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Proudly Presents


Revised for WFRP 4E
An Adventure for 4 1st career characters

Table of Contents
Cover ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….1
Contents ……………………………………………………………………………………………………2
Copyright, credits and acknowledgement ……………………………………………………………………..3
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
Adventure Summary …………………………………………………………………………………………..5
Part One: Welcome To Nuln …………………………………………………………………………………6
Episode One:: So this is Nuln …………………………………………………………………………...7
Episode Two: Ambush ………………………………………………………………………………….8
Episode Three: The Reaver’s Return ……………………………………………………………………..8
Episode Four: Upstairs at the Reaver’s Return ……………………………………………………………9
Episode Five: The Face at the Window …………………………………………………………………..9
Episode Six: Sleeping Dogs …………………………………………………………………………….10
Episode Seven: Rude Awakening ……………………………………………………………………….10
Episode Eight: Rooftop Chase ………………………………………………………………………….10
Episode Nine: Rise and Shine …………………………………………………………………………..11
Episode Ten: Robbed ………………………………………………………………………………….11
Episode Eleven: A Night in the Cells …………………………………………………………………...12
Episode Twelve: The Reiksplatz ……………………………………………………………………….12
Episode Thirteen: A Brigid Too Far …………………………………………………………………….13
Episode Fourteen: The Laughing Bear …………………………………………………………………...14
Episode Fifteen: Upstairs at the Laughing Bear …………………………………………………………..14
Episode Sixteen: Chasing Lars ………………………………………………………………………….15
Episode Seventeen: The Asylum Entrance ……………………………………………………………….16
Episode Eighteen: Reporting to Fiedal ………………………………………………………………….16
Episode Nineteen: The Oldenhaller Contract …………………………………………………………...16
Part Two: The Asylum ……………………………………………………………………………………….18
The Schatzenheimer Base ………………………………………………………………………………20
The Valantina Base …………………………………………………………………………………….22
Part Three:: The Sewers and The Huydermans …………………………………………………………………25
The Sewers ……………………………………………………………………………………………27
The Huydermans’ Base ………………………………………………………………………………...28
Ending The Adventure ……………………………………………………………………………………….31
Nurgle Rot ………………………………………………………………………………………………….31
Back Cover ………………………………………………………………………………………………….32
THE OLDENHALLER CONTRACT Revised for WFRP 4E adapted by Ryan Graham. Original adventure
created by GAMESWORKSHOP. All respec,ve copyright and IP belongs to the relevant holders,
This is a fan made tribute and update to the original adventure for community use in the latest
version of the WFRP game. It is not intended to be sold for commercial purposes, nor any money made
related to this piece.
Credit given to Francisco Munoz for providing many of the converted stat blocks used in this
adventure and for producing the fantas,c maps herein.
If you wish to see more of his musings and addi,onal handouts, checkout Francisco’s website at:
All art has been purchased for licensed use from Publisher’s Choice at DrivethruRPG.
Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick Hershey / Fat Goblin Games

You can find the original Oldenhaller Contract scenario, along with fantas,c gaming ideas in the WFRP 1E
book, available for purchase at:

n the beginning was the first edition of the descriptions and text to help better convey
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying Game. It the atmosphere and I couldn't resist pulling on
contained a fantastic tutorial adventure known dangling plot threads and developing them
as The Oldenhaller Contract. (Part one now has 19 Episodes!)
This adventure has inspired many a For new players and GMs, I also recommend
Gamesmaster and player to enter the grim and using my Warhammer Fan Player Aid, which
perilous world of Warhammer. is available on the Warhammer Fantasy
Alas time, the world (ours and The Old Roleplay 4th Edition Facebook group and the
World) and mechanics move on. I decided I Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay subreddit.
would blow the cobwebs off this adventure Shameless bit of self promotion I know, but I
and see if I could restore it in its glory to the feel it is useful!
mechanics of 4th Edition WFRP. Of course, not all the changes may be to your
This is not just a simple stat conversion. I liking. As always, it is your adventure, your
table. Take, pull and change what you see fit.
have lent in to the original’s aim of being an
introductory adventure and repurposed it as an If you are a die hard purist having conniptions
introduction to the 4th Edition, providing at the changes wrought herein, don’t forget,
handy GM call outs and hints and tip. the original adventure still exists and is in the
first edition rulebook which is available to
I have been thorough in going through and
purchase from DriveThru RPG.
ensuring it fits with the new rules and tone of
the setting. For example, I felt that As is, I hope you get as much enjoyment from
Oldenhaller would not so freely admit that this adventure as I have from adapting it.
the gem he seeks belongs to Nurgle, the roof From one Warhammer fan to another, yours,
top chase has been changed to make use of the
new pursuit rules etc. Ryan Graham, Aug 2018.

There have been many subtle tweaks 4to the

The Oldenhaller
Contract Revised
Adventure Summary

eeting on the ferry, a group of adventurers form. In Part One, they are
welcomed to the city of Nuln. They must find a place to stay and maybe
involved in a struggle to keep the meagre possessions they have on them!
They begin looking for work the next day, possibly doing some odd jobs
before meeting Councilman Oldenhaller. He offers them a job to retrieve a
gem from a gang contact who has failed to deliver it. The gang hideout is in
the Asylum.
Part Two sees the party explore the asylum, finding the gang has been
attacked and the gem missing!
They follow the trail of carnage and find all is not well, their quarry has
entered the sewer.
Part Three starts in the sewer, as gang warfare has now fully erupted with the
addition of Nurgle cultists looking for the corrupted gem. Oh, and mine cart
rides abound!
The party must try to escape with the gem, their limbs and their lives intact!

Part One:
Welcome to Nuln

Episode 1: So this is Nuln... The players should decide on their own that they want to
head into town to try and find an inn. As they leave the je7y,
they need to avoid slipping on a sodden, ro7en plank! Have
Having decided to become adventurers, the player characters
them all make this check:
need to make connec,ons, get a job and make some Crowns!
Where be7er than the city? Off to Nuln! Hazard: slick plank.
The adventure begins on a river boat approaching the city. Test: Easy(+40) Agility or Dodge.
After what feels like months, your boat reaches Nuln. You are Success: The character successfully steps onto the cob-
all frozen and soaked through. It is probably true to say that you bled streets.
all bitterly regret buying a cheap deck-class passage on an aging Failure: The character slips and lands face first into a
riverboat; it doesn’t seem a particularly heroic way to start as
large puddle of mud, dirty water and who knows what
else. It leaves them soaked, dirty and humiliated.
During the course of the journey, you have gotten know each
other, united by the common desire to escape the grinding
tedium of every day life.
GM Call Out

GM Call Out
Ordinarily, you wouldn’t get the players to test for
something so trivial. This is used here for two reasons.
The first is that it gets players rolling as soon as possible
Here is a good ,me for the players to introduce and gets new players comfortable with the tes,ng
themselves to each other, perhaps roleplay their mee,ng mechanic in a safe environment. The second is that it
and how they decided to come together as a group. helps set the tone of this dark, unforgiving world. They
are not glorious heroes, they are nobodies.

The pilot brings the boat alongside a jetty. Crewmen throw

ropes to waiting dockers, the ropes are lashed round massive ALer they make it onto the waterfront streets, read the
wooden uprights and the boat is pulled onto the jetty with a following:
slight bump.
The gangplank is lowered and timber cranes swing across the You try the inns along the waterfront, but they are all full.
decks to unload the cargo. The customs formalities drag on, and Tired and groggy, you begin to despair of ever finding a bed for
it is nearly midnight by the time you are allowed ashore. the night.
As you turn to leave the latest, dingy tavern to reject you, a
rather thin, unkempt, middle aged man approaches.
The captain’s name is Rudolph OhneBeine, a salty veteran of His matted black hair, streaked with grey obscures some of his
the river trade. The chief customs officer is Ellis Klaar, a stern, heavy set brow, stubble clinging to his scarred chin.
officious man. He speaks to you in a thick, Wastelander accent, “I hear you are
The PCs can make a Challenging (+0) Gossip Test to find out looking for a place to stay?”
informa,on about the City. Here is some informa,on that
they may find, try to weave it organically into the
The man calls himself Grolsh Van Eyke, he claims he is a dock
 Nuln is the home of the Imperial school of Gunnery
worker. He tries to be friendly to the PCs, finding out where
and Engineering.
they are from, sympathising with their plight. He warns them
 There are many criminal elements that operate on the the streets of Nuln aren’t safe at night.
waterfront, they prey on the weak, so be careful!
He will try to persuade them to come with him, saying “Giz’za
 There have been a spate of high profile murders couple of Pfennings and I’ll get you a nice warm room somewhere
recently, it has got the city talking. dry and clean.”
 There are a number of criminal gangs that are causing He is of course, lying on all accounts. He is a small ,me thief
trouble with ci,zens and each other with their (uses Thief sta,s,cs from Episode 2) and is in league with a
territorial wars. gang of footpads. He is trying to lead the characters into an
alleyway ambush.
As the GM playing the thief, you should try to persuade the
The jetty is dark and gloomy, the wooden planks, slick from players to follow Grolsh. If they are (righNully) suspicious,
water spray creak underfoot and the wind picks up, reminding
have them roll an Opposed Intui on/Cool Test against
you how cold and wet you are, chilling you to the bone.
Grolsh’s Cool 35.
Ahead, a few lights in the city wink at you invitingly, you
know you will need to find a place to stay soon…

