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WISDOM TAROT GUIDEBOOK Cree cet Oe en ek cree ee Rea CLT) uplifting interpretations of traditional tarot messages and imagery, including diverse, contemporary depictions of Ee eee cn tes St eke ad Radleigh Valentine includes unique features on each card to make them easy to use, while also drawing upon the RRR Re Ty a eee eee ee Re Sea ud < ce enn ernie: pee pnt peel er pecla a BE Poel eae poeereremreh ential CR eee ee ume em friars 2 eee ne ted eee eet in) Broker E Ken nita) Bey AMA TeLen TI mag J WISBOM TAROT Guidebook RADLEIGH VALENTINE Illustrations by Dan Craig a Har HAY HOUSE, INC Carlsbad, California * New York City London * Sydney * New Delhi Copyright ©2020 by Raleigh Valentine Published in the United States by: Hay House, nc: wi hashossecon* Published in Ausirata by ay House Aosta Py Ll: ww hhowsecom- ubshed nthe United Kingdom by ay House UX, Lids worse Pubshed in India by sy Howse Passer nase haps All artwork is copyrighted by the artist and may not be eproduced by ‘ny means, electronic or othervse, without it obtaining the permis Som othe artist Interior design: Beye Stare Best Allrights reserved. No pat ofthis guidebook may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic or electron process, or in the form ‘of a phonographie recording: nor may ite stored ina retrieval system, transmitted of othersise Be copied fo public or private use—other haa for “air use” a brit quotations embodied in aticies and reviews with- ‘out prior writen permission ofthe publisher. The intent of the author is ‘only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual wellbeing, In the event you use any ofthe information inthis guidebook for yoursel the author and the publisher assume no responsiblity for your actions. Printed in China For Archangels Uriel and Gabriel with gratitude for endless epiphanies Other Hay House Products by Radleigh Valentine ‘Card Decks Animal Tarot Cards (artby Dan Craig) Angel Answers Oracle Cards {art by Marius Michael-George) Guandian Angel Tarot Cards (arty Dan Craig) Archangel Power Tarot Cants ‘artby et Bedrick) Angel Tarot Cards (arty Steve A. Roberts) Books The Big Book of Angel Tarot: ‘The Essential Guide to Symbols, Spreads, ‘and Accurate Readings Compendium of Magical Things: Communicating with the ‘Divine to Create the Life of Your Dreams How to Be Your Own Gene: Manifesting the Magical Life You Were Born to Live SAS Al ofthe above are avalible st youre bookstore, maybe onde by ving Hay House LSA mhaytausecon Ray House Aste wae Hy House UK weraybousecouk Hay House de anuhyhonecoin CONTENTS Introduction How to Work with the Angel Wisdom Tarot. . Quick Reference Guide to the Canis. ‘The Magical Meanings of the Cards. ‘The Major Arcana.......... 0 I u m1 Vv VI Vil vill Ix XI XI XI xIv ‘The Dreamer ‘The Magician. The High Priestess The Empress. The Emperor Wise Counselor The Lovers ‘The Chariot Justice. The Hermit ‘The Wheel Strength, ‘Awakening, Release Balance. . xv XVI XVII XVII XIX XX XXI ‘The Minor Arcana... The Suit of Fire Ace Ego . ‘Transformatior ‘The Star ‘The Moon The Sun, Renewal The World L86 188 80 - 82, 84 -90 92, 94 97 98, 100 102 104 106 108 0 uz 14 116 18 120 122 -.124 ‘The Suit of Water .... -127 Ace . Two . 130 Three .. 132 Four 134 Five. . cee 136 SIK ooo sees 138 Seven... eee eee 0) Bight... vee 2 Nine... eee ceeeeeee eee MM Ten 146 Page - 48. Knight - 1ST Queen we ASH King - 157 The Suit of Air - 161 Ace ce cee 162 TWO eee eeeeee eee cere eee 16H Three 166 Four 168 Five, 170 Six 172 Seven . v4 Eight......00.+6 176 Nine... Ten Page Knight Queen King ‘The Suit of Earth. ‘Ace ‘Two Three Four Five, six Seven... Eight. Nine Ten. Page Knight... Queen . King Get Your Bonus Gifts About the Artist . About the Author 178 180 182 185 - 188, -191 - 195 196 198 200 202 wee 204 ve +206 +208 210 212 are 216 218 221 2224 227 2.228 2.229 INTRODUCTION Dear magical you I have been communicating with angels since I was five years old. I can tell you now Without a moment's doubt that doing so has ‘been one of the greatest blessings of my life. Some of the most powerful, poignant, insight- Ful, and yes... funny experiences I have had in ‘my years so far have come from chitchats with the great winged ones. I can even see clearly how my relationship with my guardian angels and the archangels has saved my life—at least a time or two. Connecting with angels is a joyful experi- ence. I believe that Source intended for everyone to have this magical conduit to Divine peace as a part of our earthly experience. We're meant to have this breathtaking, awe-inspiring con- nection to beings that can only be described as the literal incarnation of unconditional love. Its the truest of truths that you're never alone, ‘Not even for the barest breath of a moment. If Tcould give you just one gift of absolute magic after my nearly 30 years of ex- ploring the Divine ... it would be the experience of knowing in your heart that your angels are there. Right beside you. That your angels adore ‘you. And that what your angels want more than ‘anything in the Universe isto talk to you, help you, and walk with you throughout your life Nothing brings tears to my eyes more quick- ly than one of my students or a participant at an event I'm teaching at telling me that they don't have any angels. Or that their angels left them. Nothing is further from the truth. Everyone has guardian angels who are devoted to them exclu- ‘sively. Theirs is an unconditional love that is never ending. Beyond that, there are other angels ‘available to them at their request, including the powerful archangels! ‘And yet, I do understand why some find it challenging to connect to their angels. It’s a simple reality that people aren't taught to work with them, Children are talked out of their natu- ral connection to the Universe at a sadly young cage. It's not surprising that people need spiritual tools. They yearn for a path back to Source. But hhow do they find it? Well, this is why I do what I do. This is why create tarot and oracle decks. This is why Tteach around the world—sgently prying the grip of fear of the Divine from people’s beautiful hearts, I want you to have that path. I want you to have those tools. At the time of publication of these canis, ve created five tarot decks and one oracle card deck and written three books meant to help you create a magical life for yourself: Angel Wisdom ‘Tarot is my seventh deck, and seven has always been a magical number. It’s a number of spiri- tual growth and Divine magic. Seven reveals an expansion of your connection to the Universe ‘and assures you that you're on the right path. This deck is meant to reconnect you to that Divine magic. ve purposely designed the overall structure ofthese cards and each individual mes- sage and image to create a real and moving ex- perience for you while working with your angels, There are no scary words or images here. There's nothing to shock you or push you into fear However, life isin these cards. The joy! The euphoria! And yes, the natural moments of sad~ ess or unease are present to0. Because that is life. That is our experi- ‘ence in this world, And yet, if Thad to choose just one word to describe the overall feeling of the Angel Wisdom Tarot, that word would be hope. This deck is full of hope, And as you hold these cards . . as you work with them a you experience your angels’ loving touch .. that is what I want you to experience most. Hope. With love, Radleigh PS. Before we go any further into this guidebook, it’s important that you understand that I consider these terms to be synonymous: God, Goddess, Source, the Divine, the Universe, Creator, the All That Is. To me these are just different ways of speaking of the same thing. These ‘are all words for the Creator who adores you 4s their Divine child. I tend to use many of these names interchangeably throughout this guidebook and the cards. *** HOW TO WORK WITH THE ANGEL WISDOM TAROT If you're familiar with traditional tarot, then you'll find some things about the Ange! Wisdom Tarot very recognizable, and other aspects will be fresh and new to you. The basic structure of this deck is the typical five suits consisting of the two pri- ‘mary sections called the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The word Arcana means “mysteries,” as in the miraculous and mys- terious ways in which the Universe lovingly brings magic into your life. The Major Ar- cana is a suit all its own and is made up of 22 cards that tend to focus on the big events in your li ig up, falling in love, having children, and so forth. In fact, those 22 cards have a story that metaphorically represents a typical life from birth to reincamation. You'll notice how that story plays out as you look at the images and read the descriptions for each card. However, it’s important to re- member that any particular card is usually symbolic and not literal. Sure, the Lovers card can literally mean falling in love, but you can fall in love only so many times! Therefore, it’s more often the case that the Lovers will represent making a choice from the heart rather than the head—or one of the card’s other meanings. Also, keep in mind that just because a Major Arcana card shows up in a reading, that doesn’t necessarily mean something significant is about to happen. The more you do readings for yourself or a particular individual, the more likely it will be that a Major Arcana card will turn up for more