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Frightening F___________

A violent fight between ________ cats in the neighbourhood happened ________________________ by


Last night, a violent fight between ________ cats in

the neighbourhood happened. The _____________
happened because ____________________________


A witness who was on the scene said “ ____________



The _________ cat whose name will not be mentioned is said to have been walking on ______________’s
territory. ______________ is a very old cat and usually is not able to __________________________________

____________________________. According to witnesses, a verbal argument started leading to ____________


_____________________, A witness who will not be named said “ ____________________________________


The fight ended when _______________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________. A
witness reports that “________________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________. Thankfully, neither cat was badly

_____________ .

It can be said that the worst was avoided. Witnesses have come forward to say how they ____________ about
the incident and hope that the neighbourhood returns to its ___________________________________.

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