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Inglés Científico-técnico I Fisioterapia Dra.

Sandra Marrero Morales



Sciatica is the name given
to any sort of pain that is
caused by irritation or
compression of the sciatic
nerve. The sciatic nerve is
the longest nerve in your
body. It runs from the
back of your pelvis,
through your buttocks,
and all the way down
both legs, ending at your

When something
compresses or irritates the sciatic nerve, it can cause a pain that radiates out
from your lower back and travels down your leg to your calf. Sciatic pain
can range from being mild to very painful. A slipped disc is the most
common identified cause of sciatica, but in some cases there is no obvious

Types of sciatica

•acute sciatica, which lasts up to six weeks

•persistent (chronic) sciatica, which lasts longer than six weeks

Most cases of acute sciatica will pass without the need for treatment.
A combination of self-help measures such as over-the-counter painkillers,
exercise and hot or cold packs can usually relieve the symptoms. For
persistent sciatica, you may be advised to try a structured exercise
programme under the supervision of a physiotherapist. In very rare cases,
surgery may be needed to control the symptoms.

A slipped (or herniated) disc is the most common cause of sciatica.

Your spine is made up of vertebrae, discs and nerves. Vertebrae are the
blocks of bone that make up the structure of your spine and protect the
Inglés Científico-técnico I Fisioterapia Dra. Sandra Marrero Morales


Listen carefully and complete the following sentences about

the causes of sciatica:

 In sciatica pain runs from your _____________, through your

________________ and down your ________________.
 The pain is caused when the sciatic nerve gets _________________
and ______________________.
 The spine is made up of small ____________ called
 The spine surrounds and protects your _______________________.
 The sciatic nerve is the _____________________ in your body.
 The pain extends below the ____________ and may reach the
 The pain in the leg is characteristically ______________ than the
 The commonest cause of sciatica is __________________________
 The risk of sciatica increases with ____________________,
______________________, ____________________________ and
 Spinal stenosis and spondilolisthesis are two of the
 Treatment options for sciatica include ___________________,
______________________ and ____________________..

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