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Road Encounters (Roll 3d10)

3. A warm, sunny day. Gain ½ days’ journey.

4. Bitter chill.
5. Biting wind.
6. Soupy fog.
7. Unseasonably hot.
8. Heavy storm. Seek shelter in a cave. Lose a day of travel.
a. Bridge is out. Lose ½ day or pay ferryman 1-5gp.
9. Fine weather. Speed up trip by ½ a day.
10. Flock of stirges or cancer pigeons.
11. Tree with strange, spikey fruit. It may be harmless. Or not.
12. Coach with wheel stuck in ditch. Coach owner will be grateful for help.
13. Coach speeds by, splashing the characters with mud.
14. Corpse in the road. It’s booby trapped with explosive runes.
15. Hanged corpses.
16. The charred corpse of an accused witch, her body still smoldering.
17. Troupe of travelling actors or annoying bard.
18. Gibbet. 50% chance it contains a live NPC. Otherwise a corpse.
19. Dreary rain. Travel as normal.
20. Roadwardens.
21. Pack of starving wolves.
22. Press gang. They are going to a battlefront to win glory.
23. Depressingly overcast.
24. Bandit ambush!
25. Pedlar and his cart. Can sharpen knives.
26. Goblin ambush!
27. Bitter cold and rainy. Roll DC 8 or catch cold.
28. Pilgrims or flagellants rant about the end of the world.
29. Small child cries at the foot of a tree; her mother hangs from a noose nearby.
30. Corpse in the road. Wears a servant’s livery. In the lining of his cloak is a key to a door. A
crumbling tower can be seen in the distance.
31. Road is blocked by a fallen tree. If travelling by coach, lose ½ day travel.
32. A town under siege. The attackers offer to hire the PCs.
33. Mysterious, black cloaked rider. He may be looking for the PCs. Or not.


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