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Hi everyone, welcome to our group presentation.

There are 4
members in my group: Hoang Xuan Gia; Vu Hoa Dat; Nguyen Tran Tuan
Anh, and me Do Minh Thuy. Today we are here to present to you about
Text functions.ĐỌC Slide1.
First of all,I’ll start with CONCATENATE function. So what does that
even mean. The word concatenate is just another way of saying "to
combine" or "to join together". The CONCATENATE function allows you
to combine text from different cells into one cell. The syntax is
CONCATENATE (text1,text2…) text 1 is required: The 1st item to join,
the item can be a text value, number, or cell reference. Text 2 is
optional: is additional text items to join. And you could also use the
ampersand symbol to do a concatenation. Here are some examples of
CONCATENATE function. do you have any question?

- So what does that even mean. Well imagine that you have two
columns of data and you want to bring them together that’s what
concatenate means you want to connect those two pieces of data
- Here we have Base column and Second column.
- We have Base of the base column and ball of second column.
“equal”=CONCATENATE(“cell”A2;B2) we have BASEBALL with no
- If you want to have space between two strings, do a quote space
quote between two cell, for example “equal”=
CONCATENATE(A4;”quote space quote”;B4)
- And if you don’t remember the word concatenate you could also
use the ampersand symbol to do a concatenation
- “equal”=cell A3”ampersand”&B3
- You notice we’ve lost that space again, so how do we get the
space back . We’ll keep the ampersand there and let’s do a quote
space quote and insert another ampersand and that’s my formula.
=cell A5&” “&B5)

Next is about EXACT function. EXACT function compares two text

strings and returns TRUE if they are exactly the same, FALSE otherwise.
EXACT is case-sensitive but ignores formatting differences. Use EXACT
to test text being entered into a document. The syntax is :
EXACT(text1;text2) text1 is required :the 1st text string which we wish
to join text 2 is required the second text string. The EXACT function
returns TRUE if the two strings are the same. The EXACT function
returns FALSE if the two strings are different. We have example here,
do you have any question for us?

About FIND function : FIND function locate one text string within a
second text string, and return the number of the starting position of the
first text string from the first character of the second text string. Syntax
is FIND(find_text, within_text, [start_num]) , Find_text    Required. The
text you want to find. Within_text    Required. The text containing the
text you want to find. Start_num    Optional. Specifies the character at
which to start the search. The first character in within_text is character
number 1. If you omit start_num, it is assumed to be 1. Our example
here. Do you have any question?
(The FIND function will return the location of the first instance of
find_text in within_text.
The location is returned as the number of characters from the
start of within_text.
Start_num is optional and defaults to 1.
FIND returns 1 when find_text is empty.
FIND will return #VALUE if find_text is not found in within_text.
FIND is case-sensitive and does not support wildcards.)

LEFT function extracts a given number of characters from the left side
of a supplied text string. Syntax is: LEFT(text, [num_chars])
Text    Required. The text string that contains the characters you want
to extract. Num_chars    Optional. Specifies the number of characters
you want LEFT to extract. Num_chars must be greater than or equal to
zero. If num_chars is greater than the length of text, LEFT returns all of
text. If num_chars is omitted, it is assumed to be 1.There are our
example about LEFT function, do you have any question for us?

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