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Rama Aloe vera What is Aloe Vera? The name of the aloe vera plant is more for the beauty and health of the skin and hair. This plant has so many curative miracles, such as hemorrhoid and mouth and teeth problems, we will mention the most important of them in a complete report. It is called aloe vera or yellow aloe, which in addition to having many medicinal properties, the gelatinous substance contained in the leaves of this plant is also used for cosmetic health purposes (gel, cream, shampoo, etc). Due to its antimicrobial properties, aloe vera is effective in treating many wounds, wounds and burns - eczema - blisters - bee stings and insect bites - cuts - bruises - sunburns and acne. Therefore, the use of this plant is useful not only in topical creams but also in the control of many skin diseases and disorders. What is Aloe Vera and what are its properties? What is Aloe Vera and what kind of plant is it? Aloe vera is also known as medical aloe vera, while its common names are desert crystal, burnt plant and elephant saliva, belonging to the family of complementary plants in the genus Aloe vera. It is believed that this plant has been used in Sudan for more than 6000 years. The benefits and excellent properties of this plant are known by many civilizations, including Egyptians, Spaniards, Iranians, Greeks, Italians, Africans, Japanese and the Indians. This plant grows in hot and dry climates and is spreading rapidly in India, Africa and other cultivated areas. Aloe vera is often a succulent plant without roots or sometimes short roots that grows to a height of 60-100 cm (24 to 39 inches) and has long leaves. The leaves of this plant are thick and fleshy and its color is from green to blue-green. Some cultivars of this plant have white areas on the surface around the stem. The margins of the leaves are serrated and can withstand summer. This plant can easily grow indoors and outdoors. Uses of Aloe Vera Aloe vera is a succulent plant with many amazing uses, and its benefits are usually achieved by breaking a stem to extract a gel-like substance; It is then applied topically to the skin and hair. The gel can also be combined with other natural ingredients to be part of your health or beauty routine. Aloe vera powder is also added to lotions, hair sprays, creams, baby oils, dietary supplements and animal care products. Aloe Vera Nutrition For decades, the soothing nature of aloe vera has been known and respected by people who believe in nature. Aloe vera contains compounds such as manganese, polysaccharides, lectins and anthraquinones that are very useful for human health. It has 18 amino acids that work in interaction with other components of the human body to bring many health benefits. The common health benefits of aloe vera are as follows: Improve digestion: The adaptive properties of aloe vera are suitable for better digestion. It ensures better absorption of nutrients and removes harmful elements through smooth excretion. A healthy digestion process positively affects your thoughts and actions, thus promoting health. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Treats and relieves constipation, and protects against damage to your digestive system. Aloe vera has compounds called polysaccharides that have the ability to treat many digestive disorders and ulcers. Ulcers are one of the most important consequences of digestive problems that are treated with the extract of this plant. Many studies have shown that aloe vera has improved the treatment of Crohn's disease, peptic ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders. If you suffer from stomach ulcers and take aloe vera extract for at least 3 to 4 weeks, you will definitely see positive results. a Increased safety: Drinks made with aloe vera juice have natural anti-detoxifying properties, which effectively cleanse the digestive system and circulatory system. As the level of nutrient absorption accelerates, it promotes better blood circulation as well as health. When the blood is rich in oxygen, it automatically delivers nutrients into the cells. These healthy cells ensure your body's ability to prevent infections and strengthen your immune system. This plant has the ability to neutralize harmful bacteria and rejuvenating properties in the body, to keep your body fresh and active daily. Err Wy Rr] Inhibition of cancer growth Aloe vera contains some effective macrophages that produce large amounts of nitric oxide, which has anti-tumor potential. In neuropathy, there are countless ways to prevent cancer, and the use of aloe vera has proven to be one of the most successful. Many studies have shown that