mundane reasons. Much like how the Lov- ers card can’t represent falling in love every single time it appears, you likely won't have big events occurring every other day! ‘Those familiar with tarot might notice a difference in the card order in the Major Arcana of Angel Wisdom Tarot that they've not come across before. This is because most people are familiar with the Rider-Waite tarot cards, which is arguably the most fa- mous deck now in circulation. That deck was created by Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman Smith in 1909. It’s impor- tant to note that many contemporary taro- tists (myself included) refer to that deck as the Waite-Smith deck since Rider was just the name of the publisher, and many con- sider Smith to be the true genius behind this groundbreaking deck, Tarot had been. around for about 500 years before Waite and Smith started to work on their deck. During that half millennium, Justice was listed as card #8 in the Major Arcana, and Strength was card #11. For dubious reasons, Waite flipped the traditional positions of the Justice and Strength cards. Due to the Waite-Smith deck’s popularity, most taro- tists aren't aware of this change that he initiated, so they expect Justice to be card #11 and Strength to be #8. This change in- troduced certain inconsistencies in the sto- ry of the Major Arcana, so for all the tarot decks I have created, these two cards have been placed back in their original historical positions. The Minor Arcana is made up of four suits that loosely resemble a deck of ordi nary playing cards. The cards of the Minor Arcana tend to reflect more day-to-day ac- tivities in our lives. However, just as the presence of a Major Arcana card doesn’t necessarily reflect a grand event in life, a Minor Arcana card isn’t always something of lesser note. In fact, there are Minor Ar- cana cards that reflect such significant events as getting married, changing careers, or entering into retirement. The suits of the Minor Arcana are tra- ditionally called Wands, Cups, Swords, and Coins (or Pentacles). In this deck, those old names have been replaced with the four ele- ments: Fire for Wands, Water for Cups, Air for Swords, and Earth for Coins. Each suit is, made up of 10 “pip” cards, referred to as Ace through Ten, Pip means “to count.” In each suit, there are four court cards, labeled Page, Knight, Queen, and King. Each one can refer to a person, a situation, or you! I'll explain that in greater detail in a moment. Each suit has a particular focus. The Fire suit is about creativity, passion, and career. ‘The suit of Water is related to emotional and intuitive subjects. Air cards are all about the intellect. Because our minds often have a tendency to focus on the negative, this suit can reflect our worries and fears. Finally, the suit of Earth is about the material aspects of our lives such as abundance, how we make money, and how we provide for our families. The traditional imagery of tarot cards can be harsh—even gruesome. Likewise, some of the historical names of the Major Arcana cards tended to create fear and worry in those receiving a reading. Those words could also reflect concepts that didn’t cor- rectly represent a card’s meaning. It’s impor- tant to remember that tarot is very old. At its creation, the world was a tough, severe, and fearful place. It’s my opinion that those images and words have served their purpose and no longer belong in the 21st century. In all my decks I have removed those words and replaced them with something that more accurately matches the meaning of the card. Imagery has been softened to make the cards more accessible to sensitive souls, without diluting the symbolism or message of tarot. As I said in my opening message to you, tarot is about life. Life has not been removed from this tarot deck. However, new ways... kinder ways ... of bringing the mes- sage to you have been woven into the tapes- try of tarot in this and all my decks. A great deal of symbolism is embed- ded in the imagery of Angel Wisdom Tarot. Every image on every card was very specifi- cally chosen in order to resonate with your spiritual connection to the Divine as well as your powerful and wise subconscious. In. the Major Arcana, the archangels are present throughout the cards according to their spe- Cialties. Stories are interwoven throughout the Minor Arcana, so you'll see several char- acters come and go throughout the suits. For example, a couple falls in love in the Two of Water, their children appear in the Six of ‘Water, and the whole family comes together in the Ten of Water. The Four of Air reflects a knight at rest who then returns in the Knight of Air, refreshed and ready for battle. Special Features on the Cards in This Deck Traditional tarot cards have only the image, name, suit, and number on the face 6 of the cards. I've added unique features to the cards in this deck to add depth to your readings as well as make them easier to un- derstand. (I've also included a quick refer- ence guide to the feature on this card at the end of this section.) Guidewords: Most tarot cards have very few words on them. The Major Arcana cards are named, but for traditional tarot that’s pretty much as wordy as they get. Some of this was due to spiritual organizations in the 18th and 19th centuries that wanted to keep tarot secretive and mysterious. Because of this, learning tarot was a matter of much practice and even more memorization. It also made the cards intimidating for some to learn, When I was initially learning the tarot asa young man, I'd taken a black marker and written the meaning on each card. Eventu- ally, as I gained experience and understand- ing, [was able to replace that marked-up deck with clean cards. Inspired by this practice, I chose to include guidewords on each of the cards in this deck, so that even beginners can quickly understand the messages of the cards \out the need for intensive study. Every card in tarot has several different meanings. That's part of what makes tarot such a rich and magical language! There will be times when the message of any particular card will come to you via the imagery instead of the words on it or even the traditional meanings. The key to successfully working with tarot is to trust your intuition! Let the cards speak to you in their own personal way that is uniquely designed for you. Trust is ev- erything when working with any tool of the Divine. If you're new to tarot, then I would suggest you read this entire guidebook be- fore starting to work with the cards. Consider pulling out the cards one by one as you read their descriptions to inspire you to connect your Divine gifts with the deck. Once you've Spent some time with the cards, you'll be able to put the guidebook away. Archangels: ‘There's a reason why this deck is called Angel Wisdom Tarot, and I'm especially excited to share it with you! Fach card in the deck has been given an association with an archangel—whether the archangel is depicted in the image or not. Only the initials are listed: Ar for Ariel, Az for Azrael, C for Chamuel, etc. (A complete list of the archangels is in this chapter un- det “Getting to Know the Archangels.” Also refer to the Quick Reference Guide to the Cards after this chapter.) The associations were created based on the special, Divine gifts that each is known for. For example, Archangel Metatron is re- flected on The Chariot. This was done be- cause The Chariot is a card of success that comes through balance and hard work. Metatron has the ability to speed up or slow down time. This is a pretty handy skill set if you're trying to get a lot accomplished on a deadline! ‘Though Metatron isn’t presented in the Eight of Fire's image, his name is indicated on the lower left corner of the card. Eight of Fie is a card that indicates that you have way too much to accomplish! Metatron’s special qualities are fantastic for keeping You motivated and focused on your task. This allows you to incorporate working with, Metatron as a part of the reading for yourself or others. If cards connected to a particular arch- angel keep coming up in a reading, it’s a sign for you to consider whether the top- ics that he or she is related to are especially important for you right now. You may also want to work further with particular arch- angels based on their placement within a reading. You can do so by including them in your prayers, calling upon them when faced with the situation you're concerned about, or doing a guided meditation or vi- sualization that involves them. I've created visualizations and guided meditations spe- cifically for this deck, so be sure to check out to re- ceive your free gifts. Wisdom Cards: Each of the Minor Ar- cana pip cards (Ace through 10) has a wis- dom card referenced in the bottom right comer. The number listed refers to a card of the Major Arcana: 0 for The Dreamer, I for the Magician, etc. Should you feel that you need more information on a card, you 10 can look up its corresponding wisdom card for assistance in working with the energy in the reading, For example, if you find a particular card to be worrying, you can read the en- try of its wisdom card for information on how to work through that challenge. Doing so will show you how to soften the issue or even eliminate your concern altogether. For positive or happy cards, the referenced card will offer advice on taking advantage of your good fortune! To carry on our example from the pre- vious