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Protecting Nature form Human Existence

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Protecting Nature form Human Existence

How to protect nature from human activities is still an ongoing debate all over the world.

Human activities are affecting the world’s natural landscape at an alarming rate that a lot of

animals and plants are facing the risk of extinction thus being a threat to the ecosystem globally.

Human being depends on the ecosystem for survival according to Plumer (2019). The average

population of indigenous animals and plants have dropped by almost 20% in Africa Savannas

and South America rain forests over the past years. Also, a new threat has come to light: global

warming that results to decline of biodiversity especially in the tropics and affecting the local

climates. So how then do we save nature from these adverse human activities? While there are so

many ways to protect the nature from the effects of human existence, further studies have shown

that employing the three Rs, planting trees and creating awareness are effective ways to protect

nature from human activities.

One way to protect nature from the impact of human activities is to employ the three R's

– recycle, reuse, and reduce- all assist to decrease the quantity of garbage we dispose away.

According Wood (2004), Recycling can minimize the quantity of waste sent to the incineration

plants. Industries using recycled supplies saves water and energy, and generate minimal water

and air pollution than production with raw resources. Thomson et al. (2009) argue that using

recycled products minimizes drilling and mining, which generates water and air pollution. They

explain that by recycling most of domestic wastes and utilizing energy more wisely, people can

save more pounds of carbonic gas yearly. Thus, this helps minimize the need for fossil fuel,

resulting to a reduction in global warming. The authors give examples of a convention reuse;

doorstop supply of milk in reusable containers; tires retreading, and reusing returnable boxes.

The authors explain that reusing minimizes pollution that result from the need to manufacture

new materials. Also, getting rid of old technology in a proper manner can help protect nature.

Technology has toxic metals that are harmful to the environment. When people sell or reuse or

send back to the manufacturing company for reprocessing can help save the environment from

the toxic metals and hazardous chemicals (Preston, Hileman, and Cubas, 2011). Wood explains

that utilizing less water reduces the need to pump and treat more water, therefore minimum

energy is required. Consequently, minimum energy lowers carbon gas emissions into the air that

result in climate change. Employing the three Rs in protecting nature from human activity is

important since they offer environmentally-friendly methods of minimizing negative effects of

the increasing quantities of wastes caused by human activities on the natural environment.

Another way to protect nature from the effects of human existence is by planting trees.

Monroe (2003) explain that trees generate oxygen to the atmosphere, take up carbon dioxide,

counterbalancing harmful fossil-fuel burning and byproducts; and regulate the cycle of water.

without trees, animals and people would not have sufficient fresh air. Woroniecki (2019),

supports further that forests and trees aid get rid of pollution from the atmosphere, minimize

energy utilization and clean ground water, hinders erosion of soil and are the fortitude of

biological diversity. Woroniecki (2019), explains that extensive planting of trees is the solution

for global warming. Victor and Ausebel (2000) emphasize that trees offer protection to

watersheds and produce clean water essential for drinking, eliminates carbon gas from the

atmosphere. Therefore, planting trees is an important way to protect the nature from human

activities such as greenhouses which emit carbon dioxide, polluted water and harmful fossil fuel

burning. Everyone should purpose to plant a tree of two today to save nature!

Lastly, we can protect the nature from human existence through creation of awareness to

the public. By raising concern and awareness, we can encourage individuals to limit their effects

on nature by more efficient utilization of water and energy provisions, particularly in locations

with resource shortages. For example, Monroe (2003) explains that in China, for instance,

educated individuals harvested rainwater and employed supplementary irrigation methods to

eliminated water scarcity. Wassener (2011) encourages the world to educate and teach

individuals about the importance to protecting nature and carrying out activities that are less

harmful to the environment. He encourages people to utilize the three R’s, plant more trees, and

turn off electronic appliances when not in use. Schools should also teach their student about the

importance of protecting nature. They should plan tree planting activities and tell them the

importance of the activity (Monroe, 2003). By shifting attitudes and fostering beliefs, cultivating

values, increasing knowledge, creating awareness is able to enable people to reconsider less

harmful behaviors and lifestyles to nature. Creating awareness also enables people to understand

the consequences of their actions and behaviors to nature and take meaningful actions to protect

nature for the sake of the future. Thus, creating awareness is an important way of protecting

nature from human existence!

Many studies have emphasized that employing the three Rs, planting trees and creating

awareness are effective ways to protect nature from human activities. Recycling saves water and

energy, and generate minimal water and air pollution than production with raw resources.

Recycling electronics saves the environment from the toxic metals and hazardous chemicals.

Planting trees generate oxygen to the atmosphere, take up carbon dioxide, counterbalancing

harmful fossil-fuel burning and byproducts; and regulate the cycle of water. creating awareness

makes the public aware of the consequences of their activities on the environment and the many

ways they can protect nature. As society takes keen consideration of the ways to protect nature,

ignoring nature and carrying out harmful activities on nature will be detrimental to our climate

which will also affect the availability of clean water, food and result to extinction of most

indigenous plants and animals.


Monroe MC. (2003). Two Avenues for Encouraging Conservation Behaviors. Human Ecology

Review. Vol. 10, No. 2, Special Issue: Conservation Psychology. Published by: Society

for Human Ecology.

Plumer, B. (2019). Humans are Speeding Extinction and Altering the Natural World At An

“Unprecedented Pace.” The New York times.

Preston J., Hileman, C.L., and Cubas, P. (2011). Reduce, reuse, and recycle: Developmental

evolution of trait diversification. American Journal of Botany. Vol. 98, No. 3,

Biodiversity. Wiley.

Thomson C. R., Moore, J. C., Vom Saal S. F., and Swan H. S. (2009). Plastics, the Environment

and Human Health: Current Consensus and Future Trends. Philosophical Transactions:

Biological Sciences. Vol. 364, No. 1526, Plastics, the Environment and Human Health.

Royal Society.

Victor, G. D. and Ausubel, H. J. (2000). Restoring the Forests. Foreign Affairs. Vol. 79, No. 6.

Council on Foreign Relations.

Woroniecki S. (2019). Carbon offsetting.Planting trees can help save the planet – but only if

governments put people first. The guardian.

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