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14 . ANATOMY :






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SECTION :5 Expected Investigation of choice for NBE exam



SECTION :7 Triads, Tetrads, Pentads IMPORTANT FOR NBE


SECTION :8 Expected table for NBE exam

SECTION :9 expected IPC Section FOR NBE EXAM

SECTION :10 expected images for NBE exam

SECTION :11 expected X- RAY for NBE exam



1. Shape of left adrenal gland is semilunar.
2. Cisterna chyli structure does not pass through diaphragm.
3. Base of the heart is formed by LA.
4. Winging of scapula is due to paralysis of Serratus anterior muscle.
5. Inferior vena cava formed at L5.
6. Muller muscle supplied by Sympathetic nerve.
7. Arnold nerve is a branch of Vagus nerve.
8. Left gonadal vein drain into Left renal vein.
9. Inferior vena cava is not valveless.
10. Long head of tricepes brachii muscle covers both elbow and shoulder joint.
11. Fundus of stomach is supplied by Splenic Artery.
12. Anatomical snuff box content Radial Artery.
13. Ovarian Artery is a branch of Abdominal Aorta.
14. Superior rectal artery is not a branch of internal iliac artery.
15. Gonadal artery is not a ventral branch of abdominal aorta.
16. Superior rectal artery is a direct branch of inferior mesenteric artery.
17. Collecting duct is derived from Ureteric bud.
18. Efferent cremastric reflex is carried by Genito-femoral nerve.
19. Spermatogonium to spermatozoon in 64 days.
20. Supination and pronation of upper limb is due to Radio-ulnar joint.
21. Seminal vesicles is not in posterior relationship to rectum.
22. Intestinal looping has no anterior relation to right kidney.
23. Primary spermatocyte is larger in size than secondary spermatocyte , spermatozoa &
24. Pharyngeal pouches/Arches:

➢ 1st pouch - Tongue

➢ 2nd pouch - Tonsil
➢ 3rd pouch - Thymus, Inferior parathyroid gland
➢ 4th pouch - Superior parathyroid gland

➔ 1st arch - Mandibular nerve, Maxillary artery, Meckel's cartilage, Mastication muscles

➔ 2nd arch - Seventh nerve, Stapedial artery, Stapes, Stapedius, and Stylohyoid muscle and Posterior belly of

➔ 3rd arch - 9th nerve and anterior belly of digastric

➔ 4th arch - Cricothyroid muscle and Superior laryngeal nerve.

➔ 6th arch - Recurrent laryngeal nerve

25. Ureter develops from Mesonephric duct

26. Gartner’s cyst arises from remnant of Mesonephric duct
27. Excretory portion of kidney is formed by: Mesonephric duct
28. Lower 1/3rd of vagina is developed from Sinovaginal bulb.
29. Vestibule of the vagina develops from Urogenital sinus.
30. Appendix of testis is derived from Paramesonephric duct.
31. Spermatogenesis begins at – birth
32. Development of sperm from spermatogenesis takes - 7075 days.
33. Sperm acquire motility in Epididymis.
34. Primary oocyte is formed after Mitotic division.
35. First polar body is formed after first meiosis.
36. Persistent primitive streak leads to - Sacrococcygeal teratoma.
37. Umbilical vein becomes Ligamentum teres.
38. The supporting cells of the testis are - Sertoli cells.
39. Implantation occurs after 7-9 days after Ovulation.
40. Intrinsic laryngeal muscles are supplied by Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
41. Taste sensation of anterior 2/3rd of tongue are carried by facial nerve.
42. Skin over angle of mandible is supplied by C2/C3.
43. Subcutaneous tissue is the vascular layer of the scalp.
44. Position of the Thyroid isthmus is C6-C7 level.
45. Tensor of the vocal cord is - Cricothyroid.
46. Closure of neural tube begins at Cervical end.
47. Posterior communicating artery is a branch of the Middle cerebral artery.
48. The chorda tympani nerve arises from the facial nerve.
49. Taste fibres are relayed in tractus solitarius.
50. Broca’s area is located in inferior frontal gyrus.
51. Ophthalmic artery is a branch of - Intracranial internal carotid artery.
52. Protractor of scapula is Serratus anterior.
53. Winging of scapula is due to injury to nerve to serratus anterior.
54. Lower angle of scapula lies at the level of T7.
55. Lateral border of cubital fossa is bounded by the Brachioradialis
56. Porter’s tip deformity is seen in Erb’s paralysis.
57. Erb’s point is C5-C6.
58. Klumpke’s paralysis involves C8/T1.
59. First bone to ossify in the body is Clavicle.
60. Wrist drop is seen in the damage of radial nerve.
61. Median nerve supplies all except adductor pollicis.
62. Ape hand deformity is due to damage of median nerve.
63. Carpal tunnel syndrome involves the Median nerve.
64. Foramen of Morgagni refers to an opening in the diaphragm.
65. Oesophagus crosses diaphragm at the level of T10.
66. Root valve of phrenic nerve is C3-C5.
67. Fundus of gallbladder lies at - L1 vertebral level.
68. Pyramidalis is supplied by - subcostal nerve.
69. Cremasteric muscle is supplied by - genital branch of genitofemoral nerve.
70. Ovarian artery is a branch of - abdominal aorta.
71. Superior pancreaticoduodenal artery is a branch of - gastroduodenal artery.
72. Hepatic vein drains directly into IVC.
73. Right suprarenal vein drains into IVC.
74. Foramen of winslow is between the Greater sac and the lateral sac
75. Midgut is supplied by superior mesenteric artery.
76. Length of inguinal canal is 4 cm.
77. Deep inguinal ring is a deficiency in the - Transversalis fascia.
78. Content of deep inguinal ring - Spermatic cord.
79. Nerve of inguinal canal - ilioinguinal nerve.
80. Inguinal ligament forms the boundaries of - femoral triangle and hesselbach’s triangle.
81. Left testicular vein drains into left renal vein.
82. Testes completely descend into scrotum by the age of end of 9th month of intrauterine life.
83. Urinary bladder is supplied by L1 and L2 branches of the Lumbar plexus.
84. Uterine artery is a branch of internal iliac artery.
85. Weakest support of uterus is broad ligament.
86. Pudendal nerve - root valve S2, S3, S4.
87. Blood supply to femoral head is mostly by - Profunda femoris.
88. Lower end of femur is ossified from - 1st ossification center.
89. Secondary ossification center for lower end of femur appears at 9th month of IUL.
90. Trendelenburg sign is due to paralysis of - Gluteus medius.
91. Blood supply of anterior cruciate ligament is middle genicular artery.
92. Locking of knee joint occurs due to - medial rotation of femur during last degree of extension.
93. Physiological unlocking of knee is caused by popliteus.
94. Inversion is sole of foot inward.
95. Ossification center which appears first is lower end of femur.
96. Sectioning of fibular nerve leads to Foot drop.
97. Abduction of toes is by - Dorsal interossei.

1. Decrease blood amino acid is not an action of cortisol.
2. T4 to T3 conversion in peripheral tissues done by D2 deiodinase.
3. Adrenal medulla secretes Neuro hormones.
4. Gestric emptying is maximum affected by lipids.
5. TSH is a negative feedback hormone.
6. Brain contains Glutamate (Neuro transmitter).
7. The hormone which decreases appetite - Leptin
8. Time duration required to generate action potential is Rheobase.
9. The band not covered by actin filament is H band.
10. The tract which controls skilled voluntary movements is the lateral corticospinal tract.
11. Insulin increases glucose uptake in skeletal muscles.
12. Nerve fibre most susceptible to local anaesthetic - C fibre.
13. Nerve fibre with slowest conduction velocity - C fibre.
14. RMP of the cell is dependent on the permeability of the cell membrane to K+ being greater to Na+.
15. Hemiplegia is most commonly due to occlusion of the Middle Cerebral Artery.
16. Renshaw cells are inhibitory interneurons found in the grey matter of the spinal cord.
17. The specific gravity of CSF - 1.006-1.009.
18. Ruffini end organ is associated with the sensation of cold.
19. Circadian rhythm is controlled by - Suprachiasmatic nucleus.
20. Seratonin is secreted by - Argentaffin cells.
21. Melatonin is secreted by - Pineal gland.
22. The resting membrane potential of a neuron is: -90
23. Pressure receptors are - Mechanoreceptors.
24. Nerve fibres carrying pain: A Delta/C fibres.
25. The nucleus for accommodation reflex - Edinger Westphal Nucleus.
26. Ion which helps in Resting Membrane Potential in neurons is - Pottasium.
27. Shivering is controlled by - Posterior hypothalamus.
28. Bipolar cells are seen in - Retina.
29. The membrane potential of the hair cell is -60 Mv.
30. The resting membrane potential in smooth muscles - -40 Mv.
31. Receptors blocked in Myasthenia Gravis is - Acetyl Choline Receptors.
32. The characteristic pattern seen in Brown Sequard Syndrome is - Contralateral absence of pain sensation.
33. Alpha waves are seen in - Relaxed state.
34. Prosapagnosia is an inability to - Recognize faces.
35. Maximum filling of ventricles is seen in the ventricular phase of diastole.
36. Stroke volume decreases by increases in heart rate.
37. In JVP, A wave is due to atrial contraction.
38. Pulse pressure is affected by stroke volume and compliance of aorta.
39. Slowest conduction is seen in the AV node.
40. Plateau phase of an action potential is due to - Influx of calcium.
41. The predominant site of erythropoiesis during 6th month of gestation is Liver.
42. Hematopoiesis first starts in the Yolk sac.
43. Free fatty acid is transported in the blood by Albumin.
44. Hypoxia without cyanosis - Anemic hypoxia.
45. Clotting factor that is not affected in liver diseases - Factor 8, as it produced by vascular endothelium.
46. pH of blood is - 7.35 to 7.45.
47. Most important buffer in blood is - Hemoglobin.
48. Most abundant buffer in the blood - Bicarbonate.
49. Windkessel effect is seen in - Large elastic vessels.
50. The life span of RBC is 120 days.
51. Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) is increased in - Iron deficiency anaemia.
52. Normal TIBC - 300-360 microgram/day
53. TIBC > 400 in Iron deficiency anemia.
54. TIBC is an indirect measure of circulating transferrin.
55. Least in the extracellular compartment is - Pottasium.
56. 100% filtration coefficient is seen in Inulin.
57. Organ with maximum blood flow mL/kg/min - Kidney.
58. ADH synthesis site is Hypothalamus.
59. Mineralocorticoids act on: Collecting duct.
60. During underwater diving the main danger is due to Oxygen & Nitrogen.
61. In a person acclimatized for high altitude, oxygen saturation is maintained because of more oxygen
delivery to tissues.
62. Normal urinary pH is 6.5 to 7
63. Physiological dead space is - 150 mL.
64. In a normal adult, the ratio of physiological to anatomical dead space is 1:1
65. The surfactant acts on - Alveoli.
66. Haldane effect is - CO2 delivery by increases O2.
67. Most useful therapy in Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - Hyperbaric Oxygen.
68. Trypsinogen is converted into Trypsin by Enterokinase.
69. D cells of the pancreas secrete - Somatostatin.
70. Folic acid is absorbed in proximal jejunum by both active and passive transport.
71. Enzyme with highest pH is - Pancreatic juice.
72. The enzyme which reduces gastric secretions - Secretin.
73. Gastric juice secretion is 20% in cephalic phase.
74. Vitamin B12 is mainly absorbed from Ileum.
75. Glucose is transported through Sodium cotransport.
76. Iron absorption is increased by Vitamin C.
77. Best stimulus for secretin secretion is protein and HCL.
78. Curdling of milk is caused by Renin.
79. Sperm acquires motility in Epidydimis.
80. Mullerian Inhibiting Substance (MIS) is secreted by Sertoli cell.
81. A fertilized ovum reaches the uterine cavity in 3-4 days.
82. The most common site of fertilization is Ampulla.
83. Corpus Luteum secretes Progesterone.
84. Progesterone peaks on the 21st day of the menstrual cycle.
85. Sperms are released during ejaculation from the epidydimis.
86. Estrogen secretion is maximum before ovulation.
87. Sperm gets capacitated in Uterus.
88. Inhibin inhibits FSH.
89. Ambiguous genitalia is seen in - Androgen insensitive syndrome.
90. Vitamin required for Hydroxylation of Proline is - Vitamin C
91. The most potent antioxidant is - Vitamin C.
92. The osmolality of plasma in a normal adult is - 280-290 mOsm/kg.
93. With glucose, the ion transported is - Sodium.
94. Most abundant ion in intracellular fluid is - Pottasium.
95. Milk ejection is facilitated by Oxytocin.
96. Level of hormone increased in postmenopausal women is - FSH.
97. Calcitonin is secreted by the Thyroid gland.
98. The umbilical vein carries oxygenated blood away from the placenta.
99. Nernst equation deals with Chloride shift.


1. APO-100 & APO-E present in liver for uptake of LDL.

2. Radiations affects DNA.
3. Gluconeogenesis occurs in both cytoplasm and mitochondria.
4. Alpha linoleic acid is not a derivative of omega-6.
5. VLDL transport cholesterol from liver to plasma
6. TPP used in transamination.
7. In Alkaptunuria deficiency is homogentisate oxidase.
8. Sickle cell disease present with base pair substitution.
9. Max Cholesterol-LDL , Max Endogenous TG- VLDL , Max TG- Chylomicrone, Max Exogenous TG-
Chylomicrone .
10. Marcaptopourine is nucleotide analogue.
11. EMP pathway is a source of ATP in RBC cells.
12. Conversion of norepinephrine to epinephrine is Demthylation.
13. Phenylalanine hydroxylase is used to convert phenylalanine to tyrosine.
14. Methylcobalamin required for methionine synthase.
15. Cysteinuria presents with excess of cysteine.
16. Beta oxidation of odd chain fatty acid produces Acetyl CoA and Propionyl CoA.
17. Gluconeogenesis is inhibited by insulin.
18. The primary role of chaperones is to help in Protein folding.
19. Folding & unfolding of DNA is done by Topoisomerases.
20. LDL reuptake in the liver is associated with - Apo B100 & Apo E.
21. Micro RNA is gene silencing RNA.
22. Vitamin B12 is absorbed in - Ileum.
23. Insulin secretion is associated with Zinc.
24. Activated Pantothenic acid found in Coenzyme A.
25. Absorption of iron is increased by - Vitamin C.
26. The site at which 1,25 hydroxylation of Vitamin D takes place in the kidneys is Proximal convoluted
27. Test to diagnose Thiamine deficiency is - RBC Transketolase.
28. Haemoglobin synthesis starts with - Glycine.
29. Embryonic Hemoglobin is Alpha 2, epsilon 2.
30. The major role of 2,3 BPG in RBC is - Release of oxygen.
31. Hemolysis on oxidation is seen in - G6PD Deficiency.
32. Iron in haemoglobin binds with – Histidine
33. Chylomicrons core is formed by - Triglycerides & Cholesterol.
34. Inheritance of Familial Hypercholesterolemia is - Autosomal dominant.
35. Principle apoprotein in Chylomicrons is Apo B 48.
36. Carrier of cholesterol is - LDL.
37. Maximum electrophoretic mobility and least LIPID content is - HDL.
38. Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake is by - GLUT4.
39. The normal renal threshold for glucose excretion is - 180 gm%.
40. A most sensitive method for glucose estimation is - Glucose Oxidase Method.
41. Substrate level phosphorylation in the TCA cycle is in step - Succinate thiokinase.
42. Lactose produced by glycolysis is used by - Cori cycle & TCA cycle.
43. Number of ATP produced per turn of the TCA cycle is - 10.
44. Muscle glycogen stores cannot be used to provide glucose into the circulation because of lack of -
Glucose 6 Phosphatase.
45. Hormone-sensitive lipase is inhibited by Insulin.
46. Arachidonic Acid is synthesised from - Linoleic Acid.
47. Fatty liver is due to the accumulation of Triglycerides.
48. Acetoacetate is the primary ketone body.
49. Niemann Pick Disease is due to deficiency of enzyme - Sphingomyelinase.
50. Alpha oxidation of fatty acids takes place - Peroxisomes.
51. The urea cycle is linked to Kreb’s cycle by Fumarate.
52. Brain utilises urea in the form of Glutamine.
53. Boiled cabbage or rancid butter smelling urine is seen in - Tyrosinemia.
54. Source of norepinephrine is - Tyrosine
55. The end product of purine metabolism is - Uric Acid.
56. Amino acid used in Carnitine synthesis is - Lysine.
57. Hormone synthesised from Tyrosine is Thyroxine.
58. Amino acid involved in urea synthesis is Aspartic acid.
59. Enzyme defect in Krabbe’s Diseases is BetaGalactosidase.
60. Enzyme-deficient in Hers Disease is - Liver Phosphorylase.
61. Hartnup disease is due to defective transport of - Tryptophan.
62. Hunter syndrome is due to deficiency of - Iduronate Sulfatase.
63. Enzyme-deficient in Tay Sach’s disease is - Hexosaminidase A.
64. Enzyme-deficient in M
65. The earliest symptom of Tay Sach’s disease is - Exaggerated startle response.
66. Accumulation of Homogentisic acid causes Ochronosis.
67. The precursor of Adrenaline and Noradrenaline is - Tyrosine.
68. Norepinephrine to epinephrine conversion requires enzyme - Phenylethanolamine N methyltransferase.
69. Enzyme deficiency in McArdle’s disease is - Muscle Phosphorylase Deficiency.
70. Galactosemia is due to the deficiency of - Galactose 1 Phosphate Uridyltransferase.
71. Serotonin is also known as - 5 Hydroxy Tryptamine.
72. HIAA is secreted in Urine in - Carcinoid.
73. Rate limiting enzymes:
74. Cholesterol synthesis - HMG CoA reductase.

➔ Ketone body synthesis - HMG CoA synthase.

➔ Krebs cycle - Isocitrate dehydrogenase.

➔ Catecholamine synthesis - Tyrosine hydroxylase.

➔ Glycolysis - Phosphofructokinase.

➔ Gluconeogenesis - Pyruvate carboxylase.

➔ Bile acid synthesis - 7 alpha hydroxylase.

➔ Fatty acid synthesis - Acetyl CoA carboxylase.

