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Group 4 Quiz


1. Fiercely spicy dish is called Devils Curry/ Curry debal

2. Rojak a metaphorical representation of culture in Singapore.

Mano Po 3. It is a way of giving respect to the elders and believed that is also a way of receiving blessing
to the elders.

San Agustin Church 4. is considered the oldest and longest-standing church in the country. The church
was the only structure left intact in Intramuros during World War II.

5. "Prathet Thai" which literally means as land of the free.

6. "Jai yen yen" means cool heart.

7. Thailand is a Southeast Asian country. It is known for tropical beaches, opulent royal palaces, ancient
ruins and ornate temples displaying figures of Buddha.


Give at least 5 domains of intangible cultural heritage of Thailand.

-Performing Arts

- Traditional Craftsmanship

- Folk Literature

- Folk Games and Sports

- Social Practices

- Rituals and Festive Event

- Language

There are four world heritage sites in Malaysia, cite at least three heritages.

- The Lenggong Valley

- Melaka and George Town

- Gunung Mulo National Parl

- Kinabulu Park

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