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1 The microprocessor is another famous chip that resides in every computer.

The difference between

2 a memory chip and the microprocessor is that this has many different functions, everything in one

3 chip. Early computers have separate units (sometimes stored in different cabinets) for their

4 mathematical and logic units. Synchronization circuits or “clocks”, register units where various logic

5 operations take place. To make computers more energy efficient, and to move data around inside

6 then more quickly, engineers integrate those separate units onto one or more chips, then

7 integrating those chips into a single “microprocessor”, or, in cases where engineers put a tiny

8 computer into an industrial machine, a “microcontroller.

9 A chip is more tan just a home for transistors. It also contains other necessary elements to make a

10 circuit, such as resistors, capacitors, and interconnecting conductors. But the usual way of

11 comparing chips is to discuss the number of transistor son them. The latest microprocessors have

12 over 40 million.

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