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Los Pininos

Claudio Morales

Ruben Isaac

Language arts


The main thing about acceptance is that its gets in the way of wanting to be in control,

but control is an illusion. The one guarantee in life is that it is unpredictable. You cannot control

what happens in any given day, you cannot control what other people do, say or think, you

cannot control the past and you cannot control the future and so acceptance has to be put in a role

as such in the stories from the collection where as Barbara Jordan said, all human beings should

be related to the concept of acception.

To begin with, ​in the story against Johnson the fact were acceptance is there is clear.

Although not clearly shown, in this case the differences and beliefs of a man such as johnson

were accepted as such as his very being and mindset that caused him to do what he did which

despite not being correct in the eyes of some, it was due to basic rights and reason that caused

some acceptance.

Also in the american flag stands for tolerance acceptance is hard to be found because of

the situation. Even though, that being said, it was considered due to basic human rights and need

where of course there were to be consequences for what was done and stated but acceptance was

also involved.

Futhermore, in the court statement, everything was stated as it should be. In full detail

action was to take place but under the considerations of what was needed w\and what had to

happen under the restrictions of what was right or wrong.

In conclusion, acceptance plays a role in all these text but in general its an important

thing in life, as Jordan said with her quote. And it affects everyone even kids or people with

power, and so everyone should learn how to accept things and apply them like Barbara Jordan

suggested and also like the stories.

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