If the player has more Success Levels, they rightly surmise If the characters give in, a Thief will move in and take their
that Grolsh is up to no good, else they believe he is on the weapons and purses. Otherwise, they are ready for combat.
level. If they accept his offer, he leads them to Episode 2. If They have moved into the posi,ons as shown in Map 1. The
they decline his offer, he eventually loses interest. The characters will have ,me to draw their weapons and defend
characters will wander the streets of Nuln for a while before themselves.
finding the Reaver’s Return Inn, which leads to Episode 3. Combat starts in Ini,a,ve order (highest acts first). The
Episode 2: Ambush! thieves will charge the characters on their turn if they are
able (giving them a +1 Advantage).
If the player characters get nervous about where Grolsch is
leading them, he will explain he is using shortcuts he knows
to save ,me. If the characters want to head back, impress GM Call Out
upon them the maze of alleys in the darkness they have
already travelled and finding their way will be difficult.
When making the a7ack, the A7acker rolls a WS or
Grolsh leads you down dark, winding alleys and through streets Melee test, Opposed by the defender. Count up the SL
littered with rotting vegetables and stinking debris. At last, he s of the a7ack roll. If the a7acker has more SLs than
reaches a door. the defender they win!
“Here we are,” he says. Then, quick as a flash, he pulls the door Find the difference between the two SLs and this is the
open, leaps inside and throws the bolt behind him. Suddenly, SL damage added. Reverse the dice to determine the
you become aware that you are not alone. hit loca,on.
“Right,” growls a voice from the shadows behind you, “Just Damage = Weapon dmg + SL
drop your weapons and your purses and walk away, and there
won’t be no trouble.” Damage inflicted = Damage - TB + Armour points on
the loca,on.
These four thieves are used to easy pickings. If the characters
make trouble, they will quickly flee. It is suggested the group
does so once they have collec,vely suffered 10 wounds. The Exits: If the characters beat off the thieves, they will be
layout of the ambush can be seen in Map 1. unable to pursue them for more than a few yards as the
thieves have greater knowledge of the back alleys.
The GM can now allow the characters to find their way to
Episode 3. Alterna,vely, if they are surrounded by the
Thieves No. Appearing: 4 corpses of their enemies, the PCs could get involved in the
Successful condi on sec,on of Episode 11.
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W If the characters give in, or are defeated, they may be at a
4 30 30 30 30 33 32 30 30 30 30 12
loss for what to do. If they have no alterna,ve plans, guide
them to Episode 11 - Failure condi on.
Skills: Melee(+5) Athletics (+5), Climb (0), Cool(+5), Dodge
Dealing with Grolsh: If the characters try to open the door
(+10), Endurance (+5), Intuition (+5), Perception (+5), Stealth (+5)
Grolsh went in, they will find it barred.
Traits: Prejudice (Bailiffs), Crowbar+ 7
He’s now terrified of the characters, having heard them
Talents: Flee! (+1 Mov when making the Flee! Action) demolish his crew. If they bang on the door , he hurls abuse
Trappings: Crowbar, Hood, Leather Jack at them telling them to leave.
They could poten,ally break the door down (Very Hard - 30)
Strength test and deal with Grolsh should they wish (use the
Thief sta,s,cs provided).
Map 1
If the characters wish to stay in his hovel this night, the choice
is yours, you could adapt Episodes 4 & 5 so they occur there,
or you could guide them to Episode 11 in the morning.

Episode 3: The Reaver’s Return

ALer the encounter, hopefully the characters should decide
to con,nue looking for accommoda,on.

After roaming the streets for an hour or more, and finding any
number of inns with no accommodation, you walk down a dark,
dingy lane and see a tattered sign swinging in the wind with
faded black writing on it.

If any of the characters can read, they can see the sign says
“The Reaver’s Return”
Episode 4:
There is no sound from inside the inn, but a weak light shows
Upstairs at The Reaver’s Return
through a grimy ground floor window. The place looks even After the money is handed over, Rudolf shows you to your
grubbier than the others you have tried - if that’s even possible - room. The ‘Return’ is a three-storey wooden building, and he
but you are desperate. takes you to a dingy attic room. The stairs creak under your
weight and the bannister feels distinctly shaky. At last, you get
At this point, a character will try to open the door. It is stuck to the room, dark, dingy, moth eaten bedding, but a room.
fast, and won’t budge. However, a voice calls from inside.
“You get a nice view of the canal,” grins Grasser, showing the
“Shove it!” There is a pause of about a second, and then the rotted stumps of his teeth. You can’t see anything through the
voice calls again: filthy windows, but can certainly smell the canal.
“The door, dum dum, just give it a good, hard shove!”
A character will need to make an Challenging (+0) Strength Grasser will touch an index finger to his forehead, mu7er a
Check to open the door. good night and leave.
The events of the next few hours will depend on what the
characters do next. They might decide to leave and find a
GM Call Out be7er inn. That will be very difficult this late and in this area.
If they stay in the inn, will the characters take precau,ons? If
Don’t forget that characters can assist one another on they examine the doors and windows, they find they are both
checks. They make the same check and confer a +10 fi7ed with locks and bolts. These are currently unfastened.
bonus if they pass. Exits: If the characters bolt the windows, they slumber away
un,l Episode 9.
If the characters take turns on guard, they are disturbed in
If a character passes the check, the door suddenly gives way,
the night by Episode 5.
crashing and splintering on the floor.
If the characters do neither of these, go to Episode 6.
When the party steps into the inn, over the wreckage, the
white-haired, wrinkled, old publican looks up from the bar
and frowns.
Episode 5: The face at the window
“You’ll have to pay for that, you know”, he says, “6 Shillings that Unbeknownst to the characters, they were observed by
cost!” Bertoldo Vasari, a some-what unsuccessful thief and a
The characters can talk the price down with an Opposed member of the Valan na gang, a criminal organisa,on which
Haggle Test. will feature in the second part of the adventure.
Since Grasser is being ridiculous about the price, you could In the dead of night, he shins up a drainpipe onto the roof
give a bonus to the character’s haggle or massively reduce and tries the window of the characters’ room.
the price. The window is so grimy, he has to scrub a patch clean to be
able to look inside. Seeing someone awake, he gives up and
Rudolf Grasser—Innkeeper makes his way back over the roof tops.
Have the character currently on watch make an Opposed
Percep,on/Stealth test against Bertoldo’s Stealth of 43.
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
If the character has more SLs than Bertoldo, read the
4 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 12 following text:
Looking up, you see a face peering through the window.
Skills: Trade (Barman) , Slight of Hand (+5) Whoever it is sees you and ducks out of sight.
Traits: Prejudice (Halflings), Dagger + 7
Talents: Read/Write,
Exits: If Bertoldo escapes unseen, or the characters choose
Trappings: Dagger tucked in belt not to pursue him, turn to Episode 9.
If the characters do not act quickly (ie: the players spend
Exits: Once the door issue is se7led and the characters have more than 40 seconds discussing what to do), Bertoldo will
paid (5d) and entered the room, proceed to Episode 4. vanish across the roof tops.
If they make a quick decision to chase him, a roof top chase
ensues. Go to Episode 8.

Episode 6: Sleeping Dogs
GM Call Out
Unbeknownst to the characters, they were observed by
Bertoldo Vasari, a some-what unsuccessful thief and a
member of the Valan na gang, a criminal organisa,on which This chase sec,on makes use of the pursuit rules on pg
will feature in the second part of the adventure. 166 of the rule book.
In the dead of night, he breaks into the characters’ room and Bertoldo has a head start, the Distance will be set to 5
tries to steal their purses. at the beginning (you could modify to be less or more
if you feel your players were quick/slow to react).
As the characters are asleep, you should focus on Bertoldo’s
ac,ons. Have him make a Difficult (-10) Stealth Test of 43 as Every par,cipant in the chase will make a series of
he opens the window. Tests.
Bertoldo will try to steal everyone’s purses. Randomly choose ALer each Test, the SL of Bertoldo will be compared
which character’s he will steal first. Make the same Difficult with the highest SL of the characters.
Stealth Test for each purse he tries to steal. If Bertoldo has a higher SL, the difference between the
If he ever cri,cally fails (96-00), he bungles the a7empt and two is added to the distance.
automa,cally wakes the characters up. If the character has a higher SL, the difference
Exits: If Bertoldo succeeds in stealing all the characters’ between the two is subtracted.
purses, he escapes unno,ced and the adventurers slumber If the distance reaches 0, the characters have caught
away un,l Episode 10. Bertoldo and the tests will end prematurely. If it
If Bertoldo wakes someone up, go to Episode 7. reaches 10, he has got away!
If any character has a Movement rate above 4, they
Episode 7: Rude Awakening will get a + 1 to their SL per Movement Rate.
Remember, this is not just dice rolling, narrate what
The GM should read the following to the player if they are
each roll represents, what could happen on a failure,
woken by Bertoldo’s interference.
on a great success? Make it ac,on packed and
In the dead of nigh, you are disturbed by a hand in your
clothing. You wake with a start to see a hooded figure rushing
towards the window.

The players must act quickly to catch Bertoldo. If they do

don’t, he will vanish into the night before they can pursue
This could be run as a combat encounter in the room if they
act quickly enough. Alterna,vely, he will get through the
window and flee.
Exits: If the characters pursue Bertoldo, turn to Episode 8.
If they don’t chase him, or if he gets away, turn to Episode 9.

Episode 8: Rooftop Chase

Outside, it is cold and rainswept. Ahead, you can just make out
a hooded figure disappearing over the rooftops.

Bertoldo a7empts to escape by leaping from roof to roof,

heading towards a door to an alleyway, which he leL open to
cover his retreat.

a single Wounding blow to him. At this point, City Watchman
Bertoldo Vasari Ferdinand Leckermann and his patrol arrive on the scene.
If the party have already met him (see Episode 11), he will
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
greet them warmly, otherwise he will introduce himself.
4 30 30 30 30 32 33 30 30 30 30 12 Regardless, he states:
“Thank you for your good work! We’ve been looking for this one
for a while. We’ll take it from here, he’ll meet the hangman’s noose
Skills: Athletics (+5), Climb (+10), Cool(0), Dodge(+10), soon enough! Oh, I think you should all deserve a reward. Here...”
Endurance (+5), Intuition (+5), Perception (0), Stealth (+10),
Melee (+5) He hands the party a Shilling each. If the characters have
searched Bertoldo’s Clothing , they will find a scrap of paper,
Traits: Prejudice (Bailifs), Weapon + 7
else it will fall from his pockets as he is taken away by the city
Talents: Flee! (+1 Mov when making the Flee! Action) watch.
Trappings: Dagger tucked in boot, Lock Picking Tools, 7 Silk
The scrap of paper has a fig leaf mo,f. The paper has a list of
Handkerchiefs, A scrap of paper
dates, each followed by a word. The entries for today and the
next three days bear the word “Malandi” (it is the Valan na
Test 1: Everyone makes a Easy(+40) Athle,cs Test to jump
Gang’s current password, and may be useful in the second
over a small, 1 1/3 yard gap over an alley as the par,cipants
part of the adventure).
jump across the roof.
If anyone fails, have them make an Average (+20) Ini,a,ve or
Dexterity Check to try and grab hold of the roof edge. They GM Call Out
can then make an Average (+20) Strength check to pull
themselves up.
If they fail this check, they will fall 5 yards (15+1D10 Damage, Don’t forget that if none of the characters can read,
reduced by Toughness bonus but not armour). Grasser has the read/write talent to help them.

