marks a tag as derived
from Penn Treebank-style parser output tags (Marcus et al., 1993).

containing a range of easily-identified phenomena least one. The Telephone genre has the highest
like comparatives. Second, we isolate sentences percentage of sentence pairs containing one oc-
that contain hand-chosen key words indicative of currence of negation, WH-words, belief -verbs and
additional interesting phenomena. time terms, Verbatim has the highest percentage
The hand-chosen tag set covers the follow- of pairs containing quantifiers and conversational
ing phenomena: Q UANTIFIERS contains single pivots, and Letters has the highest percentage of
words with quantificational force (see, for exam- pairs that contain one or more modals. Pairs con-
ple, Heim and Kratzer, 1998; Szabolcsi, 2010, taining comparatives and/or superlatives, which is
e.g., many, all, few, some); B ELIEF V ERBS con- the tag that our baseline models perform worst on,
tains sentence-embedding verbs denoting mental are most common in the Oxford University Press
states (e.g., know, believe, think), including irregu- genre. Based on this, we conclude that the genres
lar past tense forms; T IME TERMS contains single are sufficiently different, because they are not uni-
words with abstract temporal interpretation, (e.g., form with respect to the percentages of sentence
then, today) and month names and days of the pairs that contain each of the annotation tags.
week; D ISCOURSE MARKERS contains words that The distributions of labels within each tagged
facilitate discourse coherence (e.g., yet, however, subset of the corpus roughly mirrors the balanced
but, thus, despite); P RESUPPOSITION T RIGGERS overall distribution. The most frequent class over-
contains words with lexical presuppositions (Stal- all (in this case, ENTAILMENT) occurs with a fre-
naker, 1974; Schlenker, 2016, e.g., again, too, quency of roughly one third (see Table 4) in most.
anymore13 ); C ONDITIONALS contains the word if. Only two annotation tags differ from the baseline
Table 5 presents the frequency of the tags in SNLI percentage of the most frequent class in the cor-
and MultiNLI, and model accuracy on MultiNLI pus by at least 5%: sentences containing negation,
(trained only on MultiNLI). and sentences exceeding 20 words. Sentences that
The incidence of tags varies by genre; the per- contain negation are slightly more likely than av-
centage of sentence pairs containing a particular erage to be labeled CONTRADICTION, reflecting a
annotation tag differs by a maximum over 30% similar finding in SNLI, while long sentences are
across genres. Sentence pairs containing pronouns slightly more likely to be labeled ENTAILMENT.
are predictably common for all genres, with 93%
None of the baseline models perform substan-
of Government and Face-to-face pairs including at
tially better on any tagged set than they do on the
Because their high frequency in the corpus, extremely corpus overall, with average model accuracies on
common triggers like the were excluded from this tag. sentences containing specific tags falling within

about 3 points of overall averages. Using base- source task for pre-training and transfer learning
line model test accuracy overall as a metric (see in the context of sentence-to-vector models, with
Table 4), our baseline models had the most trouble models trained on SNLI and MultiNLI substan-
on sentences containing comparatives or superla- tially outperforming all prior models on a suite
tives (losing 3-4 points each). Despite the fact that of established transfer learning benchmarks. We
17% of sentence pairs in the corpus contained at hope that this corpus will continue to serve for
least one instance of comparative or superlative, many years as a resource for the development and
our baseline models don’t utilize the information evaluation of methods for sentence understanding.
present in these sentences to predict the correct la-
bel for the pair, although presence of a compara- Acknowledgments
tive or superlative is slightly more predictive of a
This work was made possible by a Google Faculty
NEUTRAL label.
Research Award. SB also gratefully acknowledges
Moreover, the baseline models perform below
support from Tencent Holdings and Samsung Re-
average on discourse markers, such as despite and
search. We also thank George Dahl, the organiz-
however, losing roughly 2 to 3 points each. Un-
ers of the RepEval 2016 and RepEval 2017 work-
surprisingly, the attention-based ESIM model per-
shops, Andrew Drozdov, Angeliki Lazaridou, and
forms better than the other two on sentences with
our other NYU colleagues for help and advice.
greater than 20 words. Additionally, our baseline
models do show slight improvements in accuracy
on negation, suggesting that they may be tracking References
it as a predictor of CONTRADICTION.
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