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NBI : 1451900047

look at page 46, do the task E and F (1-2).

E).Look at the four graps again on the opposite page.which situation is best?Why?
F). 1. Are the oscilalations a problem ar a benefit?
2. Write some sentences to describe how the oscilations can be damped for you axample


E. Best situation at the four graphs is figure 5. Because a good oven temperature is when the
oven temperature rises slowly steadily according to the specified temperature. With a stable
temperature the dish will not extremely overcook or burn.

F. 1. Oscillation is very usefull because with the oscillation we can know the periodic
variation of an object or item against the time of a measurement result.

2. a. When the guitar strings are plucked, the guitar strings will vibrate from thehighest
amplitude towards the direction they do not vibrate anymore.
b. Water waves when rocks are thrown into the middle of the ocean. As a result of the fall
of the rock caused waves to creep from the point of falling stones around in a circular
c. Motion of an object that has a certain weight hanging on a spring, it will swing from
top to bottom and back up, and so on until it will stop at some point in the future.

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