section, the Eight of Fire lists “The Chariot” as its wisdom card. Can you guess why? Because the energy of working hard in a balanced way, with the help of Archangel Metatron and his time-warping gifts, is an- other technique to reduce any stress caused by having way too much to do! Let’s Talk about Those Court Cards! I have taught thousands of students how to read tarot and oracle cards over the decades. One of the most challenging ul aspects for new readers is mastering how court cards work. This is particularly rel- evant since there are 16 court cards in tar- ot, representing just over 20 percent of the deck. So it’s easy to see why it’s important to understand their meanings. Each time I create a new tarot course or deck, I try to tweak the way in which I explain the court cards, as well as further develop how they're presented in any given deck. I'm extremely excited about the new method I devised for presenting them in Angel Wisdom Tarot! As | mentioned before, any particular Page, Knight, Queen, or King in tarot can represent someone in your life, a situation you're experiencing, or you. So in the guide- book you'll find five pieces of information about each card, * The first thing you'll notice is a person- al quote. Consider this to be a message from the card itself. For example, the quote from the Queen of Water is “It’s okay, honey. Just sit down right here and tell me all your problems.” This is meant to give you immediate insight 2 into the most basic aspect of who the Queen of Water is. She's a giver. A nuurturer, Someone who sees to other people's needs before her own. Next, you'll see a section called “You or your situation.” This will explain to you in detail which aspects of yourself ‘that court card is reflecting back to you at this time. By “at this time” I mean that no one’s personality is set in stone but rather is malleable with every situ- ation they encounter. It’s completely possible to be operating as the Queen Of Water today and the Page of Earth tomorrow. This section also explains to you the type of situation you may be finding yourself in right now or in the future, Depending on the placement of the card in the spread, it might also reflect who you've been in the past. For the most part, these descriptions are the most positive aspects of the court card being described, though the last personality trait on each card shows where that court card has a challeng- ing aspect. B © The next section is called “Words of awareness.” While the last section depicted the personality traits of that card when the person is operating from a healthy and positive place, people don’t always come from that space. The words of awareness are meant to give you a heads-up about the type of be- havior that these cards (and therefore you or someone in your life) might be exhibiting when they aren’t in such a healthy and happy place in their lives. * The “Other people” section is a quick list of words that might describe some- ‘one showing up in your life. The first ‘words in the list are the positive traits they are likely to display while the last few words indicate negative or chal- Ienging personality attributes that they could be presenting at the time. © Finally, you'll find a list of “Additional meanings” for each card. 4 Whether a particular card represents you, a situation, or someone else is deter- mined not only by the placement of the card in any given reading but also by what your perfect intuition leads you to believe. ‘Trust that! Another very important thing to keep in mind about the court cards is that gen- ders aren’t set in stone. It would be crazy to have a King card with the exact same per- sonality traits as a corresponding Queen card purely for the sake of differentiating, gender. So in a reading if a King card comes up whose energy exactly matches a woman. you know, then go with that! Also keep in mind that while it’s tempting to look at each. suit as a family of sorts, that’s not necessarily the case. The King and Queen of Earth aren’t necessarily a couple. You might find that the King of Air and the Queen of Water closely resemble spouses you know because . .. well - opposites attract! 18 Getting to Know the Archangels Countless archangels, as well as other angels, are protecting this world. However, there are 15 well-known archangels, and among them, the most commonly discussed are the “big four”: Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and Uriel. ‘As I mentioned earlier, the archangels have certain roles they are known for. It’s very important to be aware that while your guardian angels are focused solely on you, the archangels help everyone. They are “om- nipresent,” which means that they can be everywhere and anywhere at the same mo- ment. They can be helping you with your concems at the exact moment that they are coming to the aid of innumerable other people. You need never worry that by calling. upon an archangel for help, you are keeping, them from something more important I always teach that any archangel will help you with a challenge you have. How- ever, due to their specific gifts, it helps to be aware of which archangel handles which particular issues. For example, you could tap 16 Archangel Raphael to help you feel safe, but that's really more of Archangel Michael's aig. It is a little like calling a doctor when what you're looking for is a bodyguard. It’s also important to understand that archangels (and all angels, for that matter) don’t really have genders, nor do they have set appearances. Just like your guardian an- gels, archangels will appear to you in the way you can most easily relate to them. Per- haps the most debated is Archangel Gabriel. Some see Gabriel as male, while others find this angel’s energy to be more feminine— especially since “she” is known for mak- ing birth announcements in ancient texts. Fach archangel also has a particular color of, “aura” or halo distinct to them; however, there's no real agreement within the angel community on those colors. For example, some see Archangel Chamuel as pale green, while others see him as pink. Whatever way the angels and archangels present them- selves to you is perfect and not something you need to doubt or worry about. Here now is a brief description of each of the 15 most commonly known archangels, 7 and their specialties. Note that the appear- ances and genders you'll find in this deck are how they have presented themselves to me in my prayers and meditations. (The wi dom card abbreviations for the archangels’ names are listed in parentheses. You can also refer to the Quick Reference Guide to the Cards after this chapter.) + Archangel Ariel (An): Ariel is a great archangel to work with if you're con- cerned with manifesting abundance, prosperity, or fulfillment of your mate- rial needs. She's also considered to be connected to animals, nature, and the environment. Because of her relation- ship with nature, Ariel presents herself to me dressed in more forest-like cloth- ing rather than typical angelic robes. Her name translates as “the lioness of God,” so I often think of her as the female counterpart to Archangel Mi- chael. She is associated with the color pale pink © Archangel Azrael (Az): Of all the archan- gels I have experienced, Azrael is the 18 ‘most graceful and elegant. He literally radiates compassion, comfort, and unending love. For that reason, he’s the archangel you call upon if you're in deep sorrow, have suffered a serious Joss, of are just in need of comfort. His name means “the mercy of God,’ and he can help you or those you know find solace. He's known for appearing in a creamy-white color. © Archangel Chamuel (C): This amazing archangel’s name means “the eyes of God,” and for that reason, he’s the one you call upon if you're trying to find something, It might be something you've lost or something special you ‘want to discover—like a romantic part- ner, the perfect home, or a new job. He resonates with a pale green color much like the stone peridot. Chamuel is also the archangel to work with if you're trying to come to peace with some- thing in your life or if you want to pray for world peace, © Archangel Gabriel (G): Archangel Gabriel wears many hats, She is known for 19 being like an angelic life coach and can keep you motivated and focused on whatever task you need to get done, She can also be thought of as an an- gelic talent agent for creative people. If you are working on something artis- tic; are a creative type like an actor, speaker, or a writer; or need to find the perfect words for a conversation, then Gabriel is the ideal archangel for you. ‘The angel of the Annunciation, she is also known to work with people re- garding pregnancy, birth, or adoption, Her associated color is copper, and her ‘name means “the strength of God.” Archangel Haniel (H): If you were drawn, to this deck, you've already demon- strated that you are very interested in developing your Divine gifts, becom- ing more intuitive, and heightening your spirituality. Therefore, Archangel Haniel is almost certainly someone you'd want to work with. Her name means the “grace of God.” Haniel is the angel I call upon before doing readings—even for myself! She also 20 specializes in women’s issues and is known to appear silvery blue in color. Archangel Jeremiel (Je): | almost always think of Jeremiel whenever I'm work- ing with Haniel. The reason is that he’s also awesome for developing your spiritual gifts. I call upon Jeremie! before