If anyone fails (and remains conscious) think about what Exits: Regardless of the results of the chase, the characters
other tests they could do concurrently with everyone else to will end up returning to their room and staying there un,l
get back into the chase, maybe they climb a drain pipe, or try morning. Go to Episode 9.
to navigate twis,ng alleys to keep up. Keep them involved if
you can. Episode 9: Rise and Shine
Test 2: The chase con,nues across the second rooLop as
Bertoldo makes to leap 2 yards across a river to the next ALer their sleep, the PCs can make an Average (+20)
roof. Endurance test. If they pass, they heal Toughness bonus + SL
All par,cipants will need to make a Challenging (+0) Athle,cs Wounds.
Test. If any fail, they will land in the canal so avoid fall Whether they had a peaceful night, or they had a visitor, the
damage, it is only 3feet deep! characters will wake up in the Reaver’s Return the following
Test 3: The pursuit carries on across this roof. This is more morning, ready to commence their adventures in Nuln.
difficult as it is slanted and the slats are loose! They can’t last long in the city without some means of making
Make a Challenging (+0) Agility/Dodge Test. If Bertoldo wins money. Grasser or Ferdinand are the only people they know.
this test, he will manage to grab a loose ,le and fling it at a They may choose to ask them about what work there is in
pursuing character. That character will suffer –1SL on their Nuln.
next test. You could have Grasser ask the characters how they intend to
If the characters win, indicate to the highest SL scorer about earn their keep, if they show no sign of wan,ng anything to
the possibility that they could throw a loose ,le at Bertoldo do with him.
slow him down. If they do ask him, he will recommend they try the Reiks
Test 4: The next leap across is an Hard(+20) Athle,cs check. If Platz. This will be the response of anyone else of whom they
anyone fails, there is a haywain parked beneath, so they ask this ques,on.
won’t suffer any damage as they land in a soL pile of hay. Exits: Go to Episode 12.
Test 5: Finally, Bertoldo will leap from the Merchant house
roof to the porch and from the porch to the street. Make a
Episode 10: Robbed!
Challenging(+0) Athle,cs/Dodge Test. If anyone fails, they You wake up late, and find your purses stolen. There is a trail of
suffer 5 Wounds per SL they failed by (modified by TB but not muddy footprints leading to the window, which you forgot to
Armour Points). bolt last night. You now haven’t got the money to pay for
At this point, if the party is within a Chase Value of 2, they today’s board.
manage to catch up with Bertoldo and can engage him. Exits: The characters are in an even worse state now than
Otherwise, he slips into the wai,ng doorway, closing and when they arrived. Go to Episode 9. If they complain to
bol,ng it behind him. He will have vanished into the night by Grasser or the Town Watch, they will be made to feel very
the ,me the party get the door open. stupid for having leL the window unlocked…
If they catch up with him, Bertoldo will surrender if they land
Episode 11: A Night in the Cells City Watchmen No Appearing 5
Episode 11: is structured differently depending on whether M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
they have met the success or failure condi,on from Episode
2 4 33 30 31 30 35 30 30 30 30 31 15

Failure Condi on:

read the following: Skills: Melee (+10), Cool (+5), Leadership (+5) Animal Care
(+3), Charm (+3), Gossip (+3) Athletics (+5), Perception(+10),
The thieves leave you with absolutely no possessions at all, other
Dodge (+10), Endurance (+10)
than the clothes you stand in, and disappear without a trace.
Traits: Prejudice (Halflings), Sword + 7
A few minutes later, as the adrenaline fades and it dawns on you
how hopeless and alone you are, you hear a group of footsteps Talents: Savvy, Hardy, Strike to stun
approaching. Trappings: Sword, Leather Jack, Uniform
A light from round the corner grows stronger as the footsteps get
closer. Eventually, five men round the corner, from their
trappings, they are clearly city watchmen. Episode 12: The Reiks Platz
Each afternoon, people looking for work gather in the Reik
The leader of these is one Ferdinand Lekkermann (use the Platz, a large, cobbled square in Nuln’s centre.
City Watchman sta,s,cs below). He will introduce himself to This seems like your best hope, so you head the square to try
the PCs and ask what happened. your luck. When you arrive, it is crowded with merchants
seeking bodyguards, farms and builders looking for labourers
When they PCs have explained themselves, Herr Leckermann and ships’ captains after crew.
is a li7le amused but not en,rely unsympathe,c. He consoles
All the work on offer seems rather dull and underpaid - exactly
the PCs and lets them stay the night in the dank cells of the the sort of work you tried to leave behind by becoming
City Watch house. adventurers.
In the morning, they will be given gruel and told their best In the middle of the square is a huge and ancient elm tree, known
chance of employment is at the Reiks Platz. as the Deutz Elm. Its trunk is as wide as a small hut, and is used
Exits: Go to Episode 12. as a notice board by the city’s large, itinerant population of
adventurers and wanderers.
Success Condi on:
If the party have successfully slain all the thieves, read the
following: GM Call Out

Panting heavily from the exertion, you look around you, the
If none of the characters can read, someone near by
thieves are all dead. Just as the tension starts leaving you, a group
of footsteps approach from round a corner. can help them.
Someone in the group is carrying a lantern, the light growing
stronger as they get closer to you. Most of the messages are from travellers attempting to find old
Eventually, you can make out five men, judging from their friends and arrange meetings, but some are from people offering
trappings, they are clearly city watchmen. dangerous or unusual work:

The leader of these is one Ferdinand Lekkermann (use the

City Watchman sta,s,cs below). He will introduce himself to “Axel Erischon—missed you in Middenheim, maybe you’re
the PCs and ask what happened. here somewhere. I’m at the Laughing Bear most evenings -—
Lekkermann will congratulate the PCs for what they have Trokki from Kislev”
done, no,ng they have been aLer this group of thieves for a
while. He rewards them with a Shilling each. He will guide “Has anyone seen Brigid Ballifonser? Can anyone help find
them to the Reaver’s Return, apologising for the state of it, her? 5 Silver Shillings for information. Fiedal Borenborg at 5,
but no,ng that it’s one that generally has accommoda,on Maritzstrasse.”
Exits: Go to Episode 3. “Specialists required for repossession job. One night’s work,
legal, some danger, good money. Military background helpful.
No timewasters! Counsillor Oldenhaller, Oldenhaller Mansion,

Exits: If the PCs go looking for Trokki and Axel, go to Episode

If the PCs want to find Brigid, go to Episode 13.

If the characters follow up Councillor Oldenhaller’s Fiedal explains to them the following:
announcement, they will have no problems finding his  He is in love with Brigid and has been trying to court
mansion, as anyone can direct them there. Go to Episode 19. her since her arrival in Nuln about 6 months ago.
Episode 13: A Brigid too far  Lately, there has been a spate of murders of rela,vely
high profile people in the city. Around that ,me, when
he was out with her, he saw her clutching a le7er that
was addressed to a Jan Hoogen. She had looked
GM Call Out distracted that day.
 She took off and disappeared not long aLer. Are they
all connected? Is she in danger?
This sec,on makes use of the Drama,c Test rules on pg 152
of the rulebook.  He knows that she frequented The Laughing Bear, a
tavern not far from here. She associated with a rather
Here, we care about how well the PCs succeeded at their unsavoury looking fellow, Lars Van Klompf who he
task. Use what is given here as inspira,on to maybe add disliked (fearing that he was a love rival).
more detail. Remember the maxim of fail forward, the PCs
should s,ll achieve something if they fail, just their life got  He suggests that the PCs begin their inves,ga,on at
made more difficult! the Laughing Bear and to tail Lars (in secret) in case he
knows anything.
 Once they have found out any informa,on, they are
The PCs will need to find the Borenborg house on not to act, they are to return to him and he will pay
Maritzstrasse. This is a well to do home but they are not a
them the reward.
family known city wide. They will have to make a Gossip Test
to find their way. The SL results are as follows:
6 + The PCs find their way, saving an hour of wandering GM Call Out
around and are given a Shilling by a kind, drunken stranger
for their troubles!
+4 to +5 The PCs find their way, saving an hour of wandering What’s really going on with Brigid?
around. Brigid Ballifonser is in fact an assassin from Middenheim.
+2 to +3. The PCs manage to find the street they were looking She operates in disguise, as a man under the name Jan
for. Hoogen, affec,ng a Wasterlander accent. More
informa,on about Jan will appear in Part Two of this
+0 to +1 The PCs manage to find the street they are looking
for, but lose a half hour on their travelling ,me as they
stumble around lost for a bit. Brigid came to Nuln at the behest of the Huyderman gang
to do some wet work and protect their interests in the city.
-2 to –3. They end up at the wrong street, they will need to
As Jan, she is the one responsible for the high profile
ask direc,ons again.
-4 to –5. They end up at the wrong street and will need to ask
Brigid has been using poor Fiedal for her cover, toying with
direc,ons again! What is worse, one randomly selected PC
his affec,ons. Lars Van Klompf is “Jan’s” contact with the
will find their purse missing, they have been stolen from!
Huyderman gang, which is why she has been spending so
- 6 or less. The PCs wander down a back alley and encounter much ,me with him. He is aware of her dual iden,ty.
some thugs, use the stats from Episode 2.
Having eventually arrived at 5 Maritzstrasse, read the
following text:
You arrive at a large, well maintained house situated in quite a Exits: If the PCs decide to help Fiedal, go to Episode 14.
nice area; even cobblestones and trees line the spacious walkway.
You reflect on how even the door looks freshly lacquered and the
knocker is polished to a shine as you announce your arrival.
A small, finely dressed middle aged man answers at the door and
looks almost surprised. “Hello?”