1. Low molecular weight heparin affects Factor Xa.
2. Orphan drugs used for rare disease.
3. A diabetic patient with hypertension preferred ACE inhibitor.
4. All ACE inhibitor are prodrug except Captopril and Lisinopril.
5. ACE inhibitor contraindicated in bilateral renal artery stenosis.
6. Febuxostat is anti-gout and xanthine oxidase inhibitor.
7. 200 number of patients in phase -II clinical trial & phase –III is most important phase.
8. Category X drugs are warfarin, methotrexate simvastatin not alprazolam.
9. Captopril(ACE inhibitors) is a drug with first dose effect.
10. NA+ valproate used in generalized tonic clonic seizure.
11. 30 year old female with partial seizure. Drug of choice is Carbamazepine.
12. Phenoxybezamin is irreversible Alpha-1 adrenoreceptor antagonist.
13. Non sympathomimetic most likely bronchodilator in COPD is Ipratropium bromide.
14. Shortest acting mydriatics is tropicamide.
15. A farmer presented in OPD clinic with sweating, lacrimation, pinpoint pupils: organ
phosphate poisoning possible.
16. Streptomycin is contraindicated throughout the pregnancy .
17. Oto toxicity caused by streptomycin.
18. Choloroquine will cause hemolysis in G6PD patients.
19. Drug binding to the receptor and causing the opposite action of the agonist is called inverse agonist.
20. First pass metabolism is seen in propranolol.
21. Elimination of alcohol follows zero order kinetics.
22. As per drugs and cosmetic act, prescription drugs are included in Scheduleh.
23. The therapeutic index is a measure of safety.
24. Bioavailablity is defined as: AUC (oral)/ AUC(iv) *100.
25. DOC absence seizure: Valproate.
26. The drug which is highly albumin-bound: Barbiturate.
27. Drugs whose dose need NOT be reduced in renal failure: Penicillins.
28. Prophylaxis of Meningococcal Meningitis: Rifampicin.
29. Treatment of nonspecific urethritis is Erythromycin.
30. DOC of malaria in pregnancy : Chloroquine.
31. Penicillinase-resistant Penicillin is Methicillin.
32. Drug of choice of rickettsial infection in pregnancy: Chloramphenicol.
33. Antibiotic with antiplatelet action: Cephalosporin.
34. Anti-hepatitis drug with anti-HIV: ENTECAVIR.
35. DNA dependent RNA synthesis is inhibited by rifampicin.
36. Antitubercular drug contraindicated IN PREGNANCY: Streptomycin.
37. The antitubercular drug which causes suicidal effect: ISONIAZID.
38. Treatment of choice of tuberculosis in pregnancy: HRE 2 months + HR 7 months.
39. Antitubercular drug with highest sterilizing action: RIFAMPICIN.
40. Long-acting insulin is Insulin glargine.
41. The drug used in Diabetic Neuropathy: Pregabalin.
42. An antihypertensive agent which decreases libido: Methyldopa.
43. Anterhypersensitive drug contraindicated in pregnancy is Enapril.
44. Beta blockers are indicated in hypertension
45. SLE like reaction is caused by Hydralazine.
46. Antihypertensive which decreases libido and impotence: Atenolol.
47. Antihypertensive which can be used in gout and diabetes mellitus is Enalapril.
48. ACE inhibitors may aggravate renovascular hypertension
49. Spironolactone should not be given with ACE Inhibitors.
50. Antihypertensive contraindicated in pregnancy: ACE inhibitors.
51. Drug of choice for hypertension in patients with metabolic syndrome and no diabetes mellitus: ACE
52. Anticancer drug causing lung fibrosis: Bleomycin.
53. Treatment for chronic phase of CML: imatinib.
54. An antineoplastic agent which is also an antifolate drug: Methotrexate.
55. The drug used to counteract Methotrexate toxicity: Folinic Acid.
56. Digoxin can accumulate to toxic levels in a patient with renal insufficiency.
57. Dialysis is not indicated in digitalis toxicity.
58. Hemodialysis is NOT effective in nifedipine poisoning: Folinic Acid.
59. Digoxin can accumulate to toxic levels in a patient with renal insufficiency.
60. Hemodialysis is not effective in nifedipine poisoning.
61. Beta blocker with beta 2 receptor agonism: Celiprolol.
62. Pulsus bigeminy is seen in: Digitalis Toxicity.
63. Clopidogrel is not to be used in oral anticoagulation in high risk patients with atrial fibrillation.
64. Drug of choice theophylline poisoning: Charcoal hemoperfusion.
65. Neostigmine increases gastrointestinal motility.
66. Drug useful in migraine: Propranolol.
67. The formula for parenteral iron therapy: 4.4* body weight* Hemoglobin deficit.
68. Thallidomide is not useful in HIV- related neuropathy.
69. Rate limiting enzyme for the biosynthesis of dopamine is tyrosine hydroxylase.
70. Treatment of choice of cyanide poisoning is: Sodium nitrate followed thiosulfate.
71. Aspirin is contraindicated for a patient on warfarin.
72. Hyperprolactinemia is a side effect of Metoclopramide.
73. Drug causing parkinsonism: Metoclopramide
74. Corticosteroid given by inhalation route: Beclomethasone.
75. A drug in bronchial asthma which needs monitoring: Theophylline.
76. Corticosteroid which needs the least systemic monitoring: Budesonide.
77. Botulinum acts by inhibiting acetylcholine release.
78. Theophylline levels in the blood are increased by phenylbutazone.
79. Uricosuric drug used for gout: Sulfinpyrazone.
80. Drug of choice for Addison’s disease: Hydrocortisone.
81. Most potent cardiac stimulant is Adrenaline.
82. Effect of morphine which has the least tolerance is Constipation.
83. An opioid with antitussive action- Codeine.
84. Loop diuretics act on ascending limb of loop of Henle.
85. In anaphylactic shock, epinephrine is given by which route: Intramuscular.
86. The drug used in the treatment of obesity are Sibutramine, Orlistat, Rimonabant.
87. The fastest acting antithyroid drug is: Potassium iodide.
88. Mechanism of action of Montelukast: leukotriene antagonist.
89. Sulfasalazine is used in Ulcerative colitis
90. Aspirin acts via irreversible COX inhibition.
91. Hand foot mouth syndrome a variant of Hand foot mouth disease is a potential side effect of
92. Niacin therapy is contraindicated in Diabetes because it increases blood sugar levels.
93. PIRENZIPINE is used for Gastric Ulcer.
94. The physiological dose of hydrocortisone is: 10mg/m2 /day.
1. Albinism is autosomal recessive.
2. Nodular selerosis is most commom Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
3. Decrease in AFP is found in down syndrome.
4. Alpha feto-protein is decrease in down syndrome.
5. The decrease in cell size refers to atrophy.
6. Hypertrophy is an increase in size.
7. Replacement of columnar epithelium of the respiratory tract to the squamous epithelium is metaplasia.
8. Anaplasia is lack of differentiation.
9. Programmed cell death is called apoptosis
10. Example of apoptosis is councilman bodies.
11. Pro-apoptotic factor is bax.
12. Antiapoptotic gene is BCL2.
13. Caspases are involved in apoptosis.
14. Defective apoptosis and increased cell survival are seen in autoimmune diseases.
15. Liquefactive necrosis is seen in BRAIN.
16. Liquefactive necrosis on necrotic tissue results in gangrene.
17. Coagulative necrosis is due to denaturation of the protein.
18. Fat necrosis is common in the omentum, breast and retroperitoneal fat.
19. Brown atrophy is due to top accumulation of lipofuscin.
20. Psammoma bodies show which type of calcification.
21. Metastatic calcification is most often seen in the lungs.
22. Rubor in inflammation is due to dilation of arterioles.
23. All are celsius signs of inflammation except cyanosis.
24. The most characteristic feature of acute inflammation- vasodilation and increased vascular
25. Increased permeability in acute inflammation is due to all except lytic enzymes.
26. Sequence of events in acute inflammation: Transient vasoconstriction--> vasodilation-> increased
27. Rolling of leucocytes on the endothelial cell is mediated by -selectin.
28. Vasoconstricting mediator in thromboxane A2.
29. Stellate granuloma is seen in the cat – scratch disease.
30. The most important source of histamine –mast cell.
31. Chediak Higashi syndrome defect is the fusion of lysosome.
32. Oxygen-dependent killing is done through by NADPH oxidase.
33. The increased ability for phagocytosis of the foreign body is called opsonization
34. Oval cells are seen in stem cells of the liver.
35. The primary function of Toll-like receptors is the activation of the immune system.
36. The first sign of wound injury is capillary dilatation.
37. Delayed-type of hypersensitivity is associated with memory CD4 cells.
38. Interleukin responsible for pyrexia is IL-1.
39. Amyloid is stained by congo red.
40. Stain for fat cells is Sudan IV.
41. Stain for heart failure cells is Prussian blue.
42. Colour of hemosiderin is brown
43. Auer rods are formed from primary granules.
44. The most common feature of death is primary amyloidosis is cardiac failure.
45. Pappenheimer bodies are seen in sarcoidosis.
46. Neurofibrillary tangles are seen in Alzheimer's disease.
47. Cabot’s ring is seen in RBC is seen after splenectomy.
48. Hurtle’s cells are seen in Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
49. Heart failure cells are found in the lungs.
50. Gamma gandy bodies contain hemosiderin and calcium.
51. Mallory hyaline is a characteristic feature of alcoholic liver disease.
52. Onion peel appearance of the splenic capsule is seen in SLE.
53. The lardaceous spleen is due to deposition of amyloid in sinusoids of the red pulp.
54. Burkitt’s lymphoma arises from B-cell lymphoma.
55. Orphan annie eye nuclei aresaeen in papillary carcinoma necrosis.
56. Burkitt lymphoma shows 8:14 translocation.
57. Maker for hairy cell leukaemia: CD 103.
58. Mycosis fungoides is T cell lymphoma.
59. Spontaneous regression is seen in neuroblastoma.
60. Commonest malignant bone tumour is seen in multiple myeloma.
61. Deletion of the short arm of chromosome 11 in Wilm's tumour.
62. Commonest benign tumour of the liver is a hemangioma.
63. Most common primary tumour of the heart is myxoma.
64. Cells like reed Sternberg cell are seen in infectious mononucleosis.
65. Ann arbour classification is used for Hodgkin's lymphoma.
66. The inheritance pattern of haemophilia is X-linked recessive.
67. No of Barr bodies in XXY males is 1.
68. Barr body first detected in is buccal mucosa.
69. In xeroderma pigmentosum, the defect is in nucleoside excision repair.
70. Mutation in Marfan syndrome is fibrillin.
71. Wiskott Aldrich syndrome gene is located on the short arm of the X chromosome.
72. Libman sacks endocarditis is associated with SLE.
73. Predisposing factor for wilm’s tumor is wagr syndrome.
74. Adding glucose is stored blood causes prevention of hemolysis.
75. Autosplenectomy is seen in sickle cell anaemia.
76. Blood stored at 4 degrees can be stored for 21 days.
77. Bone infarcts are seen in sickle cell anaemia.
78. Sickling protects blood cells against malaria.
79. The most commonest cause of hereditary spherocytosis ankyrin.
80. Dactylin occurs in sickle cell anaemia.
81. Kupffer cells are found in liver shock lungis characterized by diffuse alveolar damage.
82. TRAL1 occurs during /within 6 hours of transfusion
83. Cruschmanns spiral is seen in bronchial asthma
84. Creola bodies are seen in bronchial asthma.
85. Asbestosis is a pre malignant condition.
86. Asreroid bodies are seen in sarcoridosis.
87. Schaumann bodies are seen in sarcoidosis.
88. Alpha one-antitrypsin deficiency causes emphysema.
89. The most common cause of an aortic aneurysm is atherosclerosis.
90. Barrett’s oesophagus has columnar epithelium.
91. The macrophage in the brain is called microglia.
92. Rosenthal fibres are seen in pilocytic astrocytoma.
93. Hearing bodies are seen in neurohypophysis.
94. A row of tombstone appearance is seen in pemphigus vulgaris.
95. Guardian angel against obesity is a name given to adiponectin.
96. OWL’s eye inclusions are seen inCMV.
1. Incubation period of salmonella is 7-21 Days.
2. Taeniasis is not an example of Zoonoses.
3. Antibody is attached to surface of bacteria and phagocytized.
4. Food poisoning 2 hours after intake of food : Staphylococcus aureus.
5. Centrifugal Rash in Chicken pox.
6. Incubation period of diphtheria is 2-3 days.
7. Staph aureus becomes resistant to methicillin due to Transpeptidase.
8. HUS is caused by EHEC.
9. Traveller’s diarrhea is caused by ETEC.
10. Thayer martin agar medium is for N. Meningitis.
11. Certimide agar isolate Pseudomonas.
12. Streptococcus causes Cellulitis.
13. Major component of complement system – C3.
14. Surgical blade is sterilized by Hot air oven.
15. Human anatomical waste is disposed of by incineration.
16. Mantoux Test is an example of Type 4 Hypersensitivity
17. Type 1 hypersensitivity is mediated by IgE
18. IgM activates the classical complement pathway.
19. Widal test is an example of the agglutination test.
20. Wheal and Flare reaction is Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction.
21. Secretions are rich in Ig A.
22. Father of Microbiology: Antoni Van Leuwenhoek.
23. Father of Modern Microbiology: Louis Pasteur.
24. Disinfectant which works by plasma membrane damage= quaternary ammonium compounds.
25. Blood agar is an example of enriched media.
26. Germ theory was given by Louis Pasteur.
27. The thickness of a bacterial cell wall is 20-80mm.
28. The concentration of glutaraldehyde used for sterilization: 2%
29. Glassware sterilization is done by: Hot air oven.
30. Sterilization of heat liable media is done by: Tyndallization.
31. Glutaraldehyde is used to sterilize: Endoscopes, Corrugated rubber anaesthetic tubes, plastic
endotracheal tubes.
32. Nosocomial infection occurs in the hospital in more than 48 hours.
33. True about polio Man is the only reservoir.
34. Yellow fever virus is Flavivirus.
35. Most sensitive diagnostic test for dengue: IgM ELISA.
36. Acute HIV infection is diagnosed by p24 Ag capture assay.
37. HIV can be detected and confirmed by reverse transcriptase PCR.
38. HIV primarily replicates in CD4 HELPER T cells.
39. Epstein Barr virus CAUSES Burkitt lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, Nasopharyngeal Ca, NOT Verrucous
40. Paul- Bunnell test- EBV
41. Oral hairy leukoplakia is associated with EBV.
42. Chronic Hepatitis is seen in infection with hepatitis C.
43. Route of transmission of Hepatitis E virus is Faeco-oral.
44. Treatment of Varicella is immunocompetent host is the prevention of complications.
45. Cause of acute laryngeal bronchitis Parainfluenza virus.
46. Kaposi sarcoma is related to HHV8
47. Viral inclusion bodies – Negri, molluscum, Bollinger NOT PSAMMOMA BODY.
48. Hemorrhagic fever is caused by viruses yellow fever, dengue, kyasanur forest.
49. Northern blotting is used for separation of RNA.
50. Not an RNA virus: Siman virus 40.
51. HIV most prevalent in India : Type C
52. Chance that a health worker gets HIV from an accidental needle prick:0.3%
53. Most common cause of cervical cancer: HPV 16
54. Most important cause of severe diarrhea is : Rota virus A.
55. Intranuclear basophilic inclusion body with halo is seen in: CMV
56. Most common viral infection after kidney transplantation: Cytomegaloviorius.
57. Common warts arte caused by: HPV 2,7.
58. Dane particles are seen in : Hepatitis B
59. Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is associated with Entrerovirus 70.
60. Shingles is caused by: Varicella Zoster.
61. Cryptococcus diagnostic test- Indian Ink.
62. Aflatoxin is secreted by Aspergillus.
63. Dimorphic fungi: Histoplasma, Blastomycosis, paracoccoidosis, Coccydiodes, Sporotrichosis.
64. Schizonts are not seen in peripheral smear in plasmodium falciparum malaria.
65. Parasite which can enter through intact skin: Strongyloides.
66. Chagas disease is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi.
67. Skin test is useful in hyatid disease.
68. Sabin Feldman test is useful for Toxoplasmosis.
69. Casoni’s test is positive in Echinococcus.
70. Leishman Donovan bodies are seen in spleen.
71. Giardiasis is best diagnosed by presence of both cysts and trophozoites in stools.
72. Duffy blood group antigen confers protection from infections by plasmodium vivax.
73. Cat acts as a reservoir for toxoplasma gondii.
74. Aldehyde test is used for Leishmania.
75. Cerebral Malaria is caused by Plasmodium falciparum.
76. Ascaris Lumbricoides causes deficiency of Vit A.
77. Food poisoning in canned food is caused by Clostridium Botulinum.
78. Food poisoning that does not present within 6 hours is due to salmonella.
79. E.coli causes food poisoning that occurs late after 6 hours.
80. Shortest incubation period food poisoning: Staphylococcus aureus.
81. Nagler reaction is positive for Clostridium perfringes.
82. Bacteria causing vomiting and diarrhea within6 hours of food intake: Staphylococcus aureus.
83. Best test for diagnosis of typhoid in the first week- Blood culture.
84. Vibrio cholera characteristic feature: growth in alkaline medium.
85. Cholera is caused by Vibrio cholera 01, vibrio cholera 0139.
86. Transport medium for vibrio cholera: Venkataraman Medium.
87. Monsur’s Medium is used for isolation OF VIBRIO CHOLERA.
88. Elek’s test is used in diphtheria.
89. Pleomorphism is most commonly seen in Cornybacterium Diptheriae.
90. Legionella pneumonia can be isolated from lung biopsy.
91. Pontiac fever is caused by: Legionella.
92. Anti-rabies vaccine is prepared by fixed virus.
93. Pasteur developed trhe vaccine for anthrax and rabies.
94. Intracytoplamic inclusion bodies are diagnostic of Rabies.
95. Negri bodies are commonly found in hippocampus.
96. MCC dystentry in Adults: Entamoeba.
97. Most common extra intestinal manifestation of Amoebiasis.
98. Diagnostic test for rickettsial infection is Weil-Felix reaction.
99. Causative agent of Lyme’s disease: Borrelia burgdorferi.
1. A Child who is born to an unmarried women is called Illegitimate child.
2. A Suppositious child is one produced by a women whom claims it as her own whereas in actual
fact it is not her child.
3. Phytobezoar is Intake of indigestible plant materials.
4. A 28 year female did suicide . on the site it was noticed that her feet was not touching the ground
than Saliva dribbling to the opposite side of the knot shows its suicidal not homicidal.
5. Presence of carbonaceous deposits is seen in antemortum burns.
6. Blood alcohal level while driving should be 30 mg %.
7. Injured person admitted in hospital for 21 days is not a Criteria for grievous hurt.
8. Pleasure in touching opposite sex is frotteurim.
9. Hurt is defined by IPC 319.
10. Dowry death investigation is done by Megsitrate.
11. Bitten by krait .Manifestation would be Neurotoxic.
12. Section for rash and negligent driving 304 IPC.
13. Dowry death is covered under the section: 304 IPC
14. Grievous hurt comes under the IPC section 322
15. Dying declaration comes under section 32 Indian Evidence act.
16. Declaration of Oslo is related to therapeutic abortion.
17. If the death of a married woman occurs within 7 years of marriage, the inquest is done by the
18. The death sentence can be awarded by Sessions Court Magistrate.
19. Impotence of quad hoc means impotence towards a particular woman.
20. The minimum age for organ donation in India is 18 years. before 18 years, the consent of a parent is
21. Under IPC 82, a person under 7years is not criminally responsible.
22. Transplantation of human organs act (HOTA act) was passed by the government of India in the year
23. The death sentence can be given by sessions court.
24. Dowry death IPC is section 304B
25. Mcnaughen rule comes under section 84IPC.
26. The drug given in organophosphorus poisoning is Atropine Cholinesterase poisoning.
27. Prolonged administration of sodium nitroprusside can cause cyanide poisoning.
28. The antidote for cyanide poisoning is Sodium Thiosulphate.
29. Putrefaction is delayed in arsenic poisoning.
30. Acute Arsenic poisoning is confused with Acute Gastric Enteritis/ Cholera.
31. Mee’s lines are seen with arsenic poisoning.
32. Nails and Hair are commonly preserved in chronic arsenic poisoning.
33. Most effective management of Acute Lead Toxicity is chelation therapy.
34. Saturnism is associated with lead poisoning.
35. Atropine is not an antidote for datura poisoning.
36. The antidote for Acetaminophen poisoning is N Acetyl Cysteine.
37. Post mortem blue discolouration is seen in Aniline Poisoning
38. Post mortem staining of carbon monoxide poisoning is Cheryl red.
39. Gastric lavage is contraindicated in Sulphuric acid poisoning.
40. Copper sulphate poisoning manifests with Acute Hemolysis.
41. Vineyard poisoning is caused due to methyl bromide
42. FALANGA is defined as the severe beating of soles.
43. Telefona is beating on both sides.
44. The sin of Gomorrah is the other name for oral coitus.
45. Duret haemorrhages are seen in the brain.
46. Thanatology deals with death.
47. Mcnaughten was an accused
48. Paltauf’s Hemorrhages are Drowning.
49. Kunkel’s test is used for the detection of carbon dioxide in the blood.
50. Ewing’s postulates refer to a relationship between trauma and malignancy.
51. Mc Ewen's sign is seen in alcoholism.
52. Defloration is loss of virginity.
53. Boxer’s attitude is seen in burn’s death.
54. The active agent in sodomy when the agent is a child is called paederast,
55. Corpus delicti deals with the body of offence.
56. Cold turkey: withdrawal symptoms of opioid withdrawal.
57. Casper dictum is the calculation of the time of death.
58. A fraudulent child is not the real heir of the father.
59. A posthumous child is a child born after the death of his / her father.
60. Atavism is the resemblance of the child to his grandfather.
61. Lynching is a homicidal hanging
62. Throttling is compression of neck by human hand.
63. Putrefaction is retarded by phenol.
64. Florence test is done for seminal stains.
65. Virchow method of dissection is the removal and dissection of the individual organ.
66. Blackening around the entry wound of firearm injury is due to smoke.
67. Tissue bridging is characteristic of lacerations.
68. Tentative cuts are seen in suicide.
69. Fish-tailing of margins in stab wound is seen with a singleedged knife.
70. A split laceration is seen with blunt perpendicular impact.
71. Dirt collar is seen in fire entry wound.
72. The tail of the wound tells us the direction of the wound.
73. True for contrecoup brain injury: occurs more in moving head.
74. First structure open/ dissected 9in autopsy of air embolism case is a thoracic cavity.
75. The cephalic index is used the determination of race.
76. Cutis anserine is seen in drowning.
77. Postmortem rigidity first starts in eyelids.
78. The order of onset of rigor mortis is eyelids- thorax-lower limbs.
79. The first organ to putrefy is the body is Brain.
80. Rigor mortis appears last in toes.
81. Disease-causing modification of fingerprints is leprosy.
82. Xiphoid process fuses to the body of the sternum by 40 years.
83. Sex can be established by examining hair root cells for the presence of Barr body.
84. The most common type of finger impressions is the loop.
85. Spermin in serum is detected by Barberio's test.
86. General moral principles in medical practice is medical ethics.
87. Diatoms are suggestive of death due to antemortem drowning.
88. Burking Is a type of smothering.
89. constriction pressure required to block trachea is 15 kg
90. Fingerprinting or dactylography uses Galton system.
91. Study of dental changes for identification utilizes the gustaff method.
92. Ponderal index is for determination of IUGR.
93. Most reliable test for identification of blood stains is spectroscopy.
94. Preservative for blood grouping is 25% formalin and sodium citrate.
95. Composition of gun-powder: 15% charcoal +10% sulphur +75% potassium nitrate.
96. Least injured in blast injury is liver
97. Bevelling of the skull is seen in firearm injury.
98. Adipocere or saponification occurs in a warm water environment.
99. Mummification occurs in a dry sandy environment where rapid evaporation takes place.
100.Rigor mortis is delayed in Apoplexy, pneumonia and asphyxia.
101.Run amok is a feature of cannabis intoxication.
1. Iodised salt is given in an area which has risk of developing goiter . This is a primary level of prevention
done by Specific protection.
2. Exclusive breast feeding is upto 6 months.
3. 100% birth & death registration is true about national population policy 2000.
4. Decease mortality rate is millennium development goal 2000.
5. Sharp rise and fall is in number of cases is point source or single exposure epidemics.
6. Changes in occurrence of a disease over a long period of time is Secular trend.
7. Most cases of oral cancer is due to 90% in south east asia population are linked by tobacco chewing.
8. Panchayat samiti is seen in block.
40 out of 100 smokers and 20 out of 100 non smokers developed lung cancer than Odd ratio
= 40 x 80 / 20 x 60 = 2.6

10. Red colour is of highest priority in emergency triage.

11. 1st case seen by an investigator is Index case.
12. 1000 mg of iron given during pregnancy.
13. Best contraceptive for a lactating female is progesterone only pill.
14. In a baby ward temperature should be 29-31 degree Celsius.
15. Ebola virus spread through contact of body fluids.
16. Methionine(amino acid) is deficient in pulses.
17. Vitamin D found in fish liver oil.
18. Chronic malnutrition is assessed by height/age.
19. Refrigerated breast milk can be kept for 24 hours, in freezer 3 months and upto 6-8 hour at room
20. In cholera epidemic safe water Plastic covers are disposed of in a black bag
21. Discarded cytotoxic medicines should be discarded in the black bag
22. Waste sharps should be discarded in a blue bag.
23. Red bag should not be incinerated because it contains cadmium.
24. Syringes and glassware are sterilized by hot air oven.
25. Indore method is for aerobic decomposing.
26. Coimbatore Method: Anaerobic decomposition first, followed by aerobic fermentation.
27. Screening of disease is secondary prevention.
28. Most important factor in a good screening test is sensitivity.
29. Screening of cervical cancer in PHC is done by PAP smear.
30. Missing cases are detected by Sentinel Surveillance.
31. Prevalence= Incidence Rate x Average duration of disease.
32. Risk among exposed compared to the risk among non exposed is known as Relative Risk.
33. The cyclopropagative life cycle is seen in malaria.
34. In a left-skewed curve, Mean< Mode.
35. Chi-square test is used for determination of standard error of the difference between proportions.
36. Selection bias can be eliminated by randomization.
37. Village Health guide is for population of 5,000.
38. Most ineffective way of eliminating standard error is: Large sample size.
39. Study unit for ecological study: population.
40. Socioeconomic/ Housing scale developed for rural area: Kuppuswamy Scale.
41. Kuppusway scale includes: Education/ occupation/ income.
42. Father of public health: Cholera.
43. Disinfecting action of chlorine is due to hypochlorous acid and hypochlorous ion.
44. The chlorine content of water required after chlorination is 0.5 mg/L.
45. Sterilization And disinfection of blood spills are done by sodium hypochlorite.
46. The concentration of sodium hypochlorite is made in homemade bleaching powder: 5.256.15%.
47. Rural Health Scheme: Srivastava Committee.
48. Manpower and planning: Bajaj Committee
49. Multipurpose worker concept introduced by Kartar Singh Committee
50. Millennium Development Goals was started in 2000.
51. Corpulence index is used in: Obesity.
52. Poverty index does not include income.
53. The normal range of Body Mass Index( BMI) in Asian individual is 18.522.9.
54. Low BMI -< 18.5
55. Overweight – 23 -24.9
56. Obese Type 1- 25-30
57. Obese Type 2-> 30
58. Pearl index is failures of contraception per 100 womanyears.
59. PQLI does not include : Per capita income.
60. Man is a dead-end host for Tetanus/ Measles.
61. Generation time for leprosy is 1215 days.
62. Isolation period for hepatitis A is 2 weeks.
63. Epidemic relapsing fever is transmitted by disease.
64. Prevalence of leprosy in India per 10,000 is 0.69.
65. Chandler’s index is for Ancylostoma duodenale.
66. Chickenpox infective period: 1 day before and 4 days after the appearance of the rash.
67. Ty21A is a vaccine for typhoid.
68. WHO declared global eradication of smallpox on 8th May 1980.
69. A vaccine can be stored at subcentre for 1 day.
70. Use of yellow fever vaccine is absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy.
71. Smallpox vaccine was discovered by Edward Jenner.
72. Yellow fever vaccination is valid for 10 years, beginning from 6 days of certification.
73. MMR vaccine is a type of live attenuated vaccine.
74. Mission Indradhanush was founded in December 2014.
75. Live attenuated vaccine is indicated in polio.
76. An ideal interval between administration of two vaccines in 4 weeks.
77. Triage is used for victims of the disaster.
78. The contraceptive method of choice for well-educated 37-year-old woman is intrauterine device.
79. The commonest cause of blindness in India is cataract.
80. Extended Sickness Benefit is given for 309 days.
81. Best parameter for measuring air pollution is sulphur dioxide.
82. Biological value is maximum in the egg.
83. Pulse proteins are poor in methionine.
84. Daylight factor in the living room: 8%
85. Poor man’s iron source is jaggery
86. Reference weight of Indian man and women is 60kg and 50 kg respectively.
87. Egg protein biological value : 120
88. Lactation period extra energy required is 500- 550 kcal
89. World health day is 7th April.
90. Pregnant lady with moderate work needs 2600 kcal/day.
91. Recommended daily allowance of vitamin D
92. Lifestyle modification for children is primordial prevention.
93. Primary prevention is before the onset of the disease.
94. Population covered by ASHA is 1000
95. Limiting amino acid in wheat: Lysine
96. Maximum protein in pulses is found in soybean.
97. Midday meal includes the provision of 1/3rd calories, ½ protein.
98. Pasteurization is done at63 degree Celsius for 30 min.
99. supply and sanitation should be first taken care of.
100. Vitamin B is not an antioxidant.
101. Toxin in epidemic dropsy is sanguinarine.

102. CHC level : 30 beds and 30 staff including 7 PG doctors.

PHC level : 4-6 beds, 15 staff and 1 MBBS & medical officer. Sub center
level : 0 bed, 3 staff, 1 male and 1 female.

103. Critical path method shown by time.

104. Immunization is primary type of prevention.

1. Most common intracranial manifestation of late chronic otitis media is temporalis fascia.
2. Caldwell luc’s operation is done for maxillay sinusitis.
3. Cause of Rhinosporidiosis is fungal .
4. Bullous myringitis is caused by virus(adenovirus).
5. Recurrent laryngeal nerve not supply cricothyroid.
6. Ramsay hunt syndrome is due to herpes zoster virus.
7. Maximum audible tolerance is 85 DB for 8 hours.
8. Hennebert’s sign is a false positive fistula is seen in congenital syphilis.
9. Otolith organs are concerned with the function of linear acceleration.
10. Earliest symptom of acoustic neuroma id deafness.
11. Length of external auditory canal is 24mm.
12. Most common site of perforation of tympanic membrane in myringotomy is anteriorinferior.
13. Semicircular canal perceives as angular acceleration.
14. Noise-induced hearing loss involves damage to outer hair cells.
15. Adenoidectomy with grommet insertion is the treatment of choice for serous otitis media in children.
16. Movement of stapes causes vibration in scala vestibuli.
17. Rinne’s test is positive in normal.
18. Ear pinna develops from ectoderm.
19. Triad of tinnitus, progressive deafness and vertigo along with facial weakness is seen acoustic neuroma.
20. Investigation of choice of audiometric evaluation of an infant is: Bera.
21. SADE classification is used for pars tensa retraction.
22. Frequency range in normal hearing is 20-20000Hz
23. Normal frequency of adult male voice is 160-150Hz
24. Normal frequency of adult female voice is 160-250Hz.
25. Tuning fork ideal for clinical practice is 512Hz.
26. The preferred method to remove insect from the ear canal is oil.
27. Facial palsy as a result of herpes infection affecting genicular ganglion is known as Ramsay hunt syndrome.
28. Boxer’s ear refers to crumpled pinna also called cauliflower ear.
29. Bill ear in internal auditory meatus is a vertical ridge separating in facial nerve and superior vestibular
30. Roomy nasal cavity with thick crust formation and the woody hard external nose is seen in rhinoscleroma.
31. Treatment of septal hematoma is incision and drainage.
32. Most common site of osteomas among the paranasal sinuses is frontal
33. Young’s syndrome is nasal polyp, bronchiectasis, azoospermia.
34. Sphenoid sinus drains into the sphenoethmoidal sinus.
35. Drainage of nasal mucus is by ciliary action of the mucosa.
36. Caldwell – Luc's operation is for maxillary sinus.
37. Nasal bone fracture is corrected by Walsham's forceps.
38. Aspirin use is associated with nasal polyps.
39. Nerve coming of the stylomastoid foramen is facial.
40. Most common site of CSF rhinorrhea is cribriform plate.
41. Kiesselbach’s plexus is located on the anteroinferior part of the nasal cavity.
42. Commonest presentation in nasopharyngeal carcinoma is radiotherapy.
43. Treatment of choice of nasopharyngeal carcinoma is radiotherapy.
44. Crooked nose is due to deviated dorsum and septum.
45. Saddle nose is due to depression of dorsum.
46. Young’s operation is performed by atrophic rhinitis.
47. Rhinoscleroma is caused by Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis.
48. Water’s view is used for visualization of maxillary sinuses.
49. Caldwell’s view is used for the visualization of frontal sinuses.
50. Abductor of the vocal cord is posterior cricoarytenoid.
51. Dangerous area of face is so called because infection can lead to cavernous sinus thrombosis and can be
52. Omega-shaped epiglottitis seen in laryngomalacia.
53. Most common cause of acute epiglottitis is Hemophilus influenza.
54. Tonsillectomy is contraindicated in poliomyelitis epidemic.
55. Laryngeal never paralysis is seen in anaplastic thyroid cancer
56. Taste sensation from posterior 1/3rd is carried by the glossopharyngeal nerve.
57. Heimlich’s manoeuver is for relieving airway obstruction.
58. Most common causes of fungal oesophagitis is candida.
59. Thumb sign is seen in acute epiglottitis.
60. The narrowest part of the larynx is rima glottides.
61. When a patient is unable to vocalize, it is called aphonia. Indication for tracheostomy is foreign body
obstructing the airway

1. A 35 yrs old female presented with MCP and PIP pain diagnosis would be rheumatoid arthritis.
2. A 7 year old boy presented with bony pain X-ray wrist revels rickets will be treated by
vitamin D.