doing readings as well. He's the archangel to help you review your life to date so that you can understand what changes you need to make. His name means “the mercy of God,” and his color is deep purple Archangel Jophiel (Jo): Jophiel is the archangel of beauty. She is associated with roses, as people often report hav- ing experienced that scent when she is present. Rose petals or the flowers themselves can be a sign that Jophiel is spending time with you. She can help you tidy up your space and beau- tify any part of your life. I consider her the archangel of positive think- ing and joke that she is like angelic “rose-colored glasses’—but in the best a of ways. You can also call upon her if your thoughts need cleaning up or if you're trapped in negativity. As you ‘might suspect, her name means “the beauty of God,” and she resonates to a fuchsia pink shade. Archangel Metatron (Me): If you need help with time management, then Archangel Metatron will be of assis tance, He can bend time for you so that you have longer to get a project done or can arrive somewhere on schedule even if you left later than you meant to. He's also known as the protector of children and very sensitive people. The meaning of his name is unclear, but his color is a blend of violet and green. Archangel Michael (Mi): As T mentioned earlier, Archangel Michael is the one you call upon if you're feeling unsafe. He's known for helping protect us and also soothing our fears. Michael carries a great sword of light, which he can use to sever unwanted energetic connections to the past or to people 2 you feel need to be safely and lovingly Temoved from your life. If you lack self-confidence or clarity on your life purpose, call upon him. Archangel Michael is also known for helping fix broken things, like your car or other equipment. His color is a deep royal blue, sometimes seen with a hint of gold, and his name means “he who is like God.” Archangel Raguel (Rg): Raguel is like the relationship counselor of the archangel realm, He can help resolve an argu- ‘ment, clear up misunderstandings between people, or just generally see that things go well among individuals or groups. His name means “the friend of God,” and he can smooth over dif- ficult interpersonal situations ot even help you make new friends. His color is pale blue. Archangel Raphael (Rp): Raphael is the physician of the archangels. His name literally means “God heals.” If your health is challenged, you're dealing 23 with physical pain, or you have other bodily ailments, he’s the angel doc- tor you call upon. If you're traveling, Raphael can see that your trip is safe and easy. He's also known as a bit of a matchmaker. | often suggest that peo- ple seeking the right romantic partner work with Raphael and Chamuel in partnership. Raphael's healing light is emerald green. Archangel Raziel (Rz): If the famous sorcerer Merlin had been an archangel, he would have been the very magical Raziel, who's definitely the wizard of the archangel realm. He can help you understand esoteric information, heal from past-life issues, or interpret your nighttime dreams, But like a spiritual ‘mentor, he can be a bit demanding. If you call upon him, he'll expect you to work hard and regularly on your goals. His name means “the secrets of God,” as he’s said to sit at the throne of God, writing down all he hears. He shows up in rainbow colors (much like a prism), so if you start seeing rainbows Py everywhere you look, you may have just found yourself an angelic mentor. # Archangel Sandalphon (S): Is this you: “never feel like my prayers get an- swered; I pray and pray and ask for my angels’ help but never seem to get any response"? If that resonates for you, then let me introduce you to your new best friend. Archangel Sandalphon is said to be so tall that his feet are on Earth and his head is in Heaven. San- dalphon is the postmaster of the arch- angels! When you feel as though your prayers aren't being heard or are being left unanswered, you can call upon him to personally carry prayers to God. Ask him for help seeing, hearing, or know- ing what the answers to your prayers are. He's also the archangel associated with music... so, musicians, take heed! Sandalphon means “brother together,” and he appears turquoise in color. Archangel Uriel (U): Uriel is the archan- gel of epiphanies and brilliant ideas. If you're looking for amazing new 25 ights, he'll brainstorm with you and give you fantastic input. But Uriel isn’t just an intellectual. He's also the archangel of emotional healing and life transformation. These things are all connected, because those epiphanies can help you heal the past so that you can change your life into what you want it to be. It’s no secret that he and Gabriel are my favorite archangels to work with, Since I'm an author and spiritual teacher, ideas and words are my life. His name means “the light of God.” I see him as being a glittery golden color, although others perceive him as solid yellow. Archangel Zadkiel (Z): And finally we have Zadkiel, “the righteousness of God.” While Raziel is like a spiritual mentor, Zadkiel is the educational tutor of the archangel realm. Think of him as a memory aid—a kind of angelic ginkgo bilobal If your concern is taking tests, passing your exams in school, learning something new, or just remembering things in general, call 26 upon Zadkiel, who is associated with deep, indigo blue. He can also help you with forgiveness of self and others. By learning the specialties and spiti tual gifts of these amazing archangels, you can greatly enhance the impact of your readings using the Angel Wisdom Tarot. For more information on working with arch- angels—as well as your personal guardian angels—check out my book Compendium of Magical Things. Starting to Work with Your Cards ‘You can choose to do a reading for your- self or for another person. When you do a reading for yourself, you are what is known, as the querent. If you're providing insight through the cards for someone else, that person is the querent. For ease, I often refer to the querent as “the client.” An important concept to understand before beginning to work with your tarot cards is the “Law of Attraction.” Simply put, this is the concept that whatever you place 7 your mental and emotional focus on is what you'll bring into your life. So if you focus on positive, happy things you want, then that’s what you'll manifest! If you keep your fo- cus on wory, feat, and the things you don’t ‘want in your life, then ... well, guess what? That's what you'll get. In many ways, tarot is based on the Law of Attraction. It’s what guides your hands to the perfect cards for any reading. ‘The Law of Attraction can change your life into the magical one you were born to live. (For more information on the Law of At- traction and how to use it to make magic in your life, check out my book How to Be Your ‘Own Genie.) Here's how to prepare and work with the Angel Wisdom Tarot: Step 1: Clean Them Up Angel Wisdom Tarot was designed with the intention that it be a tool for speaking to the Divine, As such, these cards are very sensitive to energy. That's how they work! With that in mind, it makes sense that as the cards traveled from the printer to the 28 store and then into your magical hands, they probably picked up all kinds of ener- gy from others. (Hint: you don’t want that energy in your cards.) Any residual connec- tions to people who may have handled your deck can confuse your readings. You want only your energy in your cards. But hey— this is no problem! You can clear your cards of any “icky-ew-ew” they might have picked up. And it's so easy! Here’s what you do. .. Take your cards out of the box and hold them in your nondominant hand (that's the hand you usually don’t use to write with). With your other hand, make a gentle fist and give the deck a little knock with your knuckles. Imagine in your mind’s eye that any residual energy just fell out the bot- tom of the cards. Alternatively, you can place your open, flat hand over the cards and imagine white light coming down from Source into your head, moving into your hand, and flowing from your hand into the cards to clear them. Either way works. Now your cards are clear and ready for angelic programming. 