This man is Fiedal Borenborg. Once the PCs announce that

they are here about the no,ce to find Brigid Ballifonser, he
warms up to them and invites them in.
You should roleplay the following and weave the informa,on
into conversa,on. Fiedal is quite earnest, perhaps a bit too
naïve. The PCs may have addi,onal ques,ons or issues, feel
free to improvise based on your knowledge of the
informa,on below.

Episode 14: The Laughing Bear Kernog Wurst—Innkeeper
The Laughing Bear is a tavern not too far from the Reiksplatz M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
and the PCs can be guided there easily enough.
4 30 30 30 30 35 30 30 30 30 35 12
When the PCs are outside, read the following:

You stand outside a large, white tavern, criss crossed with oaken Skills: Trade (Barman) , Slight of Hand (+5)
Traits: Prejudice (Tileans), Dagger + 5
Large bay windows letting in plenty of light from the
afternoon sun. The wooden sign depicting a raucous laughing Talents: Read/Write,
bear swings gently in the breeze. Trappings: Dagger tucked in belt
The smell of stew and alcohol wafts out from the wide, open ,
welcoming doorway.

inves,gate his room or they can follow him.

On stepping in, the PCs see the following. The party may decide to do both and split up. That’s fine, try
to divide your ,me between the two groups evenly, stopping
A freshly swept, spacious tavern room greets you. Stairs at the midway between each scene to cut back to the other. This
back lead up to the first floor. There are plenty of benches and s,ll allows both groups to feel included and reward their own
tables around and a few patrons. decision making.
One such table has a couple of rather loud men, well in their
cups and talking loudly. Exits: If any PC wants to inves,gate Room 3, go to Episode 15.
A cheerful, bald, portly man with a glorious moustache smiles If any PC wants to tail Lars, go to Episode 16.
warmly and asks “What can I get you?”
Episode 15:
The barman’s name is Kernog Wurst, a friendly proprietor, Upstairs at the Laughing Bear
happy to oblige in drink and conversa,on.
If the PCs try to go upstairs, Kernog will spot them and ask
Kernog believes that Brigid and Lars are lovers. He has
them to pay for a room (10/-). They can try sneaking upstairs,
declined to tell any informa,on to Fiedal as he feels Brigid
tes,ng their success against his passive percep,on (35). If he
and Lars are the be7er pair anyway. He has seen “Jan” visit
catches them the first ,me, he will assume they made an
occasionally, but does not know that Brigid and Jan are the
honest mistake. Any more ,mes aLer that, he won’t be so
same person.
The two men talking loudly are Axel Erischon and Trokki.
When the PCs make it upstairs, read the following:
They have finally found each other and are reminiscing fondly
about the old days, drinking, making li7le sense to outsiders.
You climb up to a well lit floor, the window near the stairs
Apparently they were once market stall rivals and became allowing the sun to shine brightly on the oak beamed floor.
firm friends. Various paintings and doors follow the hallway down and at the
If the PCs inquire with Kernog about Lars he will tell them: other end is a young maid, finishing up her sweeping.

If the PCs try to enter room 3, they will find it locked. They
“Lars, why yes I know Lars! He’s a regular here and stays frequently, have a number of op,ons:
almost lives here, room 3 is practically his own room! He has a
couple of friends that visit him occasionally, a man and sometimes a Break the door down. This will require two successful
woman if you catch my drift. Do you want me to tell him you’ve strength tests, obviously alarm the maid who will run
been asking? I’d hate for him to miss a friend!” shrieking down stairs and raise Kernog’s ire. Town Watchmen
will be called and they will be thrown out. Whatever happens
next will be up to you.
If the PCs don’t decline his help, they will suffer a –2SL
The second op,on is they could try to carefully pick the lock,
penalty to all tests in Episode 16 to trail Lars as he becomes
using two successful Pick Lock tests (They might perhaps find
suspicious of them.
someone who could help them here).
At this point, Lars comes down the stairs, sta,ng
The third op,on is that they could try to Charm the maid to
“See you Kernog, off for a few jobs, I’ll be back later.” open the lock, pretending that they are friends of Lars or
Kernog waves cheerfully and replies, somesuch. This would be an Opposed Charm/Cool test
against a cool of 35 (don’t forget to modify due to status).
“Right you are Lars, off on another date with that Brigid?”
“Something like that”, Lars grins, and he is off.

At Lars’ leaving, the PCs have two op,ons, they can

When the PCs gain entry to the room, read the following: someone. they must make a Difficult (-10) Percep,on Test to
keep track or gain +1 Failure Point. They must then make a
The room is small but functional. Shutters open on a window Challenging (+0) Agility Test to avoid bowling over the person
above the single bed, a desk in one corner and a wardrobe in the and making a scene, suffering a further +1 Failure Point.
other. A small, patterned rug lies in the middle to give it a
homely feel. -6 or less. The individual lacks all subtlety, stomping about
and can’t help but draw a7en,on to themselves. Lars no,ces
A search of the wardrobe will reveal Lars’ clothes and 3/-. he is being tailed and reacts accordingly, see I see you...
The desk has a draw which contains a journal. If the PCs can’t Test 2: The PCs are now following Lars through the crowded
read it, Fiedal will be able to help them. The journal describes ReikPlatz. Allow them to tell you what they are doing and
various illicit and illegal ac,vi,es and a par,cular entry that decide on an appropriate check. They might use Strength to
pertains to why they are here: muscle through the crowd, use Agility to Weave between the
people, Ini,a,ve to cut ahead and close distance etc.
Brigid is holed up at the asylum whilst the heat is on. I’m sure 6+ SL: The individual is like a ghost and moves unseen and
“Jan” will be needed soon, the Valantinas are getting a bit above
unheard. –2 Failure points.
their station. Am meeting with “Jan” and the Schatzenheimers
to negotiate an alliance. +4 to +5 : The individual is carefully shadowing and skilfully
weaves through the crowd.—1 Failure Point.
If you feel the PCs aren't being par,cularly subtle about their +2 to +3: The individual is carefully following and keeping
search, you can have Kernog come up to inves,gate the track in the crowd without being no,ced.
noise. +0 to + 1: The individual is following but slipping behind. They
He will fly into a rage and demand they leave, threatening to are star,ng to lose the target amongst the people. They must
summon the town watch. Otherwise, they can sneak back pass a Challenging (+0) Percep,on test or suffer +1 Failure
downstairs and leave peacefully. Point as they scrabble about trying to regain sight.
Exits: If the characters wish to report back to Fiedal , go to -2 to –3. The individual is trailing too far, they must make a
Episode 18. Difficult (-10) Percep,on Test to keep track or gain +1 Failure
If they want to inves,gate the Asylum, have them find their Point.
way their with a Gossip Test and go to Episode 17. -4 to –5. The individual is trailing too far and bumps into a few
people, causing a commo,on. They suffer +2 Failure Points.
Episode 16: Chasing Lars They must make a Difficult (-10) Percep,on Test to keep track
or gain a further +1 Failure Point.
This episode uses a mix of extended tests and the drama,c
-6 or less. The individual causes such a commo,on in the
tests as described in Episode 13. The PCs will need to
crowd that Lars no,ces he is being tailed and reacts
stealthily trail Lars to see where he goes, avoiding detec,on.
accordingly, see I see you...
Remember, these aren’t just dice rolls, narrate the ac,on,
add urgency when required. Feel free to add your own Test 3: The PCs are now following Lars into some side streets.
complica,ons and twists to this scene. Allow them to tell you what they are doing and decide on an
appropriate check. They might use Strength to climb to a roof
The PCs may have skills and Talents that can help them with
for a be7er view, use Agility to duck between corners,
this challenge, if they ask, think about how they could be
Ini,a,ve to cut ahead and close distance etc.
incorporated or change the assumed defaults below.
6+ SL: The individual is like a ghost and moves unseen and
If they clock up 4 Failure Points, Lars will become aware of
unheard. –2 Failure points.
their shadowing and react accordingly, see the I see you…
sec,on. +4 to +5 : The individual is carefully following and s,cks to the
shadows.—1 Failure Point.
Test 1: The PCs try to stealthily follow Lars straight from the
Laughing Bear. Have them make a stealth check. +2 to +3: The individual is carefully following and keeping
track without being no,ced.
6+ SL: The individual is like a ghost and moves unseen and
unheard. –2 Failure points. +0 to + 1: The individual is following but slipping behind. They
are star,ng to lose the target amongst the twis,ng turns.
+4 to +5 : The individual is carefully shadowing to an extent
They must pass a Challenging (+0) Percep,on test or suffer +1
they are hard to no,ce.—1 Failure Point.
Failure Point as they scrabble about trying to regain sight.
+2 to +3: The individual is carefully following without being
-2 to –3. The individual is trailing too far, they must make a
Difficult (-10) Percep,on Test to keep track or gain +1 Failure
+0 to + 1: The individual is following but slipping behind. They Point.
are star,ng to lose the target. They must pass a Challenging
-4 to –5. The individual is trailing too far and trips on a lose
(+0) Percep,on test or suffer +1 Failure Point as they scrabble
cobble or knocks over a crate , causing a commo,on. They
about trying to regain sight.
suffer +2 Failure Points. They must make a Difficult (-10)
-2 to –3. The individual is trailing too far, they must make a Percep,on Test to keep track or gain a further +1 Failure
Difficult (-10) Percep,on Test to keep track or gain +1 Failure Point.
-4 to –5. The individual is trailing too far and bumps into