3. Drug of choice for acute gouty arthritis is indomethacine.

4. In Colles’ fracture extensor policis longus likely to rupture.
5. Osteomyelitis earliest X ray finding is periosteal reaction.
8. Pott’s spine is commonest at thoracolumbar spine.
9. Poncet’s disease is polyarthralgia is associated with TB.
10. Injury to the ulnar nerve at the wrist causes paralysis of adduction of the thumb.
11. Tardy ulnar clear palsy is seen in malunited lateral condylar fracture.
12. Most common complication of Colle's fracture is stiffness of fingers
13. Cubitus varus is the most common complication os supra condylar fracture.
14. Jones fracture is avulsion fracture of base of the fifth metatarsal.
15. Diaphysis fracture involves long bones.
16. Stress fracture of 2nd metatarsal is known as march fracture.
17. Most common site of march fracture is shaft of 2nd and 3rd metatarsals.
18. Attitude of the lower limb fracture of neck of femur is external rotation and adduction.
19. Commonest cause of anterior compartment syndrome is a fracture.
20. Best way to treat a fractured neck of femur in a child is hip spica in the abduction and internal rotation.
21. Fracture of humerus causes damage to radial nerve.
22. Avascular necrosis occurs commonly in intracapsular fracture of neck of femur.
23. Tension band wiring is used for olecranon fracture.
24. Motor cyclist’s fracture is skull base breaks into two anterior and posterior.
25. Cozen’s test is tennis elbow.
26. Gallon’s traction is used for the fracture shaft of femur.
27. Bone that commonly fractures when a person falls with outstretched hand is the radius.
28. Commonest benign bone tumour is osteochondroma.
29. Chemotherapeutic agent of choice in Ewing's sarcoma.
30. Sunray appearance is suggestive of osteosarcoma.
31. Sandstorm appearance of a knee joint with multiple loose bodies are seen in synovial chondromatosis.
32. Most common malignancy of bone is secondary.
33. Most common primary malignancy of bone is multiple myeloma.
34. Bone tumour which closely resembles osteomyelitis is Ewing's sarcoma.
35. Tumour arising from the epiphysis in children is chondroblastoma.
36. Treatment of choice for postmenopausal osteoporosis is raloxifene.
37. Hill sach lesion is seen in anterior dislocation of the shoulder.
38. Allen’s test for integrity of the palmar arch test both radial and ulnar arteries.
39. In forment’s sign, adductor pollicis is treated.
40. Thomas test is used for testing hip flexion.
41. Card test is for testing the ulnar nerve.
42. Type of cell predominantly present in rheumatoid arthritis.
43. Mallet finger is avulsion of terminal slip of extensor tendon to terminal phalanx.
44. Volkmann’s ischaemia most commonly involves the flexor digitorium profundus.
45. Duputryen’s contracture most often involves ring finger.
46. Nerve closely relayed to shoulder joint capsule is axillary nerve.
47. Pseudoflexion deformity in hip is seen in iliopsoas abscess.
48. Shepherd crook deformity is seen in fibrous dysplasia.
49. Rate of nerve regeneration is 1mm/day.
50. Claw hand is seen in ulnar nerve injury.
51. Bone cement setting time is 810 minutes.
52. Hand knee gait is seen: polio.

1. In case penetrating injury to eye shield should be done first.
2. While examining macula, the examiner asks the patient to look straight .
3. Snellen’s chart is used for visual acuity.
4. A child with retinoblastoma present with esotropia.
5. Complicated cataract is due to retinitis pigmentosa.
6. Optic nerve testing is not done for visual acuity.
7. Intercalary staphyloma is bulge in limbal area lined by root of iris.
8. Vertically fixed mid – dilated pupil seen in angle closure glaucoma.
9. A 50 yr old female presented with redness , painful, sudden loss of vision. She also claims about
seeing coloured haloes diagnosis would be acute congestive glaucoma.
10. Males are prone for colour blindness.
11. Side effect of oral steroid is cataract.
12. A man present with frequent change of presbyopic lens lens diagnosis would be open angle glaucoma.
13. Interstitial keratitis is seen in syphilis.
14. Ropy discharge is seen in veneral conjunctivitis.
15. Jack in a box is seen in aphakia.
16. Worth 4 dot test (WFDT) is done for binocular vision.
17. Squint can be corrected by spectacles by Accommodation.
18. Alkali injury to the eye causes symblepharon.
19. Mitotic are used in convergent squints.
20. Patient having difficulty in going downstairs. Muscle likely to be involved is superior
oblique palsy.
21. Lateral rectus supplied by abducens nerve.
22. The secondary function of superior rectus is adduction, intrusion.
23. Retractors of the upper eyelid is levator palpebrae superioris, muller’s muscle.
24. Plication of the lower eyelid is done for senile entropion.
25. Most common primary orbital malignant neoplasm in children in rhabdomyosarcoma.
26. Normal intraocular pressure is 16mm.
27. Yoke muscle of right lateral rectus is left medial rectus.
28. Horner tarantas spot is seen in vernal keratoconjunctivitis.
29. Content of cobblestone ion vernal conjunctivitis is bilateral and recurrent.
30. Percentage of atropine seen in atropine drops is 1%.
31. Herbert pits are seen in trachoma.
32. Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is caused by is enterovirus 70.
33. Arlt’s line is seen in trachoma.
34. The sclera is thinnest at the insertion of rectus muscles.
35. Blue sclera is characteristic of osteogenesis imperfecta.
36. Angular conjunctivitis is caused by Moraxella.
37. Treatment of phlyctenular conjunctivitis is topical steroids.
38. The physiological blue sclera is seen in premature newborn.
39. Most common condition is associated with uveitis is ankylosing spondylitis.
40. Refractive power of the cornea is 30.
41. Corticosteroids are contraindicated in a corneal ulcer.
42. Keratoconus is not associated with hypermetropia.
43. Kayser Fleisher ring is seen in Wilson's disease.
44. The satilite lesion is seen in which corneal ulcer is fungal.
45. Gonococcus is the only organism that can penetrate the intact cornea.
46. Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis is caused by adenovirus type 8.
47. Vitamin deficiency a secondary sign is bitot sign.
48. Herpes infection of a corneal ulcer is called dendritic ulcer.
49. Lisch nodules on the iris is a FEATURE OF NEUROFIBROMATOSIS.
50. Argyll Robertson pupil is seen in neutrophils.
51. Junction between ciliary body and choroid is ora serrata. thickest part of the lens is pre
52. The thinnest part of the lens capsule is a posterior part.
53. Marfan’s syndrome is associated with ectopia lentis.
54. After cataract refers to opacity following extravascular lens extraction.
55. Sunflower is due to chalcosis.
56. Lens of eye develops from surface ectoderm.
57. Typical appearance of diabetic cataract is snowflake appearance.
58. Site of bleeding after cataract surgery is posterior ciliary vessels.
59. The lens is divided from surface ectoderm.
60. Eale’s disease is recurrent vitreous haemorrhage.
61. The macula lies from a disc at a distance of 3mm.
62. Cotton wool spots in diabetic retinopathy are due to retinal nerve fibre infarct.
63. Diabetic retinopathy is related to the duration of disease.
64. Salt and pepper fundus occurs in rubella.
65. Parsplantis visual loss due to cystoid macular edema.
66. Earliest feature of diabetic retinopathy is microaneurysms.
67. Retinal detachment occurs in the sensory retina layer.
68. Cattle track appearance on fundoscopy is due to CRAO.
69. In retinitis pigmentosa, there is early ROD involvement and CONES are involved later
70. Second common malignancy in patients of retinoblastoma is osteoclastoma.
71. Candle wax drippings on retinoscopy is sarcoidosis.
72. Roth spots are seen in acute leukaemia.
73. Anterior ischaemic optic neuritis is seen in the case of giant cell arteritis.
74. Most dangerous injury for vision is fracture optic nerve canal
75. The derivative of the optic cup is retina.
76. Site of lesion of crocodile tear syndrome is geniculate ganglion.
77. Methyl alcohol causes blindness by acting on ganglion cells.
78. Photopthalmia is caused by ultraviolet rays.
79. Ultraviolet rays with a wavelength of 31 1-290 microns usually cause photopthalmia.
80. For tonometry is used in 4% xylocaine.
81. Campimetry is used to access the central part of the visual field.
82. Vossius ring occurs in concussion injury.
83. Earliest occur sign in acoustic neuroma is loss of corneal sensation.
84. Definition of blindness according to WHO is 300.
85. Structure associated with horizontal movement of the eye is pons.
86. Visual acuity of 6/60 is classified as low vision.
87. Horner’s syndrome component is anhidrosis.
88. The ciliary muscle is derived from mesoderm.
89. The wavelength of dioxide laser is 9400 to 10600 nanometer.

1. An adult male presented 4 weeks after intercourse with fever , rubbery ulcer, inguinal
lymphadenopathy . Causitive organism would be LGV(STD).
2. A papule that is raised , non- purulent is insect bite.
3. Psoriasis is not a premalignant condition of the skin.
4. Pseudomorphic phenomenon is seen in warts.
5. Koebner’s phenomenon is seen in Lichen planus/Psoriasis/Molluscum Contagiosum.
6. Most common site affected by psoriasis is - Extensor surface.
7. Nail lesion in Psoriasis is due to lesion in - Proxima Nail Matrix.
8. Tiny bleeding spots after removal of deep scales in Plaque Psoriasis is Auspitz sign.
9. Dapsone is used in the treatment & therapeutic diagnosis of Dermatitis Herpatiformis.
10. Epidermal bullae are seen in Pemphigus vulgaris.
11. Tzanck test is positive in Pemphigus Vulgaris, Pemphigus Vegetans, Pemphigus Foliaceus, & Pemphigus
12. Bullae spread sign is seen in Pemphigus Vulgaris.
13. Most common type of Pemphigus in India is Pemphigus Vulgaris
14. Histological feature of Pemphigus is Acantholysis.
15. Earliest feature of Tuberous Sclerosis is Ash leaf spot.
16. Most infective stage of Leprosy is Lepromatous
17. Type-2 Lepra reaction is found in Lepromatous Leprosy.
18. Drug used in Lepra reaction is - Thalidomide/Clofazimine/Chloroquine.
19. Lepromin Test is strongly positive in - Tuberculoid Leprosy.
20. Oral retinoid is used in the treatment of Acne vulgaris.
21. Acid that is increased in acne comedones is Palmitic acid.
22. Pityriasis versicolor is caused by Malassezia furfur.
23. Hanging curtains sign is seen in Pityriasis rosea.
24. Christmas Tree arrangement of skin lesions is seen in - Pityrisis Rosea.
25. Vitamin D is synthesised by Keratinocytes.
26. Fox Fordyce disease is a disorder of Apocrine glands
27. Follicular hyperkeratosis is due to the deficiency of Vitamin A.
28. Groton’s sign is seen in Dermatomyositis.
29. Chancroid is caused by Haemophilus ducreyi.
30. Heliotrope rash is seen in Dermatomyositis
31. Urticaria pigmentosa is a feature of Mast cell.
32. Echtyma gangrenosum is caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
33. Pathergy test is positive in Behcet’s disease.
34. Commonest veneral disease in India is Gonorrhoea.
35. Increased level of IgE is seen in - Atopy.
36. Mycosis Fungoides is a T-cell lymphoma.
37. Photosensitive rash is common in Erythropoietic Protoporphyria
38. Frei’s test is diagnostic of - Lymphogranuloma venereum.
39. Leukonychia is known as Gift Spots.
40. Acanthosis nigricans is due to carcinoma of Colon.
41. Pitting of nails can be seen in Alopecia Areata.
42. Furuncle is caused by Staphylococcus
43. Hepar Lobatum is seen in Congenital Syphilis.
44. Bullous Impetigo is caused by - Staphylococcus Aureus.
45. Dennie Morgan Fold is characteristic of - Atopic Dermatitis.
46. Antibiotics with the risk of Contact Dermatitis: Neomycin, Bacitracin.
Mucocutaneous Pemphigus Vulgaris is characterised by antibodies against Desmoglobin 1 & Desmoglobin 3
47. Carpet track sign is seen in - DLE
48. Shingles is caused by - Herpes Zoster.
49. Antenna sign is seen in - Keratosis Pilaris.
50. Salt & Pepper skin is seen in - Scleroderma.
1. Chloroform is hepatotoxic and cardiotoxic both.
2. Malignant hyperthermia is caused by ryanodine receptor.
3. Procaine is an ester(1 ‘I’ in name is ester and 2 ‘I’ in name is amides) .
4. Increased intracranial tension is seen in Ketamine.
5. Anaesthesia of choice in a child with cyanotic heart disease - Ketamine
6. Anaesthesia of choice in Status asthmaticus: Ketamine.
7. Anaesthesia agent Associated with Hallucination is Ketamine.
8. Dissociative anaesthesia is associated with Ketamine.
9. Ketamine is the preferred anaesthetic agent in Bronchial asthma.
10. Ketamine acts primarily at NMDA receptor.
11. The agent that is the most suitable for daycare surgery - Propofol.
12. Malignant hyperthermia is most commonly precipitated by succinylcholine.
13. Muscle relaxant which increases intracranial pressure: Suxamethonium.
14. Succinylcholine is the muscle relaxant associated with Masseter spasm.
15. Most cardiotoxic local anaesthetic is Bupivacaine.
16. Anaesthetic agent of choice as epidural anaesthesia in labour is Bupivacaine.
17. Hoffman degradation is seen in Atracurium.
18. Skeletal muscle relaxant of choice in the liver and renal disease is Atracurium.
19. Effect of cocaine on blood vessels: Vasoconstriction.
20. Anaesthesia of choice in induction in the daycare surgery in children is Sevoflurane.
21. The agent which has a rapid onset and rapid recovery and in most desirable for daycare surgical
procedures is Desflurane.
22. High output renal failure is caused by Methoxyflurane.
23. Contraindicated in renal failure: Gallamine.
24. The gas formed in liquid form is N2O.
25. Bone marrow depression is caused by N2O.
26. True regarding Nitrous Oxide: Blunts Ventilatory/Pulmonary response to Hypoxia.
27. Pin Index of Nitrous Oxide is 3:5.
28. Inhalational anaesthetic with second gas effect: Nitrous Oxide.
29. Colour of Oxygen cylinder is Black with white shoulders.
30. Colour of Ethylene cylinder is Red.
31. Fixed oxygen delivery device is Venturi mask.
32. Maximum O2 concentration attained in Venturi mask is: 60%
33. Mapleson circuit used in children: ayres T Tube. (Mapleson E)
34. Mallampatti classification is for Inspection of the oral cavity before intubation.
35. The most important and decisive factor in CPR is Defibrillation.
36. The ratio of chest compression to manual ventilation for a single rescuer in CRP is 30:2.
37. For foreign body causing sudden choking, the most appropriate first line of management is Heimlich
38. An early and reliable indication of air embolism during anaesthesia can be obtained by continued
monitoring of End Tidal CO2.
39. Pudendal nerve block involves S2/S3/S4.
40. Pulse oximetry gives an estimate of systemic arterial oxygen saturation.
41. Proper technique of Endotracheal intubation involves Flexion of Neck and extension of Atlantooccipital
42. Contraindicated during Endotracheal intubation: Neck Flexion at Atlanto-occipital Joint.
43. Pressure on Thyroid cartilage during Intubation is given as BURP (Backwards, Upward and Rightward
44. Most common postoperative complication related to Intubation: Sore Throat.
45. Most common nerve used for monitoring during Anesthesia: Ulnar Nerve.
46. The most common muscle used for Neuromuscular monitoring in Anesthesia: Adductor Pollicis.
47. Method to establish a safer airway in a patient with neck trauma, cricoid fracture with the possibility of
a difficult airway: Emergency Tracheostomy.
48. Site for External Cardiac Massage in Adults: the Lower third of Sternum.
49. Depth of chest compression during CPR: 2 Inches.
50. During CRP in adult, chest compressions are given at a rate of 100 compressions/min.
51. The ratio of chest compression to breathing during CPR of a newborn patient admitted to ICU is 3:1.
52. ASA classification is done for Fitness, Status of the patient.
53. The endotracheal concentration of Adrenaline in CPR for the pediatric population is 1:1000.
54. Pin Index of Oxygen is 2:5.
55. World Anesthesia Day: October 16.
56. Rapid onset of action of an inhalational agent depends on Low blood gas partition coefficient.
57. Colour of Nitrous Oxide cylinders in India is Blue.
58. The dose of lignocaine for spinal anaesthesia is: 5%
59. In spinal anaesthesia, the drug is deposited between Pia and Arachnoid.
60. Receptor responsible for malignant hyperthermia is Ryanodine receptor.
61. The muscle is most resistant to neuromuscular blockage - Diaphragm.
62. The concentration of adrenaline used with lidocaine is 1 in 2’00’000.
63. Mendelson’s syndrome is due to pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents.
64. Methemoglobinemia is caused by Prilocaine.
65. A drug used to reverse the effect of D tubocurarine - Neostigmine.
66. Mechanism of local anaesthetic action is stabilisation of membranes.
67. Safest Local Anaesthetic: Prilocaine.
68. Fastest route of absorption of local anaesthetic is Intercostal.
69. Most stable Local Anaesthetic: Dibucaine.

1. Purely beta emission is in P32.
2. Most common complication of radio therapy of head and neck CA: dryness of mouth.
3. Mammography , most appropriate technique is medial lateral oblique view.
4. Meckel’s diverticulum is best diagnosed by Tc 99 Pertechnetium scan.
5. Most radiosensitive tissue is bone marrow.
6. The shield used in radiology Is made up of lead.
7. The fetus is most radiosensitive at 3-6 weeks.
8. Thimble bladder is seen in chronic tubercular cystitis.
9. Half-life of radium is 226 years.
10. Cell most sensitive to radiation is lymphocyte.
11. Best investigation for diagnosing an abdominal aortic aneurysm.
12. Air and water have Hounsfield units of 1000 air and 0 water.
13. Investigation of choice for vestibular schwannoma gadolinium-enhanced MRI.
14. Dawson’s fingers are typically seen in multiple sclerosis.
15. Tiger eye sign on MRI is hallervorden spartz disease .
16. Blue colour on Doppler represents deoxygenated blood flow.
17. Sign of hepatobiliary ascariasis on transverse ultrasound: bull’s eye sign.
18. Hounsfield units are used in the CT scan.
19. Most sensitive test for ureteric stones is non-contrast CT scan.
20. Investigations of choice for neuro angiofibroma is contrast-enhanced CT.
21. MRI was invented by Raymond Damadian
22. CT scan was invented by Geoffrey Hounsfield.
23. Best investigations for bronchiectasis is HRCT.
24. HU is a measure of CT.
25. Cartwheel appearance /wheel spooke appearance in USG is seen in hydatid cyst.
26. INV of choice for minimal ascites is USG.
27. Ground glass ventricular septum is seen in HOCM.
28. Gold standard investigation for the diagnosis of cystic echinococcus: USG.
29. Initial investigation of amoebic liver abscess is USG.
30. Money bag appearance of the skull is seen in pericardial effusion.
31. Rim sign in IVP: polycystic kidney.
32. Gray equals 100 rad.
33. Trident hand is seen in achondroplasia.
34. The half-life of iodine 131 is 8 days.
35. Most commonly used radioisotope for the treatment of bone cancer is strontium 89.
36. String sign of Kantor is seen in Crohn's disease.
37. Thumbprint sign is seen in ischemic colitis.
38. Finger in glove appearance in chest Xray is seen in bronchocele.
39. Air bronchogram sign in consolidation.
40. Eggshell calcification in chest X-ray is seen in silicosis, sarcoidosis and lymphoma.
41. Angiographic finding in Buerger's disease is corkscrew arteries.
42. String of beads appearance of the renal artery is seen in fibromuscular dysplasia.
43. Chains of lake appearance is seen in chronic pancreatitis
44. Figure of eight appearances on Xray supra cardiac TAPVC.
45. View taken for the aortic window is LAO view.
46. radio opaque stone is cysteine.
47. Right heart border is not formed by left atrium.
48. Colon is identified on Xray by haustra.
49. Onion peel appearance is seen in Ewing's sarcoma.
50. sunray appearance on X-ray - Osteogenic Sarcoma.
51. Investigation of choice for posterior urethral valve/vesicoureteral reflux id micturating
52. Corkscrew appearance are diffuse oesophagal spasm.
53. Rat tail appearance carcinoma esophagus.
54. Beak shaped distal esophagus in achalasia. Snowman sign in TAPVC
55. Snowman appearance in USG for - Hydatidform mole.
56. Double bubble sign in seen in duodenal atresia.
57. Single bubble sign is pyloric stenosis.
58. Triple bubble sign is jejunal atresia.
59. Water lily appearance is with hydatid cyst.
60. Bird of prey sign is barium study sigmoid volvulus.
61. Salt and pepper appearance in the skull in hyperparathyroidism.
62. Apple core sign in barium enema is seen in carcinoma colon.
63. Bone within a bone appearance is osteoporosis.
64. Target element seen in mammography is molybdenum.
65. Plain x-ray abdomen ERECT view is the best X-ray for pneumoperitoneum.
66. Most sensitive investigation for pneumoperiotoneum is the CT scan.
67. X-ray abdomen SUPINE VIEW is best X-ray for intestinal obstruction.
68. X-ray for minimal right-sided pleural effusion is done in right lateral decubitus position.
69. The lordotic view is the best view for lung apices and Lingular abnormalities.
1. Most common cause of impotency in males is psychogenic.
2. Behavioural therapy on phobia is exposure and response prevention followed by systemic
3. Drug used in treatment of Alzheimer’s are donepezil, memantine and rivastigmine not
4. In clinical practice most common psychiatric illness seen in depressive disorder.
5. Lithium most commonly used in bipolar disorder.
6. Early and rapid addiction is seen with smoking.
7. Drug of choice for schizophrenia in a patient with poor oral absorption is Olanzapine.
8. Schizophrenia is considered as a thought disorder.
9. Poor prognostic factor in schizophrenia : Gradual onset.
10. Neurotransmitter found in increased amounts in Schizophrenia: Dopamine.
11. Antipsychotic-induced akathisia is characterised by Motoric restlessness.
12. Delusions and Hallucinations are known as Psychotic symptoms.
13. Othello syndrome is a delusion of infidelity.
14. Fregoli syndrome: Delusion of hyper identification.
15. Most common hallucination in Schizophrenia: Auditory.
16. Young patient which Schizophrenia is intolerant to antipsychotic medications. treatment to be given is
17. Delusion is NOT a disorder of perception.
18. Delusional misidentification syndrome is Capgras syndrome.
19. Bleuler’s criteria for Schizophrenia does NOT include Automatism. Instead, it includes autism.
20. The skew theory of abnormal family pattern in Schizophrenia is more relevant in case male children.
21. Patient depressed for 3 years with less social interaction but normal sleep and appetite is suffering from
22. Cognitive model of depression was given by Aaron Beck.
23. Bipolar disorder type 2 is characterised by hypomania and Major Depressive Episodes.
24. Most common psychiatric disorder in India: Depression.
25. Drug of choice in Manic depressive psychoses: Lithium.
26. Fluoxetine is used in which childhood condition: Depression.
27. Long term lithium use is associated with Hypothyroidism.
28. ECT is a first-line treatment in depression with suicidal risk.
29. Vitamin deficiency associated with depression: Vitamin D.
30. A 30 Year – old lady develops acute onset talkativeness to strangers, remains agitated and moves quickly
from one task to another. Her diagnosis is Mania.
31. Most important indication of Bright light treatment is seasonal affective disorder.
32. Mood stabilizer drug with Anti Suicide properties: Lithium.
33. Female Male ratio in Anorexia is 10:1.
34. Obnoxious hallucinations are commonly seen in temporal lobe epilepsy.
35. Gustatory hallucinations are commonly seen in temporal lobe epilepsy.
36. Hallucinations can happen in PTSD even though PTSD is considered to be a neurotic disorder.
37. Delirium and dementia can be differentiated by altered sensorium.
38. A person laughs to a joke and then suddenly loses muscle tone. This is called Cataplexy.
39. Neurosis: insight is preserved, no reality testing impairment.
40. Psychosis: insight is lost, reality testing is impaired.
41. Disease included in disability act: Mental retardation.
42. Oniomania is compulsive buying.
43. Perseveration is a persistent and inappropriate repetition of the same thoughts.
44. In phobic neurosis, the main defence mechanism used by the patient is avoidance.
45. Drug most useful in the treatment of OCD: SSRI.
46. Sundowning is seen in Dementia.
47. Area of the brain involved in OCD: Basal ganglia.
48. Squeeze technique is a treatment for: premature Ejaculation.
49. Freud’s theory of dreams involve the processes of condensation, displacement and secondary
50. Retts syndrome is the neuropsychiatric syndrome seen ONLY in females
51. Cause of death in Rett’s syndrome: Respiratory failure.
52. Irresistible urge to drink alcohol is called DIPSOMANIA.
53. Main symptoms of Korsakoff psychosis is confabulation.
54. Delirium tremens is characteristically seen in Chronic alcoholism.
55. Opioid withdrawal state has sweating, diarrhoea and vomiting but no polyuria.
56. Cannabis is associated with: hypnagogic hallucinations.
57. Paranoid psychosis due to cocaine is seen in intoxication stage of cocaine use.
58. A lady washes her hand up to 40 times a day. Cognitive behavioural therapy for her should include:
59. NREM sleep is associated with: Night terrors.