29 Step 2: Get Them Ready Now that your cards are crystal clear, it’s time to put your energy into them. To do this, hold the deck in front of you with the card images facing you. What you're go- ing to do is to touch each card as if to say “hello!” There are 78 cards in tarot, so if it’s a challenge for you to hold all the cards at once, it’s perfectly fine to break the deck into two (or more) batches and say hello in sections. Once you've touched each card and made your introductions, pick up the en- tire deck and just sort of fan it out in front of you. Now hold the deck over your heart. Imagine white light emanating from above, coming into your head, and moving into your heart. That light then moves from your heart into the cards. Now it’s time to say a little blessing for the cards. It can be anything you like work- ing with the Universe, the angels, or any as- cended master you choose. Whatever words come to you are perfect. But to give you an example, here’s the blessing that I use: 30 Mother/Father God . . . please bless this deck so that it may be a tool for communicating with you; your angels; and the souls of those who would seek comfort, peace, and insight. I ask that the information that comes from these cards be meaningfll, be purposeful, be of value, Let the messages really make a difference in my and other people's lives. May I see, hear, feel, and know the words of Spirit and convey them in such a way as to enlighten, inspire, and heal. And soit is. Yay! Now your deck is clear, brimming with your magical energy, and ready to help you change your life and the lives of those you love! Keep in mind that should you al- low someone else to touch your cards, you'll need to clear and bless them again, so you might not want to let others handle them. I's up to you, according to your own per sonal guidance, if you do or don't. 31 Step 3: Shuffle, Shuffle, Shuffle It’s important to shuffle your cards very thoroughly before you start to work with them. Here's why: if you don’t shuffle your cards well, then initially you're going to see a lot of cards of the same suit or with se- quential numbers. For example, if you try to do a three-card reading and the Four of ‘Water, Five of Water, and Six of Water show up, what are you going to think? Yup! Your ego is going to talk over your intuition and tell you, Well, that’s not a real reading! You just didn’t shuffle well! As someone who has done readings for decades, I can tell you that it will eventually happen that three cards of the same suit will show up in a row during a reading. What you want to know in your heart of hearts is that your deck was shuffled really well and that your reading is a genuine reading. Shuf- fling thoroughly puts a gag order on your ego. (At least on that topic.) Start shuffling the cards. It doesn’t mat- ter what way you shuffle them; just do it however you feel called to. (I begin by giv- ing them a really good shuffle, then break 32 the cards into four stacks. I shuffle stacks one and two together, stacks three and four together, and then the remaining two stacks together.) Now turn the deck over so that the im- ages are facing you. Start going through the cards. You'll probably come across cards that are still hanging out with their friends. For example, if the Two of Water, Three of Wa- ter, and Four of Water appear in order, take the Two of Water out and mix it into the middle of the deck. Do the same with the Three of Water, and leave the Four of Water where it is. Go through the entire deck un- til no cards are in order. Then turn the deck back around so that the images aren’t facing, you and give it three more shuffles. Some tarotists believe that it’s impor- tant to shuffle the cards so that some are upright and others are reversed. Within cer- tain decks, the meaning of the card changes based on its orientation. No particular ad- ditional meanings have been attributed to reversed cards in this deck. If you receive a reversed card, all you have to do is turn the card right-side up—but give that card 33 particular emphasis in the reading, (However, if you are already well versed in reading re- versed cards, you are more than welcome to do so with Anigel Wisdom Tarot) Now your deck is ready! And your ego? It’s effectively silenced allowing your intuition to clearly receive message from the angels! Step 4: Pull a Card Okay! Let's do our first reading! Before I begin any session for myself or others, I al- ways like to start with a little prayer. Again, this can be whatever you want it to be. But as, an example, here's what I use: Dear God and archangels Uriel, Han- iel, Jeremiel, and Michael, please be with me today for the readings that 1 will do. Please bless all involved with perfect peace and calm. Let everyone feel safe, loved, and connected to the ‘All That Is. Please inspire and enlight- en me with answers that come directly from the Divine. Let my guardian an- ‘gels’ voices be heard. Please speak to ‘me clearly and concisely through the 4 cards so that I can understand all mes- sages perfectly and easily. And so itis Let’s start with a one-card reading. So - what’s on your mind? Which question ‘would you like to begin with? It can be as simple as “What do I need to know right now?” or something more specific. I can tell you that I teach my students “Ask a vague question; get a vague answer.” So in general, more specific questions are the way to go. But for your first reading, “What do I need to know right now?" is just fine! Pay attention to repeating themes or symbols. If the same card—or cards from the same suit—are frequent in your read- ings, what might that indicate in your life? {Also, decide before you begin to shuffle how you'll pull cards for the reading. Will you take the card from the top of the stack as your answer? Will you pull a card from the middle of the deck based on your intu- ition? It doesn’t matter which way you do it. Follow the guidance of your inner wisdom But decide before you shuffle which way you plan to choose cards and let your angels know that that’s your way of doing things. 35 If a card just sort of pops out of the deck, that’s called a “jumping card,” and it’s part of the reading, Set it aside and keep shuffling, At some point you'll feel or know that you're done shuffling. Pull a card in the way you told your angels to expect. Look at the card’s words and images. Check out ‘the meaning in the guidebook. If you had any jumping cards, consider those as well. If you don’t at first understand the mes- sage, set the card aside and go through your day with an open heart, with the intention that it will make itself known to you. If you draw a pip card, don’t forget to take the corresponding archangel and wisdom card into consideration. 36 Three-Card Readings One of the most popular types of read- ings is a three-card reading, which typically reflects the past, present, and future energy surrounding your question. To begin, just follow Steps 3 and 4 with the intention of pulling three cards this time. With the pic- tures and words facing up, lay the first card to your left, the second one in the middle, and the third to the right, Card 1 reflects how the past is influenc- ing your situation. Card 2 is all about what's going on in the here and now. Finally, Card 3 is your future or the most likely outcome if nothing changes. Always, always remember you have free will. If you don’t like Card 3, ask the cards and your angels what changes you should make right now to create a dif- ferent outcome, a7 Celtic Cross Card Spread Without question, one of the most pop- ular and beloved card spreads in tarot is the Celtic Cross. This type of reading can be used to get very detailed answers to questions about any topic. This really isn’t intended for simple questions. The three-card spread will suffice for that. But if your question is especially deep, complex, or poignant, the Celtic Cross is the way to go. After completing Steps 3 and 4 de- scribed above, lay out 10 cards faceup in the order shown in the diagram. This is what each card represents: + Card 1 represents the present moment, It can refer to those getting a read- ing or the primary concerns on their minds. * Card 2 represents the current chal- lenge affecting Card 1. It can indicate a block that keeps a situation from get- ting resolved or moving forward, ot it may signify the cause of the challenge that the client is experiencing at the moment. 38 © Card 3 represents the basis, o “foun- dation,” of the question. This may be linked to subconscious influences imposed by someone involved (includ- ing the client), information that this person is keeping quiet due to embar- rassment, or experiences from the 39 distant past that are still affecting the client in the present day. Card 4 represents the past (recent or distant) relevant to the situation. This can also indicate a situation that has come to a conclusion in a way that the client may judge to be not so good. Card 5 represents the present. This card may also signify what clients feel they're able to accomplish or hoping to achieve. If Card 3 is the subconscious, then Card 5 is the conscious. Card 6 represents the near future. It’s often an event or a shift in the energy of the situation. It can also indicate someone new who's going to come into the client’s life with influence on the question being asked. Card 7 represents one’s power in the situation. If the card that’s showing is a strong, empowering card, then the cli- ent is maintaining their personal power. If the card is one that is challenging or difficult, then it may be that the client has relinquished control to someone 40 else, This can also shed light on how Clients see themselves at the moment. Card 8 represents the effects of people. It often refers to friends, family, people at work, or anyone who's involved with the question. It can also be an indica- tor of how other individuals see the client. Card 9 represents your hopes or fears This position indicates whether clients have a strong belief that things will work out or are living in fear that they ‘won't. Ina similar fashion as Card 7, positive cards here indicate someone who has great hope. Challenging cards ‘may indicate negative thoughts that are impacting the situation. Card 10 represents the outcome. If no action is taken to change the situation, then this card indicates what to expect as the likely result. However, we must always remember that we have free will. If we don’t like the direction in which things are headed, then we can and must change our path! 41 QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE TO THE CARDS Card Numbers and Court Cards Minor Arcana: ‘The top