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Gridding Report
Sat Dec 18 04:25:18 2021
Elapsed time for gridding: 0.29 seconds

Data Source
Source Data File Name: C:\Users\ASUS\Documents\Gerusan\Gerusan Anggun.txt
X Column: A
Y Column: B
Z Column: C

Filtered Data Counts

Active Data: 1855

Original Data: 1855

Excluded Data: 0
Deleted Duplicates: 0
Retained Duplicates: 0
Artificial Data: 0
Superseded Data: 0

Exclusion Filtering
Exclusion Filter String: Not In Use

Duplicate Filtering
Duplicate Points to Keep: First
X Duplicate Tolerance: 6.1E-06
Y Duplicate Tolerance: 4E-06

No duplicate data were found.

Breakline Filtering
Breakline Filtering: Not In Use

Z Data Transform
Transformation method: Linear (use Z values directly)
No untransformable data were found.

Data Counts
Active Data: 1855

Univariate Statistics
Count: 1855 1855 1855

1%-tile: 0 0 -3
5%-tile: 2 1 10
10%-tile: 5 3 10
25%-tile: 13 8 10
50%-tile: 26 17 11
75%-tile: 39 26 17.8
90%-tile: 47 31 200
95%-tile: 50 33 200
99%-tile: 52 34 200

Minimum: 0 0 -5
Maximum: 52 34 200

Mean: 26 17 51.3366037736
Median: 26 17 11
Geometric Mean: N/A N/A N/A
Harmonic Mean: N/A N/A N/A
Root Mean Square: 30.166206258 19.7737199333 92.4642792834
Trim Mean (10%): 25.9856287425 16.9904191617 45.6952694611
Interquartile Mean: 25.9859913793 16.9903017241 12.552262931
Midrange: 26 17 97.5
Winsorized Mean: 26 17 51.6609703504
TriMean: 26 17 12.45

Variance: 234.126213592 102.055016181 5917.3860219

Standard Deviation: 15.301183405 10.102228278 76.9245475898
Interquartile Range: 26 18 7.8
Range: 52 34 205
Mean Difference: 17.6699029126 11.6634304207 64.9882018045
Median Abs. Deviation: 13 9 1
Average Abs. Deviation: 13.2452830189 8.74285714286 41.8802156334
Quartile Dispersion: N/A N/A N/A
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.679611650485 0.686084142395 N/A

Standard Error: 0.355265523564 0.234555283952 1.78604745471

Coef. of Variation: 0.588507054037 0.594248722236 N/A
Skewness: 0 0 1.40981314328
Kurtosis: 1.7972060427 1.79610115146 2.99957972971

Sum: 48230 31535 95229.4

Sum Absolute: 48230 31535 95413.4
Sum Squares: 1688050 725305 15859587.66
Mean Square: 910 391 8549.6429434

Inter-Variable Covariance
X: 234.12621 0 189.78382
Y: 0 102.05502 0.071197411
Z: 189.78382 0.071197411 5917.386

Inter-Variable Correlation
X: 1.000 0.000 0.161
Y: 0.000 1.000 0.000
Z: 0.161 0.000 1.000

Inter-Variable Rank Correlation

X: 1.000 0.000 0.573
Y: 0.000 1.000 -0.000
Z: 0.573 -0.000 1.000

Principal Component Analysis

X: 0.999444141458 0.999444141458 1.84586753846e-05
Y: -1.88766539411e-05 -1.88766539411e-05 0.999999999747
Z: -0.0333377826005 -0.0333377826005 0.999999999747

Lambda: 5923.71651336 227.795723044 102.055015267


Planar Regression: Z = AX+BY+C

Fitted Parameters
Parameter Value: 0.810604741171 0.000697637545584 30.2490206649
Standard Error: 0.115292055343 0.174625323779 4.57260558913

Inter-Parameter Correlations
A: 1.000 -0.000 -0.656
B: -0.000 1.000 -0.649
C: -0.656 -0.649 1.000

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F
Regression: 2 285218.827833 142609.413916 24.7166530062
Residual: 1852 10685614.8568 5769.77044102
Total: 1854 10970833.6846

Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2): 0.0259979173901

Nearest Neighbor Statistics

Separation |Delta Z|
1%-tile: 1 0
5%-tile: 1 0
10%-tile: 1 0
25%-tile: 1 0
50%-tile: 1 0
75%-tile: 1 0
90%-tile: 1 0.1
95%-tile: 1 0.9
99%-tile: 1 1.5

Minimum: 1 0
Maximum: 1 29

Mean: 1 0.107385444744
Median: 1 0
Geometric Mean: 1 N/A
Harmonic Mean: 1 N/A
Root Mean Square: 1 0.779549942728
Trim Mean (10%): 1 0.025628742515
Interquartile Mean: 1 0
Midrange: 1 14.5
Winsorized Mean: 1 0.0143935309973
TriMean: 1 0

Variance: 0 0.596488036358
Standard Deviation: N/A 0.772326379426
Interquartile Range: 0 0
Range: 0 29
Mean Difference: 0 0.202351264985
Median Abs. Deviation: 0 0
Average Abs. Deviation: 0 0.107385444744
Quartile Dispersion: 0 N/A
Relative Mean Diff.: 0 1.8843453642

Standard Error: N/A 0.0179320074982

Coef. of Variation: N/A 7.19209555138
Skewness: N/A 29.230726997
Kurtosis: N/A 1062.04819923

Sum: 1855 199.2

Sum Absolute: 1855 199.2
Sum Squares: 1855 1127.28
Mean Square: 1 0.607698113208

Complete Spatial Randomness

Lambda: 1.0492081448
Clark and Evans: 2.04861723589
Skellam: 12228.8448652

Gridding Rules
Gridding Method: Kriging
Kriging Type: Point

Polynomial Drift Order: 0

Kriging std. deviation grid: no

Semi-Variogram Model
Component Type: Linear
Anisotropy Angle: 0
Anisotropy Ratio: 1
Variogram Slope: 1

Search Parameters
Search Ellipse Radius #1: 31.1
Search Ellipse Radius #2: 31.1
Search Ellipse Angle: 0

Number of Search Sectors: 4

Maximum Data Per Sector: 16
Maximum Empty Sectors: 3

Minimum Data: 8
Maximum Data: 64

Output Grid
Grid File Name: C:\Users\ASUS\Documents\Gerusan\Gerusan Anggun.grd
Grid Size: 66 rows x 100 columns
Total Nodes: 6600
Filled Nodes: 6600
NoData Nodes: 0
NoData Value: 1.70141E+38

Grid Geometry

X Minimum: 0
X Maximum: 52
X Spacing: 0.52525252525253

Y Minimum: 0
Y Maximum: 34
Y Spacing: 0.52307692307692

Univariate Grid Statistics

Count: 6600

1%-tile: -1.428545532
5%-tile: 8.47474602033
10%-tile: 9.96881926792
25%-tile: 9.99999999486
50%-tile: 11.8422140873
75%-tile: 18.2998860853
90%-tile: 200.126284515
95%-tile: 200.843161773
99%-tile: 208.147172293

Minimum: -10.4736486904
Maximum: 210.851823615

Mean: 52.2339146362
Median: 11.8424777833
Geometric Mean: N/A
Harmonic Mean: N/A
Root Mean Square: 92.2722600454
Trim Mean (10%): 46.5179881004
Interquartile Mean: 12.7656618629
Midrange: 100.189087463
Winsorized Mean: 52.3736744603
TriMean: 12.9960785637

Variance: 5786.66490307
Standard Deviation: 76.070131478
Interquartile Range: 8.29988609048
Range: 221.325472306
Mean Difference: 66.2330712693
Median Abs. Deviation: 1.94329620449
Average Abs. Deviation: 42.8637909443
Quartile Dispersion: N/A
Relative Mean Diff.: N/A

Standard Error: 0.936358590262

Coef. of Variation: N/A
Skewness: 1.37888254339
Kurtosis: 2.97833325118

Sum: 344743.836599
Sum Absolute: 345483.351497
Sum Squares: 56193521.8276
Mean Square: 8514.16997388

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