1. Jaundice prolonged due to Cephal-haematoma.
2. Fluid requirement for severe dehydration in 1 year old child is 100ml per kg.
3. PDA is an acyanotic heart disease.
4. BMI measured in children by𝒎𝟐.
5. Hypotension is not a criteria for systemic inflammatory response syndrome in children.
6. In neonatal sepsis , acute face reactant is CRP .
7. Anaemia for an infant at haemoglobin less than 12gm%.
8. Early sign of puberty in male is enlargement of testes.In females it is determined by

9. The dose of Isoniazid in children- 10-15 mg/kg.

10. Baby starts speaking sentence of few words at age- 2yrs.
11. First sign of puberty in females is Thelarche.
12. Earliest indication of sexual maturation in a girl is Thelarche.
13. In females, the growth spurt is maximum in Tanner stage III, Axillary stage III.
14. First set of milk teeth appear at age – 6 months.
15. First permanent teeth to erupt are the first molars.
16. Foremilk does NOT contain Fat.
17. Blood specimen for thyroid screening in a neonate is obtained on cord blood.
18. Hypoglycemia in infants more than 24 hrs of age is defined as blood glucose levels less than 45 mg/Di.
19. Moro’s reflex is abnormal after 12 weeks.
20. Newborn baby are prone to hypoglycemia because of low body glycogen reserve.
21. Severe Hypothermia in a neonate is temperature < 32 degree.
22. SGA baby is one whose body weight is: less than 10th percentile.
23. Most common cause of Jaundice in newborn: ABO Incompatibility.
24. Most common cause of Acute Laryngotracheobronchitis: Parainfluenza 1,2.
25. Definition of Neonatal period: from birth to 28 days.
26. Meconium is seen in upper small intestine by : 3 months Intrauterine Life.
27. Child crawls by: 7th -8th month.
28. Very Low Birth Weight is less than: 1500 gm.
29. Anterior fontanelle ossifies by: 18 months.
30. Moro Reflex disappears by: 3 months.
31. A 10-year-old child with mental age of 2 yrs will have an IQ level of: 20.
32. First sign of sexual maturity in boys: Testicular enlargement.
33. Average gain of height in first year is: 25 cm.
34. Common cause of neonatal hypoglycemia is: Infant of Diabetic mother.
35. Physiological jaundice in a term baby lasts up to: 10 days.
36. Most common cause of Neonatal mortality in India: Prematurity.
37. Most common birth defect in North India: Neural Tube Defects (Spina Bifida).
38. Both chest and head in lifted at time – 6 months.
39. The child know his gender at 2 ½ to 3 yrs.
40. Extremely Low Birth Weight is: Less than 1000g.
41. Ideal site for bone marrow aspirate in infants: Upper end of the tibia.
42. Handedness is established by 3 years of age.
43. A child with diarrhoea having deep and rapid respiration. The diagnosis is - Metabolic Acidosis.
44. Epiphyseal dyngenesis is a feature of Hypothyroidism.
45. Breast milk is deficient in Vitamin D.
46. Specific sign of Kwashiorkor is: Pitting oedema.
47. Breastfeeding should be initiated within half-an-hour.
48. Acute malnutrition in a child is clinically assessed by Weight for Height (Wasting).
49. The best index of chronic malnutrition: Height for Ages ( stunting).
50. Waterlow classification of Malnutrition takes into account: Weight for Height and Height for Age.
51. Wide splitting of the second heart sound is characteristic of ASD.
52. Single S2 is a feature of Tetrology of Fallot.
53. Pentology of Fallot: TOF + ASD.
54. Most common cause of death in PDA is: Cardiac failure.
55. Congestive heart failure in children is best diagnosed by: Tachycardia and tender hepatomegaly.
56. Sure sign of cardiac failure in an infant: Liver enlargement.
57. Most common valve associated with Rheumatic Heart Disease: Mitral valve.
58. CVS Anomaly commonly seen in Turner’s syndrome: Coarctation of Aorta.
59. Most common Congenital Heart Disease associated with Down’s Syndrome: Atrioventricular Septal
60. Tetrology of Fallot, Vaginal Atresia and Polydactyly is seen together in McKusick Kaufman Syndrome.
61. Pott’s Shunt: Shunt from Left Pulmonary Artery to Descending Aorta.
62. In minimal change disease, 90% of cases respond to short course of steroid therapy.
63. Second most common cause of Nephrotic Syndrome in Child: Focal Segment Glomerulosclerosis (FSCG).
64. Berger nephropathy is due to deposition of IgA and C3.
65. Most common cause of Hypertension in a child: Chronic glomerulonephritis.
66. Most common cause of renal artery stenosis in India in children: Takayasu aortoarteritis.
67. Urine Osmolality in Pre Term is: 600 mOsm/kg.
68. Most common cause of seizure in newborn on day 1 is Hypoxia.
69. Hypsarrhythmia seen in West syndrome (infantile spasm).
70. Commonest cause of Meningitis in the postneonatal period is Streptococcus Pneumoniae.
71. Most common form of intracranial haemorrhage in preterm neonate is: Subependymal haemorrhage.
72. Treatment of febrile convulsions is based on control of fever.
73. Most common cause of acquired Aqueductal Stenosis: Mumps.
74. Best treatment of Bronchial Asthma: Avoidance of antigen.
75. Pathogenetic organism in Bronchiolitis: Respiratory Syncytial virus.
76. Gastric Aspirate Shake Test is used for the bedside test for Respiratory Distress Syndrome.
77. Most common cause of Croup in children: Parainfluenza.
78. Round pneumonia is typically seen with Streptococcal Pneumonia.
79. Treatment of breath holding spells is Iron.
80. Most common gastrointestinal malignancy of childhood is Lymphoma.
81. Least common site of volvulus in children is Colon.
82. Gas reaches the colonic end in a newborn by 8-10 hrs.
83. Most common cause of acute infantile gastroenteritis is Rotavirus.
84. Enzyme deficiency after an attack of severe infectious enteritis: Lactase.
85. Conjugated Bilirubin is increased in Rotor syndrome.
86. Vaccine withdrawn because of increased risk of Intussusception: Japenese Encephalitis(JE).
87. Commonest hematological malignancy in children: ALL.
88. Vitamin associated with Hemolytic Anemia in Preterm Babies: Vitamin K.
89. Large doses of Vitamin K in a neanewbornuse Hemolytic Anemia.
90. Treatment of choice in Thalassemia Major: Blood transfusion and Desferrioxamine.
91. Iron and folic acid supplementation of 6 months to 10year-old children is 20 mg elemental iron and 100
mg folic acid.
92. RBC Lifespan in preterm babies: 35-50 days.
93. Mc Cune-Albright syndrome is characterized by: Café au lait macules.
94. Most common cause of death in Klinefelter syndrome is: Infections.
95. Down ‘s syndrome is Trisomy 21.
96. Precocious puberty is seen in Mc Cune-Albright syndrome.
97. Most common cardiac anomaly in Turner’s syndrome: Bicuspid Aortic Valvse.
98. Karyotype in Testicular Feminising syndrome is: 46XY.
99. Sandifer syndrome due to GERD is confused with: Seizures.
• Single most common defect in Congenital Rubella Syndrome is: Deafness.
• GOLDENHAR SYNDROME is associated with the abnormal development of: 1st and 2nd branchial arches.
• Osteogenesis Imperfecta with normal dentition and sclera is: OI Type IA.
• Most common cause of congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a deficiency of 21 alpha-hydroxylase.
• BCG is a livse attenuated bacterial vaccine.
• Most common thyroid tumour in children is Papillary carcinoma.
• Congenital Toxoplasmosis is detected by IgM.
• Most common cause of death in Rett syndrome: Uncontrolled Seizures.
• Most common cause of Neonatal Blindness: Neisseria gonorrhoea.
• Vaccine not included in Indradhanush mission: Japanese Encephalitis.


1. In case of anorectal cancer nigro’s regime treatment should be done.

2. Cancer that arises from C-cells of thyroid is medullary.
3. The first constriction of esophagus from the incisor tooth is at 15cm.
4. Post resection of terminal ileum , deficiency of B12 vitamins is seen along with steatorrhea.
5. Management of epidermoid carcinoma is surgery + imiquimod.
6. Painless and cherry red is seen in 3rd dregree burns.
7. Carcinoid tumor are classified as kulchitsky cell tumor.
8. Femoral canal/ hernia presents blow and lateral to pubic tubercle.
9. Descending colon is not a derivative of midgut.
10. Goodsall’s rule in fistula-in-ano is used for distinguishing anterior and posterior fistula.
11. Alkaline urine seen in phosphate stone.
12. Muphy sign is seen in acute cholecystitis.
13. Sister mary joseph’s nodule is commonly seen with Stomach CA.
14. Spigelian hernia is hernia at the level of arcuate line.
15. Hernia with highest rate of strangulation is femoral hernia.
16. The most important factor for development of appendicitis and its complication is due to
Bowel lumen obstruction.

17. The location of appendix in silent appendix is retro-caecal.

18. Salvery gland stone formed most commonly in submandibular gland.
19. Upon aspiration in supine position food particle goes most commonly to right lower lobe
superior basal.
20. Neurogenic shock is caused by anaesthesia.
21. To differentiate malignancy from benign lesion in GIT , investigation of choice would be

22. Para-esophageal hernia is best diagnosed by barium study.

23. Angiodysplasia is seen in right side of the colon in adults.
24. Achalasia cardia not present with normal peristalsis.
25. Barrett esophagus is more prone to carcinoma.
26. Most common tumour of retro-pratoneum is sarcoma.
27. Congenital pyloric stenosis present with hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis.
28. Tumour marker for medullary carcinoma of thyroid is calcitonin.
29. Hydrocele in a child managed by herniotomy.
30. Catgut is made from the intestine of sheep.
31. Isograft is a graft between monozygotic twins.
32. The best fluid for resuscitation during shock is crystalloid.
33. The best fluid for burns in the first 24 hours is ringer lactate.
34. Ideal gas for laparoscopy is carbon dioxide.
35. Most common CNS tumor to undergo calcification is oligodendroglioma.
36. Most common cyst of a jaw is a radicular cyst.
37. Tooth is fixed in its socket by periodontal membrane.
38. Swelling of deep parotid gland presents as a swelling of the temporal region.
39. Commonest parotid tumor is pleomorphic adenoma.
40. The nerve in Frey syndrome is auriculotemporal nerve.
41. Most common site of salivary calculi is submandibular gland.
42. Most common malignant tumour of parotid is mucoepidermoid calcium.
43. Frey syndrome is associated with surgery of parotid.
44. T3N1M1 stage of calcium larynx is stage 4.
45. The probable cause of sudden death in case of superficial injury is neck is air embolism through the external
jugular vein.
46. In neck dissection surgery, the structure preserved is phrenic nerve.
47. Most common medullary carcinoma thyroid is seen in MEN 2B.
48. Hyoid bone is related to the thyroglossal cyst.
49. Orphan Annie eye nuclei papillary carcinoma thyroid.
50. Thyroid calcium with good prognosis is papillary.
51. Most common site of thyroglossal cyst is subhyoid.
52. TNM staging of oesophagal carcinoma is done by CT scan.
53. Barett’s oesophagus is an example of metaplasia.
54. The bleeding tendency in case of oesophagal varices depends upon size and site of varices.
55. Heller’s operation is done for achalasia cardia.
56. Most common complication of hiatal hernia is esophagitis.
57. Most common site of Iatrogenic oesophagal perforation Killian's triangle.
58. Achalasia cardia is due to loss of peristalsis of the oesophagus.
59. Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis occurs after 1 month of birth.
60. Hourglass deformity of the stomach is seen in gastric ulcer.
61. Vitamin deficiency in gastric cancer patients is vitamin B12.
62. Fistula leading to highest electrolyte imbalance is a gastric fistula.
63. Dieulafoy’s disease is aberrant tortuous arteriole in the lesser curvature with potential for torrential
64. Vagotomy causes gastric atony.
65. Bishop loop operation is done for uncomplicated meconium ileus.
66. 14C xylose test is used bacterial overgrowth.
67. The most common type of intussusceptions is ileocolic.
68. The commonest complication of diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon is bleeding per rectal.
69. Granulomas with abscess formation is ulcerative colitis/TB/ Crohn's s disease.
70. Commonest site of volvulus is sigmoid colon.
71. Least malignant potential for colorectal calcium is seen in polyps associated with peutz jegher’s
72. Anomaly associated with duodenal atresia is Down's syndrome.
73. Pseudopolyposis is seen in ulcerative colitis.
74. Double bubble sign is seen in duodenal atresia.
75. Vitamin deficiency seen in short bowel syndrome is vitamin B12.
76. Colon cancer is seen in people taking high-fat diet.
77. Increase the risk of colorectal cancer is associated with low fibre diet.
78. Burst abdomen is seen how many days after surgery is 7-10 days.
79. Appendicular stump is obtained by ligation and inversion.
80. A hydrocele is a type of exudation cyst.
81. Hirschsprung’s disease is confirmed by rectal biopsy.
82. Treatment of choice of squamous cell carcinoma of anus is chemoradiation.
83. Direct inguinal hernia with a femoral hernia is best managed by bassini’s repair.
84. Howship Romberg sign is associated with obturator hernia.
85. Strangulation without obstruction is seen in Richter’s hernia.
86. Richter’s hernia is seen most commonly with a femoral hernia.
87. Hernia with the highest rate of strangulation is femoral odema.
88. Spigelian hernia is hernia occurring at the level of arcuate line.
89. Treatment of choice in inguinal hernia in infants is herniotomy.
90. Most common type of hernia in the young is indirect inguinal.
91. Treatment of congenital hydrocele is herniotomy.
92. An inguinal hernia with acute appendicitis occurring in a sac is known as amyand’s hernia.
93. Nerve mostly likely to be injured during hernia surgery is lateral femoral cutaneous nerve.
94. Most common primary tumor of the liver is a hemangioma.
95. Size of common bile duct is 7.5mm long.
96. Commonest secondary liver tumor is secondaries.
97. Child criteria is used in calories.
98. Most common cause of hemobilia is trauma.
99. Mirizzi’s syndrome is gall bladder stone is cholesterol.
1. First treatment in asymptomatic gall bladder stone is wait and watch.
2. Murphy’s sign is seen in acute cholecystitis.
3. Cullen’s sign is seen acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis.
4. Number of liver lobes as per couinaud’s classification.
5. Investigation of choice in gall bladder stone is ultrasound.
6. Treatment of choice for congenital biliary atresia is Kasai's procedure.
7. Commonest complication of pseudopancreatic cyst is an infection.
8. Commonest complication of pseudopancreatic cyst is infection.
9. Common cause of death due to acute pancreatitis is shock.
10. Commonest pancreatic tumour is insulinoma.
11. Most common complication of ERCP is post ERCP pancreatitis.
12. Cut off score for acute pancreatitis is defined as apache 11 score> 8
13. Best investigation for carcinoma head of the pancreas is guided biopsy.
14. Excessive intake of vitamin C causes oxalate stones.
15. Most common predisposing factor for pyelonephritis.
16. Staghorn calculus is made up of phosphate.
17. Cold ischaemic time of kidney is 6 hours.
18. Treatment of blunt trauma of kidney is conservative.
19. Acute papillary tip necrosis occurs in diabetes mellitus.
20. Renal imaging of choice in a patient with allergy is USG.
21. Renal transplant is an example of allograft.
22. Most common carcinoma after renal transplant is carcinoma of skin and lips.
23. Floor of a tuberculous ulcer contains apple jelly granulations.
24. Most common cause of cellulitis streptococcus.
25. Most common site of felon is thumb.
26. Decubitus ulcer is best classified as pressure ulcer.
27. Most common site for a venous ulcer to develop medial aspect of ankle above malleoli.
28. Raynaud's phenomenon is associated with systemic sclerosis.
29. Deep vein thrombosis is best diagnosed by Doppler.
30. Tredelenburg’s operation is seen in varicose veins.
31. Best way to control external haemorrhage is direct pressure.
32. Buerger’s disease involves artery, vein and nerve.
33. Best method to treat large port wine hemangioma is pulsed dye laser.
34. Raynaud's phenomena is not seen in JRA.
35. Most common common complication of central venous line is sepsis.
36. Commonest site of peripheral arterial aneurysm is popliteal.
37. Cricoid aneurysms of the scalp are derived superficial temporal artery.
38. MC bacterial infection with lymphedema is streptococcus.
39. Commonest site of meningomyelocele is lumbosacral.
40. Most common site of brain metastasis is cerebral cortex.
41. Lucid interval is seen in EDH.
42. Commonest functional tumor of pituitary is prolactinoma.
43. Enlargement of pituitary tumor after adrenalectomy is called nelson’s syndrome.
44. MC cause of hypersecreating pituitary tumor is pituitary adenoma.
45. Blood transfusion is indicated in 50% burns.
46. Splitting is the treatment of burns of hand.
47. Sunburns are first degree burns.
48. Curling ulcer is associated with burns.
49. Blisters are seen superficial second-degree burns.
50. Alexander wallace proposed the rule of nines.
51. Commonest secondaries of carcinoma of breast is in bone.
52. Breast carcinoma with best prognosis is colloid carcinoma if tubular calcium is not in choice.
53. Acute mastoiditis occurs during lactation.
54. Maximum risk of invasive breast calcium seen in atypical ducal hyperplasia.
55. Breast cancer is related with early menarche.
56. Treatment of choice of cytosarcoma phyllodes is wide local.
57. Commonest mode of spread of carcinoma prostate is is blood vessel breast.
58. MC site of carcinoma prostate is peripheral.
59. Gleason’s scoring is done for prostate calcium.
60. Most common infection in post splenectomy patients is pneumococcal.
61. Popcorn calcification is pathognomonic of hamartoma.
62. Marker of small cell cancer of lung ids chromagnin.
63. Most common primary of metastatic bone tumor is made in lung.
64. Lung injury with bad prognosis is tension pneumothorax.
65. Commonest type of hypospadias is glandular.
66. Most common tumor undescended testis is seminoma.
67. Treatment of hydrocele in children is herinotomy.
68. Testcular teratoma in adults is malignant.
69. Narrowest part of male urethra is external urethral meatus.
70. Hutch diverticulum is seen in bladder.
71. Non irritant fluid to peritoneum is blood.
72. Rectus cutting incision is Maryland reaction.
73. Seen in tumor lysis syndrome is hypocalcemia.
74. Most common neuroperitoneal sarcoma is liposarcoma.
75. Most common site of rabhdomyosarcoma is orbit.
76. MC soft tissue tumor of adults is malignant fibrous histiocytoma.
77. Skin grafts stored at 4 degrees Celsius can survive up to two weeks.
78. Management of desmoid tumor is wide excision.
79. Phantom limb is based upon law of projection. Lahshal classification is for cleft lip and palate. Most
common presentation of desmoid tumor is abdominal lump. Layers cut during fasciotomy is skin,
subcutaneous tissue, superficial and deep fascia. Common cause of pancreatic use is alcohol use.

1. Methotrexate is not contraindicated in prematurity.
2. A vulvar cancer of 3cm , no lymph node involved treatment would be simple partial
vulvectomy without lymphadenectomy.
3. Inevitable abortion uterus size small to AOG, cervix open.
4. Umbilical cord attached to the margin of placenta is battledore placenta.
5. Cardiac activity in fetus can be assessed via trans abdominal scan by 6-7 weeks.
6. Treatment of choice of acute hydramnios with fatal distress in pregnancy is amniocentesis.
7. In pregnancy Factor XI(clotting factor) will be decreased.
8. Drug of choice in case of puberty menorrhagia is progesterone.
9. Drug contraindicated in uterine fibroid is mifepristone.
10. Pacemaker of uterine contraction is located at tubal ostia.
11. Oxygenated blood from placenta goes to fatal heart via ductus venosus.
12. Primary treatment for hirsutism in PCOD is combined OCP.
13. Internal syndrome tall stature is not seen.
15. While doing partogram, pelvic examination done at 1hour.
16. Placental circulation and fatal circulation is established by 21days.
17. Mechanism of action of combined OCP is to prevent release of ovum from ovary.
18. Infertility does not occur due to vaginal carcinoma.
19. Recurrence of hydatiform mole assessed by β-HCG level.
20. In brow presentation, head of the fetus is partial extension.
21. A pregnant woman with BP 150/100 mmHg, proteinuria after 20 weeks diagnosis would be
22. A pregnant patient after delivery presented with haemorrhage. Immediate hysterectomy is done in
rupture of uterus.
23. Menstrual blood stored in vagina is known as hematocolpos.
24. Most common germ cell ovarian tumour is teratoma.
25. A 15 year old girl presented with dysmenorrhea in every menstrual period. Menarche occurs at 13yrs
of age since then she experiences this very severe pain at right side associated with nausea and
vomiting . She can’t attend the school during menses from past year for which she consulted and
started to take NSAIDs. Initially it is affective but after sometime it is infective then the next line of
management would be pelvic and abdomen USG.
26. Hypertension in pregnancy causes Korotkoff’s sound: phase.
27. The cardiac output returns to the pre-pregnancy state in 4 weeks.
28. A sure sign of labour: Breakage of Bag of waters.
29. LH surge occurs how many hours before ovulation? 2448 hrs.
30. Cervix dilatation suggestive of the onset of labor is 3-5 cm.
31. Palmer sign seen in pregnancy is the rhythmic contraction of the uterus.
32. Peak HCG levels are seen by what intrauterine age? 8-10 weeks.
33. Tubectomy done during 7-14 days would cause a sharp drop in milk output.
34. The most common side effect of Progesterone only pills is irregular bleeding.
35. Legally MTP is defined up to 140 days.
36. Lower 1/3rd of the vagina is formed by urogenital sinus.
37. Milfepristone is contraindicated in Ectopic pregnancy.
38. The ratio of fetal weight and placental weight at term is 6:1.
39. Placenta develops from deciduas basalis and chorion frondosum.
40. Weight gain in normal pregnancy is 10-12 kgs.
41. Total iron requirements during pregnancy is 1000 mg.
42. Percentage of breech presentation is 3%.
43. Amniocentesis is done at what intrauterine age? 8-10 weeks.
44. Peak levels of HCG are by what intrauterine age? 8-10 weeks.
45. Longest diameter of the fetal skull: Mentovsertical.
46. Most common fungal infection in 3rd trimester of pregnancy is Candida Albicans.
47. Most consistent sign in disturbed ectopic pregnancy: Pain.
48. Shortest diameter is obstetric conjugate.
49. Commonest type of ectopic pregnancy with rupture: Isthmic.
50. Alpha-fetoprotein is decreased in Down’s syndrome.
51. MTP was passed in the year 1971.
52. Naegele’s Obliquity is anterior Asynclitism.
53. At term, the amniotic fluid volume is 800 ML.
54. Oligohydramnios is associated with Renal Agenesis.
55. Immune rejection of fetus prevented by: HCG.
56. Frog eye appearance is seen in Anencephaly.
57. Drug contraindicated in pregnancy: Enalapril.
58. HELP syndrome recurrence rate: 2%
59. MgSO4 TO Prevent seizure: 4 to 7 mg/ML.
60. An earliest fetal anomaly to be detected by USG: Anencephaly.
61. Glycosylated Hemoglobin in a pregnant lady should be less than 6%.
62. Weight gain during pregnancy is 12 kg.
63. Weight of placenta at term: 550 gms.
64. In pregnancy, the calculation of EDD considers the: First day of last menstruation.
65. Amniotic fluid turnover occurs in: 1 day.
66. Worst prognosis among valvular disease in pregnancy is for Aortic stenosis.
67. The earliest sign of Intrauterine death: Gas in Blood vessels.
68. The ph of the vagina in pregnancy: 4
69. Increase in plasma volume seen in pregnancy is 40-50%.
70. Plasma level of HCG in pregnancy doubles every: 2 days.
71. During pregnancy, the maximum level of HCG is reached in 70 days.
72. Fetal adrenals secrete which hormone predominantly: Cortisone.
73. McAfee Johnson Regime: is used for Placenta Previa.
74. Weight gain during the second stage of pregnancy is 5-7 kg.
75. The dose of Progesterone released by MIRENA per day: 20 micrograms.
76. Most common reason for discontinuation of IUCD use: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding.
77. Ideal contraceptive after Molar Pregnancy: Oral Contraceptive pills.
78. MTP is allowed till 140 days as per the MTP Act.
79. Most common cause of BREECH presentation: Prematurity.
80. Softening of lower uterine Examination on Bimanual examination is known as HEGAR’S SIGN.
81. The drug used for enhancement of foetal lung maturity: Dexamethasone.
82. Recommended Daily Allowance of Iodine in pregnant women in micrograms: 250 micrograms/day.
83. The ph of the adult vagina is 4.5.
84. The ph of vagina after Ovariectomy: 7-7.5
85. Weight of nulliparous uterus is 40-60 gm.
86. Size of the uterus in inches is 3*2*1.
87. Cornification index or Eosinophilic index indicates Estrogenic effect.
88. Corpus Luteum of menstruation presents for 14 days.
89. B lyncH suture is applied on Uterus.
90. The commonest site of metastasis of a Hydatidiform mole is Lung.
91. Karyotype of the complete mole is 46XX.
92. Chorionic Villi are absent in Choriocarcioma.
93. Hcg is a tumor marker for Choriocarcinoma.
94. A risk factor for choriocarcinoma: After full-term pregnancy.
95. Most common site of Endometriosis: Ovary.
96. Retention of urine is seen in Anterior type of cervical fibroid.
97. Tuberculosis is most commonly affects Fallopian tubes.
98. Bartholin’s cyst adenitis is caused by Gonococcus.
99. Treatment of choice for Bartholin ’is Marsupialization.
100. Whiff test is done for Bacterial Vaginosis.
• Bodies found in Granulosa cell tumour: Call-Exner bodies.
• Schiller Duval bodies are seen in Endodermal Sinus Tumor.
• In a 25-yr-old female, cystitis is best treated by Nitrofurantoin.
• Absolute contraindication of Hormone Replacement Therapy: Breast cancer.
• Most commonly associated Human Papillomavirus associated with Cancer cervix is HPV 16.
• Agent implicated in Caracinoma cervix: Human Papiloma virus.
• Most common symptom of Uterine Tuberculosis is Infertility.
• Drug of choice for chemotherapy of Cervical Cancer: Cisplatin.
• Marker of Endodermal Sinus Tumor: Alpha-Fetoprotein.
• Karyotype of Incomplete Mole: 69 XXY.
• Most common complication of Intrauterine Device: Bleeding.
• The lifespan of Cu T 380 A is 10 years.
• Contraceptive supplied by Government of India free of cost: MALA-N.
• Oral contraceptives prevent the development of Ovarian Malignancy.
• Normal blood loss during Menstruation: 30-40 Ml.
• Most common cause of vulval discharge in an 8-yr-old prepubertal girl: Non-specific Vulvovaginitis.
• Investigation of primary Amenorrhea in a girl with the full development of secondary sexual
characteristics should be performed by 16 yrs.
• FSH LH levels in TURNER’S SYNDROME High FSH, High LH.
• Most common presenting symptoms of Carcinoma Cervix is Vaginal Bleeding.
• MEIGS SYNDROME is associated with which ovarian tumour is FIBROMA.
• SWISS CHEESE pattern Endometrium is seen in Metropathia Hemorrhagic.
• Most common site of origin of Carcinoma Cervix is : Endocervical or Transitional zone.
• Most common site of origin of Sarcoma Botryoides: Head and Neck> Vagina.
• Most common indication of a Posterior Colpotomy: Drainage of Pelvic Abscess. Indication for hormonal
therapy in postmenopausal women: Hot Flushes.