left comers are numbered Ace (1) through 10, and Page (P), Knight (Kn), Queen (Q), and King (Kg). Major Arcana: The bottom right corners are numbered 0 (The Dreamer), then in Ro- man numerals I through XXI. ‘Wisdom Cards On the bottom right corner of the pip cards of the Minor Arcana is the number of its corresponding Major Arcana card. Card Suits ‘These icons denote the four suits of the Minor Arcana. They appear in the top right corner of the Minor Arcana cards yo 2 ® Re wie co) 2 Archangel Associations ‘The initials of the archangel associated with a card appears on the bottom left cor- ner of both the Major and Minor Arcana. © Ariel (Ap © Michael (Mi) © Azrael (Az) © Raguel (Rg) © Chamuel(C) —* Raphael (Rp) © Gabriel (G) © Raziel (Rz) © Haniel (H) * Sandalphon (8) © Jeremiel i) Uriel (U) © Jophiel (Jo) © Zadkiel (2) © Metatron (Me) 8 MAJOR ARCANA CARD TITLE Guidewords archangel association card number 4 MINOR ARCANA card number card sult ™“ a Guidewords 4 » [ \ archangel association wisdom card 45 THE MAGICAL MEANINGS OF THE CARDS So here we go! This guidebook explains the general meanings for every card in the Angel Wisdom Tarot. As is traditional for tarot, the Major Arcana cards are listed first numerically, followed by the Minor Arcana cards, which are listed Ace through King by suit. The guidebook also gives you informa- tion about some of the symbolism for each card. After you've chosen a card for a reading, browse through the guidebook to find the corresponding page and read the interpreta- tion and symbolism. Divine guidance will tell you which of the information applies to you, or it may trigger further insights about your situation. You'll notice that a few cards have ‘meanings at two extremes. I call these “du- ality cards.” A duality card might mean “working too hard” during one reading and “not working hard enough” in another. The ” trick to knowing which meaning is correct usually lies in the nature of the question or is based on the other cards in the reading, For more more information about the symbolism in this deck, please visit my web- site to receive my free downloadable guide: Remember that in the end, your in- tuition rules! If the meaning of the card is, “new opportunity,” but what rings a bell is something from your past, then trust that. ‘The angels work in magical ways that are specific to every individual. Believe in your- self and your intuition, and seek the guid- ance from the Universe that is perfect for— and unique to—you! Are you ready? I'm so excited for you! Let’s begin. 48 THE MAJOR ARCANA ‘The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards describing major events and turning points in your life. The Major Arcana cards can also represent the different phases from child- hood to old age. Each card is numbered, as is traditional in tarot. This suit is designated by the background color of copper. 9 THE DREAMER Archangel Metatron is known for watching over very sensitive people—especially children. Here he is watching over The Drearer as he steps through the doorway into his next life Ready, set, go! This is the beginning— ot perhaps a new beginning for you. The Dreamer is a card of faith. It represents the moment when something new is born. The Dreamer is incarnating into a new lifetime, but the card’s meaning is symbolic. It might be a “new life,” where you begin a relation- ship, launch a different career, or have a spiritual awakening that changes the way you see the world, ‘The energy of this card requires that you believe in yourself—that you believe in the Divine's love for you and its desire that you find joy. It asks that you let go of 50 anything that might hold you back from your life purpose or following your passion. if you do that, nothing can get in your way. Nothing will stop you from making your dreams come true! Additional meanings of this card: Leaps of faith. A new beginning. Exciting ‘opportunities. Being your unique self. A new adventure. sl THE MAGICIAN Archangel Raziel stands ready to bring magic into the world. The magic that he pulls in with his right hand travels downward through his left hand, indicating “as above, so below.” Wow. Look at you, standing there all ready to take on the world! The Magician reflects that magic is alive in your life right now, There really isn’t anything you can’t accomplish if you just try. You may or may not be aware of the importance of this mo- ment or realize just how prepared you are to create whatever you wish. This is a card of trusting. The Universe will provide what you need if you believe. Resources may just miraculously show up, or you may discover that you can easily manifest them yourself. 32 Of course, it never hurts to ask wise peo- ple for advice. And if someone wants to help you soar... well... let them! Additional meanings of this card: ‘The power of the Law of Attraction. Making your dreams come true. Excellent skills due to excellent training. Taking charge of your fe. Visualizing what you want to create. 53 I THE HIGH PRIESTESS Archangel Haniel is known for her ability to help you access your Divine gifts. Her open ‘book indicates that knowledge once kept secret is now available to all. ‘There are a lot of cards in tarot that ask you to get busy, but not the High Priestess. Frankly, she just wants you to sit down next to her. It’s time to contemplate, meditate in- ward, and reflect on what you really desire. ‘The Dreamer heralded your new beginning, and the Magician explained your ability to make magic, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that either of them knows what they want to create. The High Priestess is the one ‘who can help you get that understanding. ‘This is a card of intuition and psy- chic gifts, of clarity that comes from inner searching and communing with the Divine. sa The High Priestess encourages you to trust yourself and the intuitive information you are receiving. The messages and signs you feel you are getting are accurate (you aren't crazy!) It isn’t necessary to take action right now. In fact, it’s best if you don’t. Additional meanings of this card: Nocturnal dreams or visions that provide insight. Spiritual knowledge. Making plans before taking action. Gathering informa- tion in order to come to a later decision. De- veloping your intuitive 35 Ill THE EMPRESS Archangel Gabriel is here to help motivate you to make your dreams come true! Give them love, but then let them run free! Okay. ‘That's enough soul-searching. Now it really is time to get busy! Your plans are solid, and you've completed all the preparations you need in order to be a suc- cess. Of course, here and there you may dis- cover little quirks in your plans that require “course corrections” as you move along, but that's no big deal. Creative projects are espe- cially blessed at this time. While this card can indicate pregnancy or adoption, it’s more likely that whatever you're creating is your “baby” and will re- quire your love and devotion, the same as 56 a child would. If your question was about getting a pet, now's the time! It might also be a good time for a ca- reer change or to build your own business if that’s what your heart desires. If you've been wanting to purchase something iuxuri- ous for yourself, the Empress says, “Go for You deserve it.” ‘Take the magic of the Magician, pair it with the High Priestess’s planning and intu- ition, and go do amazing things! Additional meanings of this card: Necessity as the “mother” of invention. Successful endeavors. A love of luxurious things. Getting a lot done. Nurturing oth- ets or yourself. Mother figures. Time spent in nature. Excellent health. 37 IV THE EMPEROR Archangel Michael is here with the world in his hands, His sword of Light will help ‘you release anything getting in the way of your success. Meanwhile, back at the castle, the Em- peror is taking care of business. He loves the Empress and her “creative chaos,” but he also knows that chaos can be successful for only so long. Eventually, there's got to be a little discipline. A little organization. (Okay, he'd say a lot of organization.) This is the card of leadership and carefully planned strategy. Some mistake the logic of the Emperor for being unfeeling, but that’s not true. He’s taking on the role of leader, communicator, 88 and chief organizer out of love. He wants all the citizens of his realm to be fed, have a roof over their heads, and be generally ‘happy. ‘This card represents the need to com- municate clearly and to create wise but com- passionate guidelines for people to follow. If the Empress is the big picture, then the Emperor is all the messy details that have to be taken care of. Hey, somebody's got to do it. But don’t feel sorry for him. He loves this stuff. Therefore, this card can also indi- cate that you need to hire your own “emper- or” to advise you and/or get all this “detail stuff” done. Additional meanings of this card: Thinking things through logically. World- ly success. Relying on intellect. Balancing daily concerns with the big picture. Father figures. Taking responsibility for others, 39 Vv WISE COUNSELOR No matter which spiritual language you choose, Archangel Sandalphon will act as your liaison to Source. His desire is to see that your prayers are heard and answered. While, in this deck, you have a kind and compassionate Emperor, that’s not al- ways the case with people in charge. Struc- ture and discipline can turn into tyranny in the wrong hands. There's a need