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Vanessa Arifa Martin


Etika Bebas Berpendapat di Dunia Digital

03. When we talk about different opinions, we are definitely talking about freedom of speech.So,
What is actually limiting freedom itself?

there really is no such thing as freedom. as freely as possible must be limited by the rights of others
or do not harm others. in some rules it is when agreed to become a rule. however, talking about
ethics is broader in the sense that something may violate ethics but does not violate the law.
although usually it doesn't violate the law but from the ethical side it could be an ethical violation
because of the community.

05. if we comment like in the previous example, is it against the rules or not?

f in terms of the rules themselves, it has been regulated that for example something is prohibited as
regulated in the ITE law, for example, it is not permissible to violate it, then we must not insult or
defame or cause hatred and hostility.

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