1. Canon A wave is seen in complete heart block.
2. Palmar erythema in live failure is due to estrogen.
3. Mccallum patch in rheumatic heart disease is seen in left atrium.
4. Increased intra-cranial tension is related to hypertension and bradycardia.
5. Relaxin is not a steroid.
6. Aldosterone is mineralocorticoid.
7. Hyaline atherosclerosis is seen in benign hypertension.
8. Antibody in goodpasture syndrome is known as Anti-GBM antibody.
9. Most common malignant brain tumour is meningioma.
10. Peripheral ganglia is not a part of lower motor neuron.
11. Internal jugular vein pressure determines pressure of right atrium(RA).
12. In horner syndrome exopthalmus is not seen.
13. Lung cancer is most common cancer.
14. Most common chronic viral illness is caused by Hepatitis C.
15. Mottling of lungs is seen in silicosis.
16. SSPE is seen in measles.
17. Entric fever on 4th day best diagnose by blood culture.
18. DOC for herpes simplex encephalitis is Acyclovir.
19. DOC for listeria meningitis is ampicillin.
20. DOC for entire fever is ceftriaxone.
21. Rectal temperature in hypothermia should be lesser than 35℃ .
22. Wegener’s granulomatusis is diagnosed by c-ANCA.
23. Thrombocythemia is characterized by platelets elevation.
24. Centri-acinar emphysema is due to chronic smoking
25. Gram positive organisms is incriminated in infection after hemodialysis.
26. If a person is having ventricular tachycardia , extra systoles appears in QRS complex.
27. Sinusitis is not a cause of primary headache.
28. LE cell are not seen in systemic lupus erythematous(SLE).
29. Oxygen(30-50%) not given in pleural effusion.
30. Diabetic nephropathy earliest finding is urine albumin > 30mg/dl.
31. Renal failure is due to essential cryoglobulinemia.
32. Boxer’s present with subdural haemorrhage.
33. In hemochromatosis CNS is not affected.
34. In Wilson disease, chelation is done by zinc.
35. Low serum iron and low serum ferritin is seen in iron deficiency anaemia.
36. RBC cast is present in acute glomerulonephritis.
37. Positive dipstick for RBC with red colour urine and clear supernatant after centrifugation is due to
38. Scborrheice dermatitis ,cellulitis ,alopecia and apathy is seen in biotin deficiency.
39. Diarrhea presents with hypokalemia and metabolic acidosis.
40. Myasthenia gravis present with hypothyroidism.
41. Thalassemia is a autosomal recessive.
42. A man has acute onset of (+) symmetrical , bilateral areflexia: gullian barre syndrome.
43. Iron is absorbed from duodenum with fast clearance.
44. In ulcerative colitis, metaplasia is not true about malignancy.
45. A man presented with (+) fever , chills and jaundice diagnosis would be acute cholangitis.
46. IgA antibody is incriminated causing henoch scholein purpura.
47. Long acting beta2 agonist is given in the maintenance of severe persistent asthma.
48. Resistant hypertension is defined as resistance to 3 or more anti-hypertensive drugs
including thiazides.
49. A 65 yr old male had MI one year ago. Now the same patient presents with hypertension then
Lisinopril drug is best suited for this patient.
50. CSF glucose compared to blood glucose and corresponds to 60-70% of the concentration in blood.
51. Partial pressure of oxygen in alveoli is 103mmHg.
52. 32 year old aids positive female presented with headaches and nuchal stiffness. On lumbar
puncture examination clear CSF was obtained with leucocytes > 100/ India ink staining was
positive the most possible diagnosis would be Cryptococcus meningitis.
53. HLA associated with Myasthenia Gravis: HLA B8.
54. Acetylcholine receptors are affected in Myasthenia Gravis.
55. Bleeding in pons causes Coma and pinpoint pupil.
56. The commonest cause of stroke in the elderly is Thrombosis.
57. Todd’s paralysis is mostly seen after Grand mal epilepsy.
58. Neck rigidity without fever is seen in Subarachnoid haemorrhage.
59. Enzyme-deficient in Parkinsonism: tyrosine hydroxylase.
60. Drug of choice for trigeminal neuralgia: Carbamazepine.
61. Acetylcholine deficiency in the cortex is seen in Alzheimer’s disease.
62. The lateral medullary syndrome is most commonly due to the involvement of the vertebral artery.
63. Dysmetria is due to a lesion of the cerebellum.
64. Hippocampus lesion affects memory transformation from short term to long term.
65. Diazepam poisoning is treated by Flumazenil.
66. Nervous system is primarily affected in Tetanus.
67. Part of brain involved in Narcolepsy: Hypothalamus.
68. The commonest site for Hypertensive bleed: Putamen.
69. Facial nerve involvement in Geniculate ganglion causes Ramsay Hunt syndrome.
70. Ramsay Hunt syndrome involves commonly 7th and 8th cranial nerves together.
71. The earliest feature of Multiple sclerosis: Optic neuritis Useful bedside test for Myasthenia gravis: Ice
pack test.
72. CSF PROTEIN 14-3-3 is elevated in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
73. Increased muscle tone is a feature of Extrapyramidal tract involvement.
74. Most common cause of Intracranial haemorrhage: Intracerebral haemorrhage.Osmotic diarrhea is seen
in Lactase deficiency
75. Gastric ulcer is caused by Helicobacter pylori.
76. Vitamin deficiency seen in Tropical sprue: Vitamin B12
77. Splenomegaly is characteristic of Hairy cell leukaemia.
78. Most common cause of Peritonitis in a patient with cirrhosis:
79. Gluten-sensitive enteropathy is most associated with HLA DQ2.
80. Wilson’s disease is diagnosed with increased urinary copper.
81. Antiendomysial antibodies are seen in coeliac disease.
82. Alpha – I antitrypsin deficiency is associated with Chronic liver disease.
83. Most common site of Chronic gastric ulcer: Pyloric Antrum.
84. Respiratory acidosis is seen in Emphysema.
85. Pneumatocele is commonest in Staphylococcal Pneumonia.
86. Deficiency of surfactant leads to Hyaline membrane disease:
87. ACTH producing Lung carcinoma is Oat cell carcinoma.
88. Minimum air required to produce Air embolism: 50 Ml.
89. Most sensitive investigation for Bronchiectasis: HRCT.
90. The monoclonal antibody used in asthma: Omalizumab.
91. Earliest change in high altitude: increased 2, 3 BPG.
92. Shock lung is also known as ARDS.
93. Caplan’s syndrome is Pneumoconiosis with Rheumatoid.
94. Most common cause of pulmonary abscess in Cystic fibrosis – Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
95. Paradoxical breathing is seen in Diaphragmatic palsy.
96. Parameter almost the same at apex and base of the lung – Oxygen concentration in blood.
97. Occupational exposure which is yet NOT confirmed on causing a lung problem: Lead.
98. ECG pattern in Pulmonary embolism is S1 Q3T3.
99. Investigation of choice for diagnosing lung sequestration: Angiography.
• Palpatory thud and auscultatory slap are seen in Tracheal foreign body.
• Isolation period in TB: 2 Weeks.
• Predisposing factor to Buerger’s disease is Smoking.
• Samter’s triad refers to the association between Aspirinsensitive asthma and Nasal block.
• Treatment of Acute cardic tamponade: Emergency paracentesis.
• Atherosclerosis is inversely related to HDL.
• The best indicator of Myocardial infarction after 48 hours: Troponin T.
• Dressler’s syndrome is characterized by Pericardial effusion
• P waves are absent in Atrial fibrillation.
• Notching of ribs is seen in Coarctation of aorta.
• The earliest diagnosis of Myocardial infarction is by CPK MB.
• Most common cause of infective endocarditis – Stretococcus viridans.
• Atherosclerosis associated Infection: Chlamydia pneumonia.
• Osler’s nodes are associated with – Subacute bacterial endocarditis.
• Normal axis of heart: - 30 to + 90
• Roth’s spots – Infective endocarditis.
• Drug of choice of Anaphylactic shock is intravenous adrenaline.
• Cannon ‘a’ waves in JVP represents Complete heart block.
• Auenbrugger’s sign is seen in Pericardinal effusion.
• Epsilon wave is seen in: Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia.
• Duroziez’s sign is seen in: Aortic regurgitation.
• Urinary Ph >8 indicates urinary tract infection.
• Hyperkalemia is a prominent feature of Type 4 Renal tubular acidosis.
• Diabetes insipidus is characterized by decreased urine and increased plasma osmolality.
• Restless leg syndrome is caused by Chronic renal failure.
• Cancer-causing Polycythemia: Renal cell carcinoma.
• HIV associated nephropathy is a type of Collapsing glomerulopathy.
• Most common cause of nephritic syndrome in adults is Membranous Glomerulonephritis. Chronic renal
failure anemia due to – Erythropoietin deficiency.
• Most common cause of secondary hypertension – Renovascular disease.
• Microalbuminuria is urinary albumin excretion rate of 30-300 mg/day.
• Earliest sensitive test to diagnose Diabetic Nephropathy: Microalbuminuria.
• Chronic kidney disease is defined as GFR LESS THAN – ml/min/1.73m2.
• Nodular glomerulosclerosis is pathognomonic for Diabetic Nephropathy.
• Pathological finding in Benign nephrosclerosis: Hyaline arteriolosclerosis.
• ANURIA is defined as Urine output less than 100 ml/hr.
• BARTER’S SYNDROME is caused by a defect in Thick Ascending Limb of Loop of Henle.
• Photosensitivity is seen in Congenital erythropoietic porphyria.
• Vit. K dependent clotting factors are 2, 7, 9, 10.
• Splenectomy is best indicated in Hereditary spherocytosis.
• Pure red cell aplasia is associated with – Thymoma.
• Low erythropoietin level is seen in Renal failure.
• Increased thrombin time is seen in Fibrinogen deficiency.
• Initial investigation of choice in DVT: Duplex USG.
• Gold standard investigation in DVT: Contrast venography.
• The gold standard test for the diagnosis of Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria is Flow cytometry.
• Shrinking lung syndrome is seen in SLE.
• Libman – Sacks endocarditis is seen in SLE.
• Bilateral upper limb pulsesless disease is : Takayasu arteritis.
• Anion gap is NOT increased in Renal tubular acidosis.
• Hypokalemia is seen with Metabolic Alkalosis.
• Cheyne – Stokes breathing associated with – Metabolic Alkalosis
• Hypochloremia, hypokalemia and alkalosis are features of Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis.
• Granulomatous condition with Hypercalcemia – Sarcoidosis.
• Chronic renal failure is associated with: Metabolic acidosis.
• Definitive treatment of Hypermagnesemia: Hemodialysis.
• Hypokalemic metabolic Acidosis with Hypertension occurs in Liddle’s Syndrome.
• Drug used for Giardiasis and Amoebiasis: Metronidazole.
• Disease-causing orchitis: Mumps.
• Most common primary site for Congnential tuberculosis is : Liver.
• Fulminant Hepatitis E is seen in: Pregnant women.
• Treatment of choice for HIV and TB along with Rifampicin is Ritonavir.
• Window period in HIV infection is 3 months.
• Drug of choice for Diarrhea in AIDS: Octreotide.
• Hep.B can be transmitted through all routes except stool.
• Only serological marker present during window period in Hep.B infection is Anti –HBc.
• Conn’s syndrome – Hyperaldosteronism with Hypokalemia.
• The commonest cause of Paroxysmal hypertension: Pheochromocytoma.
• Growth hormone secretion is inhibited by Hyperglycemia.
• Acromegaly is mediated by Somatomedin.
• Female to male ratio for Microprolactioma is 20:1
• Iron used in Insulin storage: Zine.
• Metal required in the synthesis of Retinol is Zine.
• Drug of choice of Malignant melanoma is Dacarbazine.
• Treatment of choice for Acute Sarcoidosis is Prednisolone. Drugs given for painful Diabetic neuropathy:
Gabapentin, Duloxetine, Pregabalin.
• INR in warfarin therapy is 2.5.
• Henoch – Schonlein in purpura is due to IgA deposition.
• Artery responsible for bleeding in Hemoptysis: Bronchial artery.
• Spontaneous bleeding is seen in Hemophilia.
• Most virulent form of medullary Carcinoma Thyroid in associated with: MEN 2B.
• Drug of choice of Chronic myeloid leukaemia: Imatinib.
• Lynch syndrome is associated With MLH 1/2, MSH6, PSM2 genes.
• Superior and Inferior Rib Notching can both be seen in HYPERPARATHYROIDISM.


1. Surgical condition showing ~ Cleft palate & Cleft lip


2. X RAY IMAGE SHOWING Pneumo-mediastinum

3. X-RAY IMAGE Showing barium enema-pipe stem colon

4. Intestinal segment ~ jejunum








13. XRAY Abdomen with multiple air fluid level

14. CBD dilation on ERCP




1. Lucid interval may be seen in Extradural hemorrhage .
2. A patient brought emergency department allegedly bitten by krait snake the venom such bite would be

3. Cruelty to a woman by her husband or by relative of her husband is dealt under section IPC 498
4. Privation of any member or a joint ,Fracture or dislocation of a bone or joint & permanent privation of the
sight of either eye are associated with grievous hurt
Whereas bed ridden period of 21 days is not
5. Investigation in case of dowry death is done by Magistrate
6. HURT comes under which section of IPC 319
7. Normal hearing capacity is from 20 - 20,000 hz.
8. Noise induce hearing loss seen maximum at 5-6 khz.
9. Moderately severe hearing loss56-70 db.
10. Henebert sign is seen in menier’s disease.
11. In case of BPPV posterior semicircular canal affected.
12. Acute otitis media most commonly caused by streptococcus pneumonia.
13. Most common intracranial manifestation of late chronic otitis media is temporalis fascia.
14. Caldwell luc’s operation is done for maxillay sinusitis.
15. Cause of Rhinosporidiosis is fungal .
16. Bullous myringitis is caused by virus(adenovirus).
17. Recurrent laryngeal nerve not supplycricothyroid.
18. Ramsay hunt syndrome is due to herpes zoster virus.
19. A 35 yrs old female presented with MCP and PIP pain diagnosis would be rheumatoid arthritis.
20. A 7 year old boy presented with bony pain X-ray wrist revels rickets will be treated by vitamin D.
21. Drug of choice for acute gouty arthritis is indomethacine.
22. In Colles’ fracture extensor policislonguslikely to rupture.
23. Osteomyelitis earliest X ray finding is periosteal reaction.
24. In case penetrating injury to eye shield should be done first.
25. While examining macula, the examiner asks the patient to look straight .
26. Snellen’s chart is used for visual acuity.
27. A child with retinoblastoma present with esotropia.
28. Complicated cataract is due to retinitis pigmentosa.
29. Optic nerve testing is not done for visual acuity.
30. Intercalary staphyloma is bulge in limbal area lined by root of iris.
31. Vertically fixed mid – dilated pupil seen in angle closure glaucoma.
32. A 50 yr old female presented with redness , painful, sudden loss of vision. She also claims about seeing
coloured haloes diagnosis would be acute congestive glaucoma.
33. Males are prone for colour blindness.
34. Side effect of oral steroid is cataract.
35. A man present with frequent change of presbyopic lens lens diagnosis would be open angle glaucoma.
36. Interstitial keratitis is seen in syphilis.
37. Ropy discharge is seen in veneral conjunctivitis.
38. Jack in a box is seen in aphakia.
39. Worth 4 dot test (WFDT) is done for binocular vision.
40. An adult male presented 4 weeks after intercourse with fever , rubbery ulcer, inguinal lymphadenopathy .
Causitive organism would be LGV(STD).
41. A papule that is raised , non- purulent is insect bite.
42. Chloroform is hepatotoxic and cardiotoxic both.
43. Malignant hyperthermia is caused by ryanodine receptor.
44. Procaine is an ester(1 ‘I’ in name is ester and 2 ‘I’ in name is amides) .
45. Purely beta emission is in P32.
46. Most common complication of radio therapy of head and neck CA: dryness of mouth.
47. Mammography , most appropriate technique is medial lateral oblique view.
48. Most common cause of impotency in males is psychogenic.
49. Behavioural therapy on phobia is exposure and response prevention followed by systemic
50. Drug used in treatment of Alzheimer’s are donepezil, memantine and rivastigmine not biperidin.
51. In clinical practice most common psychiatric illness seen in depressive disorder.
52. Lithium most commonly used in bipolar disorder.
53. Early and rapid addiction is seen with smoking.

54. Jaundice prolonged due to Cephal-haematoma.

55. Fluid requirement for severe dehydration in 1 year old child is 100ml per kg.
56. PDA is an acyanotic heart disease.
57. BMI measured in children by𝒎𝟐.
58. Hypotension is not a criteria for systemic inflammatory response syndrome in children.
59. In neonatal sepsis , acute face reactant is CRP .
60. Anaemia for an infant at haemoglobin less than 12gm%.
61. Early sign of puberty in male is enlargement of testes. In females it is determined by thelarche.
62. In case of anorectal cancer nigro’sregime treatment should be done.
63. Cancer that arises from C-cells of thyroid is medullary.
64. The first constriction of esophagus from the incisor tooth is at 15cm.
65. Post resection of terminal ileum , deficiency of B12 vitamins is seen along with steatorrhea.
66. Management of epidermoid carcinoma is surgery + imiquimod.
67. Painless and cherry red is seen in 3rddregree burns.
68. Carcinoid tumor are classified as kulchitsky cell tumor.
69. Femoral canal/ hernia presentsblow and lateral to pubic tubercle.
70. Descending colon is not a derivative of midgut.
71. Goodsall’srule in fistula-in-ano is used for distinguishing anterior and posterior fistula.
72. Alkaline urine seen in phosphate stone.
73. Muphy sign is seen in acute cholecystitis.
74. Sister mary joseph’s nodule is commonly seen with Stomach CA.
75. Spigelian hernia is hernia at the level of arcuate line.
76. Hernia with highest rate of strangulation is femoral hernia.
77. The most important factor for development of appendicitis and its complication is due to Bowel lumen
78. The location of appendix in silentappendix is retro-caecal.
79. Salvery gland stone formed most commonly in submandibular gland.
80. Upon aspiration in supine position food particle goes most commonly to right lower lobe superior basal.
81. Neurogenic shock is caused by anaesthesia.
82. To differentiate malignancy from benign lesion in GIT , investigation of choice would be biopsy.
83. Para-esophageal hernia is best diagnosed by barium study.
84. Angiodysplasia is seen in right side of the colon in adults.
85. Achalasia cardia not present with normal peristalsis.
86. Barrett esophagusis more prone to carcinoma.
87. Most common tumour of retro-pratoneum is sarcoma.
88. Congenital pyloric stenosis present with hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis.
89. Tumour marker for medullary carcinoma of thyroid is calcitonin.
90. Hydrocele in a child managed byherniotomy.
91. Methotrexate is not contraindicated in prematurity.
92. A vulvar cancer of 3cm , no lymph node involved treatment would be simple partial vulvectomy without
93. Umbilical cord attached to the margin of placenta is battledore placenta.
94. Cardiac activity in fetus can be assessed via trans abdominal scan by 6-7 weeks.
95. Treatment of choice of acute hydramnios with fatal distress in pregnancy is amniocentesis.
96. In pregnancy Factor XI(clotting factor) will be decreased.
97. Drug of choice in case of puberty menorrhagia is progesterone.
98. Drug contraindicated in uterine fibroid is mifepristone.
99. Pacemaker of uterine contraction is located at tubal ostia.
100. Oxygenated blood from placenta goes to fatal heart via ductus venosus.
101. Primary treatment for hirsutism in PCOD is combined OCP.
102. Internal syndrome tall stature is not seen.
103. Inevitable abortion uterus size small to AOG, cervix open.
104. While doing partogram, pelvic examination done at 1hour.
105. Placental circulation and fatal circulation is established by 21days.
106. Mechanism of action of combined OCP is to prevent release of ovum from ovary.
107. Infertility does not occur due to vaginal carcinoma.
108. Recurrence of hydatiform mole assessed by β-HCG level.
109. In brow presentation, head of the fetus is partial extension.
110. A pregnant woman with BP 150/100 mmHg, proteinuria after 20 weeks diagnosis would be pre-eclampsia.
111. A pregnant patient after delivery presented with haemorrhage. Immediate hysterectomy is done in rupture of
112. Menstrual blood stored in vagina is known as hematocolpos.
113. Most common germ cell ovarian tumour is teratoma.
114. A 15 year old girl presented with dysmenorrhea in every menstrual period. Menarche occurs at 13yrs of age since
then she experiences this very severe pain at right side associated with nausea and vomiting . She can’t attend
the school during menses from past year for which she consulted and started to take NSAIDs. Initially it is
affective but after sometime it is infective then the next line of management would be pelvic and abdomen USG.

