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1. Explain User Story Mapping?

When a cross-functional team starts working on a product, everyone thinks from their own perspective.
a. Management – Cost and revenue
b. Product Owner – Product backlog, releases and sprints
c. Developers – Code and Modules
d. Designers – Interface and Interactions
Above all these perspectives, the most important perspective is left behind.

Story mapping helps to …

- define and visualize this journey from product vision to product release from a customer’s perspective.
- align individual contributions to what really matters to customers

Components of a story map:

Just like a Google map composed of countries, cities, streets, a user story maps contains it’s own
- User Persona – Who’s going to use your product
- User Goals - Map user persona to
goals, what do they wanna achieve
with your product
- User activities - Map out thought
process of user persona trying to
achieve this goal

All these together describe the narrative

flow or a backbone of a user story map.

User activities are further broken down

into user stories which specify how someone can complete these activities within your product.
Once the team has the understand of end to end user journey, you can separate your stories into releases
User Story:
As a <user persona/role> I want to <purpose> so that <objective>
Situation – Motivation - Expected outcome
As a passenger I want to book a cab so that I can reach on time
‍ s a power user, I can specify files or folders to backup based on file size, date created and date modified.
As a new user I want to create an account so that I can use Forecast.
‍ s a book shopper, I can read reviews of a selected book to help me decide whether to buy it.
‍ bank customer can change his PIN.

2. How to Write Good User Story with INVEST Guidelines?

The acronym INVEST helps to remember a widely accepted set of criteria, or checklist, to assess the
quality of a user story. If the story fails to meet one of these criteria, the team may want to reword it, or
even consider a rewrite (which often translates into physically tearing up the old story card and writing a
new one).
Independent – Each User Story should represent a distinct and independent set of business values such
that, were it released on its own, it would deliver incremental value over the previous state.
Negotiable – While the end-goal may be clearly described, the methods by which that goal is achieved
should be negotiable – between the Product Owner and the Development Team, the Product Owner and
the Customer, or any other involved stakeholders – so as to prevent unrealistic constraints on the feature
or functionality.
Valuable – The business value of any User Story should be readily recognizable by reading the story, and
each story should represent some sort of value to a specific user type.

Estimable – We must have enough information that we can properly size a story so that we may properly
plan and commit to our work. (But no more!)
Small – User Stories should be small enough that they are able to be completed within a sprint.
Testable – All members of the team need a clear and precise way to verify whether or not a User Story has
been completed.
Note That:
INVEST are guidelines for quickly evaluating the quality of user stories originated in an article by Bill Wake,
which also repurposed the acronym SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-boxed) for
tasks resulting from the technical decomposition of user stories.

3. Explain 3 Cs of user stories.

Card – a written description of the story used for
planning and estimation.
Conversation – Discuss your ideas with others. Let
them ask lots of questions. Work together to come up
with ideal solutions. The goal is to build a shared
Confirmation – Confirmation is the acceptance criteria
which captures the essential requirements and
translates them into the test criteria so that we know when we’ve successfully delivered the user story.
Work towards agreement on what to build. Record that agreement as a set of confirmation tests.

User stories
Alternate tasks

4. Product Vision – Road Map – User Story Mapping – Interface Design – Coding
5. What are the steps in Scrum Implementation?
1. Define your first Scrum Team…Skill-set composition - Team size of 5-9 members. ...
2. Define your Sprint length. ...
3. Appoint a Scrum Master. ...
4. Appoint the Product Owner. ...
5. Create the Initial Product Backlog. ...
6. Plan and Start your First Sprint. ...
7. Close the Current and Start the Next Sprint.

4. Explain Agile Product Backlog with User Story Mapping.

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