-6 or less. The individual causes such a commo,on falling into
crates or stubbing their toe that Lars no,ces he is being tailed
Episode 18: Reporting to Fiedal
and reacts accordingly, see I see you...
When the PCs return to Fiedal, he will ask them feverishly
about what they have learnt. If the PCs have been competent
Success inves,gators, they should be able to determine that Brigid is
The PCs have successfully followed Lars to the entrance of in the Asylum and tell him as such.
The Asylum. They see him knock on the door and enter. If Fiedal looks mournful, convinced his love is being held
they are close enough, they hear him exclaim, hostage. He thanks the PCs for the informa,on, pays them
“Ah Brigid, always a pleasure to see you my dear!” the 5 Shillings and bids them a good day.
Before the door shuts. The PCs can wait but they will observe Exits: If it is s,ll aLernoon, the PCs can s,ll head to the
no more. Oldenhaller estate and begin Episode 19. Else, they may need
to return to an inn and rest, trying again the next day.
I see you…
Lars realises he is being tailed. He allows the PCs to follow Episode 19:
him to an alley which is a known hangout of Huyderman gang
members into an ambush.
The Oldenhaller Contract
He turns to face the PCs, seemingly alone and says,
“I don’t know who you are, but you’ve picked the wrong man to Oldenhaller will only receive guests at late morning or early—
follow.” mid aLernoon. If the PCs come outside of this ,me, they will
need to come back.
He then calls out to seemingly no one,
“When you’ve dealt with these lowlifes, report back to me at The You find the mansion easily, and the doorkeeper clearly expects
Asylum…” to see people in heavy boots tramping into his master’s hallway.
He then turns to leave. Have the PCs make an Opposed A messenger is sent to the Councillor, and after a half hour wait,
Percep,on/Stealth test against the 5 thugs Lars has wai,ng. you are led through winding, opulently decorated corridors to a
Any that fail gain the Surprised Condi,on in the first round of huge study.
Combat. The floors are covered with oriental rugs and the walls are hung
Exits: If the PCs wish to try to gain entry into the Asylum, go with family portraits, hunting trophies and framed contracts and
to Episode 17.
A balding, well dressed man sits behind a vast, mahogany desk,
If they wish to report back to Fiedal, go to Episode 18. toying with a jewelled paper knife. He looks you up and down,
then speaks.
Thieves No Appearing: 5 “Ah, by the looks of you, you are here for the job? Good. My
name is Albrecht Oldenhaller. As you may be aware, the house
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W of Oldenhaller is engaged in trading and other activities at a
number of levels, and we would be most unhappy if our dealings
4 30 30 30 30 32 33 30 30 30 30 12
with a certain number of our agents and contacts were to be made
public. Accordingly, I must insist that this business must be
conducted in the utmost secrecy.” He pauses to let this sink in.
Skills: Athletics (+5), Climb (+10), Cool(0), Dodge(+10), Endur- “ A certain gem has appeared in the city, I wont bore you with
ance (+5), Intuition (+5), Perception (0), Stealth (+5), Melee (+10) the details,” he continues dismissively, “except to say that it was
Traits: Prejudice (Bailifs), Crowbar+ 7 acquired on behalf of the the House of Oldenhaller by a group of
people vulgarly known as the Schatzenheimer gang, who have so
Talents: Flee! (+1 Mov when making the Flee! Action)
far failed to make the delivery.” He snorts in frustration.
Trappings: Crowbar, hood, leather Jerkin
“You are to recover the stone from them and deliver it here by
dawn tomorrow. There are….certain legends and superstitions
Episode 17: The Asylum Entrance around this stone, which I set no store by, but just in case, you
will take this and use it to carry the stone.” He pushes an
There are a couple of thugs standing outside the Asylum elaborately carved wooden box across the desk.
entrance, they look as bored as they do filthy and mean.
On seeing you approach, one particularly large, brutish man PCs at this point can do an Opposed Intui,on/Cool Test
(who must have some Ogre in him from his mother’s side) (against Albrecht’s Cool of 30) to feel that he is not being
squints and growls “Get lost. You’ll go quick if you know en,rely honest about the gem.
what’s good for you.”
Albrecht will not elaborate on it further and try to deflect
ques,ons on it.
That is all the PCs will get from this. They could be par,cularly
foolish and try to start a fight. This will be one in which they
will lose. Hard. Within a round, ten other gang members will
come rushing out to aid their comrades. Use the Sta,s,cs
from Episode 16.
Exits: Go to Episode 18

He continues, “This box has been enchanted to suppress any
magical effects of its contents for six hours. That should give
you adequate time to deliver the stone here. GM Call Out
You will set out at nightfall, and I will have you guided to one
of the entrances to the area known as the Asylum, which is
where I believe the stone to be. Are there any questions?”
About the Gem
As the GM, you can make as much or as li7le out of the The gem is actually from a ring worn by the Chaos God
interview with Oldenhaller as befits the pace of your group. Nurgle, previously lost to the mists of ,me. Thus it will
Oldenhaller might want to ask them ques,ons about their infect anyone who touches it with Nurgle Rot.
background for example, and need convincing that the PCs
are the right people for the job!
The Players will probably have several ques,ons, the most
urgent of which will be how much Oldenhaller is willing to
pay for the job.
Oldenhaller will offer the characters 5GC 6/- each, on
delivery. The characters may make an Opposed Haggling Test
(vs 30) to raise it up to 8GC. If they manage to get three ,mes
his SL, he will grudgingly raise it to 10GC.

Albrecht begins to explain the terms of his offer.

“As I’ve already explained, secrecy is essential. You cannot
involve anyone else in this mission, nor recruit any hired help.
You will be taken to the edge of the Asylum and after that, you
are on your own.
The entrance leads into the portion of the complex controlled
by the Schatzenheimer gang. They are mainly Nulners; they
forge currency and trade in contraband and stolen goods.”
“We think that Kurt Holger, the gang’s leader, has the stone.
From the Schatzenheimer area, the Asylum runs towards the
river. The central area is run by the Valentinas, who are mainly
Tilean immigrants. They are the most powerful gang in Nuln,
involved in every imaginable form of illicit activity.”
“On the Eastern most edge of the Asylum is the base of the
Huydermans gang, with access to the river. The Huydermans
are Wastelanders, and are mainly smugglers and cut-throats.”
“You shouldn't have too much trouble moving about in the
complex, although you may need to know the gang’s passwords.
The Schatzenheimer password for today is “Sweet Hanna”. I
don’t know either of the other gangs’ passwords. That is all I
can tell you.

Oldenhaller has nothing more to contribute to the

conversa,on. At this point, a servant will appear, and the
characters should be lead out of the study, down more
winding corridors and into a small private study.
The servant will offer to have any goods fetched from the
Reaver’s Return and will offer them a hearty meal. The
characters will not be leL unescorted at any ,me.
A half hour later, the guide arrives, along with any equipment
the characters requested from the Reaver’s Return. Night is
beginning to fall as the characters set out for the Asylum.

End of Part One

Part Two:
The Asylum

Map 1—Schatzenheimer Base

The Asylum From this point, the adventure is presented differently from
Part One. You should refer to the map descrip,on for the
relevant loca,ons and offer the descrip,on as PCs move from
The descrip,on of the Asylum is based on the plan in Map 2.
room to room.
You should refer to the map at all ,mes, since the numbered
paragraphs in this sec,on of the adventure refer to the
numbered areas on the map.
The Schatzenheimer Base
The Asylum is in the north of the city, on the west bank of the 1. Entrance
River Reik. It consists of part of the city’s sewer system and a
series of old and long forgo7en basements and cellars which The doorway pointed out by the guide opens onto a steep flight
of stone stairs, which leads down to a narrow passage.
have been sealed off and knocked together to make an
underground complex. After about ten feet, the passage ends in a door. A faded
parchment with writing is pinned to it.
This is used as a base by three gangs of thieves. The guide
provided by Albrecht Oldenhaller takes the characters to a
back-alley behind a warehouse, points to a door then hurries It reads Observe the laws of the Asylum. Knack and wait.
off into the night.
If the characters choose to knock and wait, they will probably
be there for some ,me. They will hear the scratching of rats
GM Call Out
and the soL moan of the wind. That is all.
The door is trapped, if a player says they are opening the
door, ask which way the handle is being turned.
Behind the scenes at the Asylum
As Oldenhaller told the PCs, the gem was in the possession Trap: Pit trap.
of Kurt Holger, Chief of the Schatzenheimer gang.
Test: Challenging(+0) Percep,on check to spot.
However, recent events have complicated ma7ers
considerably. Success: The character no,ces some slight grooves on the
floor from the pit, and can deduce the trigger is linked to
Following a series of inter-gang disputes, the Valan nas
the door.
staged a carefully planned and devasta,ng raid on the
Schatzenheimers. The Schatzenheimers were wiped out Failure: The character no,ces nothing unusual.
and the gem—along with everything else of value– was Ac va on: If the handle is turned an,-clockwise, the trap is
taken by Emilio Valan na, the mob’s godfather. not sprung., but if it is turned clockwise, it opens a trap
Dirck Huydermans, fearing his smuggling opera,on would door in front of the door, dropping whoever turned the
be next on the Valan na’s list, sent an Assassin by the handle into a pit 12 feet deep. They suffer 12+1D10
name of “Jan Hoogen” (really Brigid Ballifonser) to kill damage (modified by Toughness Bonus but not armour).
Emilio. Jan entered Emilio’s apartment via a secret
entrance from the sewers, brutally murdered him and
hacked off his head as proof of the deed. The PCs can alterna,vely try to break the door down. This is a
Hard (-10) Strength test that gets one step easier each
He then searched Emilio’s corpse and found the gem. ALer
a7empt as the door gives way.
has,ly searching Emilio’s apartment, Jan went back into
the mines, taking the stone and Emilio’s head with him. 2. Guard Room
Jan never made it back to the Huyderman’s base. On the The room is deserted and unlit. In the centre is an overturned
way back, he was a7acked by a Swarm of Rats. He was table, and along the north wall are two large, wooden lockers.
finally cornered in an old mine wagon, used by the They have been forced open and their contents scattered around
Huydermans for transpor,ng contraband, where his body, the room.
and the gem—now lie. On the south wall, to the left of the door, is a lever made of
Just before the player’s arrival, the Huydermans’ caverns rusting iron and half a yard long. The lever sticks out of the top
of a vertical slot in the wall.
were invaded by followers of Nurgle. They are s,ll there,
awai,ng reinforcements and being held at bay by the
remainder of the gang. The cul,sts know the gem is When moved to the down posi,on, it neutralises the trap in
somewhere in the asylum, and they will stop at nothing to the entrance (see 1 above).
find it. If the leL hand locker is pulled away from the wall, it will
The Huydermans sent one of their number to fetch help reveal a low opening—a secret entrance known only to the
from the Valan nas, who by now, have realised the truth Schatzenheimers, which leads through a winding tunnel and
about the gem. They killed the messenger and are now up some stairs to a back alley.
preparing to evacuate their headquarters rather than risk The room has been ransacked by the Valan nas who have
infec,on. found everything of value.