53. Canon A wave is seen in complete heart block.

115.Palmar erythema in live failure is due to estrogen.
116.Mccallum patch in rheumatic heart disease is seen in left atrium.
117.Increased intra-cranial tension is related to hypertension and bradycardia.
118. Relaxin is not a steroid.
119. Aldosterone is mineralocorticoid.
120.Hyaline atherosclerosis is seen in benign hypertension.
121. Antibody in goodpasture syndrome is known as Anti-GBM antibody.
122.Most common malignant brain tumour is meningioma.
123. Peripheral ganglia is not a part of lower motor neuron.
124.Internal jugular vein pressure determines pressure of right atrium(RA).
125. In horner syndrome exopthalmusis not seen.
126. Lung cancer is most common cancer.
127.Most common chronic viral illness is caused by Hepatitis C.
128.Mottling of lungs is seen in silicosis.
129.SSPE is seen in measles.
130.Entric fever on 4th day best diagnose by blood culture.
131.DOC for herpes simplex encephalitis is Acyclovir.
132.DOC for listeria meningitis is ampicillin.
133.DOC for entire fever is ceftriaxone.
134.Rectal temperature in hypothermia should be lesser than 35℃.
135.Wegener’s granulomatusis is diagnosed by c-ANCA.
136.Thrombocythemia is characterized by platelets elevation.
137. Centri-acinar emphysema is due to chronic smoking.
138. Grampositive organisms is incriminated in infection after hemodialysis.
139.If a person is having ventricular tachycardia , extra systoles appears in QRS complex.
140. Sinusitis is not a cause of primary headache.
141.LE cellare not seen in systemic lupus erythematous(SLE).
142.Oxygen(30-50%) not given in pleural effusion.
143.Diabetic nephropathy earliest finding is urine albumin > 30mg/dl.
144.Renal failure is due to essential cryoglobulinemia.
145.Boxer’s present with subdural haemorrhage.
146. In hemochromatosis CNS is not affected.
147.In Wilson disease, chelation is done by zinc.
148.Low serum iron and low serum ferritin is seen in iron deficiency anaemia.
149.RBC cast is present in acute glomerulonephritis.
150. Positive dipstick for RBC with red colour urine and clear supernatant after centrifugation is due to

151.Scborrheicedermatitis ,cellulitis ,alopecia and apathy is seen in biotin deficiency.
152. Diarrheapresents with hypokalemia and metabolic acidosis.
153. Myasthenia gravis present with hypothyroidism.
154.Thalassemia is aautosomal recessive.
155.A man has acute onset of (+) symmetrical , bilateral areflexia: gullianbarre syndrome.
156.Iron is absorbed from duodenum with fast clearance.
157. In ulcerative colitis, metaplasia is not true about malignancy.
158.A man presented with (+) fever , chills and jaundice diagnosis would be acute cholangitis.
159. IgA antibody is incriminated causing henochscholeinpurpura.
160. Long acting beta2 agonist is given in the maintenance of severe persistent asthma.
161. Resistant hypertension is defined as resistance to 3 or more anti-hypertensive drugs including
162.A 65 yr old male had MI one year ago. Now the same patient presents with hypertension then Lisinopril
drug is best suited for this patient.
163.CSF glucose compared to blood glucose and corresponds to 60-70% of the concentration in blood.
164.Partial pressure of oxygen in alveoli is 103mmHg.

165. 32 year old aids positive female presented with headaches and nuchal stiffness. On lumbar puncture
examination clear CSF was obtained with leucocytes > 100/ India ink staining was positive the most
possible diagnosis would be Cryptococcus meningitis.

166. Shape of left adrenal gland is semilunar.

167. Cisterna chyli structure does not pass through diaphragm.
168. Base of the heart is formed by LA.
169. Winging of scapula is due to paralysis of Serratus anterior muscle.
170. Inferior vena cava formed at L5.
171. Muller muscle supplied by Sympathetic nerve.
172. Arnold nerve is a branch of Vagus nerve.
173. Left gonadal vein drain into Left renal vein.
174. Inferior vena cava is not valveless.
175. Long head of tricepesbrachii muscle covers both elbow and shoulder joint.
176. Fundus of stomach is supplied by Splenic Artery.
177. Anatomical snuff box content Radial Artery.
178. Ovarian Artery is a branch of Abdominal Aorta.
179. Superior rectal artery is not a branch of internal iliac artery.
180. Gonadal artery is not a ventral branch of abdominal aorta.
181. Superior rectal artery is a direct branch of inferior mesentericartery.
182. Collecting duct is derived from Ureteric bud.
183. Efferent cremastric reflex is carried by Genito-femoral nerve.
184. Spermatogonium to spermatozoon in 64 days.
185. Supination and pronation of upper limb is due to Radio-ulnar joint.
186. Seminal vesicles is not in posterior relationship to rectum.
187. Intestinal looping has no anterior relation to right kidney.
188. Primary spermatocyte is larger in size than secondary spermatocyte, spermatozoa &spermatogonium.
189. Decrease blood amino acid is not an action of cortisol.
190. T4 to T3 conversion in peripheral tissues done by D2 deiodinase.
191. Adrenal medulla secretes Neuro hormones.
192. Gastric emptying is maximum affected by lipids.
193. TSH is a negative feedback hormone.
194. Brain contains Glutamate (Neuro transmitter).
195. Gluconeogenesis occurs in both cytoplasm and mitochondria.
196. Alpha linoleic acid is not a derivative of omega-6.
197. VLDL transport cholesterol from liver to plasma.
198. APO-100 & APO-E present in liver for uptake of LDL.
199. Radiations affectsDNA.
200. TPP used in transamination.
201. In Alkaptunuria deficiency is homogentisate oxidase.
202. Sickle cell disease present with base pair substitution.

203. Max Cholesterol-LDL , Max Endogenous TG- VLDL , Max TG- Chylomicrone, Max
Exogenous TG- Chylomicrone .
204. Marcaptopourine is nucleotide analogue.
205. EMP pathway is a source of ATP in RBC cells.
206. Conversion of norepinephrine to epinephrine is Demthylation.
207. Phenylalanine hydroxylase is used to convert phenylalanine to tyrosine.
208. Methylcobalamin required for methionine synthase.
209. Cysteinuria presents with excess of cysteine.
210. Beta oxidation of odd chain fatty acid produces Acetyl CoA and Propionyl CoA.
211. Gluconeogenesis is inhibited by insulin.
212. Low molecular weight heparin affects Factor Xa.
213. Orphan drugs used for rare disease.
214. A diabetic patient with hypertension preferred ACE inhibitor.
215. All ACE inhibitor are prodrug except Captopril and Lisinopril.
216. ACE inhibitor contraindicated in bilateral renal artery stenosis.
217. Febuxostat is anti-gout and xanthine oxidase inhibitor.
218. 200number of patients in phase -II clinical trial &phase –III is most important phase.
219. Category X drugs are warfarin, methotrexate simvastatin not alprazolam.
220. Captopril(ACE inhibitors)is a drug with first dose effect.
221. NA+ valproate used in generalized tonic clonicseizure.
222. 30 year old female with partial seizure. Drug of choice is Carbamazepine.
223. Phenoxybezaminis irreversible Alpha-1 adrenoreceptor antagonist.
224. Non sympathomimetic most likely bronchodilator in COPD is Ipratropium bromide.
225. Shortest acting mydriatics istropicamide.
226. A farmer presented in OPD clinic with sweating, lacrimation, pinpoint pupils: organ phosphate poisoning
227. Streptomycin is contraindicated throughout the pregnancy .
228. Oto toxicity caused by streptomycin.
229. Choloroquine will cause hemolysis in G6PD patients.
230. Percentage of blasts in AML is 20%.
231. Pseudo pancreatic cyst secretes amylase.
232. Duchene-muscular dystrophy is X-linked recessive.
233. Albinism is autosomal recessive.
234. Nodular selerosis is most commom Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
235. Decrease in AFP is found in down syndrome.
236. Alpha feto-protein is decrease in down syndrome.
237. Incubation period of salmonella is 7-21 Days.
238. Taeniasisis not an example of Zoonoses.
239. Antibody is attached to surface of bacteria and phagocytized.
240. Food poisoning 2 hours after intake of food :Staphylococcus aureus.
241. Centrifugal Rash in Chicken pox.
242. Incubation period of diphtheria is 2-3 days.
243. Staph aureus becomes resistant to methicillin due to Transpeptidase.
244. HUS is caused by EHEC.
245. Traveller’s diarrhea is caused by ETEC.
246. Thayer martin agar medium is for N. Meningitis.
247. Certimideagar isolatePseudomonas.
248. Streptococcus causes Cellulitis.
249. A Child who is born to an unmarried women is called Illegitimate child.
250. A Suppositious child is one produced by a women whom claims it as her own whereas in actual fact it is not
her child.
251. Phytobezoar is Intake of indigestible plant materials.
252. A 28 year female did suicide . on the site it was noticed that her feet was not touching the ground than

Saliva dribbling to the opposite side of the knot shows its suicidal not homicidal.

253. Presence of carbonaceous deposits is seen in antemortum burns.

254. Blood alcohal level while driving should be 30 mg %.
255. Injured person admitted in hospital for 21 days is not a Criteria for grievous hurt.
256. Pleasure in touching opposite sex is frotteurim.
257. Hurt is defined by IPC 319.
258. Dowry death investigation is done by Megsitrate.
259. Bitten by krait .Manifestation would be Neurotoxic.
260. Iodised salt is given in an area which has risk of developing goiter . This is a primary level of prevention
done by Specific protection.
261. Exclusive breast feeding is upto6 months.
262. 100% birth & death registration is true about national population policy 2000.
263. Decease mortality rate is millennium development goal 2000.
264. Sharp rise and fall is in number of cases is point source or single exposure epidemics.
265. Changes in occurrence of a disease over a long period of time isSecular trend.
266. Most cases of oral cancer is due to 90% in south east asia population are linked by tobacco chewing.
267. Panchayat samiti is seen in block.


40 out of 100 smokers and 20 out of 100 non smokers developed lung cancer than Odd ratio = 40 x 80 / 20 x
60 = 2.6

269. Red colour is of highest priority in emergency triage.

270. 1st case seen by an investigator is Index case.
271. 1000 mg of iron given during pregnancy.
272. Best contraceptive for a lactating female is progesterone only pill.
273. In a baby ward temperature should be 29-31 degree Celsius.
274. Ebola virus spread through contact of body fluids.
275. Methionine(amino acid) is deficient in pulses.
276. Vitamin D found infish liver oil.
277. Chronic malnutrition is assessed by height/age.
278. Refrigerated breast milk can be kept for 24 hours, in freezer 3 months and upto 6-8 hour at room
279. In cholera epidemic safe water supply and sanitation should be first taken care of.
280. Vitamin B is not an antioxidant.
281. Toxin in epidemic dropsy is sanguinarine.

282. CHC level : 30 beds and 30 staff including 7 PG

doctors. PHC level : 4-6 beds, 15 staff and 1 MBBS &
medical officer. Sub centerlevel : 0 bed, 3 staff, 1 male and 1
283. Critical path method shown by time.
284. Immunization is primary type of prevention.
285. Direct continuation of inferior mesenteric artery Superior rectal


1. The cisterna chyli is a retro-peritoneal structure, located posterior to the abdominal aorta on the
anterior aspect of the bodies of the first and second lumbar vertebrae (L1 and L2).
2. There it forms the beginning of the primary lymph vessel, the thoracic duct, which
transports lymph and chyle from the abdomen via the aortic opening of the diaphragm up to the junction of
left subclavian vein and internal jugular veins.

3. Human sperm cells consist of a flat, disc shaped head 5.1 µm by 3.1 µm and a tail 50 µm long.
4. The tail flagellates, which propels the sperm cell (at about 1–3 mm/minute in humans) by whipping in an
elliptical con
5. Subtype of Spermatogonium Type A (d) cells, with dark nuclei. These cells replicate to ensure a constant
supply of spermatogonia to fuel spermatogenesis.
6. Type A (p) cells, with pale nuclei. These cells divide by mitosis to produce Type B cells & Type B cells, which
divide to give rise to primary spermatocytes & The spermatids then undergo spermiogenesis to produce
7. Ulcerative colitis- pseudopolyps , toxic megacolon ,pipe stem colon & collar button ulcer . & Crohns disease
– skip lesion with transmural involvement with rectal sparing , stricture & fistula are common , cobblestone
colon .

8. Brochogenic Ca.= Golden – S sign , Aspergilloma=air crescent sign ,Pop-corn calcification – Pulmonary
hemartoma ,Ghon lesion =primary TB & Milliary TB= Pin point mottling
9. Tetralogy of fallot= Ventricular septal defect , Right ventricular hypertrophy , Pulmonary stenosis & override of
aorta , & Boot shaped heart or Cor-en sabot heart whereas in TAPVD = figure of 8 or snow man heart
10. Multiple myeloma = Punched out lesions in bones & Pepper Pot skull & Cystic Bronchiectasis = Cluster of grapes
appearance , Trum track sign = Cylindrial Bronchiectasis , String of Beads Appearence = Varicose Bronchiectasis
11. Hydatid disease= Floating membrane or Water lily sign in liver & CT scan is IOC & Pulmonary embolism =
Westermark’s sign, CECT IS better than VP Scan & Pulmonary angiography = Gold standard test.
12. In pleural effusion USG is best investigation to detect minimal fluid (Best view is Lateral decubitus view)
whereas in Lung Sequestration Radionuclide Angiography is most useful investigation.

Right border of heart (on Chest X-ray) PA view is formed by Right atrium , Superior vena cava & inferior
vena cava & Egg on side appearance = TGA (Trans position of great vein)

13. Coarction of aorta = figure of 3 of aortic knuckle, Osteosarcoma=sun rays appearance ,

Thalassemia = hair on end/crew cut/ hair brush & Ebstein’s anomaly = Box-shaped heart , Pericardial
effusion = flask shaped heart/Money bag,

14. Pulmonary arterial HTN = Pruned-tree & Hilar Dance = ASD , Achalasia cardia = Bird-beak/Rat tail appearance
& Ileocaecal TB/ Koch’s = String sign, Duodenal ulcer = Trapped air sign in upper abdomen , Benign gastric
ulcer = Hampton’s line & Malignancy gastric ulcer = Carman’s meniscus sign.
15. Single Bubble sign = pyloric atresia , Double bubble sign = Duodenal atresia . Triple bubble sign = Jejunal
atresia & Cock-screw esophagus = Diffuse Esophageal spasm, Diverticulosis = Saw tooth appearance & Stack
coin = Small bowel bleeding or thickening.
16. Paget’s disease = cotton wool skull , Osteomalacia = Looser’s zones & Cod fish vertebrae ,
Osteopetrosis = Rugger Jersey spine , Bone within Bone & Erlenmeyer deformity & Scurvy is characterized
by Frankels/white line , Ground glass Apperance , Wimberger’s sign , Pelkun spur , trumerfeld zone , pencil
thin cortex & Vit C deficiency .

17. Rickets is characterized by Calcification, Bowing of legs , Cupping/Splaying & Fracture of bones &
Intussusception is seen with Coiled spring appearance whereas Thumb printing sign is seen with Ishaemic
18. IOC of Acute pancreatitis = CECT , IOC of Chronic Pancreatitis = ERCP , other features of Pancreatitis are
colon cut off , Chain of lakes appearance & Sentinel Loop & Renal TB is characterized by Cork screw
appearance , Golf Hole ureter , Thimble bladder , Feathery appearance .
19. Tc-99 is Most commonly used Radio-isotope in imaging whereas Tc-99 Pertechnate scan used in meckel’s

diverticulitis, Tc-99 HIDA used in IOC for Acute cholecystitis & Tc-99 MAA used in V:P Scan.
20. Half Life of I-131=8days , I-132 = 2.3hours , Radium-226 = 1600years , Uranium-238 = 4.5billion years ,
Cobalt-60 = 5.3years , Tc99= 6hours.
21. Left gastric artery , Common hepatic artery & Splenic artery are branches of celiac trunk whereas Superior
mesenteric artery is not & Bond present in primary structure of protein are peptide bond.
22. Hennebert’s sign present in endolymphatic hydrops & Frequent change of presbyopic glasses indicative of

23. Adrenal medula are modified postganglionic cells of the autonomic nervous system that have lost

their axons and dendrites, receiving innervation from corresponding preganglionic fibers & Traveller diarrhea caused
by ETEC & Haemolytic uremic syndrome caused by EHEC

24. Drug of choice for Listeria Monocytogenes is ampicillin & Amphetamine causes acute attack of schizophrenia &
Medullary cancer arises from C cells of thyroid gland & Mottling is seen in Sarcoidosis. & Max. absorption of Fe+2 in
Duodenum & Acute phase reactant in Neonatal sepsis is IL-6
25. Major neurotransmitter in Brain is Glutamate & Percentage of Blasts in AML is 20% & Mammography is Most
sensitive & specific screening test for breast cancer in India & its Not indicated for age <35yrs whereas Breast
self examination is Least sensitive & specific test.
26. Most radiosensitive tissue of body = bone marrow & Least radiosensitive tissue of body = Brain/Nervous
tissue & Most radiosensitive organ of body = Skin & Least radiosensitive Organ of body = Vagina.
27. Most radiosensitive blood cell of body = Lymphocyte & Least radiosensitive blood cell of body = Platelets .
28. Cells are most radiosensitive = G2-M Phase & Extremely Radio resistant Tumors are Melanoma

,Osteosarcoma & Highly Radiosensitive tumors are Lymphoma, Seminoma , Myeloma & Ewing sarcoma &
Extremely Chemosensitive tumors are Melanoma ,Squamous cell Ca & Highly chemosensitive tumor’s are
Teratoma testis , Hodgkin’s , NHL ,Wilms tumor etc.

29. USG is 1st investigation of choice in post-term pregnancy (Earliest can be done at 16th week) whereas Best
parameters for dating of pregnancy in 1st trimester = Crown-rump length , 2nd trimester = Bi-parietal diameter
& 3rd trimester = Femur length & Head circumference.
30. Foetal death signs are Robert’s sign = Gas in heart within 12hrs after death , Spalding sign = Overlapping of
cranial bones .
31. Ewing’s sarcoma = Onion peel, Sturge – weber syndrome = Tram track appearance & celery stalk are seen in
Congenital Syphillis , Rubella & CMV whereas not seen in Congenital Vericella.
32. IOC for Acute subarachnoid H’mrg (<48hrs) = CT whereas IOC for Chronic Subarachnoid H’mrg (>48hrs) = MRI &
MRI is IOC for = Multiple sclerosis , Aortic Dissection , Posterior fossa tumour , spinal cord tumour , Paraplegia .
33. Radiotherapy is TOC in Cervical Ca. , Seminoma of testis , Bladder Ca. , Cervical Ca. , Skin Ca. (Except
Melanoma) & Pulse oximetry monitors=o2 saturation of Hb , pin index for oxygen is 2,5 , entonox (50%
o2+50% NO )= 7
34. 5:1 ratio of chest compression to breathing in pediatric life support & in adult 30:2 &
Thiopentone=commonly used IV Induction agent & choice in case of cerebral protection
35. Ketamine=IV agent of choice for shock , produce dissociated anaesthesia & causing maximum nausea &
vomiting (as IV agent) & agent of choice in asthmatic pt.
36. Propofol = agent of choice in day care surgery , also a total IV anaesthesia , agent of choice for induction of
malignant hyperthermia susceptible & Halothan = inhalation agent of choice for asthmatic pt. & it inhibit
myocardial contractibility ,max. Hepatocellular damage.
37. Isoflurane = Inhalation agent of choice in cardiac Pt. & neurosurgery & agent causing maximum hypotension
& least fluoride/nephrotoxic nature & Etomidate = Most cardio stable I/V agent & I/V agent causing maximum
nausea & vomiting.
38. Sickle cell anemia = Bone within bone & poke wheel /Sun burst appearance = Hemangioma &
Achondroplasia = Champagne glass pelvis & Trident hand .
39. Radio opaque stones are Calcium oxalate & Phosphate , Struvite , Cystine whereas Uric acid & Xanthine are
radio lucent stones & Hydronephrosis is characterized by Rim sign/Foot pad or Crescent sign & IVP/IVU
(Intravenous urogram/pyelogram) .
40. WC Roentgen discovered X-rays whereas Roentgen is Unit of Exposure/radiation absorbed & Radioactivity is
discovered by Bacquerel & CT is discovered by Godfrey Hounsfield.
41. Amount of blackening is determined by = MAS Whereas Beam penetration is determined by = KVP & Chest X-
ray for pneumothorax should be Inspiration in erect position.
42. Bronchogenic carcinoma is characterized by Atelectasis with +ve Reverse S sing & Minimum amount of fluid
collection sufficient for pleural effusion to be detected on X-Ray in decubitus view is = 15ml .
43. Scan useful for imaging of pancrease is Seleno - Methionine scan & Gold standard test for diagnosis of Cystic
Echinococcus is CT Scan & Laparoscophy = Gold standard for Pelvic pathology , Gas used for Pneumoperitoneum
= carbon dioxide whereas Mainstay of treatment is = Cholelithiasis.
44. Multiple rain drop lesion = Litterer siwe disease & Bone within bone appearance is seen in Osteogenic
Imperfect , Renal Osteodystrophy , Achondroplasia ,Syphilis , Congenital disease & Gaucher’s disease
whereas not seen in Osteopetrosis.
45. Pencil in cup deformity is seen in Leprosy & Psoriatic arthropathy & Trans-femoral route is best route for
Cerebral angiography & Kidney are shrunken in Chronic renal disease but may be normal or even enlarged .
46. Filament in X-ray machine is composed of Tungsten & Barium Sulphate is used in barium enema study &
Thyroid ablation = I-131, Thyroid function = I-123 , Prostate & Brain Cancer or DVT Diagnosis = I-125.
47. ISOTOPES = same atomic no. but different mass no. & Alpha particle = 2proton & 2 neutron whereas PET
imaging utilizes FDG18.
48. Ureterocoele = Cobra & adder head appearance & Maximum permissible radiation exposure per person per
year is 5rem.
49. Most radiosensitive ( organ is bone marrow , tissue is gonads , cell is lymphocyte, . G2 is most radiosensitive
stage of cell cycle. )
50. Blue sclera is localized or generalized blue coloration of sclera seen in pt. of connective tissue disorder
example ~ Osteogenic imperfect , Ehler’s - Danlos syndrome etc & Scleromalacia perforans is condition
cuased by necrotizing scleritis or anterior uveitis without inflammation & , seen in pt. of rheumatoid
51. Staphyloma is a term given to a eye whose sclero-uveal coats are stretched (also known as ectasia) whereas
posterior staphyloma is a feature of progressive myopia where eyeball is excessively long & Sclera is not involved
in endopthalmitis & its involvement suggest more severe inflammation or panopthalmitis.
52. Rheumatoid arthristis is the most common systemic association of scleritis & Weakest area of sclera is
behind the insertion of rectus muscle.
53. Vecuronium = Most commonly used muscle relaxant for routine surgery , Muscle relaxant of choice for
cardiac Pt. & Rocuronium = earliest onset of action among non – depolarising muscle relaxants , muscle
relaxant of choice for pre- curarisation & Non-depolarising muscle relaxant of choice for intubation .
54. CPR – Adult without advanced airways 30:2 , Children without advanced airway : for 1rescurer = 30:2 ,
2rescurer = 15:2 & newborns 3:1 & Capnography is Most reliable & best indicator of CPR & palpation of
carotid pulse is most effective clinical indicators.
55. Methoxyflurane = Highest fluoride content or nephrotoxic nature & leads to vasopressin-resistant high
output renal failure & 2% lignocaine is used in epidural anaesthesia & EMLA cream (5% prilocaine + 5%
lignocaine ) 2.5% EMLA cream (2.5% prilocaine + 2.5% lignocaine).
56. Arsenic = Most popular homicidal poison, Rain-drop like skin pigmentation is seen , Red velvety mucosa of stomach
is seen , Marsh test used ,MC form of arsenic used is arsenic trioxide/arsenious oxide & MC type of acute arsenic
poisoning is Gastroenteric type & Vit A deficiency is associated with chronic arsenic poisoning.
57. Subarachnoid H’mrg = MC type of traumatic intracranial H’mrg & Thunder –clap headache is seen &
Intracranial H’mrg with absent lucid interval & Most common cause of extra dural H’mrg is trauma
58. Drowning = Gettler’s test is used as post-mortem test , Cause of death in Dry drowning is Laryngeal spasm

,best site for looking Diatoms in body post drowning is Bone marrow of long bones & Most characteristic
External sign of drowning is Fine/White lathery froth/Foam , Paltauf’s H’mrg is seen in post mortem in
Lungs of drowned person .

