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Directions: List down the differences and similarities among media literacy, information
literacy, and digital literacy using the chart below.


Information literacy Media literacy Technology literacy

It is a set of integrated encompasses the practices Is the ability to use,
abilities encompassing the that allow people to access, manage, understand, and
reflective discovery of critically evaluate, and assess technology.
information create or manipulate media
the understanding of how Understanding of the understanding of
information is produced and media, how it works, the technology, how well you
valued way it’s presented and the use it and can apply it to
understanding that it is not your everyday life or job
all objective or accurate all
the time.
The use of information in uses forms of use new media such as the
creating new knowledge communication and Internet to access and
and participating ethically produces ways of communicate information
communication effectively
in communities of learning.

The similarities of the three literacy is that they all have the same purpose of finding a
way to have communication with others and create a way so that people can
communicate and inform one another.

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