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When researcher performs a survey, the intention is to get a representative image about a
number of variables or statements within a certain target group or population. Due to
practical reasons (too large, too expensive, too time-consuming,…) it is often difficult to
interrogate the total population. In that case a sample is used. This is a selection of
respondents chosen in such a way that they represent the total population as well as possible.
It is very important to use a correct sample size. When your sample is too big, this will lead
to unnecessary waste of money and time. On the other hand, when it’s too small, your results
will not be statistically significant and you will not come to reliable conclusions.
There are many different sampling methods. One of the most used is the random sample,
where all members of the population have equal chances of being selected for the sample.
On the support page of our site is a very useful and easy tool to calculate the minimal sample
size needed for a survey conducted on a random sample. The calculation is based on the
following parameters :
Size of the population
Here you have to enter the size of the group that has to be represented by the sample. If you
conduct an employee survey for instance, your population would be the total staff. Once the
population exceeds 20,000, your sample size will not change very much anymore.
Preferred margin of error
This is the positive or negative deviation you allow on your survey results for the sample, in
other words the required precision level. Suppose in your survey 40% of the respondents
pick a certain answer and your margin of error is 2%. This would mean that if you interrogate
the total population, you can be sure that between 38% and 42% would pick the same answer.
The smaller the allowed margin of error, the larger your sample will have to be.
Desired confidence level
The confidence level tells you how sure you can be of the margin of error, in other words
how often the actual percentage of the population that picks a certain answer, lies within the
margin of error. In market research, margins of error are calculated generally for a confidence
level of 95%. This means the survey results will be in line with reality 19 out of 20 times. If
you want a higher confidence level (e.g. 99%) your sample will have to be larger. Estimation
of sample of size when the population is infinite (unknown) and finite (known)

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