59. Duck diving (Falling feet 1st ) into water causes Immersion syndrome & If a dead body is thrown into water , post
mortem show hydrostatic lungs.
60. Oxalic acid poisoning = Coffee ground vomitus seen in, Illegal removal of signature & writing is done, Leads to
Hypocalcaemia & Antidote Is Calcium preparation & Nitric acid poisoning = Brown discoloration of stomach ,
Corrosive poisoning showing Xanthoproteic reaction & fatal period in nitric acid P. Is 12-24hours.
61. Phenol poisoning = Carbolism (Symptoms seen ) & Carboluria is of green coloured urine & Cyanide poisoning
= Lee-jones test , Most rapidly acting poison whereas TOC is Sodium Thiosulphate & Cyanide poisoning never
occurred in Achlorhydrics
62. Poisoning by snake venom is known as Ophitoxemia & MC symptoms after Snake bite is fright whereas
Abrus Precatorius poisoning resemble Viperine snake bite.
63. Most dangerous risk with gastric lavage is Aspiration pneumonia & only corrosive poisoning where gastric
lavage can be done is Carbolic acid & Odour of bitter almonds indicates poisoning is Hydrocyanic acid & Garlic
like odour is seen with Aluminium phosphide poisoning
64. Hanging is a pressure abrasion injury ,in simple hanging knot comes to rest at angle of mandible & Post
mortem stiffning is called rigor mortis(develops 3-4hours after death ) & CSF Test is done for alcohal
poisoning .
65. Inquest of dowry death & inquest of custodial death is done by magistrate & DNA fingerprinting is most
informative test for parental identification , Total no of deciduous teeth in 14yr old child is zero.
66. Throttling = Hyoid bone fracture, Cricoid fracture , Manual strangulation whereas Bansdola, Mugging &
garrotting are type of Ligature strangulation & Most destructive organism causing Putrefaction is
Clostridium welchii , 1st organ to show putrefaction is Larynx & Trachea .
67. Last organ to show putrefaction is Uterus (Prostate in males) & 1st External sign of Putrefaction is Greenish
skin over Caecum & Most common cause of death in Hanging is Asphyxia & venous congestion & Transverse
tear in intima of carotid arteries with seen in Judicial Hanging .
68. Lead poisoning = Earliest & Most consistent sign of Chronic lead poisoning is Facial pallor , Colic &
Constipation , Burtonian line . anaemia with punctuate basophillia & Diagnostic is increase in level of
Coproporphyrin .
69. Phosphorous poisoning = Yellow atrophy of liver, Luminescent vomiting & Faeces are diagnostic & Phossy Jaw
– Osteomyelitis & necrosis is seen.
70. Tumbling Bullet = Rotating end on end during its motion , Frangible Bullet = Fragments upon impact , Piggy
back/Tandem Bullet = 2nd bullet carries along with its 1st lodged bullet.
71. Yawning bullet = Bullet travelling in irregular fashion , MC site of wound in Suicidal bullet injuries are
Temple & Test for residues (Lead/barium/antimony) in bullet residues are Harrison & Gilroy test.
72. Difficulty in assessing bullet wound entrance or exit is knows as Kennedy Phenomena & Grazed abrasion (GA)
= Brush burn /gravel rash is type of GA & MC type of abrasion is GA.
73. Avulsion is a type of Shearing laceration , Arborescent burns occur due to Lighting stroke & Pugilistic attitude is
seen in cases of Burns & Rigor Mortis(RM) = Individual cell death after death , 1st muscle to stiffen in RM is
Myocardium (Involuntary muscle) , Last muscle to stiffen in RM is Small muscles of fingers & Toes & RM is not
seen in Foetus ages less than 7months.
74. Post mortem cooling of body is Algor mortis , Post mortem Hypostasis is Livor mortis & Earliest sign of death is
Insensibility & Loss of movement, Overlapping skull bones in dead featus = Spalding’s sign & Gas in great vessels
of a newborn indicate Foetal death.
75. Fodere’s test , Ploucquet’s test , Hydrostatic test are done for Lungs of live birth & Organophosphate poisoning
= Mechanism of action is Acetyl cholinesterase inhibition , C/F are Miosis, bradycardia, sweating, salivation &
lacrimation & DOC is Atropine.
76. Fatal dose of absolute alcohal = 150-250ml consumed in 1hour , Mc Ewan’s sign seen in Alchohalism ,
Degeneration of Corpus Callosum in alchohalics is Marchiafava-Bignami disease & Blood alcohol
concentration = 40-100mg% (Average 80mg%)
77. Atavism = Child resemble grandparents not his parents , Filicide = Killing of a child by its parents & Most
convulsive test of paternity is DNA fingerprinting.
78. Sodium Fluoride in blood sample inhibit Enolase & Standards of medical education in India are maintained by
MCI & Function of State medical council is Disciplinary control of medical education.
79. Rokitansky’s = Autopsy technique for infants & lead tetraoxide =sindur/red lead & Cocaine poisoning =
speed balls, Jet black tongue/teeth & Antidote is Amyl nitrite .
80. Avascular necrosis is common after fracture of talus whereas Le fort classification is used for fracture of
maxilla & Commonest carpal bone raptured at wrist is scaphoid.
81. Common complication seen in colles fracture are finger stiffness & malunion & uncommon complication is
non-union & Winging of scapula is by injury to long thoracic nerve
82. Most common dislocation of shoulder is anterior dislocation & most commonly involved nerve is axillary
nerve .
83. Radial nerve mostly injured in fracture of shaft of humerus & Cock-up splint used in radial nerve injury & Root
value of radial nerve is C5-8 & T1 & wrist drop is by radial nerve injury
84. Swan neck deformity & metacarpophalangeal joint& sicca sundrome involvement is seen in rheumatoid
85. Median nerve (Labourer’s nerve ) involved in Carpal tunnel syndrome(CTS)& Ape thumb is also seen in CTS
& pointing index & ape thumb deformity is seen in medial nerve palsy
86. Dupuytren’s contracture of hand commonly start in ring finger whereas Housemaid knee is bursitis of
prepatellar bursa & Loss of conduction of nerve fibre or physiological paralysis of nerve fibre is seen in
neuropraxia whereas Tinel’s sign suggest nerve regeneration.
87. Defect in collagen synthesis & commonest cause of multiple fracture in childhood is seen in osteogenesis
imperfect & Bone within bone is feature of osteopetrosis, gauchers disease & etc.
88. Most common malignant bone tumour is secondaries & most common primary bone tumour is multiple
myeloma whereas Most radio-sensitive tumour & onion-peel appearance is feature of ewing sarcoma & Bone
tumour most commonly arrises from pelvis is chondrosarcoma.
89. .After spine ,hip is most common site of tuberculosis of bones & commonest route is hematogenous whereas
In TB pott’s disease involve vertebrae & collar stud abscess seen in TB.
90. Codfish vertebra are seen in hyperparathyroidism & bag of bones effect seen in charcoats joint whereas
Cluttons joint is painful effusion seen in congenital syphilis & Pott’s puffy tumour seen in osteomylitis of skull
bone whereas Abnormal metacarpal index seen in marfan’s syndrome.
91. In india most affected joint in osteoarthritis is knee joint whereas Position of hip in posterior dislocation of joint
is flexion, internal rotation & adduction & Waddling gait is a feature of bilateral doh.
92. Nerve involve in guillain barre syndrome is facial nerve & Radial nerve = Wrist drop , Cock-up splint & Bone
within bone = Osteopetrosis & Median nerve = Ape thumb deformity , Pointing index , Carpal tunnel syndrome in
which Median nerve compression seen & remark is Flexor retinaculum .
93. Epiphysis = 2ends of long bones , Diaphysis = Intermediate portion , Metaphysis = Part of shaft adjoining

Epiphysis & Sharpe’s fibres = Strands of fibrous tissue connecting bone to periosteum.
94. Inorganic matrix is composed of Calcium phosphorus hydroxyl apatite & dry weight of bone is 65-70% &
Callus formation is stage of fracture formed in 4-12weeks & Sudeck’s dystrophy = reflex sympathetic
95. MCC of death after fractures of major bones = Hypovolaemic shock where Blood loss in pelvic fracture is
1500-2000ml & blood loss in femur fracture is 1000- 1500ml .
96. Snow storm appearance on Chest X-ray is seen in Fat embolism syndrome in severe injuries with multiple
fractures & Myositis ossificans = post traumatic & Injury to major blood vessels = MC damaged is popliteal artery
& MC Injured nerve is Radial nerve.
97. Delayed & non-union = MC operation for non-union is bone grafting & in Mal-union MC operation for non- union
is Redoing fracture surgically.
98. MCC of dislocation & sub-luxation is injury & only dislocation where lengthening of limbs occur is Anterior
dislocation of Hip .
99. Shoulder dislocation is type of anterior type , Hips dislocation is mainly posterior type , Spine dislocation is
anterior type (C5-C6) Cervical spine & Wrist dislocation is lunate type .
100. Colle’s fracture = Dinner fork deformity, Displacement seen is Dorsal tilt , Treatment Colles cast (Wrist palmar
flexion + Ulnar deviation) , Complication is Finger stiffness (MC) , Carpal tunnel syndrome , Sudeck’s
Osteodystrophy . & Extensor pollicis longus tendon.
101. Monteggia fracture = Fracture of upper 1/3 ulnar + dislocation head of radius ,Galeazzi fracture = Fracture
lower 1/3 radius + dislocation/subluxation of distal radio ulnar joint

& Bennett’s fracture = Intraarticular fracture of 1st metacarpal +dislocation of metacarpal

102. Supracondylar Fracture of Humerus = Cause fall out on stretched Hand, Gun stock deformity , Treatment = Oral
reduction with K wire fixation. Complication = MC brachial artery injury & Volkman’s Iscaemic contracture.
103. Housemaid knee= Pre patellar bursitis , Clergyman’s knee = infra patellar bursitis , Bunion= On great toe &
Student’s elbow = Olecranon Bursitis.

104. Poliomyelitis = paralysis is asymmetric flaccid, most common muscle affected is quadriceps femoris
whereas complete paralysis is seen with tibialis anterior , triple deformity is seen at knee joint & treatment
is Modified Jones operation.

105. Fracture of Clavicle = Lateral 1/3 & Middle 1/3 of bone , Treatment = Figure of 8Bandage & Common late
complication = Shoulder stiffness.
106. Fracture of shaft humerus = Treatment is Hanging cast & Complication = Radial nerve palsy whereas In
Fracture of Surgical neck humerus MC complication is Axillary nerve palsy.
107. Mcmurray’s osteotomy is seen in fracture neck of femur & Pauwels osteotomy = Osteoarthritis hip .
108. Cubitus valgus deformity leading to Tardy ulnar nerve palsy is complication of Fracture lateral condyle
humerus & Mallet finger is Avulsed extensor tendon of base of distal phalanx.
109. Ankylosing spondylitis = MC site is Sacro-iliac joints , C/F aortic incompetence , Dislocation of atlanto-axial
joints, Bamboo spine , Bridging osteophytes & Haziness of sacroiliac joints with subchondral erosions .

110. Osteoarthritis = MC site is Knee joint , C/F pain (1st symptoms ) & Scaphoid fracture = MC type is Fracture
Waist of scaphoid , C/F tenderness in anatomical snuff box , Treatment = Scaphoid cast glass holding
position. & Complication of colless fracture is Avascular necrosis.
111. March fracture = 2nd metatarsal & Jones fracture/ Dancer’s fracture = 5th metatarsal & Pott’s fracture =

Bimalleolar fracture & Cotton fracture = Trimalleolar fracture.

112. Fracture of Patella = 2part/ transverse fracture line (Treatment is Tension band wiring) whereas Stellate fracture
is Comminuted fracture(Treatment is Patellectomy) , Skyline view seen in X-ray & MC complication is Knee
113. Fracture shaft of femur = Complication Shock (1000-1500 ml blood lost) & Fat embolism after 24-48hours &
Treatment = Birth-2yr (Gallows traction) & In adult/Elderly = K nail (Inter medullary internal fixation )
114. Basilar skull fracture = Breaks in bones at base of skull MC temporal bone , Racoons eye = Bruising of orbits
of eyes , Battle’s sign = Bruising over mastoid .
115. MC Complication of Compound skull fracture is Infection & Rheumatoid Arthritis = C/F Pain & stiffness in
multiple (>4) joints , usually in morning , MC joint involved is Metacarpo phalangeal joints (MC index finger) MC
joint affected is MP joints of hand .
116. Deformities seen in RA are Swan neck , Z type & Boutonniere deformity in hands whereas Wing-sweep &
Hammer toe deformity in foot & Rheumatoid factor = type of autoantibody against : Fc fragments of IgG &
Detected test is IgM-RF & RF is mainly seen in RA , SLE, TB ,Syphillis , AIDS , Influenza etc not seen in typhoid .
117. Shoulder dislocation = Anterior (MC) , Hill-sach’s lesion , Bankart’s lesion , MC early complication is Axillary nerve
injury & Diagnosis by Dugas test + X-ray & Posterior dislocation of hip = Dash board injury ,C/F flexion,adduction
& Internal rotation.
118. Congenital dislocation of hip = MC maternal hormone (Relaxin) causes laxity of joints , Peculiar gait on walking
(Waddling & Trendenlenburg’s ) & Galeazzi sign ,Ortolanis test & Andrens view & Treatment = Von-rosen
splint,Batchelor’s cast & Lorenz(Frog leg)cast.
119. Spinal Deformities =Scoiosis(Sideway curved spine) & Treatment is MILWAUKEE BRACE whereas Kuphosis
is Backword convexity of spine & Elbow dislocation = Reversal of 3points bony relationship , Posterior is
most common type .
120. Acute paronychium = infection of nail fold , Felon/Whitelow = Terminal pulp space infection , Frog hand =
Deep palmar abscess & Kanavel’s sign= Ulnar bursa infection due to acute tenosynovitis of little finger.
121. Spondylolisthesis = 4ward displacement of vertebrae (L5-S1) , Scottish Dog Head separated from neck
appearance & Rocker bottom foot = Congenital Vertical talus .

122. Spondylolysis = Scottish Dog wearing a collar appearance , Breaking of one of lumbar vertebrae (L5) i.e
isthmus(pars interarticularis ) & Sprengel’s shoulder = Congenitally high descent scapula & Klippel-feil
syndrome = Stiffnesh or fused cervical vertebrae .

123. Carpal tunnel syndrome = Compression of Median nerve as passes beneath Flexor retinaculum &
Treatment is Divide flexor retinaculum & Decompress Medial nerve.
124. Test for Ulnar nerve = Card test , Book test/ Froments sign , Egawa’s test & Claw hand = Ulnar + Medial
nerve palsy & Knuckle bender splint = Ulnar nerve palsy & Test for Median nerve = Pen test , Pointing Index
, Opponens Pollicis & Ape thumb deformity = Medial nerve palsy .
125. Wining of scapula = Long thoracic nerve palsy ( C5-6-7) , Foot drop/ High step Gait = Common Peroneal nerve
(Sciatic nerve) & Nerve regeneration = Tinel’s sign & Motor march whereas Nerve Degeneration =
Primary/Retrograde & Wallerian/secondary degeneration & Neurapraxia = Loss of conduction of nerve fibres
, Axonotmesis = Loss of axons & Neurotmesis = Loss of nerve which require nerve repair .
126. MC Primary bone malignancy = Multiple myeloma , MC secondary bone malignancy = Osteosarcoma , MC
malignanct bone tumour = Secondaries to bone & MC bone tumour in hand = Enchondroma & MC True
benign tumour of bone = Osteoid sarcoma & MC benign tumour of bone = Osteochondroma.
127. Ewing sarcoma = Onion-peel appearance, Bone affected are Diaphysis of long bones & Flat bones of pelvis &
Treatment = Highly radiosensitive but recurs with poor prognosis & Metastasis/secondaries in bone = Carcinoma
of breast (Female) & Carcinoma of prostate (Males) & MC site is Vertebral bodies, Ribs, pelvis , Humerus &
128. Osteoblastic secondaries in men = Carcinoma prostate & Seminoma whereas Osteoblastic secondaries in women
= Carcinoma breast , Ca. Uterus & Ca. Ovary & Osteolytic secomdaries = Ca. Lung, kidney, thyroid, breast,
stomach & Colon & Osteoporosis = Cause Senility (male) , Menopause (female) , Clinical presentation

= Dorsolumbar spine , serum calcium , phosphate & alkaline phosphate normal , Cod Fish vertebrae seen in
X-ray & Treatment = estrogen, fluoride ,androgens & Calcitonin etc.

129. Rickets = C/F Pigeon chest , Harrison sulcus , Bow legs/Knock knees , Bosing of parietal & frontal bone & X-
ray = Looser’s zone , cupping , splaying , rachitic rosary ,wind swept deformity & treatment = Vit D.
131. Scurvy = C/F swollen gums , bleeding tendencies , Perifollicular & X-ray = pencil-thin cortex , white line of
frankel ,zone of trummerfeld , pelkan spurs & halo sign of wimberger.

132. Osteogenesis imperfect = Defective collagen synthesis, AD & Blue sclera , otosclerosis & Joint laxity & Pott’s
puffy tumour = Frontal bone, Periosteal abscess , diagnostic test = CT SCAN, Surgical treatment = Endoscopic
frontal sinusotomy / frontal sinus trephining.
133. Hyper parathyrodism = Pepper-pot (salt pepper skull , Rugger-jersey spine & Intervertebral disc prolapse = MC
SITE L4-L5 , Less common = C5-C6 , C/F low back pain , IOC = MRI & TREATMENT = Phyiotheraphy + rest &
Surgically = Laminectomy.
134. Avascular necrosis (body) is common after a fracture of Talus & Le fort classification is used for Fracture of
Maxilla & MC ligament injured in ankle sprain is Anterior talofubular & test used for Anterior cruciate ligament
are Anterior drawer test, Lachmann test & Pivot test whereas Posterior drawer test not used.
135. Thurston – Holland sign is seen in Salter-Harris type-II fracture & Scaphoid is MC carpal bone to be fractured
at wrist & Sicca syndrome = Rheumatoid arthritis , RA affects = Cervical spine & MC site of for
Spondylolisthesis is L5-T1.
136. Dupuytren’s contracture of hand is commonly start in Ring finger & In DeQuervain’s disease , There is

Tenosynovitis of Extensor pollicis brevis & Abductor pollicis longus.

137. Nerve damage due to hamate dislocation is ulnar nerve & MC site for TB of bones = Spine & second is Hip , TB
pott’s disease involve = vertebrae , Commonest route of spread TB = hematogenous & Collar stud abscess seen
in TB.
138. Charcot’s joints = seen mostly in DM & Acquired syphilis . So painful effusion of joints in congenital syphilis is
known as Charcot’s joint & Bag of bones also seen with Charcot’s joints.
139. Abnormal metacarpal index = Marfan syndrome& Defect in collagen synthesis = Osteogenesis imperfect &
Atlanto-axial Subluxation is seen in Ankylosing S., Still’s Disease & Retropharyngeal abscess whereas not seen
in turner’s syndrome.
140. Diabetic gangrene is due to Increased blood glucose, Ischemia & Neuropathy Whereas T cells are derived from
Thymus & thymus is a organ goes involution & Eosinophilia are activated by IL-5 & Reactionary H’mrg occurs
within 24hours.
141. Opsonisation is coating the surface of antigen for phagocytosis whereas Maximum velocity of blood vessels is
seen in Arteries & Vasoconstriction is 1st response to vascular inflammation.
142. Dsyplastic calcification is characterized with notmal calcium level & Metastatic calcification is seen with
normal tissue & not seen in Fundal glands of intestine & Call –Exner bodies = Granulosa cell tumour &
Kupffer cell = Phagocytic cells in liver & Red infarct = Small intestine & In acute inflammation pain is
mediated = Bradykinin & Lardeceous spleen = Amyloidosis
143. In neonates spinal cord ends at L3 & in Adult spinal cord ends at L1 & Auricle of ear is made up of elastic
cartilage &elastic cartilage is absent in trachea.
144. Abductor of vocal cords is posterior cricoarytenoids & it is also a safety muscle of larynx &
Glossopharyngeal nerve supply palatine tonsils whereas safety muscle of tongue is genioglossus
145. Superior oblique muscle-intortion,abduction , depression whereas Laternal rectus supplied by abducent nerve &
Arch of aorta begins & end at T4 level & Motor supply to muscle of tongue is hypoglossal nerve(12th nerve).
146. Superior thyroid artery originates from external carotid artery & Right common carotid artery arises from
brachiocephalic artery & Normal portal venous pressure is 5-10 mmHg.
147. Retrocaecal is commonest position of appendix & Ovarian artery is a branch of abdominal part of aorta &
Lymphatic drainage of ovary is through preaortic & paraaortic lymph nodes.
148. Left gastro-epiploic artery & short gastric arteries are branches of splenic artery but right gastro-epiploic
artery is branch of gastro duodenal artery which in turn is branch of hepatic artery.
149. Uterine artery is a branch of internal iliac artery ,blood supply of uterus is by ovarian & uterine artery & Lining of
uterus is by columnar epithelium & Left testicular vein drains into left renal vein & right testicular vein into IVC
& Pouch of douglas (rectouterine pouch ) is b/w rectum & uterus.
150. Azygous vein drains into SVC & SVC syndrome is most commonly due to lung carcinoma & Length of
eshophagus in adult is 25cm & Diaphragm used in quick breathing.
151. Partial claw seen in ulnar nerve injury & hypothenar muscle supplied by ulnar nerve & ulnar artery is an
artery of forearm &card test is done for ulnar nerve & Froment’s sign is feature of ulnar nerve palsy.
152. Sperm attains motility in epididymis & Implantation occurs on after 6th day of fertilization & Blood testes
barrier is maintained by sertoli cells & Internal spermatic fascia is derived from transversalis fascia
153. Trigone of Urinary bladder is made up of mesoderm & Transitional epithelium is seen in urinary bladder.
whereas Mucosa membrane of vagina is lined by non keratinized stratified squamous epithelium & Clitoris
develops from genital tubercle & Payer’s patches seen in Ileum & Glands of brunner’s found in duodenum.
154. Snow flake/Snow strom C = Diabetes mellitus & Sunflower /Petal of flower C = Wilson disease , Chalcosis &
penetrating trauma & Vossius ring on anterior surface of lens/Rossete shaped C = Blunt trauma
155. Oil drop c /Dust like lenticular opacity = Galactosemia & Chrismas tree c = Myotonia dystrophia & Posterior
cortical bread crumb appearance/Polychromatic lusture/rainbow c = Complicated & Morgagnian c =
Hypermature senile c
156. Most common type of Schizophrenia is Paranoid type which is characterized by Schneider’s 1st rank &
Auditory hallucination or 3rd person hallucination is characteristic feature of Schizophrenia.
157. Schizophrenia with good prognosis is Catatonic whereas Simple/Hebephrenic type which is characterized by
Emotional blunting is having worst prognosis & Drug mainly used in Schizophrenia are Fluphenazine,
Haloperidol , Chlorpromazine etc whereas Clozapine is 2nd generation & very effective but has major side
effects is Agranulocytosis.
158. Pentazocine is associate with = Hallucination psychosis, HTN & TRACHYCARDIA & MC Suicidal tendency are
common with Involutional melancholia & Korasoff’s psychosis is due to = Vit B1 deficiency whereas Primary
disturbance in mania = Heightened effect.
159. Delirium tremens = C/F Misrecognition , Fearfulness , Craving for alcohol , Behavioural changes , Problem in
family & social life , Self talking , Late wound healing , Illusion of seeing snakes or catches bugs around him .

160. Mania = C/F Talkative , Agitated , Hyperactive , Speaks loudly , Messaging always, chatting always , Changes
topic very fast & Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder = Not follow instruction , destructive ,
Undisciplined , interferes in others works , Hyperactive, Mainly seen in male child below 10years .

161. Autism = C/F Absence of social smile , absence of fear , Lack of friends , Lack attachement with parents &
Conduct disorder = C/F Poor at studies/ weak In studies , Stealing habit / Roberry, Lying habit , Cruel in
nature , Physical violence & Severe Depression = Excessive Irritable ,unusual anger on family members (for
example childrens, husband etc ) , sometimes beat childrens for no reason , most commonly a middle ages
women .

162. Schizophrenia = C/F Suspicious, Not trust other’s , Hallucination of voice , think people are making
Conspiracy about them , May be Alcoholic & Somatiform pain disorder = C/F Complaint of Nausea , vomiting

, pain even after Normal Lab diagnosis , try to convinced others that they are ILL & Panic disorder = Sudden
onset of Breathlessness , anxiety , palpitation , Normal physical examination.

163. Body dysmorphic disorder = Perceived defect of physical feature(Like big nose ,big ears) , Psychological distress
, Mental illness , Somatoform disorder , Co-occurs = Emotional , depression , anxiety , social withdrawal or
isolation & Dissociative fague = C/F Episodes of wanering away (Usually away from home ) , Adopts new
identity , complete amnesia , severe stress , not able to tell about previous or past life .
164. Leukotriene is formed by lipo-oxygenase pathway & Anti ds DNA Antibody = Most specific Ab in SLE whereas Anti
nuclear Ab , Anti smith Ab are also suggestive of SLE & IgM = 5 four-peptide subunits , Primary response ,
Infectious mononucleosis & IgG= intravascular hemolysis , Half life of IgG = 21Days , IgG cross through placenta &
IgE = Anaphylaxis & IgA= Present in breast milk .
165. Factor II, VII, IX, X, C & S Protein are Vit K dependent factor whereas VIII is not , Extrinsic system checked by

= PT whereas Cell mediated immunity = defect seen in Di George syndrome & Hagemann factor involved in
Intrinsic pathway .