3. Hall only exit to the room is the way the PCs entered, back into
Room 3.
There are torch brackets at 6ft intervals along the walls. Most of
the torches have burned out, and those that are still burning cast a 5. Dormitory
flickering light across a scene of utter devastation.
The floors are strewn with upturned, broken furniture, and This room is unlit, and is another scene of death and destruction.
everything is stained with dried blood. The south wall is lined with the remains of several wooden bunks
A door to the south lies on the floor, splintered into pieces, the and tattered and bloodstained bedding strewn across the floor.
remains of another door to the east is hanging on limply. There are four bloody corpses piled in a heap on the corner.
Sprawled brokenly in the room are half a dozen corpses, each one
bearing multiple stab wounds or bristling with crossbow bolts.
The bodies are dead Schatzenheimers, on top of the pile is
One chair is standing in the centre of this chaos. Tied to it and
another Valan na “calling card”. The place has been
slumped, a middle aged man in fine clothes (though now bloody
and dirty). ransacked for anything of value.
A passage in the north wall leads to Room 3 and another
leads eastwards to Room 6. The door to Room 6 is closed but
At this point, have the PCs make a Challenging (+0) Cool Test. not locked.
If anyone fails, they gain 1 Corrup,on Point, as they are 6. Storeroom
mentally scarred from the scene of shocking violence in front
of them. There are torch brackets along the north and south walls, but the
torches have burned themselves out, the room is in total
Upon examina,on, two of the corpses wear pendants bearing darkness.
a fig mo,f. These were members of the Valan na gang and if
the PCs took a scrap of paper from Bertoldo earlier in the
adventure (see Episode 8 ), they will recognise the mo,f. If the PCs have some way of seeing into the darkness, or bring
a source of light with them, read the following:
If any PC has the Evaluate skill, they can make an Easy (+40)
Evaluate Test to determine that these are very cheap The room contains a dozen grain sacks, four large chests, three
pendants, only worth a couple of pennies at most. empty barrels, a side of pork and three corpses.
Examining the body in the chair will reveal the corpse belongs The sacks are slashed and most of their contents have been shaken
to Fiedal, who the PCs may have met in Episode 13. over the floor, the chests forced opened and emptied and a barrel
is smashed into pieces.
Having learnt of Brigid being in the Asylum, he foolishly
rushed in to save her. He was captured by the One of the “Corpses” in the middle of the room is Ulrich
Schatzenheimers, tortured and beaten bloody before having Vogel, a heavily wounded member of the Schatzenheimer
his throat slit. This happened not long before the Valen na gang. He assumes the PCs are Valan na agents, sent to finish
gang broke in. him off.
The other four bodies were Schatzenheimers. Dropped on Propped up against a barrel, he tries to fire a shot at the PCs.
each of their bodies is a small card reading, Congratulations, Have them make a Difficult (-10) Percep,on test to hear his
you have just met the Valantina Anti personnel Crew . The cards grunts of pain as he aims. Choose a PC at random for Ulrich
also bear the fig leaf mo,f. to fire at. If they pass the Percep,on Test, he makes the shot
at –30 modifier, otherwise it is a –20 due to his injuries.
All six bodies have been stripped of everything of value,
including weaponry and small change. There are three exits
from the room, one to the passage to Room 2, one leading Ulrich Vogel
south to Room 5 and one leading east to Room 4. The doors
to rooms 4 and 5 have been destroyed. M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
4. Kurt Holger’s Room 4 33 25 30 30 30 30 24 24 24 24 0*
This room is unlit. The floor is carpeted and the furnishings are
all expensive décor. Along the western wall is a massive
bookcase, its contents lying scattered on the floor. Skills: Stealth urban (+5), Weapon fist (+5) Ranged Crossbow
The wall hangings and pictures have been torn down, the desk’s
drawers pulled out, thrown to the floor and emptied. Traits: Prejudice (Bailifs), Weapon + 9
There is a single corpse in the room, a middle aged man in Talents: Disarm (opposed action in melee to cause opponent to lose
expensive looking clothes. His skin is pale brown, his face bears their weapon)
three weeping sores and one of his arms is missing. Trappings: Crossbow, Quiver with 6 bolts, Dagger, Leather Jack
The body is Kurt Holger’s. He had the gem long enough to
contract a disease from it. The Valen nas killed him before
Ulrich will take three rounds to try and load his crossbow and
the infec,on did.
fire again. If the PCs manage to restrain themselves and
If a PC touches the body, or examines it closely, they must disarm him, he can be a useful source of informa,on to them.
pass an Average (+20) Endurance test or contract Nurgle Rot.
Both the room and body have been stripped of valuables. The

The PCs can try an Opposed In,midate or Charm /Cool test to 9. Stock Room
get him to talk.
Lanterns suspended from the ceiling shed light on a scene of
Ulrich knows about poor Fiedal being tortured. He also knows feverish activity. Half a dozen Tileans are frantically packing
the layout of the Schatzenheimer and Valan na bases. He chests and loading small carts with crates and barrels.
was aware that Kurt Holger had a gem in his possession, that As you enter the room, an overseer shouts at you in a Tilean
it was somehow magical and had an effect on Kurt. Dialect.
7. Eastern Guard Room
The room is in a similar state to the preceding ones; scattered If none of the party speak Tilean, they won’t understand him.
with debris, coated in blood and strewn with corpses. Realising this, the Overseer will repeat the instruc,on in
heavily accented Reikspiel, ordering them to help with the
There are seven corpses, all Schatzenheimers. All have been packing.
stripped of valuables with a calling card leL upon them.
It is clear the overseer has mistaken the PCs for hired
There is a doorway to the east wall, which leads to Room 8 labourers, if they don’t help, he will become suspicious.
and the Valan na base. It is closed but not bolted.
They can try to charm him (doing the same as in Room 8) or
The Valantina Base they can go to help and slip away when he isn’t looking with a
Stealth Test.
8. Guard Room The overseer’s mistake can provide an opportunity for the
A passage way from Room 7 to Room 8 marks the border PCs to gather informa,on. This opportunity might not be
between Schatzenheimer and Valan na territory. The available if the PCs started a noisy fight in Room 8.
passage ends in a closed (but unlocked door) with a familiar If the PCs wish to acquire informa,on, they can make a
fig leaf symbol upon it. Gossip Test to chat with the other labourers, learning about
the raid on the Schatzenheimers and the Cul,st invasion (see
The room is lit by bracketed torches. Near the north-eastern Behind the scenes at the Asylum).
corner is a small table, around which, three men sit playing dice
and drinking wine.
Seeing you enter the room, they reach for their loaded
crossbows and demand the password in their thick, Tilean
The Overseer
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
These Valan na guards have been posted here in case any
4 33 25 30 30 30 30 29 29 29 29 12
surviving Schatzenheimer gang members wish to make any
reprisal a7acks.
To pass through, the PCs will need the password they got Skills: Stealth urban (+5), Melee (+5), Language Tilean (+5)
from Bertoldo (“Malindi”) or they can try and bluff their way Traits: Prejudice (Non Valantina Gangs), Sword + 7
through with a Difficult (-10) Opposed Charm/Cool Test.
Talents: Strike to Stun 1(Ignore called shot penalty to head with
Allow the character talking to come up with a plausible tale. If pommel weapon).
you wish, you can make the Opposed Test easier or more
Dirty Fighting1 (+1 Fist Melee, factored in stats)
difficult based on the quality of their a7empt to convince the
gang members. Trappings: Sword, Knife, Cheap fig leaf pendant, Leather Jerkin.
If the PCs are not successful, the Valan na gang members
will order them to leave.
There are two exits in the room, back the way the party came
There are four exits from the room, the entrance back to the
and a door to the east leading to Room 9.
west and Room 8, a door in the north wall, leading to Room
Valantina Gang Members No Appearing: 3 10 and two passages in the east wall, leading to Rooms 13
and 14.
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W 10. Ante Room
4 33 25 30 30 30 30 29 29 29 29 12 The room is lit by a suspended lantern and another standing on
the desk. The walls are adorned with hunting trophies, stolen
signs and framed wanted posters depicting various Valantina
Skills: Stealth Urban (+5), Melee (+5) Ranged Crossbow (+5) Gang members.
Language Tilean (+5)
Traits: Prejudice (Non Valantina Gang members), Behind the desk sits a heavily built Tilean in expensive
Sword + 7, Knife +4, Crossbow + 9 clothing. His hair is slicked back with oil, his scarred red face
looking down at the loaded crossbow pistol he is toying with.
Talents: Strike to Stun 1(Ignore called shot penalty to head with
pommel weapon). As the PCs enter, he looks up saying in his thick, TIlean
Dirty Fighting1 (+1 Fist Melee, factored in stats) accent,
Trappings: Crossbow, knife, 6 bolts, cheap fig leaf pendant and “What do you want? The boss is not to be disturbed!”
leather Jerkin.
Map 2—Valantina Base