these anti-tumor and immunizing properties are due to the presence of polysaccharides in aloe vera. However, some experts say that in cases it is used alone, it may be in advanced cases. It is not very effective, so herbal supplements such as scurolina, cat paw and treatments such as intravenous vitamin C should also be included. It is always recommended that you start any type of cancer treatment after consulting your doctor. Treatment of radiotherapy side effects During cancer treatment, radiation therapy is often unavoidable; Cancer patients often experience the unpleasant side effects of radiation therapy. Topical application of aloe vera gel to the irradiated area causes the patient to feel the soothing effect immediately and also improves the healing process. If you drink aloe juice in such conditions, it will help you to be successful in treating radiation burns. Aloe Vera Skin Care way to exfoliate the skin and also helps reduce the symptoms of diseases. Many skin care and personal care products contain aloe vera extracts. In fact, if you buy aloe vera at home, tear off a small part of the leaf, remove the gel and apply it raw, Put on your face. This treatment is far better and more effective than many expensive skin creams on the market. Most people prefer to drink water, which also promotes skin health, as internal healing properties also help in healing wounds, rashes, acne and psoriasis. Properties of aloe vera for normal and nat People with normal skin can use aloe vera gel without any worries. To — keep your skin healthy, apply the following composition to your skin every day. This combination keeps the sk tablespoon of aloe vera gel tablespoon of oran' mixture to th ye careful not to put it Properties of aloe vera for oily skin kin is prone to pimples and regular use of the following drops of honey to this dough and mix. Then apply it to the skin of your face. After 15 minutes, wash your face with cold water. Properties of aloe vera for oily skin Dry skin often has low moisture and the effects of dry skin are easily visible. To combat dry skin, apply the following composition on y« face every night. Mix aloe vera gel with olive oil and add a little she butter. You can also use ready-made cream instead of this butter. Mix the above ingredients well to form a firm dough. Then apply it on your face and neck. Keep this paste on your face for at least 20 minutes. Then veg face with cold water to trap moisture in your skin. Properties of aloe vera for sensitive skin lowing composition is very gentle and does not irritate sitive skin. But before using it, you should completely clean the dirt from your skin. Dermatologists say that aloe vera plant can be ‘or this type of skin. Mix cucumber juice, yogurt and aloe vera well to form a paste. Add three drops of rose water to the above ply this paste on your face and neck for 15 minutes. Then Aloe Vera Hair Care Aloe vera has proven to be a great option for promoting natural hair growth; Detergents containing this plant are essential for maintaining healthy hair. You can apply the gel of this plant to the whole skin and hair, to prevent hair loss. Because it is an enzyme that is useful for stimulating hair growth. Aloe vera shampoo improves blood circulation and prevents stress. In fact, it has anti-inflammatory properties that effectively treat androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness. If you use it regularly as a shampoo and proper nutrition, you will certainly prevent hair loss. Reduce Osteoarthritis Pain with Aloe Vera One of the amazing anti-inflammatory symptoms of aloe vera is that it works very quickly on the pain and swelling caused by arthritis; Its water extract is also very effective in relieving swelling and inflammation, which are associated with arthritis. In fact, topical use, drinking aloe vera juice or taking aloe vera, its pills or capsules, have positive results in treating arthritis pain. Other benefits of aloe vera include e Reduces back and muscle pain. e The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera help improve joint and muscle pain. Applying topical aloe vera gel reduces joint inflammation. e Eating aloe vera, its capsules or drinking its water can reduce inflammation throughout the body, thus proving to be regenerative. Some studies have reported that people who regularly drink aloe vera juice have a significant improvement in inflammation for atleasttwo weeks. e Even when your diet is low in red meat, sugar, milk, fried foods and white flour, it receives energy and heals wounds. « Aloe vera has been considered a natural healer since it was discovered thousands of years ago. elf used outdoors and on the skin, it