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Video Guidelines.

English 6

You are going to make a video about Unit 1. You have to start by introducing yourself
saying your name, age and specialty. Next you are going to answer the following
questions to develop your video:
1. why is English considered the language of seafarers?
2. what is the difference between initials and acronyms? Give examples.
3. what is the importance of using acronyms and initials during communications ate
4. What does SMCP stand for? What is it and why is it important?

The video should take no less than 2 minutes and no more than 3 minutes.
After the video is ready, send it to the following email address: or
You will have until Thursday, December 23rd to send the video. No time extension
Aspects to be evaluated:
 Pronunciation
 Grammar
 Fluency
 Vocabulary
 Content

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