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The extract mainly introduces how the monetary exchanges have been adjusted throughout
history. In the first place, it is pointed out that the initial method for trading involved barter
trade. Yet, this primitive way remained inadequate and inconvenient to both purchasers and
merchants back then. Afterward, the first appearance of money marked an evolutionary
development in currency, and it has become the standard exchange material since then.
Even though gold coins were once considered a norm of business dealing amongst people
in earlier times, it kept maintaining several drawbacks while carrying a large number of coins
for trading, which would soon be unraveled by the sellers engaging in international
commerce with the invention of checks. As a result, preceding banks started to handle
issuing banknotes in exchange for gold. Eventually, the innovation in monetary policies has
been reinforced by the governments.


Company 2006 % Market Share 2007 % Market Share

HP 31.4 34
Dell 16.6 20.2
Acer 11.6 10.7
Toshiba 6.2 7.3
Lenovo 6.6 6.2
Fujitsu-Siemens 4.8 2.3
Others 22.8 19.3

The data introduces the international market share of laptops in terms of manufacture in the
period between 2006 and 2007.

Overall, it is clear that HP company expressed the highest proportion in those two years.
Meanwhile, Dell and other companies had the most variable changes in the total amount of
percentage, with both upward and downward trends.

With regard to the general growth, HP company is of note for its exceptional business with
the largest number of market share, specifically with 31.4% in 2006 and 34% in 2007. Also,
Toshiba gradually rose to 7.3% at the end of the period. Similarly to the mentioned company,
it witnessed a considerable increase in Dell’s market share resulting at 20.2% in the

By contrast, several businesses suffered from slight falls such as Acer and Lenovo, which
declined by 0.9% and 0.4% respectively. However, compared to them, Fujitsu-Siemens’
percentage even reached the lowest point at 2.3% in 2007. Additionally, other companies’
market share moderately decreased as well.

As with the crucial role of parents, an annual mandatory training class for parenting skills
seems to be required for the comprehensive growth of children. In fact, even though this
might be an impractical measure for parenthood, it is still believed to be beneficial in terms of

With regard to academic knowledge, children can receive the results of professional
parenting skills with deep insights into the nurturing method of trained parents. First, the
course will provide fathers and mothers with advanced techniques such as problem-solving,
composure maintenance and empathy. Those will considerably improve the relationships
between parents and children, as well as reducing most of the domestic violence and
teenager depressions. For instance, a surprisingly better output has been witnessed since
such courses were organized, resulting in the positive changes of children who are able to
confide in other family members, compared to the negative behaviors of those who are
discouraged from talking to their parents. Second, participants in parenting courses will be
equipped with the essential skills in order to take care of their juveniles. In an emergency
when children are in danger, the urgent demand for parents involves basic medical training
and first-aid skills to avoid facing the risk of detrimental health issues in their offspring.

However, there exists a notion mentioning that this approach is possibly unattainable to a
certain extent due to the different time schedules. Each family has private problems relating
to working and studying activities, and it is impossible to force all of them to engage in those
training classes. Moreover, the financial burden might be one of the enormous obstacles for
them to participate in the courses each year as they need to spend their time on other hectic
activities in occupations. Therefore, the consequences might arise in their family lives

In conclusion, there will be a vast range of advantages in parenting courses, especially for
the sake of their children’s maturity process. Yet, the problematic effects are inevitable as
those classes are recommended to be optional instead of compulsory.

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