is the best option for covering wounds. e In fact, in many cases, aloe vera works like magic, even in the most serious cases of emergency surgery. e Water kills the wound by drawing blood flow to the wound, thus increasing the wound healing process. e In many studies, aloe vera has been shown to effectively treat victims of third-degree burns and accelerate the healing of skin burns. e It hasalso been observed that large amounts of aloe vera gel can heal shooting wounds and tissue damage. GENE ais) Aloe vera extract has been shown to be an excellent stimulant of the uterus and eating aloe vera or drinking its water during a painful menstrual period is very beneficial. Nausea can occur for many reasons, including eating contaminated food, having the virus or the flu, or even due to chemotherapy treatment. Often, nausea is caused by disorders of the stomach or gastrointestinal tract. Aloe vera juice is great for a sick stomach and makes the whole body feel relaxed. 2 Be A a 3 oe 2 Aloe vera gel is rich in vitamins such as vitamins B12, B1, B2, B6 and vitamins A, E, C, niacin and folic acid. These vitamins are needed for the proper functioning of the human body. Therefore, the body's defense system regularly eats aloe vera capsules or drinks water. Aloe vera lowers blood sugar levels Taking aloe vera pills has a positive effect on lowering blood sugar levels. The results of a study on the effects of aloe vera on a model of diabetic rats show that it is also useful in the treatment of diabetes. Aloe vera soothes acid reflux Acid reflux is often recognized as an unhealthy condition, when in fact it is just a symptom that includes stomachache and discomfort. At first you can enjoy the natural consumption of aloe vera juice, which usually works effectively and starts to function properly. However, you should try to avoid fried and processed foods to avoid this problem. Cholesterol Lowering with Aloe Vera Aloe vera gel, when taken orally, automatically improves blood quality and thus helps to rebalance other components such as cholesterol and glucose. It effectively lowers cholesterol and total triglyceride content. Improving cardiovascular function with aloe vera Aloe vera extract accelerates blood supply and purifies it at the same time. This blood accelerates the movement of oxygen to the organs of the body, thereby maximizing their function. Treatment of dental and gum diseases with aloe vera Dental and gum diseases can also be treated with aloe vera. You can try this natural remedy at home. Put some aloe vera powder on your toothbrush, then brush your teeth regularly. Aloe vera powder relieves your toxins and cures any infections and bruises. Aloe vera juice can also help protect the gums. Just put some water near yourself for washing your mouth. Also try to increase your vitamin D intake. Both of these measures are enough to get healthy gums in a few months. Maintaining a thin layer of aloe vera gel can act as a natural food preservative. In one experiment, an aloe vera preservative could hold grapes for more than 35 days. Many scientists say that this aloe vera benefit could bring new dimensions to food safety regulations around the world. Further experiments showed that immersing fruits and vegetables in aloe vera gel effectively eliminated E.coli, maintained freshness, as well as extended its shelf life. The FDA has also approved it as a natural food preservative. It enhances blood oxygenation and the benefits of CO2 (carbon dioxide) to vital organs. In some studies, aloe vera has been reported to help oxygenate the blood. Aloe Vera Anti-Aging Properties : O s 2 treatment of AIDS man ttyl, as an antiviral ic properties. Mannose attacks the Aloe vera is a key ingredient in many skin products that help keep young. The extra support of aloe vera in any skin cream increase: function as a cellular preservative for wrinkles and rejuvenates tl importantly, it greatly increases the . Anti-aging properties affect the skin and keep it fresh, so’ S e drug in treating HIV infection). If this and radiant. The properties of aloe quickly penetrate int C n a 2ra is taken, it can reduce the amount of the skin, even the muscles of the body surface: \ greatly reduces the costs and side effects y lV, 800 to 1600 mg of mannos acetyl is o half to one liter of aloe vera extract. s acetyl can vary in different products. ophageal diseases the return of stomach acid to eturn of acidic contents of the damage to the esophageal mucosa jachache, dry cough, bleeding and ent of hemorrhoi inone in aloe vera gel is known to facilitate d ition, useful in people with hemorrhoids. (Aloe ver: been used by doctors to treat this disease since ancient times. and