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Upper Intermediate

Revision Test Name .................................

Part A

Make a list of the modal verbs

The first letter is there to help you!
M___________ M___________ S___________ C___________ W_________ W__________
M___________ S___________ C___________ U______________ O_____________

Re-write the sentences below to use an appropriate modal verb.

1. Perhaps your brother can help us in the garden tomorrow.

2. Everyone in my family knows how to bake bread.
3. It is forbidden to play ball games on the grass.
4. Someone should help her.
5. How about we go out somewhere tonight?
6. It's right that you are ashamed of yourself!
7. It's possible that the financial problems are improving.

Change the following sentences into the past

8. I should go .....................................................................................
9. You should know his number .....................................................................................
10. Can you leave? .....................................................................................
11. If I can, I will go .....................................................................................

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12. Translate the following letter into English

Caro James,

Quando sono tornato da Vienna ieri sera, Clara mi ha detto che sei
dovuto partire prima del previsto, perché avevi degli affari urgenti a
Manchester. Mi dispiace molto. Avrei tanto voluto vederti! Penso che
non avrei dovuto andare a quel convegno in Austria mentre tu eri qui in
Italia. Ma tu sai che ho dovuto andare! L'albergo e il viaggio sono stati
prenotati due mesi fa. Non potevo prevedere che tu avresti deciso di
passare le tue vacanze di Pasqua con noi.

Non importa. So che capirai, e sono sicuro che Clara e io potremo

riverderti in luglio quando andremo in Scozia.


P.S. Di' a Nick che ho comprato un bel videogioco per lui a Vienna. Lo
manderò per posta.










Translate the following sentences

13. Aprirebbe la finestra?


14. Immagina tu vedessi un alieno, che cosa faresti?


15. Se fossi in te, smetterei di fumare adesso.


16. Se avessi sentito le previsioni del tempo, non sarei uscito.


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How was your holiday?
17. Read the account of Tom's holiday below and decide where the missing words underneath should

One of the best things we did on holiday was to go whitewater rafting.

However, I was a bit nervous at first when they told us we to sign
something which basically said we wouldn't hold the company
responsible if we got injured or died! Anyway, the guy in charge of our
boat gave us some instruction before we started off. We to wear
lifejackets of course but I was quite surprised that we have to wear any
kind of crash helmet. We were also to wear trainers but I'd forgotten
mine so I had wear my sandals. Finally, we got going and the whole
thing was fantastic. There were eight of us in a boat and there really
was a lot of 'white water'. It was a bit like being on a rollercoaster and I
nearly fell in at one point. The one thing I'm sorry about is that I didn't
get any photos. I have taken my camera but I was afraid I would drop it
in the
18. Write 75-100 words water.
about the best part of your last holiday

supposed didn't should to had (x2)


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Part B
Fill in the blanks with the correct idiom
Write the correct idiom for each description

1. ......................................... A person who is extremely tough and sometimes aggressive,

either physically or in their attitude towards other people or
other situations.
2. ......................................... Someone who can be very annoying or irritating.

3. .......................................... A person who is unfriendly and unemotional.

4. .......................................... This describes a person who may not always do the right thing
but who is kind and generous and with good intentions.
5. .......................................... This is a term used in a critical way for people who think that
they know a lot more than others.
6. ......................................... This describes someone with a lot of ability and who is likely
to be very successful in his/her career.
7. ......................................... This is a person who prefers his/her own company rather than
socialising with a group of people.
Phrasal Verbs
Translate the following using the appropriate phrasal verbs.

8. Lui é così veloce. Gli altri non lo raggiungeranno mai.

9. Sto per lasciare il mio lavoro. Non posso più sopportare quel matto del mio capo.
10. Oh no! Siamo rimasti senza carburante.
11. Mio fratelllo ha davvero preso da mio papà. Sono così simili.
Grammar Check
Translate the following

12. Giulia è andata dal parrucchiere per farsi fare la tinta.

13. Devo portare la moto dal meccanico per farla aggiustare.

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