This is Sebas ano Sansovino, the bodyguard of Emilio The only other exit from this room is a locked door in the east
Valan na. Emilio told Sebas ano that he was going to pray wall, which leads to Room 12. This door can be broken down
for a while and didn't want to be disturbed. This out of with two Challenging (+0) Strength Tests or opened with two
character order has puzzled Sebas ano, but he complies and Challenging (+0) Pick Lock Tests.
isn't worried his boss has not yet emerged from the room.
As they have come this far into the Valan na base, 12. Emilio Valantina’s Bedchamber
Sebas ano is likely to believe they are here on official
business, as such, they can make an Easy (+40) Charm/Cool This room is lit by a four branched silver candlestick standing on
the dresser. The room has been ransacked, the blood soaked
Test or a7empt to bribe him.
bedding lying in a heap against the southern wall.
Use the Bribery rules on pg 120 of the rulebook to help you., At the foot of the bed is the decapitated body of Emilio
each SL giving the player another guess at the amount Valantina, dressed in a velvet clock with gold trimmings.
needed. Sebas ano won’t se7le for any less than 6/-.
The PCs may a7ack Sebas ano but this risks drawing At this point, have the PCs make a Challenging (+0) Cool Test.
a7en,on from Room 9. If the PCs have successfully If anyone fails, they gain 1 Corrup,on Point, as they are
persuaded or bribed Sebas ano, he knocks on the door. mentally scarred from the gruesome screen before them.
Emilio won’t answer (due to the handicap of him being dead) There is nothing of value leL in the room.
and so growing worried, Sebas ano breaks the door down. 13. Eastern Guard Room
Sebastiano Sansovino In the flickering light of the three wall mounted torches, you see
three Valantinas feverishly constructing a barricade across the
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W eastern door. The room has been stripped of furniture, being used
in the makeshift barricade.
4 41 25 30 30 40 40 29 29 35 29 12
There is a corpse covered in a blood stained sacking in the
northwest corner of the room. It is clear the gang members
Skills: Stealth urban (+5), Melee Fist(+5), Language Tilean (+5) are avoiding the body and blood pooling around it.
Ranged Crossbow (+5) Cool (+5) The corpse is that of the Huyderman messenger who was
Traits: Prejudice (Non Valantina Gangs), Brass knuckles +5, sent to ask for help from the cul,st invasion. To avoid
Crossbow Pistol +7 infec,on, the Valan nas shot him and are construc,ng the
Talents: Strike to Stun 1(Ignore called shot penalty to head with barricade to keep the cul,sts out and to quaran,ne the
pommel weapon). infected area.
Dirty Fighting1 (+1 Fist Melee, factored in stats) The Valan na’s disposi,on will depend on the direc,on the
Strike Mighty Blow 1 (add 1 to dmg) PCs are coming from. If they come from the east, they will be
warned to stay away and shot if they come closer.
Trappings: leather jerkin, crossbow, 6 bolts, brass knuckles, cheap
fig leaf pendant. If they come from the West, they will be rela,vely ignored,
but told they won’t be allowed back in if they cross the
11. Emilio Valantina’s Study barrier.
14. Dormitory
The room is lit by a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. A
selection of pictures hang on the wall, all of them slightly askew. The room is lit by torches on the north and south walls. The
The floor is spread with multiple oriental rugs. walls are lined with bunks and in the centre of the room, tables
A bookcase stands against the western wall, some of its books and chairs with four partially eaten meals, half full bottle of wine
scattered on the floor before it. In the centre of the room is a and an untouched bread loaf. The room is deserted.
ransacked desk.

A trail of blood leads to the book case from the door to Room
12. Any character can spot the blood trail with an Easy (+40)
End of Part Two
Percep,on Test.
Once the characters have spo7ed the blood and followed it to
the apparently solid wall, they can make a Difficult (-10)
Percep,on Test to find the Secret Door.
Jan Hoogen searched the room in a hurry aLer killing Emilio
and leL through the secret door carrying Emilio’s head,
leaving the trail of blood.
The secret door leads to a por,on of the sewer system; it was
intended as a bolt hole for Emilio, no one else in the
Valan na gang knew about it. One of the Huydermans found
it by accident several months ago, which is why they called
for Brigid’s work as Jan.

Part Three:
The Sewers and
The Huydermans

Map 3—Sewers

The Sewers
GM Call Out
15. The Rats’ Lair
The map shows the main sewers, which have a narrow ledge Breaking down these traits (pg 338)
either side of the channel, wide enough for the party to travel
Bes al: The rats will shy away from fire and will gain the
in single file.
Broken condi on if hit by it. The rats will only use the
Provided there is light to see, a character with the Track skill Dodge Skill in defence and flee if they have suffered more
can make an Average (+20) Track Test to trace Jan’s than half their Wounds.
footprints and the drops of blood from Emilio’s head. Other
Infected: If the rat causes any characters to suffer
characters will need to make a Challenging (+0) Percep,on
Wounds, they must pass an Easy (+40) Endurance test or
Test to follow the same trail.
contract Festering Wounds (pg 186).
The map only shows the main sewer sec,on between the
Night Vision: The rats can see clearly in the darkness up to
Valan na and Huydermans hideouts. The sewer is of course,
20 yards.
much larger than this, but remains out of the scope of this
adventure. Size (Tiny): It gains a bonus of +10 to hit larger creatures.
The party does not need to disengage to move away. The
This part of the sewer has been colonised by a pack of rats.
party’s weapons gain the Damaging Quality which means
They will rush out and a7ack anything and everything passing
they can use the SL or the units die to determine damage.
SkiGsh: The rats are easily scared by magic or loud noises,
Have the characters make a Challenging (+0) Percep,on Test,
if those occur, they gain +3 Broken Condi ons.
anyone who passes hears the chi7ering of the oncoming furry
storm, those who fail are surprised. Stride: Their movement is mul,plied by 1.5 when running.
Every two rounds, another Rat Swarm will appear. This is a Swarm: The rats count as one creature and ignore
fight that the party will not be able to win. psychology rules. They can also ignore the Engaged rules
when moving. If they successfully strike their opponent,
If your players are inexperienced (perhaps used to other
they can move into the opponent’s space. All opponents
Roleplaying Games where one is expected to be able to win
Engage with a Swarm lose 1 Wound automa,cally at the
every encounter), and don’t realise that discre,on is the
end of every round. The rats gain +10 WS (already
be7er part of valour, have one of the party make a Very Easy
factored into the stat block). Any a7empt to shoot the rats
(+60) Intelligence check to realise that they should push
gets a bonus of +40 to hit.
ahead and flee this losing ba7le.

Rats Swarm Inside the cart,, slumped against the sides sits a body of a thin
man, masked, with a tri-corner hat on. Next to him, eyes rolled
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W back, tongue lolling, pointing down to the bloody neck stump a
human head.
4 35 - 30 25 25 35 - 15 15 - 5
Both body and head are covered in tiny bite marks.

Jan had sought refuge in the mine cart but had been over
Traits: Bestial, Infected, Night Vision, Size(Tiny), Skittish,
Stride, Bite(+4), Swarm powered by the rats before the break could be liLed off.
Before the PCs can stop to gather their breath, an increase in
chi7ering announces the rats’ growing confidence, a swarm
will appear in D3 rounds!
16. Mine Cart The PCs can climb into the cart to escape. The cart will fit four
(clambering over Jan’s body). Anyone else will have to cling to
The swarm of rats from Area 15 should drive the PCs here the outside. They will need to make a Difficult (-10) Agility
before retrea,ng. This is a small chamber where several Test to hold on successfully whilst the cart is in mo,on or
sewers meet. There is a manhole in the ceiling, 20 feet above, suffer 3 + 1D10 wounds if they lose their grip.
which is secured by a padlock. When the break is released, the cart will roll down the track,
A narrow railway track runs up into the chamber from a steep picking up speed rapidly. If anyone pulls the brake to slow it
sloped tunnel with a mine cart at the end of the track. down, there will be a snap of ro7en wood as the lever comes
away in their hand.
The rail system is used by the Huydermans gang to move
contraband from their secret wharf to their warehouse above The mine cart will take the PCs to the Huydermans’ base,
the manhole. gathering speed all the ,me. When the tunnel opens out into
the first of the Huydermans’ rooms (Room 17), the PCs will
Jan Hoogen lies dead in the cart, beside the body, the
have a chance to jump out at this point. They only have a few
severed head of Emilio Valan na. When the PCs look into the
seconds to decide. If they do, they will need to take a
cart, read the following:
Challenging (+0) Athle,cs test. Those that succeed land on
their feet, those that don’t take 3 + 1D10 Wounds.

Those that choose not to jump out will find themselves s,ll in happened to the messenger and the sort of “support” he can
the cart as it crashes into the barrier at the end, throwing the expect from the Valan nas.
body of Jan and Emilio’s head against the wall. The PCs will Dirck also suspects that the pause in the cul,st a7ack is only
need to make a Difficult (-10) Athle,cs Test or suffer 3 + 1D10 to wait for reinforcements, so he is very concerned.
As the PCs arrive in the area, the Valan nas destroy the
If the PCs examine Jan’s body, they will find that the hat has tunnel between Rooms 13 and 18, sealing off the
gone flying , the hair is thick and ,ed ,ghtly into a bun. The Huydermans’ base.
removal of the mask betrays a feminine face. Brigid had also
used cloth ,ghtly wound around her chest to mask her A loud explosion followed by a long rumbling sound can be
feminine shape. heard in the distance. This leaves the party with only one
escape route - the river!
They will find 4 Silver Shillings , 12 pennies, a short sword
and a large gem that lets off a faint, greenish glow. This must The Huydermans are unlikely to a7ack the PCs as they
be the one! The box supplied by Oldenhaller is the only way desperately need allies. They are prepared to co operate and
to transport the gem safely. Any PC holding the gem for more provide any informa,on ( see Behind the scenes at the
than 3 rounds will need to make an Average (+20) Endurance asylum). They will also take part in any escape plan, on the
Test or contract Nurgle Rot proviso the party leads the way.

They will also find a journal, most of the pages torn or bled
upon. If anyone can read, they find the following few scraps Dirck Huydermans
of informa,on:
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
Just arrived at the city. I’ve met my contact Lars. 4 52 34 40 40 50 50 39 39 49 39 12
I also have my mark for some easy living as Brigid. His name is
Fiedal. Typical gentleman sap.

