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1 1. What information is on most business cards? 1. It has your name, job tittle, company, address, phone,
What is a bussiness card? email,etc...
/ It is a small card with your name, job tittle, company,
address, phone, email,etc... on it
X 2. What is a team? 2. A team is a group of people in
X 3. Name five big countries in Asian market? 3. They are Japan, China, India, Indonesia, South Korea.
X 4. What is an investor? 4. An investor is a person or an organization that invests
money in something
X 5. What things can a company do to help its workers? 5. A company can organise events, pinics; reward workers;
organise training courses ; improve working environment,...
X 6. Name 3 brands in the luxury market and 3 brands in 6. - 3 brands in the luxury market are: Chanel, Gucci and
the budget market? Louis Vuitton.
- 3 brands in budget market are:
39 7. Do you think it is important to do market research? 7. Yes. Because It helps companies find out what customers
Why? think about a company.
X 8. Why do many people decide to move abroad? 8. Because they want to find a better job, have a happier life.
They think that living in another country is more interesting.
X 9. What countries do think have a good quality of life? 9. I think coutries in European Union, Australia.
Why? Because They have comfortable climate, safe security, the

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cost of living is not high, ...

X 10.Why are many British people moving to other 10. Because the cost of living is high.
X 11.Why do many rich people do charity? 11. Because They have a lot of money and useful social
X 12.Why do many people often change companies 12. Because They want to a better working environment, or
nowadays? get higher salary...
4 13.What does a team leader do? 13. A team leader organises the team members and listens to
their opinions.
5 14. What is the headquarters? 14. It is the most of important place of work of a company.
6 15. What does the word “profit” mean? 15. When you get more money from a product or service
than it costs you make or do it.
7 16. What does the word “loss” mean? 16. When a business spends more money than it receives, or
loses money on a particular deal or problem.
8 17. What does a collegue mean? 17. This is a person that you work with.
9 18. What is a retail outlet? 18. A retail outlet (is a shop) where we sale products to
10 19. What is a retailer? 19. It is the company sells products to the public.
11 20. What is a service industry? 20. Companies that sell services instead of products.
12 21. What does the term “cost of living” mean? 21. The amount of money people need in order to buy the
things they need.
13 22. What does a currency mean? 22. The money that a country uses.
X 23. List five countries that the cost of living is high? 23. The UK, France, Germany, Italy, America.

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15 24. What is the exchange rate? 24. The value of the money of one country when you change
it for the money of another country.
16 25. What does supplier mean? 25. Supplier is a person or company that supplies goods.

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17 26. What does the budget mean? 26. An amount of money that is available.
18 27. What does the deadline mean? 27. A date or time when you must finish something.
19 28. What does the phrase “on budget” mean? 28. On budget is at the money available.
20 29. What does the phrase “over budget” mean? 29. Over budget is more than money availale.
21 30. What does the phrase “under budget” mean? 30. Under budget is less than the money available.
22 31. What does the phrase “on schedule” mean? 31. On schedule is on time / at the planned time.
23 32. What does the phrase “ahead of schedule” mean? 32. Ahead of schedule is early.
24 33. What does the phrase “behind schedule” mean? 33. Behind schedule is late.
77 34. What is a CEO? 34. A CEO is a person who makes important decisions and
(What do you think of CEO’s work?) leads the company.
26 35. What is the feature of a product? 35. The things that make it useful or different from other
products on the market .
27 36. What does a product description mean? 36. A product description contains details about these
features , and about what the product does and what it is
for .
28 37. What does a competitor mean? 37. A company that sells products or services in the same
market as your company.
76 38. Who is the founder? 38. It is a person who starts a company.
What does the word “founder”mean to you?
30 39. What does a “SWOT” analysis mean? 39. It means: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
31 40. What does a product range mean? 40. It means: All the products a company sells.
32 41. What does “Strengths” mean in a SWOT? 41. It means: What you are good at doing.
/“What does the company do well?”
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33 42. What does “Weaknesses” mean in a SWOT? 42. It means: What you are not good at doing.
/“What does the company do badly?”
34 43. What does “Opportunities” mean in a SWOT? 43. It means: The chance to do something.
/“Can my organisation increase sales or find new markets?”
35 44. What does “Threats” mean in a SWOT? 44. It means: Something that can have a bad effect.
/“Does another company offer better products or services?”
36 45. What is the luxury market? 45. It is the area where products are expensive to make and
37 46. What is the budget market? 46. How much of the market buys a company’s products or
38 47. What is a market leader? 47. The product or service that most people buy.
39 48. What does the term “market share” mean? 48. The area where products are cheap to make and buy.
/ The percentage of sales that a company or products has in a
40 49. What is a market research? 49. Surveys to find out what customers think about a
41 50. What does domestic market mean? 50. The market in a company’s own country.
42 51. What does a professional worker mean? 51. A professional worker has special training or knowledge
to do a job
43 52. What does an adminstrative worker mean? 52. An adminstrative worker does a lot of paperwork,
usually in an office.
44 53. What is a managerial worker? 53. A managerial worker is a person who is in charge of
other employees
45 54. What is a manual worker? 54. A manual worker does physical jobs, for example, on
farms or in factories.

