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Different faces of Monsoon.

The monsoon is the lifeline of India. It quenches the parched

throat of the country. It is monsoon that virtually infuses life into

Monsoon is hope. Monsoon is sustenance. Every seed lies in wait

for the monsoon time, restless and impatient to come out of their
lifeless confinements and express themselves.

There will not be a single soul in the country that does not wait
with the bated breath for the initial showers. Especially the
farming community. Their entire life depends on rains or the lack
of it.

Apart from drinking water, water for agriculture and crops can
only come from from bountiful rains. It is but natural that the
cascading effect of a favourable outcome or collapse of agriculture
on the rest of the industry provokes a corresponding boost or
slippage of economy.

So everyone prays for bountiful rains.

Well, nearly everyone.

The funny quirk is that the same rains that stir up life can be cruel,
and hurtful to some, even as it provides life to many.

To the persons who stay in low lying areas, people who do not
have a roof over their heads and people who do not have regular
employment would tend to curse even the initial showers.
Their life is misery with rains. Maybe, it is so, without rains as
No rains mean no water including drinking water. But rains also
means displacement and inability to get work opportunities every
day as also the difficulty to reach places as in summer.

Summer may be harsh. Rains are welcome. And yet unwelcome

for many.

Life is bizarre. Life is enigmatic. In its own ways.

For me and you, who look at rains and enjoy the sheet of water
form the cosy interiors, the music of the drizzle and the draught of
wind are all enjoyable and romantic.

But the reality has different plains. Rains often shower so much
misery around, which we are unable to see. Unable to feel and be
part of.

Rains, like mausum, have different faces. The face that you see
need not be the only face. You must have at least the mind to
accept that an unlike face that another person spots need not be
made up or unreal.

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