Skills: Athletics (+10), Bribery (+10), Consume Alcohol (+10),

So good to be Jan tonight, just dealt with a local merchant who Row (+10), Sail (+10), Swim(+10) Stealth urban (+10), Melee
had shorted the Huydermans’ money. He won’t owe anyone Basic(+10), Ranged Crossbow (+10) Cool (+10)
anything again...
Traits: Prejudice (Non Huydermans Gangs), Sword + 7,
Crossbow + 9
Negotiations with Schatzenheimers a success. Lars helped pull Talents: Criminal (Take money as income)
it off splendidly. Will take the mission to deal with Valentina, Strike to Stun 1(Ignore called shot penalty to head with pommel
His head will decorate the Huydermans’ wall! weapon).
Dirty Fighting1 (+1 Fist Melee, factored in stats)
Strike Mighty Blow 1 (add 1 to dmg)

The Huydermans’ Base Trappings: Sword, Crossbow, 12 bolts,

17. Loading Bay

Huydermans Gang Members No App: 6
The room is carved from solid rock. Four lanterns, suspended
from the ceiling illuminate the room. In the centre, a couple of M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
tables and chairs.
4 33 25 30 30 30 30 29 29 29 29 12

The occupants fled when the cul,sts arrived and the room is
now deserted.
Skills: Stealth Urban (+5), Melee (+5) Row (+5), Swim(+5)
As well as the tunnel leading back to Area 16, there is a
narrow passage leading to Room 19. Traits: Prejudice (Non Huydermans Gang members),
Sword + 7, Knife +4
18. Huydermans’ Guard Room
Talents: Strike to Stun 1(Ignore called shot penalty to head with
This is a natural cave illuminated by torches fixed in wall pommel weapon).
brackets. The north and east entrances are blocked by hastily Dirty Fighting1 (+1 Fist Melee, factored in stats)
built barricades of furniture, crates, barrels and sacks. Trappings: sword, knife and leather Jerkin.
Behind each barricade is an archer with a short bow. In the
centre of the room, several gang members are having a heated

This is the remains of the Huydermans gang. Six gang

members and Dirck Huydermans, their leader.
They have been trapped in this cave since the cul,sts’ arrival
nearly an hour ago. Dirck has already guessed what has

Map 4—Huydermans Base

19. Main Chamber already appeared. Otherwise, the Beast will appear D3
rounds aLer the PCs enter the chamber.
This is a large natural cave which slopes gently downwards The cul,sts will focus on the summoning rather than
from west to east, lit by torches mounted on wall brackets. The a7acking anyone, but should one die or any of them be
walls are lined with crates of wine, casks of brandy and packing
struck, the ritual will be disrupted and all of the cul,sts will
cases filled with spices, their smells filling the air.
join the fight.
A narrow railway runs diagonally across the room. At the
western end of the track stands a small wagon. The rails
disappear into an unlit tunnel on the eastern side of the cave, and Jonas Whitespore - Champion of
shadowy figures can be seen lurking amongst the darkness of
the tunnel. Nurgle
From beyond can be heard the sound of strange and hideous M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
chanting. Two passages on the western side are blocked by a
barricade of furniture, chests and sacks. 4 41 25 32 28 50 50 43 43 49 4 12

Skills: Language Magic (+15) ,Trade Herbalist (+5), Cool (+5),

The Valan nas destroyed the tunnel, the sewers are blocked Intimidate (+10), Channelling (+10), Melee Polearm (+5)
by rats. The only way out is through the cul,sts to the river! Traits: Corruption (Minor), Nurgle Staff +7, Dagger +5
There are two basic op,ons available to the party: a direct
Talents: Petty Magic, Arcane Magic, Chaos Magic, Magical Sense
assault on the cul,sts, hoping to cut their way through, or
using the mine cart in Area 19 to clear a path through them,
reaching the je7y in Area 20 and escape before the cul,sts Trappings: Nurgle Staff, Dagger
can follow. Mutations: Albino
The cart can hold eight people, another four could hold on to Cloud of flies (-10 to hit in Melee)
the outside (with the same condi,ons as describe in Room Hideous Stench (Challenging Endurance Test or –10 Strength when
16). engaged).
Because the track is on a shallow incline, it will need to be Spells:
pushed before it can gather speed. Drain (CN 0) Touch spell that counts as magic missile. With
Damge +0 that ignores Armour. You then Heal 1 Wound.
If the cart runs into anyone, it causes 3 + 1D10 damage.
Anyone in the wagon can make an a7ack ac,on against Magic Shield (CN +4) lasts WP bonus rounds. Whilst active, add
anyone standing by the cart as it goes by at –10 (because of WP bonus SL to any Dispel attempts made.
the fast movement). Manifest Lesser Daemon (CN 8): A lesser daenon manifests
through. Perform an Opposed Channel/ Willpower Test with the
Anyone a7acking the characters in the cart will suffer a –30 Daemon. If successful, the Daemon will respond to one command
penalty as they are in cover. Characters that are lying down in
the cart cannot a7ack nor be a7acked. Characters clinging to
the cart cannot a7ack but be a7acked at a –10 penalty. Jonas’ staff is carved at one end in the shape of a poin,ng
When the cart reaches the end of the je7y, it will crash into hand, the other end the shape of a foot. He wears a long,
the buffer (the same risks of injury as described in Area 17). It ragged cloak.
won’t ,p over and the characters must climb out and jump
into the wai,ng boat. This will take an en,re round to do.
GM Call Out
The boat will hold a maximum of six people (with four
rowing), the rest can cling to the sides.
20. The Cove Don’t forget to familiarise yourself with the Magic rules
on page 229 of the rulebook before running this
A natural cave, weakly illuminated by moonlight filtering in encounter!
from a concealed entrance. There are two rowing boats pulled
up onto the gravelly beach, and a third moored to the jetty near
the end of the cart track.
In the room are six figures in filthy brown hooded robes. You Cultists No Appearing: 5
notice one is very tall, albino and surrounded by a dense cloud
of bloated flies. The drone of their buzzing filling the cove. Traits: Sword + 7, Knife +4,
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W
Four of the cul,sts are standing in a circle and seem to be 4 33 25 30 30 30 30 29 29 29 6 12
conduc,ng some kind of ritual. The other two are standing by
the entrance from Area 19 and are armed with swords.
The cul,sts are in the process of summoning a Beast of Talents: Disarm 1
Nurgle. As the GM, you should control the ,ming of the
Trappings: Sword, Knife, Dirty robes
event. If the characters have spent a long ,me in discussion
with the Huydermans gang or have been rela,vely slow
progressing through the adventure, the beast should have
The two Cul sts guarding the doorway into Area 19 are both
armed with short swords. All cul,sts will fight to the death.
GM Call Out
During the fight, Jonas will taunt the party, making
statements in a ro7en, gurgley voice such as:
“Give usss the gem. We know you have it. It belongsss to Breaking down these traits (pg 338)
Grandfather Nurgle. Join hiss embrace, be freeee”
Constrictor: Any successful roll to hit gives the target
If the cul,sts summon a Beast of Nurgle before the PCs have the Entangled Condi on. The creature may then enter
escaped, it will appear in the middle of the circle of cul,sts a Grapple if it wishes.
and will be directed by Jonas to a7ack the most powerful
character or group of characters Corrup on: The characters will have to make a
Challenging Endurance Test. If they fail, they get 2
Anyone who chooses to cross the Beast’s trail of slime Corrup,on points, on a Marginal Success (0-1) they get
without making a Leap across it must make an Average (+20) 1 Corrup,on Point and on a Success (2+) they get 0
Agility check or gain the Prone Condi on and receive 1 Corrup,on Points.
Wound from the acids. They must then also make an Average
(+20 Endurance Test or contract Nurgle Rot). Daemonic: All the creatures a7acks are Magical. ALer
any blow is received, roll a 1D10, if the target number
is reached, it receives 0 Wounds.
Beast Of Nurgle Large: Its a7acks get the Damaging Quality, all strikes
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int Wp Fel W against smaller targets ac,vate the Deathblow rule. It
causes Fear 1. It can Stomp
3 33 0 30 50 30 30 - - - - 26
Tentacles: It gets 1 free a7ack per tentacle, dealing
the damage listed and if it causes damage, can give the
Entangled condi,on.
Traits: Constrictor, Corruption (Moderate) Daeomic 9+, Large,
D6 Tentacles +3, Venom (paralysing, Challenging), trail of slime Venom: When it causes a wound, the opponent gets a
Poisoned condi,on to resist.

Incuba on: 1d10 Days

Symptoms: Rashes, weeping sores, 1 physical muta,on a
Ending the Adventure month.
Permanent: No known Cure. You will die within the year.
Once the party manages to leave, they will be safe– for now…
They could choose to return the gem to Albrecht
Oldenhaller. He will pay them and then tacNully let them
know to get lost. He will want to keep the whole affair secret.
You should award the PCs a base XP of 150 each. Bumping it
up to 200 xp if the character has performed excep,onally
well ( See the Rulebook pg 264). Also grant each PC 1 Fate
point (and a Resilience and Resolve point if you feel they have
earnt them).
The PCs now have allies and enemies in Nuln. Why does
Oldenhaller want that gem? What will happen to the
remaining gang members? That, my dear games master, is up
to you….

Nurgle’s Rot
Nurgle’s Rot is a strange disease. It seeks to turn its vic,m
into a Plague Bearing Daemon. Unfortunately, the mortal
form cannot take the stresses and strains of this
transforma,on, and so the vic,m will eventually perish. Only
champions of Nurgle and Beastmen are immune to the
effects, serving as carriers of the disease.
Vic,ms will gradually mutate, gaining a new physical
muta,on every month. There is no known cure for this
End of The Oldenhaller
Contrac on: If you fail an Average (+20) Endurance Test Contract Revised for 4E
when contact is made with an infected individual or Beast of

Revised for WFRP 4E

o you want to be an adventurer ey?
Welcome to Nuln, Plenty of adventure
abounds! Criminal gangs fighting for
territory in the streets, shady rich folk
who will sell you down the river for good bargain.

The Oldenhaller Contract Revised, an adventure

for four characters in their first career. Arrive in
Nuln, enjoy the sights - don’t get mugged though!
What happens when a shady councilman proposes a
Why has the turf war with the gangs got so
Who is responsible for a string of deaths in the
Who wants to go on a mine cart ride?
All this and more in The Oldenhaller Contract
Revised for 4E!

This is it - a fan made remaster of the original classic

adventure . All the content you loved in the original,
updated to use the latest rules of the WFRPG game. There
are also a few new surprises and plot developments to
delight those who may have played or run it before.
This adaptation has taken inspiration from the original’s
aim to be a beginner adventure for novice GMs and Players
alike and ran with it.
With an introduction to the mechanics of the 4th Edition
of the game and handy GM call out boxes to assist the
Games Master in running this adventure in a grim and
perilous world of adventure and intrigue.


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