166. Hyperacute rejection is MC occur in Transplantation of kidney , Hemophillia B deficiency = factor IX whereas
Chediak Higashi syndrome = impaired bactriolysis & factor VII present in both serum & plasma.
167. Bence jone’s protein = Monoclonal light chains , MCH = Auto immune disease ,
T lymphocyte = Cell mediated immunity & delayed tuberculin test , Lymphocytes = Memory cells .
168. Glasgow coma scale = death is 3 , minimum score 3 , moderate head injury 9-12 whereas Brain death = loss of
brain stem function & Loss of consciousness is most important is clinical feature of head injury.
169. Gullain barre syndrome (GBS) characterized by Spares bladder , Motor deficit , Absence of CSF pleocytosis ,
Peripheral Nervous system inflammation & affected , Inc. CSF whereas Residual disability & Descending paralysis
not seen & Loss of limb reflex is feature of GBS & MC nerve involved in GBS is facial nerve & Howell-jolly body =
sickle cell anemia & Splenectomy & Lisch nodules = Neurofibromatosis & Kernig’s sign = Pyogenic abscess &
Heinz body = G6PD deficiency.
170. Stock-glove neuropathy seen in Diabetic neuropathy & Spike-Dome pattern = Petitmal seizure & Quincke’s
disease = Angioneurotic oedema & MCC of Subarachnoid H’mrg = Saccular aneurysm , NCCT = Investigation of
choice , CT= IOC in acute SH & Initial investigation.
171. Extradural H’mrg = Temporo-parietal region & Venous bleeding is a type of subdural H’mrg & H/O Fall with
Headache , Progressive neurological deterioration = Chronic Subdural H’mrg & MCC of intracranial bleed = HTN.
172. Myasthenia gravis = Acetylcholine receptor Antibody, Ptosis(Bulging of eye) , Easy fatigability , Fluctuating
weakness , deep tendon reflexes preserved & Diagnostic test = Endophonium chloride (Most sensititve) &
Simpons test & MC Causative agent for Meningitis in immune-compromised Pt. = Cryptococcus & MCC of
meningitis in adult = Streptococcus Pneumoniae.
173. CSF in Tubercular meningitis = Dec. Glucose , Inc. Proteins & Inc. Lymphocytes & Pontine H’mrg = B/L pinpoint
pupil , Hyperpyrexia & Loss of consciousness whereas Temperature sensation is preserved on side lesion of
Brown-sequard syndrome & Thalassemia minor = Raised HbA2 & Thalassemia Major = Crew cut hair on end
Thalassemia is Autosomal recessive WHEREAS Maximum ESR seen in multiple myeloma
174. PT is most likely to be increased in Vit K deficiency & Hemophilia = APTT raised & Bone marrow finding in ITP =
Inc Megakaryocytes & Dec . LAP score = Pernicious anemia & Hereditary spherocytosis is characterized by
Jaundice , Think Skull bones & Leg ulcers & Monocytes remains in blood in 1-3days & Microangiopathic
haemolytic anemia is seen with Hemolytic uremic syndrome.
175. Most common form of shock = Hypovolemic shock & Dialysis not effective in Digoxin Poisoning &
Reticulocytosis is not seen in Chronic renal failure anemia & Trisomy 21 is associated with ALL&AML. &
Hemolytic anemia = Reticulocytosis , Inc Unconjucated bilirubin & Bone marrow hyperplasia & Dec heptoglobin
& Hereditary spherocytosis = Autosomal dominant , Inc MCHC, Deficiency of Spectrin, C/F are Blindloop
syndrome, Fish tapeworm infection & Hemodialysis whereas Amlodipine & Inc. RBC surface area are not.
176. Auer rods are seen in AML & numerous in M3 & CML = t(9;22) (q34;q11) translocation seen , ALL= MC
malignancy if childhood , CLL= MC type of leukemia in adult , ZAP-70 seen & Males affected more & affects B-
cell & Sickle cell disease = Glutamic acid replaced by Valine at position no. 6 of beta-globin chain of Hb & Normal
Ph of blood = 7.40 & Morphology of cells is staging formulation of NHL.
177. Aplastic anemia = Hepatitis, Gold salts , Fanconi anemia whereas Hepatocellular carcinoma is not seen & 1st
investigation to be done by Pt. With thrombocytopenia is Platelet count & Extrinsic system is triggered by
Thromboplastin .
178. Philadelphia chromosome = t(9;22) (q34;q11) translocation seen , present in 95% of CML Pt. , Result of reciprocal
translocation & Before starting Pt. On heparin test to be done= APTT & PNH is deficiency of Decay accelerating
factor (DAF) & Bleeding time is abnormally prolonged in ITP & Polycythemia vera = Inc RBC , Inc Erythropoietin ,
Inc. LAP .
179. Prognosis of Hodgkin’s lymphoma is depends = stage , Histological type , General symtoms whereas Lymph
node size is not included & other features are = Reed Sternberg cell , CD-15, Inc. In eosinophills & plasma cell &
Mediastinal involvemt & Treatment ABVD
180. Modified kuppuswami scale – 1. Education status of head of family (score 1 to 7)
2. Occupation status of head of family (score 1 to 10) 3. Income per capita per month (score 1 to 12) &
Minimum score = 3 & Maximum score= 29

181. Disability adjusted life yrs (DALYs); Measure of burden of disease in a defined population & effectiveness of
intervention ; express years lost to premature death & years lived with disability adjusted for its severity .
182. Sullivan’s index is Life expectancy Minus probable duration of bed disability & inability to perform major
activities & Chandler’s Index indicates Hookworm eggs/ gm of stool & Pearl Index indicates Pregnancy rate per
HWY (failure rate of contraceptives)
183. Sentinel surveillance – Identifying missing cases & supplementing notified cases & Passive S. Is one in which
Pt. Reports himself to health care system & Active S. Is concept in which Health system goes out at
community level to collect the data.
184. Bhopal gas tragedy is an example of Point Source or single exposure Epidemics which defines as Sharp rise &
Sharp fall in No. of cases other examples are chicken pox , cholera , measles & food poisoning .
185. HIV & TB are examples of Propagated Epidemics & Legionnaire’s disease is an example of Repeated
exposure Epidemics
186. Endemic is constant presence of disease , Pandemic is disease bought outside of the country and affecting
large population whereas Sporadic are cases which scattered about.
187. Herd Immunity or Chronic carriers is defines as Excretes infectious agents for indefinite period and its seen in
Malaria , Typhoid , Hepatitis A & B , Gonorrhoea , Diphtheria , Pertussis , Amoebiasis etc. whereas Not seen in
Measles , Tetanus , Rabies & Polio vaccine & Rubella.
188. Yellow fever – CA = Aedes agypti , IP 2-6days , Validity of Vaccination certificate is 10days-10years , 17D is live
vaccine of YF , Quarantine period of YF is 6days , YF vaccine is absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy
189. Correct sequence : Disease(Loss of ability )  Impairment(Functional loss)  Disability(inability or
Restriction to perform)  Handicap(Loss of social role)
190. Unit of study in PHASE I Trial is Healthy or Normal human volunteers & Post marketing Surveillance or after drug
is marked is carried out by PHASE IV & Sensitivity is TRUE positive whereas Specificity is TRUE negative .
191. Primordial level of prevention is prevention of development of risk factors by modification of life style &
individual education & EXAMPLES OF Primordial Level = Exercise in high risk area for prevention in coronary
heart disease , Salt restriction in high risk area, smoking cessation, prevention of traditional diet in low NCD area
192. Primary level of prevention is Prior to onset of disease by Health promotion & Specific protection. Some
examples are Marriage counselling & immunization, Fluoridation & dental health education , Vit A prophylaxis
to child & Iodine supplementation is a specific protection , Iron & folic acid to pregnant females whereas
Primary prevention of obesity is high fiber diet
193. Secondary prevention is carried out by Early diagnosis & treatment where disease is already possible Some
examples are PAP SMEAR TEST for detection of carcinoma & Tertiary prevention is carried out when disease is
already developed by Rehabilitation & Disability limitation.
194. Cohort studies Also called as prospective studies, forward looking , cause to effect & exposure to outcome
studies & Advantage – Relative Risk, incidence calculated, several etiological factors calculated

Disadvantages – expensive, time consuming, loss to follow up & ethical problem .

195. Case control studies Also called as retrospective effect to cause , outcome to exposure , trohoc study (reverse of
cohort) & Case control = Advantage –Odds ratio can be calculated, in expensive, easy , rapid , minimal ethical
problems , no loss to follow up & Disadvantage – cannot measure incidence & RR. , selection of group may be
196. Southern blot = DNA , Northern blot = RNA & Western = Protein whereas Candida is Yeast like fungus &
Sclerotic bodies = Chromo-blastomycosis & Spider colony are produced by = Actinomyces Israelii.
197. Infectious mononucleosis = Paul bunnel test & Polio virus is spread by Both hematogenous & neural route
whereas SSPE is associated with MEASLES & Man is carrier for = Herpes simplex virus & Most serious
complication of measles = Meningo-encephalitis whereas Mollouscum Contagiosun = caused by virus & Intra-
nuclear & Intra-cytoplasmic bodies are seen in = Measles virus & Human T cells leukemia is = RNA oncogenic
virus whereas Clostridium is responsible for repetation in wounds .
198. VDRL is slide flocculation test for Syphilis & H-antigen is most immunogenic in Typhoid & After initiation of DOTS
theraphy for category I = 1st sputam examination is done at 2months after treatment & Swarming growth is
shown by Clostridium tetani which is a gram +ve bacillus whereas Mycobacterium leprae can be cultured =
Footpad of mice & Ghon focus reflex = Primary complex Of TB.
199. Swimming pool granuloma is caused by Mycobacterium Marinum & MCC of gas gangrene is = Clostridium
Perfringens whereas Spirochaetes is seen in Dark field microscopy & Chinese letter arrangement =
Cornybacterium diphtheria & Mechanism of action of cholera toxin increase in c-AMP whereas Type Of Light in
dark ground microscopy is Reflected light
200. Concept of multipurpose workers was given by kartar singh committe & Bhore committe = 3months training in
psm during intership& Health survey & development & Phc was introduced & Shrivastava committe = set up in
1975 as the group on medical education & support manpower & Mudaliar committe;health survey & planning
committe & Jungalwallah committe; committe on integration of health services.


1. Warfarin overdose :- Vitamin-K

2. OCD :- Fluoxetine
3. Alcohol poisoning :- Fomepizole
4. Epilepsy in pregnency :-
5. Anaphylactic shock :-
6. Paracetamol-poi soning :- Acetyl
7. Acute bronchial- asthma :-
8. Acute gout:- NSAIDS
9. Acute hyperkalemia:- Calcium
10. Severe DIGITALIS toxicity :-
11. Acute migraine :- Sumatriptan
12. Cheese reaction :- Phentolamine
13. Atropine poisoning :-
14. Cyanide poisoning :- Amyl nitrite
15. Benzodiazepine poisoning:-
16. Cholera :- Tetracycline
17. KALA-AZAR :- Lipozomal
Amphotericin- B
18. Iron poisoning :-
19. MRSA :- Vancomycin




Really-RIBAVARIN Good-

Expected Investigation of choice for nbe exam

• Single Bone Metastasis – CT MRI

• Multiple Bone Metastasis – Bone scan • Primary brain tumour- contrast MRI
• Spine Metastasis – MRI
(Gold standard however remains to be
• Avascular necrosis- MRI
• Bone Density/Osteoporosis- DEXA
• Metastatic brain tumor- (Gadolinium)
(Dual energy x ray absorptiometry)
contrast enhanced MRI
• Aneurysm/ AV Fistula- Angiography
• Dissecting Aneurysm (Stable) - MRI • Temporal Bone-CT
• SAH Diagnosis- unenhanced CT
(Unstable)-Trans oesophageal USG
• SAH aetiology- 4 vessel MR
• Pericardial Effusion-
Angiography > CT Angiography > DSA
• Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma- CECT
• Lobulated pericardial effusion- MRI >
• Acoustic neuroma- Gadolinium DTPA
• Minimum Pericardial Effusion-
enhanced MRI
• Obstetrics- USG
• Ventricular Function-
• Calcifications- CT
• Blunt abdominal Trauma- CT
• Radiotherapy/Chemotherapy induced • Acute Pancreatitis- CT
cardiotoxicity- Endomyocardial Biopsy • GERD- pH manometer > endoscopy
• Dysphagia- Endoscopy
• Pulmonary Embolism- CECT>
• Congenital hypertrophic pyloric
Pulmonary Angiography > V/Q Scan
• Interstitial lung disease(Sarcoidosis)- stenosis- USG
HRCT • Extrahepatic biliary atresia-
• Bronchiectasis- HRCT scan perioperative cholangiogram
• Solitary Pulmonary Nodule- High • Obstructive Jaundice/GB Stones- USG
resolution CT (HRCT) • Diverticulosis – barium enema
• Posterior Mediastinal Tumor- MRI • Diverticulitis – CT scan
• Pancoast Tumor (Superior Sulcus • Renal TB (early) – IVP (Late)- CT
Tumor) – MRI • Posterior Urethral Valve- MCU
• Ureteric stone- non contrast CT
• Minimum Ascites/Pericardial
• Renal Artery Stenosis- Percutaneous
effusion/Pleural effusion – USG
• Traumatic Paraplegia- MRI
• Extraintestinal Amoebiasis- ELISA
• Posterior Cranial Fossa – MRI
• Discrete swelling(solitary nodule) of
• Acute Haemorrhage- CT
• Chronic Haemorrhage- MRI thyroid- FNAC
• Intracranial Space Occupying Lesion-

Expected Rate limiting enzymes expected concept

about Biochemistry for nbe exam
1. Rate-limiting enzyme of Glycolysis - Phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK1)
2. Rate-limiting enzyme of Gluconeogenesis - Fructose-1,6,biphosphatase
3. Rate-limiting enzyme of TCA cycle - Isocitrate dehydrogenase
4. Rate-limiting enzyme of Glycogen Synthesis - Glycogen synthase
5. Rate-limiting enzyme of Glycogenlysis - Glycogen phophorylase (phophorylase
breaks phosphate bond, which means activated glycogen releases a lot of energy)
6. Rate-limiting enzyme of HMP Shunt - Glucose-6-Phosphate dehydrogenase (bad to
lose this in RBCs)
7. Rate-limiting enzyme of de novo pyrimidine synthesis - Carbamoyl phosphate
synthase II (CPS I is involved in urea cycle)
8. Rate-limiting enzyme of de novo purine synthesis - Glutamine-PRPP
9. Rate-limiting enzyme of Urea cycle - Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I (CPS II is
involved in pyrimidine synthesis)
10. Rate-limiting enzyme of fatty acid synthesis - Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC)
11. Rate-limiting enzyme of fatty acid oxidation - Carnitine acyltransferase I
12. Rate-limiting enzyme of Ketogenesis - HMG-CoA synthase
13. Rate-limiting enzyme of Cholesterol synthesis - HMG-CoA reductase
14. Only purely ketogenic amino acids - Lysine and Leucine (give lots of these in
pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency)
15. Starting substrate and end product in TCA cycle - Citrate ->->->->-> Oxaloacetate
16. Missing enzyme: Symptoms- failure to thrive, jaundice, hepatomegaly, infantile
cataracts, mental retardation- Classic galactosemia-- Galactose-1-phosphate
uridyltransferase [mild form= galactokinase]
17. Missing enzyme: Symptoms-- decrease in available phosphate, which results in
↓gluconeogenesis and ↓glycogenolysis-- hypoglycemia, jaudince, cirrhosis, vomiting -
Fructose intolerance, missing Aldolase B. [mild form= fructokinase]

18. Most common urea cycle disorder. Orotic in urine, ↓BUN, symptoms of
hyperammonemia - Ornithine transcarbamoylase (OTC) deficiency. X-lined recessive
19. Basic amino acids. Acidic amino acids- Basic- Arg > Lys, His
Acidic- Asp, Glu
20. Missing enzyme: severe fasting hypoglycemia. Very high glycogen in liver, High blood
lactate, hepatomegaly - Glucose-6-phosphatase (activated glucose stuck in liver).
Glycogen storage disease type I- Von Gierke's disease
21. Missing enzyme:High glycogen in muscle, painful muscle cramps on exertion,
myoglobinuria - Skeletal muscle glycogen phosphorylase (McArdle's, GSD type V)
22. What is the significance?

a-1,4-glucosidase - a-1,6-glucosidase - branches of glycogen. Missing enzyme mimics

GSD type 1 but is more mild (hepatomegaly) with normal lactate levels.

Gluconeogenesis is intact, no need for lactic acid production. (cori's disease)

a-1,4-glucosidase - linkages of glycogen. Obviously missing this enzyme is much
worse- Cardiac failure due to total failure to utilize glycogen. Liver and muscle also
wasted. (Pompe's disease)

23. Missing enzyme: Peripheral neuropathy of hands/feet, tiny blue lesions on skin
(angiokeratomas), cardiovascular and renal disease - α-galactosidase A - accumulates
Ceramide trihexoside. [Fabry's- X-linked]
24. Missing enzyme: Hepatosplenomegaly, aseptic necrosis of femur, bone crises,
macrophages that look like crumpled tissue paper - Glucocerebrosidase - Gaucher's
disease AR
25. What is the diagnostic difference between Niemann-Pick and Tay-Sachs, and what are
the missing enzymes-Niemann-Pick- Hepatosplenomegaly- Sphingomyelinase - Pick
with your sphinger!
Tay-Sachs- Hexoaminidase A (GM2 ganglioside builds up) [Tay-SaX laX
26. What Apolipoprotein binds the LDL receptor - B-100, it is not present on HDL, it is the
one that gets oxidized and creates oxy-LDL
27. Biotin is a cofactor for this class of reaction - Carboxylation - (pyruvate carboxylase etc &
Familial dyslipidemia type I -both genetic defects- Lipoprotein lipase deficiency OR
altered apolipoprotein C-II... Causes pancreatitis, hepatosplenomegaly, and
eruptive/pruritic xanthomas (but no increased risk of atherosclerosis,

Triads, Tetrads, Pentads Important for nbe EXAM

❖ Congenital Toxoplasmosis-- Host

choroidoretinitis. Environment
cerebral calcification. ❖ Classic triad of Henoch–
convulsions Schönlein purpura
❖ Vogt's triad – glaucoma
flecken, pigments on Arthritis
endothelium and iris Abdominal pain
atrophy ❖ Virchow’s triad is the
❖ Charcot’s Triad::: etiology of thrombosis
Pain + fever + jaundice Damage of vascular
❖ Behcet's Syndrome::: trauma)
Recurrent oral ulcers
Genital ulcers Stasis of blood Change
Iridocyclitis in blood
❖ Hemolytic Uremic composition(Increased
Syndrome Triad coagulability)
Anaemia (Mnemonic: VIR chow -
Thrombocytopenia Vascular trauma, increased
Renal failure coagulability, reduced blood
❖ Pentad of TTP flow)
haemolytic anaemia ❖ Charcot's triad of acute
Fever cholangitis

Disturbed neurological Fever with rigors

function Right hypochondriacpain
Renal failure Jaundice
Thrombocytopenia ❖ Osteogenesis imperfecta:
❖ virchows triad Brittle bone disease, blue
Hypercoagulability sclera, dentinogenesis
stasis imperfecta.
❖ Paget's disease:
Endothelial injury
coxa vera, flame shape
❖ Anderson Triad lesions, otosclerosis
Bronchiectasis Cystic
❖ Triad of Alports Syndrome
fibrosis Vitamin A
Sensorineural deafness
Progressive renal failure
❖ Beck's triad of cardiac
Ocular anomalies
❖ Triad of Behcet's Syndrome
Decrease of systolic blood Recurrent oral ulcers Genital
pressure ulcers
Distended jugular vein Iridocyclitis
Diminished heart
sounds(quite heart) [mnemonic: can’t see, can’t
pee, can’t eat spicy curry]
❖ Cushing's triad is a late sign of
increase intra-cranial tension ❖ Beck’s Triad

Hypertension Respiratory Muffled heart sound

depression Bradycardia Distended neck veins
❖ Ecological triad of disease
Causative Agent ❖ Triad of Hypernephroma
Pain + hematuria + renal
❖ Hutchinson’s Triad ❖ Reynolds Pentad
Hutchison's teeth Abdominal pain,
Interstitial keratitis Fever,
Nerve deafness
❖ Triad of Kwashiorkar Shock, and
Growth retardation
Mental changes Edema Depression of central
❖ Saint's Triad nervous system function
Gall stones (usually indicative of acute
Diverticulosis suppurative cholangitis)
Hiatus hernia ❖ Pentalogy of Fallot Fallot's
❖ Trotter's Triad Conductive tetralogy with, in
deafness Immobility of
addition, a patent foramen
homolateral soft palate
ovale or
Trigeminal neuralgia
Atrial septal defect.
❖ Whipple’s Triad
❖ Normal pressure
Hypoglycaemia during
Gait disorder
S.glucose 10% Dementia
Urinary incontinence
Lytic bone lesions
❖ Phaeochromocytoma
❖ Hemolytic Uremic
Headache Diaphoresis
Syndrome Triad
Renal failure
❖ Fanconi Syndrome Triad
Aminoaciduria Proteinuria
❖ Tetany in Children - Triad
Carpopedal spasm
❖ Alkaptonuria Triad
Ochronotic arthritis
Ochronotic pigmentation
Urine darkens on standing
❖ Triad of Albinism
Black locks
Occulo-cutaneous Albinism
Deafness of sensorineural
[mnemonic: BADS]
❖ Pentad of TTP
haemolytic anaemia
Disturbed neurological
Renal failure

Expected table for nbe exam

Table 1
Type Examples
Type 1-Immediate Hypersensitivity Atopy:Asthma,hay fever,food allergy
Theobald Smith Phenomenon
Prausnitz-kustner reaction
Casoni Test
Type 2 Cytolisis:Transfusion
Reaction,Erythroblastosis,AIHA,Pernicious anaemia
Inflammatory:Good Pasteur,Pemphigus,Rheumatic
ADCC-Type 6
Type 5 ----- Stimulation:Graves
Type 3 Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Type 2 Lepra Reaction
Henoch Schonlein purpura
All Connective tissue disorders
Shick TEST
Hyperacute Graft Rejection
Type 4 Mantoux/Tuberculin/Heaf
Lepra Reaction Type 4
Contact Dermatitis
Fries Test(lgv)
Chronic Transplant Rejection
Multiple Sclerosis
All granulomatous diseases
Jone Mote Reaction
Hashimoto thyroiditis
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Coeliac Disease
Crohns Disease
Table 2

Each CHC acts as referral centre for 4PHC, CHC is maintained by state govt. Under
MNP/BMS programme & bed strength of CHC; 30 & no of CHC in india; 4535(2010)

Sub centre Phc Chc

Level of care Primary Primary Secondary
Population norms
Plains 5000 30,000 1,20,000\
Hilly/tribal areas 3000 20,000 80,000
Staff 3 15 30
Maintenance Central govt. State govt. State govt.
Rural area covered 21 sq. Km 140 sq. Km 770 sq. Km
Radial distance 2.6 6.6 15.6
Average no. Of villages
covereed 4 29 158

Table 3

Hdi pqli
Indicator components 1. Longetivity - life 1. Life expectancy at 1yr age
expectancy at birth (LEB) (LE1)
2. Income (real gdp per 2. Infant mortality rate (IMR)
capita in ppp us$)
3. Literacy rate
3. Knowledge (mean yrs of
schooling –Gross
enrolement ratio &
literacy rate)

0 to +1

0 to 100
Value in india

Table 4

Modified kuppu-swami scale

Total score of 3components of scale Socioeconomical class

26-29 Upper
16-25 Upper-middle
11-15 Upper-lower
05-10 Lower

Table 5

Level of prevention Modes of intervention

Primary l Health promotion & specific
Sec l
Early diagnosis & treatment.
Disability limitation &
Tertiary l rehabilitation


Level of Intelligence based on Iq level

Level of intelligence IQ range

Idiot 0-24
Borderline 50-69
Low normal 70-79
Superior 80-89
Very superior 90-109
Near genius 110-119
140 and over

Expected IPC Section for nbe exam

• IPC 122 - Collecting arms, etc., with intention of waging war against the
Government of India.
• IPC 124 - Assaulting President, Governor, etc., with intent to compel or restrain the
exercise of any lawful power, 124A – Sedition.
• IPC 129 - Public servant negligently suffering such prisoner to escape.
• IPC 147 - Punishment for rioting.
• IPC 148 - Rioting, armed with deadly weapon.
• IPC 191 - Giving false evidence.
• IPC 272 – Adulteration of food or drink intended for sale.
• IPC 274 - Adulteration of drugs.
• IPC 284 - Negligent conduct with respect to poisonous substance.
• IPC 300 – Murder & IPC 302 - Punishment for murder & IPC 303 - Punishment for
murder by life-convict.
• IPC 309 - Attempt to commit suicide
• IPC 319 - Hurt
• IPC 320 - Grievous hurt & 325 - Punishment for voluntarily causing grievous hurt
• IPC 321 - Voluntarily causing hurt
• IPC 322 - Voluntarily causing grievous hurt
• IPC 359 - Kidnapping & 363 - Punishment for kidnapping, 363A - Kidnapping or
maiming a minor for purposes of begging,
• IPC 375 - Rape & IPC 376 - Punishment for rape,
• IPC 376A - Intercourse by a man with his wife during separation,
• IPC 376B - Intercourse by public servant with woman in his custody.
• IPC 376C - Intercourse by superintendent of jail, remand home, etc.
• IPC 376D - Intercourse by any member of the management or staff of a hospital
with any woman in that hospital,
• IPC 376E - Whoever has been previously convicted of an offence punishable
under section 376 or section 376A or section 376D and is subsequently
convicted of an offence punishable under any of the said sections shall be
punished with imprisonment for life which shall mean imprisonment for the
remainder of that person's natural life or with death.
• IPC 497 – Adultery & IPC 498 - Enticing or taking away or detaining with criminal
intent a married woman, 498A - Husband or relative of husband of a woman
subjecting her to cruelty

Expected images for nbe exam


expected X- RAY for nbe exam


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