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In the cave, there is lots of gold, silver and

precíous stones. Abu, Aladdin's friend, tries to

steal a big
ruby and the cave starts to break. Aladdin and
Abu just manage to escape and have the lamp.

Aladdin comes back and sees Jafar. He thinks of a way of

tricking Jafar he tells him that he can be even more powerful
than a sultan if he becomes a genie. Because Jafar is so bad, he
wishes that he can become a genie, but he forgets that he must
spend all his life stuck in the magic lamp What a mistake! In
the end, the good genie Was free, Jasmine's father was the
Sultan again and Aladdin and Jasmine get married. They all
lived happily!

Princess Jasmine lives in the palace with her father, the Sultan.
She can always eat the best food and has all the toys she wants,
but she is sad because she wants to know what life is like
outside of the palace. Because she is the princess, she cannot
go outsíde. Her father wants her to marry a prínce, but all the
princes that come to the palace are really mean and horrible.
She decides to jump over the palace walI and escape!

Aladdin knows he has made a mistake and takes Jasmíne on a

magic carpet which can fly. They fly all over the world to many
countries and she realíses that the new prince is the common
boy she saw in the market. Aladdin says that he sometimes
dresses like a poor boy for fun, but it isn't true. When they get
back to the palace, they kiss.

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