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I never wanted to live in this world. You should’ve seen it.

I came across you one day. It wasn’t unpleasing.

We’ve met long before. Life wasn’t so miserable for a brief moment.

I love you
I adore you
I’ll never let you go
I’ll never upset you
I’ll never be angry with you
I’ll never not love you
I’ll never leave you
Hold me thight
Close my eyes
Grab my breast
Grab me, grab me harder
Why aren’t you opening your eyes?
Why are you crying?
Why did you lock the door?
Let me in
Why aren’t you answering?
Where are you? What do you mean where am I? I am here waiting
I’ll never accept this
I can’t live like this
I don’t want this
I don’t want that
I don’t want not wanting you
I miss you
Who am I?
Forgive me, I never wanted to hurt you
Please come back
I never left
Did you locked the door?
I never left.

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