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46 55. What is a skilled worker? 55. A skilled worker has special training or knowledge to
do a job.
47 56. What does “retired” mean? 56. It means: Someone who is over 65 and no longer
x 57. What is a competitor? 57. It is a company that produces or sells the same things.
x 58. What are luxury goods? 58. They are expensive products
50 59. What is a CV? 50. A CV (Curriculum vitae) is a document that gives
information about a person’s education and previous
51 60. What is an employment agency? 51. It is an organisation that helps people find a job.
52 61. What does MBA stand for? 52. It stands for Masters in Business Administration.
x 62. Give some example of service industries? 62. Example: finance, consultants, training,etc...
x 63. What is a charitable foundation? 63. It is an organisation that uses money to help people.
55 64. Can you explain the term “salary”? 64. It means: Money that you get for working.
56 65. What do you understand about a full - time worker? 65. A full-time worker usually works 35-40 hours a week
57 66. What do you understand about a part-time worker? 66. A part-time worker works a few days or a few hours a
58 67. What do you understand about a permanent worker? 67. A permanent worker has a job for a long period of time
59 68. What do you understand about a temporary worker? 68. A temporary worker has a job for a short period of time
60 69. What is a freelance worker? 69. A freelance worker works for self not for a company.
61 70. What does the term “flexible hours” mean? 70. Flexible hours means: Workers choose when they work
62 71. Name five departments of a company that you 71. They are Design, Marketing, IT, Production, Finance,

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know? Buying, Sales, Human Resources (HR), Research and

Development (R&D).
63 72. Name five positions used to describe the 72. They are director, CEO, boss, manager, team leader,
management in a company? the head of company , president
64 73. Name three main sectors that a company can 73. Such as manufacturing (the company makes products),
specialise in? retail (the company sells products to the public), service
industries (for example: finance, consultants, training),
có thể không cần nêu phần trong ngoặc
x 74. What is a manufacturer? 74. A manufacturer is a person or company that produces
goods in large quantities
66 75. Name five examples of sales promotion? 75. Example: coupons (phiếu quà tặng)
free gift (tặng quà miễn phí);
buy one get one free ( mua 1 tặng 1)
Half price (nửa giá)
Two-for-one (mua 2 tặng 1),
loss leaders ( xả hàng tồn kho)
67 76. List at least five words or phrases go with the verb 76.
“make”? a decision đưa ra quyết định
a profit tạo ra lợi nhuận
MAKE + a suggestion đưa ra lời khuyên
a mistake mắc lỗi
a choice đưa ra lựa chọn
68 77. List at least five words or phrases go with the verb 77.
“do”? the house work làm bài tập về nhà
DO + research làm nghiên cứu
a job làm 1 công việc

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business làm kinh doanh

harm gây hại

69 78. What is a bar chart? 78. A bar chart is a diagram using rectangles of different
sizes to show information.
70 79. What is a pie chart? 79. A pie chart is a diagram using sections of a circle to
show information.
71 80. What is a graph? 80. A graph is a diagram using lines to show increases and
decreases during a period of time.
72 81. What is a trend? 81. A trend means: changes and developments in a
situation during a period of time.
73 82. What is a gap year? 82. A gap year is a year away from college or work
74 83. What does the term “career break” mean? 83. Career break means: When you stop your job for a
period to do something different.

