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HARRY’s workout routine

Tuesday : chest, shoulders, triceps

Decline push ups - 4x15

Wide gripe push ups - 4 x 15

Standard push ups - 2x tF

Close grip push ups - 2x tF

Side lateral raises- 6x8

Bent over lateral raises - 6x8

Tricep kick backs 6x8

Wednesday: cardio and abs

Burpees - 25x5

Star jumps - 25x10

Crunches - 25x5

Shadow boxing - 3x3mins

Thursday: back and biceps

Lat pull downs - 6x8

Front lat pull downs - 6x8

Rows - 6x8

Bent over rows 10x10

Hyper extensions - 10x20

Hammer curls - 10x12

Curls - 10x12

Rotation curls - 10x 12

Friday : legs

Bulgarian split squats - 10x5

Squats - 10x10

Close squats - 10x10

Sumo squats - 10x5

Lunges - 5x10

Saturday: cardio and abs

Burpees - 25x5

Star jumps - 25x10

Crunches - 25x5

Shadow boxing - 3x3mins

Sunday : legs

Bulgarian split squats - 10x5

Squats - 10x10

Close squats - 10x10

Sumo squats - 10x5

Lunges - 5x10

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