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Lab 03 – JBoss AS 7 with T24 – TAFJ

1. Download JBoss AS 7 from

2. Extract JBoss AS .zip file in to a directory where you will set it as JBOSS_HOME for
your environment variable
3. Edit %JBOSS_HOME%/bin/ standalone.conf.bat file
a. set "JAVA=C:\Java\jdk1.7.0_79\bin\java"
%\BrowserSecurity\sso.config -DARC_CONFIG_APP_NAME=SPNEGO
-Dtafj.home=C:\decsi\TAFJ -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=1009
4. Create the following folder structure for Module deployment
5. Copy t24, tafj and oracle libraries in to each directory
6. Create module.xml file
7. Create standalone-full.xml

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