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KHOA NGOẠI NGỮ Học kỳ II: Năm học 2020– 2021

Môn : Giao thoa văn hóa

Lớp : NNVB2-7Đ20
I. Lý thuyết
1. Culture and components of culture
2. Language and principles of communication.
3. How to communicate successfully
4. Nonverbal communication
5. Paralanguage
6. Body language (facial expression, eye contact, gesture, posture, touching)
7. Object and environmental language ( clothing, chromatics, chronemics, conversational distance)

II. DẠNG BÀI TẬP : 50 câu trắc nghiệm ( 0.2đ/câu)

1. In the United States, ‘Pass-time’ conversations help you to get to know other people a little bit. The
“pass-time” conversations mean ________.
A. small talks B. speech C. presentation D. chatting online
2. In the United States, in small talks, the topic that we should avoid is ________.
A. money B. age C. physical appearance D. all the answers
3. In the United States, the common topics are used for small talks : ________.
A. weather B. job C. vacation D. all the answers
4. Vietnamese greeting routines are about ________.
A. health questions B. financial situation C. parents D. weather
5. When someone says “I want to thank you so much for the map and directions. You have no idea
what a tremendous help you've been!” Your response is ________.
A. It was my pleasure B. Good luck C. Bravo! D. Oh, thank you.
6. When thank you for compliments, people will NOT say ________.
A. That's nice of you to say so. B. You're welcome
C. I appreciate the compliment D. Thank you
7. When someone has done something wrong and has apologized to you for the inconvenience or hurt,
you can accept the apology by saying something like: ________.
A. That’s O.K. B. I’m so sorry C. Thank you D. I’d love to.
8. We can respond to indefinite invitation by saying ________.
A. “Yes, that would be nice” B. Yes, that’s alright
C. No problem D. That’s interesting
9. Body language is a conventional term for communication by the use of parts of the ________.
A. body B. voice C. words D. sounds
10. Non-Verbal communication includes components like ________.
A. facial expression B. eye contact C. gestures D. all the answers
11. Nodding and shaking the head, pointing, smiling, and frowning are the ________.
A. verbal communication B. non-verbal communication
C. face-to-face communication D. online communication

12. People greet each other by a gesture called namaste, where the hands are placed in a praying
position, about chest high, accompanied by a slight bow. Where does the greeting come from?
A. Vietnam B. Japan C. China D. India
13. The preferred way to call a waiter to your table is to catch his eye and then perhaps nod the head
backward quickly. Where does the beckoning gesture come from?
A. France B. Thailand C. India D. Laos
14. Thumbs-up gesture is well-known throughout North America and much of Europe. It means
A. Everything’s O.K. B. I’m fine C. It’s not good D. It’s lucky.
15. In the Middle East, the older generation can still be seen giving the salaam. The salaam means
A. Peace be with you. B. God be with you C. Trust be with you D. Luck be with you
16. Which of the following is a compliment on work accomplished?
A. You really have beautiful eyes, Barbara
B. I didn't know you could play the guitar so well
C. You did a fine job on the room, Mike
D. Joe, your backhand is getting stronger every time we play
17. In many informal cases, guests often ______________, even if the host has turned downed an offer
at the time of the invitation.
A. bring money as a gift. B. bring dessert.
C. bring some food D. bring gifts of wine or flowers.
18. Which topic is commonly used in small talks?
A. physical appearance B. weekend activities
C. politics D. money
19. ______________eye contact indicates degrees of attention or interest, influences attitude change or
A. People from Arabic cultures B. Northern Europeans and Americans
C. In the English-speaking cultures D. Southern Europeans
20. In the US you wear ______________ when mourning, in India white. In Hong Kong traditional
bridal dresses are red, in Poland white.
A. black B. yellow C. white D. blue
21. If you are offered a hand to shake by an American, you should grasp it ______________
A. firmly and shake it briefly B. softly and quickly
C. long-lasting D. very hard
22. What is the intercultural communication?
A. similarities between cultures.
B. the cultural generalizations
C. the communication between members of different cultures.
D. cultural differences or cultural similarities
23. Which of the following topics should be avoided in small talks?
A. weather B. school C. weekend D. age
24. " Wow, what a nice coat you are wearing!" " ______________"
A. Certainly, do you like it, too? B. I like you to say that
C. Yes, of course, it's expensive D. Thanks, my mother bought it for me.
25. Margaret: "Could you open the window, please?" - Henry: " ______________"
A. Yes, I can B. I'm,of course C. I feel sorry D. Yes, with my pleasure
26. Andrew is talking to a waiter in a restaurant.
Andrew: "Can I have the bill, please?"
Waiter: "______."
A. You are very kind B. Just a minute, please
C. My pleasure D. You're exactly right
27. "Would you like to join our volunteer group this summer?" - " ______________"
A. Do you think I would? B. I wouldn't thank you
C. Yes, you are a good friend D. Yes, I'd love to, thanks
28. In which country it is considered impolite to arrive too late for a dinner party?
A. in the US B. in Britain C. in Italy D. in Ethiopia
29. Harry: "Are you ready, Kate? There's not much time left". - Kate: "Yes, Just a minute ______"
A. No longer B. I'm coming C. I'd be OK D. I won't finish
30. Which of the following is a way of expressing thanks?
A. You’re entirely welcome. B. I was glad to be of service.
C. It was extremely good of you to… D. You’re very welcome.

II. Luyện tập

1. What is culture?
2. What are components of culture?
3. What are exposed parts of culture?
4. What is language?
5. What is communication ?
6. What is the intercultural communication?
7. What are American values?
8. Parts of formal introduction
9. informal introductions
10. American shaking hand custom
11. formal ways to begin third-party introductions?
12. informal ways to begin self-introductions.
13. ways of answering an introduction?
14. topics should be avoided in small talks?
15. common topics in small talks
16. a polite way to evade a question that you don’t want to answer
17. formal ways of greeting?
18. ways of responding to a greeting?
19. ways of expressing thanks?
20. ways of compliment
21. When not to apologize?
22. Topics to discuss after an introduction?
23. ways of accepting an apology?
24. invitation custom
25. ways of making and accepting invitation formally & informally?

26. ways of making a non-invitation?
27. facial expression? Features of facial expression? Functions of facial expression?
28. what is paralanguage? Major categories of paralanguage?
29. What eye contact? Eye contact across cultures?
30. what gesture? Gestures across cultures?
31.What is chronemics?
32. In which country it is considered impolite to arrive too late for a dinner party?
33. Which country consider smiling at strangers in public to be unusual?
34. When to use intimate distance?

Ngày 3 tháng 12 năm 2021


ThS. Nguyễn Thị Huệ Nguyễn Thị Hải Huyền

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