for spiritual teachers and leaders to provide a moral com- pass. The Wise Counselor card is about the belief systems that guide you on your path, bringing courage, self-respect, and peace. It’s your connection with the Divine. The Wise Counselor is also a duality card because it can reflect a need to adopt a traditional approach, or it you toss tradition out the 60 your own way. Which aspect of the card is, recommended depends on the other cards in the reading and your Divine guidance and intuition. The Wise Counselor also reflects being in a community of like-minded people who support one another, and locating a spiri- ‘tual mentor or guide who can help you find your way. Additional meanings of this card: Do- ing the right thing for the right reason. Re- maining true to your principles. Respecting your elders or the lessons of the past. The power of prayer. The search for meaning in life, Schools or spiritual institutions, 6 VI THE LOVERS Archangel Raphael is here to bless the love that ‘you are feeling. He wears an emerald-green heart over the place where the heart chakra radiates for humans. Love. More often than not, you don’t see it coming. Of course, this card is usually associated with romance, though it can also signify a very close and intimate friendship. There are several cards in tarot that herald a relationship, but this is the “big one.” It’s a deep and enduring love. The relationship may or may not last forever, but the effect it has on you most likely will. If you are already in a relationship, this card can reflect a rekindling of the passion or closeness that may have faded over time. ‘The Lovers card can also indicate the need to make a choice. Ifso, let it come from. a the heart, not your head. Do what you feel is right for all involved. Additional meanings of this card: En- gagement or marriage. True love. Opposites attracting. Seeking emotional support from others. Excellent health, 6 VII THE CHARIOT Archangel Metatron rides in a magical chariot guided by unicoms. The chariot bears the sign “Metatron’s Cube," which brings ‘matter into reality. The Chariot is a card of success as the culmination of hard work. Usually when it appears, someone is being challenged by several competing priorities at once—often, at odds with one another. The card indicates the need for great balance, diligence, and absolute focus, Don’t let people or situations steer you off course. ‘The Chariot can also indicate a high- profile success. It’s quite an accomplish- ment! There may be an award, promotion, ot new job offer coming. You've worked hard. It’s okay to take a bow and celebrate what you've achieved, 64 Additional meanings of this card: Accomplishing your dreams. Modes of transportation. Work-related travel. Being in control. 65 VIII JUSTICE Archangel Raguel is known for bringing harmmo- ny to situations that are in discord. As justice must always be impartial, he weighs both sides with Divine scales Justice is a card about fairness and integ- rity. Its a bit like the Golden Rule—which, of course, asks you to treat others in the same way you wish to be treated. If you have a decision to make—especially one in which. the outcome affects others—ensure that you make it in a balanced, equitable way. The card doesn’t want you to set aside your be- liefs ot principles. Quite the opposite: you are to stand up for what you believe in while also considering the beliefs of others. Be im- partial and objective. This card can also reflect situations where you might be judged, like legal 66 proceedings, mediation, school exams, or job evaluations. Usually when Justice shows up, it indicates @ favorable outcome for you! Additional meanings of this card: Being an advocate for justice. Making well- thought-out decisions. Standing up for the truth. Becoming clear on your goals. Care- fully reviewing documents before signing them. or Ix THE HERMIT Archangel Raziel waits for you at the top of the world. He holds a magical lantern to guide you to this place of spiritual awareness. People naturally assume that the Her- mit is alone. Well—surprise!—he's not. He's the great spiritual mentor at the top of the ‘mountain holding up a light for other seek- ers below. This card can indicate the need to either find a mentor or become one. Which. place are you at in your life? Are you seek- ing a teacher, o are you ready to teach? Of course, this card cart indicate being alone, but it’s more of a spiritual solitude that you choose for yourself. It’s a desire to go inward and revisit some of the insights you discov- ered with the High Priestess. The card can also indicate a need for you to shine your light for others to see. 68 Additional meanings of this card: Self-discovery. Taking a peaceful break from society. Pondering the mysteries of life Searching for enlightenment. Reconnecting with Source, o THE WHEEL Gabriel, the archangel of motivation and ac- tion, spins the great wheel to send you on the next phase of your life. It’s possible that your interlude with the Hermit made it feel as if time was standing still. You don’t always make physical prog- ress when in meditation or spiritual study. However, you're done with your inward reflection, and now it’s time for things to move forward, The Wheel starts to turn! This card is indicative of a change of luck, and given its astrological association with the planet Jupiter, it's usually a change for the good! You'll notice synchronicities, signs from the angels, and good fortune coming your way. Old blocks are lifted, and you should start to notice momentum build- ing in the direction of your dreams. Try to 70 hang out with only positive, happy people as you sculpt your dreams into reality. Additional meanings of this card: Amazing new opportunities. Making prog- ress, The power of positive thinking. The balancing of karma. A new car or travel n XI STRENGTH Archangel Ariel, the “lioness of God,” is very connected to the Earth and its animals. She can inspire you to have confidence while still being sensitive to others This is a card of inner strength. It’s power through kindness, and compassion through courage. On the one hand, this card would have you know that you're stronger than you realize, and you have the ability to conquer any challenges you're experient ing. You should have more faith and trust yourself! On the other hand, it asks that you handle issues with other people with a soft touch and kind words. Taking the tough ap- proach isn’t the answer right now. The Strength card asks you to look upon your sensitivity as an amazing gift that you can use to navigate through troubled times. nm If you need to stand up for yourself, then by all means, do so! Just couple assertiveness with kindness and dignity. Additional meanings of this card: Patience. Forgiving yourself and others. Overcoming challenges through grace and willpower. Having the courage of your con- victions. Believing in yourself. nm XII AWAKENING The Dreamer is back in this card, and his situ- ation will require the help of past languages of the Divine, Archangel Chamuel gets a better view of which path to take. ‘The Dreamer is back, and he seems to be a little hung up. Is he taking some time to rethink and reflect? Or is he just in a playful mood and wanting a break? His demeanor seems to say “Ta-da! Look what I can do!” And yet, all his belongings are falling out over the ground, The archangel in the card seems quite focused on something in the distance, but the Dreamer is oblivious. ‘The world looks different when you're upside down. Life is presenting the Dream- et with the opportunity to see things in a different way—to gain a new perspective. He's not in any way tied to this moment, so 4 clearly any halt in his progress is temporary. ‘The Dreamer has evolved into a unique and quirky soul. He's willing to be himself, with- out caring what others think. Perhaps you should follow his lead. This is also a card that asks you to give to others and pethaps (when appropriate) put their interests ahead of your own. Additional meanings of this card: Unexpected changes. Seeing beyond what’s obvious. Hidden action behind an appar- ent standstill, Exploring your past lifetimes Unusual solutions. Epiphanies. 75 XIE RELEASE Archangel Azrael is here with arms open wide to comfort you. White roses grow in every direction to show the purity and peace in this moment. After going through the Awakening experience, it’s not uncommon to find things (or people) in your life that need to go. There's a desire for new beginnings and therefore a need for endings. There are many types of endings: those that seem to just happen to you, and those that you initi- ate yourself. Some endings are a breath of fresh air, while others can bring great sor row, (Sometimes they do both!) ‘As you work your way through this deck, you'll find other cards that signal end- ings. Many indicate that you can just dust yourself off and move on. But with Release, %6 you have to experience the ending, whether happy or sad. You have to move through the finale slowly—perhaps with the help of friends, family, or your spiritual practice. There’s much to learn and much growth to be had, and you won't want to lose those opportunities. Whatever the situation, remember that the Divine adores you, and it's in both new beginnings and inevitable endings that you are led closer to joy in your life . . . if you have faith, that is. Additional meanings of this card: Facing your fears. Moving forward, Freedom. to change. Transformation. Reincarnation. Spiritual evolution. 