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 write a program to transpose a matrix  

 write a program to rotate an array right

 Find the minimum node in bst 
 find palindrome in a string
 Fibonacci series
 can you a message to user when data inserted in the table 
 Parentheses balancing using stack.
 Factorial
 search sort algorithms 
 Insertion of elements in stack and queue  
 What do you know about oops..describe in brief
 Program for Library Management 
 Threads and Collections 
 Write a program to remove unwanted parentheses in an expression
 Is-a relationship and Has-a relationship  
 Write sorting any algorithm using recursion
 bubble sort
 Write a code to implement Linked List
 program to find the middle element in a singly linked list
 reverse a singly linked list
 code to display only right nodes of a tree 

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