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Nova Noreen Lozano


PART I: Identification

1. In what year the ASEAN was established? (1967)

2. What does white color signifies in the ASEAN flag? (PURITY)

3. What is the Iconic temple complex in Cambodia? (ANGKOR WAT)

4. Lives a life as a worldly being and depending on their behavior will come back in their next
life as a higher or lower being. (KARMA)

5. Shame and is a motivating factor behind behavior. (HIYA)


D 6. In what country ASEAN was established?

a. Indonesia   c. Bangkok

b. Jakarta       d. Thailand

A 7. What is the official language of Brunei?

a. Khmer            c. Hmong-Yao

b. Mon-Khmer   d. Standard Malay

C 8. What language is comprised of 44 consonants, 32 vowels, and five tones in pronunciation?

a. Lao          c. Thai

b. Indian      d. Vietnamese

C 9. Face is considered a _______that can be given, lost, taken away, or earned. On top of this
face also extends to the family, school, company, and even the nation itself.

a. Sacred     c. Commodity

b. Gift         d. Personal Concept

C 10. In Indonesia the concept is about avoiding the cause of shame ("____").
a. Malou       c. Malu

b. Molau       d. Mala

TRUE 11. ASEAN united Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, which
sought to create a common front against the spread of communism and promote political,
economic, and social stability amid rising tensions in the Asia-Pacific.

TRUE 12. Cambodia is a collective society which individuals take second place to the group
whether this is the family, neighborhood or company.

FALSE 13. Pilipino (formerly Filipino) is based on Tagalog and is the official language of the
Philippines. In spite of being the national language, only about 55 percent of Filipinos speak the

FALSE 14. Vietnamese, Vietnam's official language, is  atonal language that can be compared to
Cambodia's official language, Khmer.

TRUE 15. The respectful and compliant character of the Burmese often leads them to be quite
accepting of the differences in power and status throughout society. 

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