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#Reading data from EXCEL file, analysing and graph plots.

import pandas as pd
from google.colab import files #will help to use file system
import io #use to read and write data to files
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#If you are working on local machine use following code to read from python
#df = pd.read_excel ("D:\\folder1\folder2\\ds1.xlsx",sheet_name="Sheet1")
#print (df)
filedata=files.upload() #this upload the file ie copying from local pc to google
cloud server
df=pd.read_excel(io.BytesIO(filedata['ds1.xlsx']),"Dataset") #not required for
local machine python installation
#print(df[['Name']]) #prints single column
print(df[['Name','Type 1']]) #prints multiple columns
print(df.isnull().sum()) #displays sum of null in each columns
print("Mean is ",hpmean)
#df1=df.loc[df["Type 1"] == "Fire"] #loc function filters data
#df1=df.loc[df["Speed"] >= 140]
df1=df.loc[(df["Type 1"] == "Fire") & (df["Speed"] >=100)] #use | for or # loc
function filters the data

plt.barh (df1["Name"],df1["Speed"],color=["red","green"]) #will draw bar chart (df1["Name"],df1["Speed"],color=["red","green"]) #will draw column chart

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