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University of Ain Temouchent -BELHADJ Bouchaib-

English Department – First year LMD

Module: Etude de Texte (ET)

Teacher: Ms. MAZOUZ. N

Lecture 04: The Notion of Column in Journalistic Text

1. Definition of Newspaper Column

A column is a regular piece or an article in a newspaper, magazine or any other

publication. Sometimes, it is published daily or it might appear weekly. This piece of writing
generally includes the writer’s own opinion or point of view.

2. Features of Newspaper Columns

- Written in vertical arrangement.

-Simple sentences, paragraphs written in short.

-Written to inform, influence, or to entertain.

-They have personal appeal and an authoritative influence.

-Sometimes written in informal style.

3. Types of Newspaper Columns

-Advice column.

-Book review.

-Critic’s review.

-Fashion column.

-Food column.

-Sports column.

4. The Role of Column in Journalism

Columns play a very significant role in journalism. The columnists are highly
experienced, skilled and knowledgeable, their points of view are respected, and have a great
impact on the readers’ minds. The columnists convey many facts, which cannot be trasmitted
by journalism.

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