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Home  Perineoplasty  Perineoplasty: Everything you need to know

Jul 02

Perineoplasty: Everything you need to know

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Perineoplasty, which is also known as Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that involves removing the imperfections, deformities, damages and defects of a woman’s
vagina or anus through plastic surgery. It is mainly done after a woman has experienced a tearing of perineum during the childbirth. The forceful cutting of the area can
widen it and result in discomfort and hampering the quality of life. The surgery focuses on removing the unsightly bulges, scar tissues, unwanted skin and tightening or
loosening the vaginal muscles depending on the surgery.

The perineum is located between the vagina and the anus. It is responsible for providing structural support to the surrounding organs. Moreover, the perineum
encapsulates those muscles that play a large part in vaginal tightening and loosening. Apart from making adjustments to the woman’s perineum, labiaplasty also plays a
major role in restoring a woman’s con dence and enhancing the level of sexual pleasure.

Causes of perineum damage 

Childbirth: During childbirth, several women go through di cult delivery which involves forceful tearing of the perineum with the help of incision to ease the delivery of
the baby. The purposeful cutting of the perineum leads to its wide opening and causes unpleasantness to several women. It is the most common cause of perineum
damage. Moreover, a di cult delivery can also cause damage to the vagina and perineal muscle. The stitching of the perineum by an unexperienced physician after the
childbirth can cause improper healing and leave heavy scars pain and discomfort. If you had more than one childbirth, then the situation is more likely to get
worsened. Labiaplasty can help you to overcome this problem and lead a good life. Your surgeon may open the stitching and re-suturing it correctly so that your wounds
could heal properly.

Obesity: Gaining excessive weight can put a strain on your whole body including the perineum.

Excessive weight in the perineal area can result in the stretching of the muscles. Stretching of the respective area cause vaginal muscles to lose its elasticity. Obesity can
lead to discomfort in the same way old mattress provides, as time goes on.

Excessive weight loss: As the person loses weight, his skin becomes more saggy and accid. Moreover, if a person is either on an extreme diet or su ering from illness
begins to show up extra skin on his body. Weight loss not only causes outside e ects but also a ects the body internally by causing the perineal and other muscles to
droop permanently even after you get rid of obesity. Labiaplasty will help you by removing those unwanted skin.

Perineoplasty helps in treating several other problems, which includes vaginal itching, aesthetic enhancement, vaginal laxity, rectocele, vaginismus, cystocele, vulvar
vestibules, dyspareunia, genital wart removal, intravital vaginal stenosis and Incontinence.

The labiaplasty surgical procedure involves general anaesthesia and takes only one hour to complete. A sedative will also be prescribed to the patient
to provide improved comfort during the procedure. The patient is positioned on a table or bed with the legs spread wide apart, then an incision is made in the posterior
wall in a V-shape.

The procedure involves surgery using traditional scalpel or lasers. Once the incision is made, bulges, scar tissues and other damages are removed from the perineum.
After that, the vaginal muscles are either loosened or tightened depending on the reason for the surgery. After the stitching is done, you can notice the result in just 30-45
minutes. It does not require a long stay in hospital. After a small recovery time, you are permitted to go home.

Recovery from labiaplasty 
After the surgery, the patient is advised to avoid intercourse for six weeks. As the stitches will need time to heal, so the patients are cautioned to refrain from doing
activities such as horse riding, bicycling, heavy lifting or stretching.

Moreover, patients should also avoid using menstrual hygiene products such as menstrual cup or tampons and use pads instead. Pain, discomfort and minor bleeding
after the surgery is normal and can be treated using the counter pain medicines as prescribed by the doctor. Due to the anaesthesia, the patients may experience
dizziness and nausea for a day or two. It is normal and would go away after forty-eight hours. The area where the incision was made should be kept clean and dry.
Stitches may dissolve themselves after some time. Moreover, to avoid constipation, make sure you drink plenty of water and eat enough bre in your diet.

Complications of labiaplasty

The perineoplasty can come with few health complications. These include symptoms of infection, heavy bleeding, constipation, scaring, vaginal discharge along with a
foul odour. It can also come with a side e ect on your vagina causing over-tightening of the vaginal walls.

References: –





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