asthma in sinusitis pain and also inhaling aves are poured will be useful for a of psoriasis | cures this disease. Dripping three drops of aloe vera leachate instantly relieves ear pain and to relieve eye pain, mix aloe vera leachate with a little water and pour it into the eye. This can strengthen the eye while relieving eye pain. CEE eis) In fact, salicylic acid in aloe vera acts as an analgesic by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins and has anti-inflammatory, anti-contusion, anti-muscle, ligament, and tendon effects. Varicose veins and arthritis are also quite effective. Aloe vera gel contains a large amount of glycoprotein that prevents swelling and pain. The carboxy peptidase enzyme in aloe vera also inactivates the pain-causing agent of acute inflammation called bradykinin and heals pain, especially joint pain. rain Consumption of aloe vera relieves liver cramps and improves its function and stimulates bile secretion. in th Aloe vera contains a number of minerals including boron. This element can minimize calcium deficiency in the body. Accelerate its absorption and also spread it throughout the body. Therefore, consumption of aloe vera can be useful in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Aloe vera in increasing sexual potency Eating aloe vera gel strengthens sexual potency and increases sperm production. It is also effective in treating gonorrhea. Aloe vera in the treatment of wounds and injuries and burns The gel of this plant contains the enzymes glucomanase, arabinans, galactase, which is very suitable in the treatment of burns and injuries. It relieves and heals the process of healing many skin wounds, including wounds, cuts, tears, scratches and common burns, and burns with harmful rays, burns, and toxic bites. Aloe vera in the elimination of toxins from the body Oral consumption of aloe vera absorbs and excretes waste products from different parts of the body, which cleans the blood from the side effects of chemical drugs, cigarettes, agricultural pesticides on fruits and air pollution. Aloe vera boosts the body's immune system Taking aloe vera gel orally boosts the body's immune system and helps prevent toxins from accumulating in the body, and also gives life to the body's cells and normalizes the body's metabolism. Aloe vera in increasing the body's energy Continuous oral consumption of aloe vera gel regulates the digestive system and digestion of food, which therefore feels healthy and in addition, increases the body's energy level and aloe vera gel penetrates in the body 4 times faster than water and does not harm the physiology of the body, but balances and improves it. Aloe vera in the treatment of Parkinson According to researches of scientists and researchers, the Aloe vera is effective in the treatment of Parkinson's disease and in addition it stimulates and increases muscles. Aloe vera in quitting addiction Oral consumption of aloe vera gel is due to the presence of some salicylic acid. It acts as a painkiller and also removes toxins from the body and cleanses itself and reduces post-addiction depression. Treatment of intestinal diseases Aloe vera plant has at least 3 fatty acids with anti-inflammatory properties that are useful for the stomach, small intestine and large intestine. Consumption of aloe vera regularly has long-term and positive healing effects and purifies the digestive system. Accelerates the healing of intestinal diseases. The anthraloin in aloe vera jelly acts as an effective laxative. Aloe vera in stress treatment Russian scientist Bergman comments Aloe vera is able to regenerate and revitalize cells, Aloe vera can have regulating and controlling properties on the body and help the body system in critical moments and situations and Stress balance and treat another part of the body that is sick while regulating and controlling the immune system. This action of the Adaptojenic plant or medicine will be done when needed in the part of the body where the activity is effective and needed, and if it is not needed, it will apparently remain inactive, although at this time Strengthens the immune system slowly and gradually. eS = cay oe vera Aloe vera gel is not effective in treating deep wounds and its juice can cause constipation or severe intestinal diarrhea. Aloe vera gel is a safe substance for external use, but in rare cases may cause allergic reactions. Breastfeeding or pregnant women should not use this substance as it may cause uterine contractions and provoke miscarriage. Prolonged use of this substance causes dependence on it or disturbs the electrolyte balance. Children under 12 years should not consume this plant. Possible side effects: Prolonged and chronic consumption of aloe vera juice can cause potassium deficiency. It may aggravate ulcers, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, colitis, or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). What are the health benefits of drinking aloe vera juice? Here are nine reasons to drink aloe vera juice without dyes and anthraquinone additives. 