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2013 WMI Competition

Grade 3 Part 2 Applications Test

Problems 1–15: 10 points each for a total of 150 points.

1. Compute 2 + 13 + 224 + 3330 + 6670 + 676 + 87 + 8.

2. Helen and Fanny went to pick flowers. Helen had picked for 9 days and averaged 15
flowers a day and Fanny had picked for 12 days. If both of them had picked a total of
267 flowers, how many flowers did Fanny pick on the average per day?

3. Given a sequence of numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, …. Following the pattern, what is the 150th

number in this sequence?

4. A supermarket is running a promotion of “Buy One and the Second One Half Price”.
Larry bought 2 packs of soda for $27. What is the original price for one pack?

5. Given 7 consecutive even numbers. If the largest of these numbers is three times the
smallest number, find these 7 consecutive even numbers.

6. Change one of the digits for 7546 making it divisible by 8. What is the new number?

7. ABC is a right triangle with AB and AC as its sides adjacent

to the right angle. If AB is 60 cm., AC is 80 cm., and the height
AD to BC is 48 cm., find the length for BC.

8. If a 3–digit number is 21 times larger than the sum of its digits, find this number.
9. Thirty students are lining up side by side. Counting from left to right, the 12th person
is Jason. If Helen is standing on Jason’s right hand side next to Jason, what is Helen’s
count if we count it from right to left?

left right

thirty students

10. A person ate a total of 31 buns. He ate half of the buns plus half of one bun during the
first day. From then on, he would eat half of what’s left over from the previous day
plus half of a bun. How many days would it take for him to finish eating all of the

11. Five students A, B, C, D, and E standing side–by–side. A teacher is looking at the

group facing them. He sees that C is standing 5 meters on the right of E. D is 4
meters on the right of A. C stands 10 meters on the right of D. E is 7 meters on the
left if B. How far apart are the two students on both end?

12. Write natural numbers from 1 to 26 on one line as 123456789101112…242526.

How many digits does this number have?

13. Each of the following 25 sums resulted in a 3–digit number: 152+6, 152+12,
152+18,…, 152+150. Find the sum of all their hundredth digits.

14. Given a sequence of numbers starting with 3 and 8: 3, 8, 4, 2, 8, 6, 8, … The next

number is gotten by using the unit digit of the product of the two previous numbers
(For example, the third number 4 is gotten from 3×8=24). What is the 100th term of
this sequence?

15. Take out two different numbers from the first 9 natural numbers (1 to 9) and add them
up. How many different such pairs so that their sum is larger than 12?

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