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75 84. What is a travel agent? 84. A travel agent is a person whose job is to make travel
76 85. What does the word “founder” mean to you? 85. It means: the person who starts a company.
77 86. What do you think of a CEO’s work? 86. A CEO makes important decisions and leads the
79 87. What is a discount? 87. It is a lower price than usual.
80 88. Explain the term “do charity”? 88. It means; People give money or gifts to help people.
X 89. Do you want to work in a team?Why 89. Yes. Because we can meet with many people, network
and talk about work . Working in a team helps team to be
creative and helps the team to decide if an idea is good or
X 90. What is the function of the Personnel Department? 90. It hires new employees and organises training.
phòng nhân sự/ tổ chức cán bộ
83 91. What does a catering company do? 91. A catering company provides and serves food and drink
at a social event.
84 92. What is a multinational company? 92. A multinational company is a big company that has
offices, shops or factories in several countries.
85 93. What does the term “head of a company”? 93. Head of a company is a person who makes important
decisions and leads the company
86 94. What does IT stand for? 94.It stands for maintain the company’s computer systerms.
87 95. What does the term “qualification” mean? 95.It means: Something to show you passed an examination
at school, university or work.
88 96. What does the term “nationality” mean to you? 96. It means: the right to belong to a country.
89 97. What does the marketing department do? 97. It promotes products or services.

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90 98. What does the Human Resources department do? 98. It hires new employees and organises training.
91 99.What does the finance department do? 99. It deals with the company’s accounts.
92 100. What does the Sales department do? 100. It sells to customers.
93 101. What does the purchasing department do? 101.It buys/ purchases products or services for the
94 102. What does the R&D department do? 102.The R&D department invents and developes new
95 103. Name seven countries that use the currency of 103. Italy, Belgium (Bỉ), France (Pháp), Germany (Đức),
Euro? Spain (TBN),Ireland, Netherlands (Hà Lan)
96 104. Pound is the currency of which country? 104. Pound is the currency of The UK
97 105. Riyal is the currency of which country? 105 . Riyal is the currency of Saudi Arabia (Ả rập)
98 106. What basic parts are included in a CV? 106 . They are Contact details, Education, Work
experience, qualifications, Interets, Additional
information. (đã sắp xếp theo thứ tự)
99 107. What is a job advertisement? 107. A job advertisement is a print or electronic
notification to hire someone to work in a position at a
company or organization
100 108. What does the term “workforce” mean? 108. It means: all people who work in a particular country,
industry or worplace.
82 109. What is a management guru? 109. It means: Someone who knows a lot about business.
X 110. Name some hard currencies in the world at the 110. They are Dollar, Euro, Pound, Yen, etc...
moment? (money that is easy to exchange for money from another
country, because it is not likely to lose its value)
X 111. What means of payment can people use to buy 111. We can pay for things:
things? with cash (bằng tiền mặt)

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Cách thức thanh toán mà con người sử dụng để mua đồ? by cheque ( bằng séc)
using a credit card (sử dụng thẻ tín dụng)
in notes or coins
X 112. What necessary information should have in an 112. They are Customer ( thông tin khách hàng), Supplier
invoice? (Những thông tin cần thiết nên có trên (TT Nhà cung cấp), Customer Account number (mã khách
hóa đơn) hàng, Product name (code) (tên, mã sản phẩm), Quantity
(số lượn g sản phẩm), Price, Total, Discount

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63 Because the work takes longer than planned/ Sometimes

X 113. Why do so many big projects fail? the cost of labour or material is more than the agreed
X 114. What are low-cost economies? 114. They are countries where the cost of living isn’t high.
X 115. What is a top-selling product? 115. Selling more than other products.
116. Because Companies can find out what customers
116. Why do companies carry out market research?
think about them.
(It helps find out what customers think about a
(What is market research?)
117. The chairperson is the head of a company (a man or
X 117. Who is the chairperson?
118. When does a product become the market leader? 118. When the product or service that most people
What is a market leader? buy.
119. They are Contact details (Chi tiết liên hệ) , Education
119. What is necessary information in a CV?
(quá trình học tập), Work experience (kinh nghiệm làm
98 (những thông tin cần thiết trên CV?)
việc), qualifications (bằng cấp), Interets (Sở thích),
What basic parts are included in a CV?
Additional information(Các thông tin khác).
120. Can a company be competitive and also help 120. Yes. it can
people? Give some examples! For example:


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