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Amanda Zelinsky

All my life there has been unforeseen circumstances in which molded the person I am today, for
this reason I’m independent and have a drive to succeed in my goals. I hope to one day make a
change within our system by standing up for what I believe in and providing help to other. For

these reasons I will explain the education and skills needed to peruse a degree in paralegal
Although, Pennsylvania state law does not currently regulate the education, training, or
employment of paralegals and legal assistants; the primary way of becoming a paralegal is
through the following ways:
1. Completing an associate degree program in paralegal studies because when applying for an
entry-level job, applicants are more desirable to employers when the have an educational
2. Consider other options such as:
a) On-the-job training
b) b Internships- As an intern, you can gain practical experience and legal knowledge
c) c. volunteer legal assistants. Earning volunteer experience can help one get a foot in the
door with paralegal employers.
d) d. Organizations to explore include mediation services providers and Court Appointed
Special Advocate (CASA) programs.
3. Apply for national certification
After completed a degree program, optional Pennsylvania paralegal certification through the
Keystone Alliance of Paralegal Associations (KAPA) is recommended, although, Pennsylvania
paralegal certification is not required to become a paralegal, pursuing certification is a great way
to stand out from the crowd.
Networking can also be accomplished by Joining a local, state, and/or national paralegal
association and Earning complimenting certification.
To be successful as a paralegal there are 8 skills one should possess, which are
1. Effective Communication
2. Great writing skills
3. Research and Investigation skills
4. Technology Skills
5. Organization
6. Multi-Tasking
7. Teamwork
8. Attention to detail
Lastly, as ethical behavior is of the utmost importance, Paralegals must comply with the
following standards, which you’ll learn about in your paralegal studies:

1. Demonstrate Professional Competence and Personal Integrity

2. Always Respect Client Privilege.
3. Avoid or Disclose Conflicts of Interest.
4. Disclose Your Paralegal Status


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