7 XIV BALANCE Archangel Zadkiel is here to help bring balance to your situation, With warm colors rising from ‘one cup and cool colors rising from the other, the full rainbow of options is present conily where they meet. A quote from the ancient philosopher Aristotle that reads “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” encapsulates the Balance card. At this time, ideas from mul- tiple sources or efforts that are the result of, contributions from more than one person will create something bigger and better than, what each individual might have offered alone. Now is the time to be open to com- promise and cooperation with others. The perfect resolution is one in which each per- son’s input is taken into consideration and 78 blended into a win-win that everyone can feel good about. ‘This could be a good time for finding your own personal balance. Go for quiet walks, talk to your angels, and release what- ever anxieties are currently challenging you. Be open to “Aha” moments and epiphanies from the Divine. Additional meanings of this card: Moderation and self-restraint. Merging viewpoints to create a superior opportunity. ‘A moderate pace. Striving for an appropriate reaction to the situation at hand. Waiting for perfect timing. 9 EGO Archangel Michael comes to your rescue! With his sword of Light, he frees you from limiting beliefs and destructive behaviors. Often the perception of entrapment is an illusion. A person can become so used to their situation that they can’t see the pos- sibilities for change or for getting free of unhappy circumstances. Your ego would have you stay where you are with thoughts of You're not good enough to make your dreams come true and It's safer just to stay here. It could be worse “out there.” If you are unhappy, then it’s a guaran- tee the Universe wants you to make changes and will do whatever it can to help. But the choice to make changes—to take the first baby steps—is entirely up to you. 80 This card can also reflect someone who's overly focused on the acquisition of wealth or material things—probably as a way to fill a spiritual or emotional void within. Addic- tions or overexposure to unhealthy foods, substances, or people can also be present. Additional meanings of this card: Re- fusal to accept responsibility for your situa- tion. Getting clear on what's the cause and what's the symptom. Getting caught up in fear and worry. Excessive debt. 81 XVI TRANSFORMATION Archangel Chamuel, “the eyes of God,” can help you see what changes you need to make. He also offers a hint that the time for change is now. People tend to instinctively know when it’s time for big changes in their lives. They may act on those instincts, or they might try to ignore them out of fear or uncertain- ty. One thing is for sure . . . the necessary changes will happen. Either they can come about through your will and action, or you can wait for the Universe to make them for you. There's usually less drama if you just take the reins, but the choice is yours. Big events in your life are imminent. Rest assured that those changes will lead you toward greater happiness. However, the initial disruption might be a bit of a 82 roller-coaster ride at first. Have faith! Believe in the process. Know that you are loved and that confronting any challenges will be completely worth it. Additional meanings of this card: Liberation, Spiritual awakening. Acknowl- edging the truth. Releasing belief systems that no longer work for you. Wake-up calls. Running out of time, 83 XVII THE STAR Archangel Jophiel shows her complete faith by pouring fiom the ums without any concern for the water running out. You can make «a wish on the star over her shoulder. What a reliefl There’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s the Light of the Di- vine sending you great blessings! The happy changes from the Transformation card have arrived, ‘The Star is a card of faith, hope, and joy. It rings with it an understanding of the past and a sense of purpose that makes your heart feel so free that you'll want to laugh out loud. With that understanding you can. plan for the future knowing that all will be well. So wish upon that star. The sky's the limit as you dream of what you want. Trust that the future is truly bright! 84 Additional meanings of this card: Faith to move mountains. Believing in your future. Good fortune, Suddenly knowing what to do next. Clarity about why things happened in the past. Spiritual joy. 85 XVIII THE MOON Archangel Haniel is associated with the sub- conscious, your intuition, and Divine gifts. She can help you see the truth in any situation, You are an amazingly intuitive and Di- vinely gifted person. It’s natural at times to become aware that something is at work in the Universe that you don’t have complete clarity about. You may be getting signs in the form of synchronicities, psychic “hits,” or nighttime dreams that seem particularly vivid or powerful. Don't let this worry you and allow fear to take over. Instead, ask your angels to give you clear messages that are easy to understand. Pay attention when your intuition tells you that something (or Someone) isn’t quite what it seems. Bask in. 86 the glow of the magical moonlight, and al- low your Divine gifts to guide you. Know in your heart that all will be revealed very soon. If you feel you need help, draw another card or have someone else do a reading for you, If any part of your life no longer feels right, then trust your feelings and make the necessary changes. Know that in the grand scheme of things, your worry is unneces- sary and your fears unwarranted. If you are tempted to let these emotions take over, shove those temptations aside. Be confident that your gifts have brought this matter to your attention and you'll soon know all there is to know. Additional meanings of this card: Psychic awareness. Seeing what you didn’t see before. No longer being afraid. Becom- ing a professional intuitive or reader. Hi den information. The power of your sleep- ing dreams. 87 XIX THE SUN Archangel Uriel is “the Light of God” and as- sociated with the sun. In one hand he provides epiphany; the other, a fire for your passions! This is a time of immense joy! Success is yours (or will be), and there’s more to come than you can imagine. Turn your face to the sun, open your arms, and embrace the blessings that now flow directly to you from Source. Amazing new epiphanies will come your way from Archangel Uriel and your guardian angels. Immerse yourself in the happiness they yield, and be proud of what you've accomplished! Your positive thinking and faith in the Universe have made your dreams come true. This triumph will bring additional opportu- nities for you in the future, but for now just bask in the radiance of the sun, knowing 88 that no one other than you could have cre- ated what you've brought forth into the world! Additional meanings of this card: Success. Fulfillment. Public recognition. Great personal insights. Spiritual enlighten- ment. Joyful celebration. A return to health. 89 XX RENEWAL Archangel Jeremiel is known for helping you re- view your situation so you can choose the path ‘you will take next. Discuss your thoughts and feelings honestly with those you love. ‘The success that came with the Sun card now invites the question “What's next?” This is a time for review and reflection. Where have you come from? Where are you now? Where do you want to go? ‘This is your time. You can be anything you want to be. You can fulfill any dream. However, as with any quest, you'll need to be able to clearly visualize where you want to go. You can’t just accidentally arrive there. You'll need a spiritual map for the journey. Envision your happiest of futures. Bring the Law of Attraction to its zenith of power in 90 your life, and when you have it figured out . then, and only then, take action. Until that time, peacefully develop awareness of flashes of inspiration and origi- nal, creative ideas. These epiphanies are part of your life purpose and are meant to guide you on your way to joy. Additional meanings of this car‘ job or career change. An important mile- stone. A call to fulfill your destiny. Releas- ing judgments of yourself and others. Un- derstanding your life purpose. A landmark decision. or XXI THE WORLD. Archangel Jophiel is here to help you celebrate your amazing success! Rose petals rain down upon you as a reminder that you are a perfect child of the Divine Wholeness! Completion! Epiphany! These are words that describe the World card. It’s a time of joyful peace or spiritual insight, so there are reasons to celebrate! Metaphorically, the World represents a life that has been brilliantly lived, but it can just as easily be a project you've successfully completed or the attainment of spiritual en- lightenment. Imagine your guardian angels and all the archangels giving you a round of applause or jumping for joy on your behalf. You have the magic touch at this time, able to either repeat past happy experienc- es or create brand-new ones. The choice is 92 yours. However, in the meantime, add your ‘own applause to the chorus of angels. Bravo! Additional meanings of this card: Total clarity. Cosmic awareness. A journey that’s now at a joyful end, Great achieve- ‘ments. New beginnings. The freedom to go in any direction. A sense of completion. 93

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