1. Alkaline: The body with an acidic pH is a breeding ground for disease. This is the space where the disease grows. Help keep your body alkaline by eating and drinking alkaline foods and beverages such as aloe vera juice. Aloe vera is a succulent plant of the genus Aloe. This plant grows widely in tropical climates and has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries. Aloe vera juice is a thick liquid made from the flesh of the leaves of the aloe vera plant. It is usually known to be effective in treating sunburn. But drinking this healthy elixir or its water will allow you to experience a number of other benefits of this plant. Other alkaline smart foods include: Vegetables, Root of Vegetables, Citrus, Nuts and Seeds, Apple Vinegar, Coconut Vinegar. 2. Hydration: The aloe plant is very dense, so it is an ideal way to prevent or treat dehydration. Aloe vera hydration helps your body use detoxification by providing a solution for you to cleanse and remove impurities. This water also provides a juicy punch of nutrients, which optimizes the output of your body organs. Rejuvenation after strenuous exercise also restores your good mood by consuming extra fluids. Your body needs more fluids to get rid of fatigue from exercise. After the next hard workout, try aloe vera juice instead of coconut water. 3. Liver function: Healthy liver function is key when it comes to detoxification. juice is a great way to keep your liver healthy. This is why the better when the body is well nourished and hydrated. Alc ideal for the liver because it hydrates and enriches it 4. For constipation: Drinking aloe vera juice helps increase the am gut. Research shows that there is a link betwe movements and peritoneal stimulation, wh bowel movements as usual. If you have co problem with recurrent constipation, you will routine by drinking aloe vera juice. Aloe vera als healthy bacteria in the gut, balancing the retention o healthy gut. 5. Having clear skin: hi unt and appearance It may also reduce skin conditi ich as psoriasis and Aloe vera is a rich source of a ants and vitamins that may be helpful in protecting your skin. Important compounds in aloe vera have also been shown to neutralize the effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays, repair your skin from UV damage, and help prevent wrinkles. your stomach. The effects have even show juice is a very good way to fight stoma: in B- 12. This is good news for vegeta ? c F 7. Nutritional enhancement: Drinking aloe vera juice may help you with a st. compounds in aloe vera juice help control t secretion of acid in ‘hat drinking aloe vera ulcers and prevent them from enlarging. 8. Digestive benefits o 9. Aloe vera in Cosmetics: Keeping aloe vera juice available can also be beneficial for a number of beauty and health needs. . Try to use it for the following: Makeup Primer, Makeup Remover, Sunburn, Lightweight Moisturizer Treatment for Dry Skin (Mixed in a Few Drops of Peppermint Oil) Whatare the side effects of drinking aloe vera juice? On the other hand, unrefined and inorganic aloe vera juice can have unpleasant side effects, including: Diarrhea Colon adenomas (benign tumors), Colon cancer after prolonged (rare) use, Diarrhea can lead to severe pain, dehydration and imbalance. Researchers have concluded that the side effects of drinking aloe vera juice are due to the presence of anthraquinone, which is a laxative. Although anthraquinone is an organic compound found naturally in the leaves of the aloe vera plant, it is toxic and should be avoided. What are the side effects of drinking aloe vera juice? On the other hand, unrefined and inorganic aloe vera juice can have unpleasant side effects, including: Diarrhea Colon adenomas (benign tumors), Colon cancer after prolonged (rare) use, Diarrhea can lead to severe pain, dehydration and imbalance. Researchers have concluded that the side effects of drinking aloe vera juice are due to the presence of anthraquinone, which is a laxative. Although anthraquinone is an organic compound found naturally in the leaves of the aloe vera plant, it is toxic and should be avoided. Studies show that purified and decolorized water is a safer option compared to colored aloe vera. SEE aot 4 o fs +989185600640 Ra ma Aloe vera

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