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1. opens and closes

2. what time do the banks close in britain?

3. I have a car but I don’t use it very often

4. how many cigarettes do you smoke a day?

5. what do you do ? I am an electrical engineer

6. where does your father come from? He comes from scotland.

7. if you need money, why don’tl you get a job?

8. I plays the piano, but I don’t play very well

9. I don’t understand the word ‘deceive’. What does the word ‘deceive’ mean?


1. the sun doesn’t rise in the west.

The sun rises in the east.

2. mice doesn’t catch cats.

Cats catch mice

3. carpenters don’t make things from metal.

Carpenters make things from wood.

4. the river Amazon doesn’t flow into the pacific ocean.

The river amazon flows into the atlantic ocean


1. how often does ann watch television?

2. how often do you write to your parents?

3. what time do you usually have dinner in the evening?

4. where does tom work?

5. how often do you go to the cinema?

6. why does/do people do stupid things?

7. how often does the car break down?


1. Our house is quite easy to find.

2. the window was 7,45s very difficult to open.

3. some words are impossible to translate.

4. bread is not very difficult to make.

5. that chair is not safe to stand on.

6. some grammatical rules are difficult to explain.

7. a good restaurant is hard to find in this town.


1. the next train to arrive at platform 2 will be the 7,45 to birming ham.

2. when anything goes wrong, harry is always the first to complain.

3. nobody has seen keith for days. Who was the last person to see him?

4. neil amstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.

5. we always have to wait for him. He’s always the last to arrive.


1. I was really delighted to get your letter last week.

2. thank you for your letter. I’m glad to hear that you’re keeping well.

3. when I walked into my bedroom, I was astonished to find a complete stranger.

4. hello! I’m so glad you could come. I’m really pleased to see you again.

5. I’m sorry to hear that your mother is ill. I hope she gets better soon.


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