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SOC Experts

Cybersecurity Career Launcher

Assignment: Splunk Dashboards

1) Build dashboard to monitor FW logs – outbound connections over ports other than
443 and 80 to public IP’s

index=network dest_ip!="" AND dest_ip!="" AND

dest_ip!="" AND dest_port!=443 AND dest_port!=80 | iplocation dest_ip
| eval bytes=bytes_in+bytes_out | table _time src_ip src_port src_zone dest_ip dest_port
dest_zone City Country action bytes

Table view of Outbound Connections over ports other than 80 and 443 to public IP’s

This gives us a dashboard with important FW log details in a Table format.

SOC Experts
Cybersecurity Career Launcher

2) Add a pie chart to your dashboard showing uploads on webserver from various
Countries i.e., public IP’s

index=webserver (method=POST OR method=PUT) AND (clientip!="" AND

clientip!="" AND clientip!="")
| iplocation clientip | stats count by Country

Stats table with count of all uploads on webserver from various Countries.

Pie chart of the same

Added to dashboard
SOC Experts
Cybersecurity Career Launcher

b. File uploads to FTP server

index=ftp source_ip!="" AND source_ip!="" AND

source_ip!="" | search filename=* | iplocation source_ip | stats count by

Similar to webserver

Pie Chart of the same

Added to dashboard
SOC Experts
Cybersecurity Career Launcher

3) Create a panel for webserver returning status code 404 (mention the IP, URI, User

index=webserver status=404 | iplocation clientip | table clientip City Country uri useragent

Table view of All 404 errors with details

Added to dashboard
SOC Experts
Cybersecurity Career Launcher

4) Create a bar chart to show various status codes returned from our webserver logs

index=webserver | fillnull value="No Status Code" | stats count by status

Statistical view with count of all status codes including fields with No Status Code

Bar chart of the same

Added to Dashboard
SOC Experts
Cybersecurity Career Launcher

Entire Dashboard:
SOC Experts
Cybersecurity Career Launcher

Assignment 2: Splunk Dashboards

1) Create a dashboard panel to check failure attempts by user. Use input field to
select different Account name.

index=main EventCode=4625 | eval AccountName=mvindex(Account_Name,1) | eval

AccountDomain=mvindex(Account_Domain,1) | table _time AccountDomain AccountName
Logon_Type Source_Network_Address

Shows table of failed login with Time, Account Domain, Account Name, Logon Type,

Added to Dashboard with Search: which includes token = accountname (default value=*)

index=main EventCode=4625 Account_Name=$accountname$ | eval

AccountName=mvindex(Account_Name,1) | eval
AccountDomain=mvindex(Account_Domain,1) | table _time AccountDomain AccountName
Logon_Type Source_Network_Address
SOC Experts
Cybersecurity Career Launcher

Sample search in Dashboard: Account Name = prajwal

Now, adding a Dynamic Dropdown for Source Network Address: Token = srcip

Search Query:

index=main EventCode=4625 Account_Name=$accountname$

Source_Network_Address=$srcip$ | eval AccountName=mvindex(Account_Name,1) | eval
| table _time AccountDomain AccountName Logon_Type Source_Network_Address

Token Search String:

index=main EventCode=4625 $srcip$ | dedup Source_Network_Address | table


Selecting Source Network Address as from dynamic dropdown

SOC Experts
Cybersecurity Career Launcher

2) Create a dashboard panel to monitor DNS requests (Select fields of interest, filter
out junk data)

index=dns "d port"=53 flag=1 | table Date src URL

Shows only IPv4 requests where only A record (flag=1) was accessed with table of Date,
Source, URL

When added to Dashboard: Token for search = url (default value =*)

index=dns "d port"=53 flag=1 URL=$url$ | table Date src URL

Sample Dashboard search: URL =

SOC Experts
Cybersecurity Career Launcher

3) Write a search query to identify the threat information under firewall threat logs
(select appropriate fields)

index=network type=THREAT | table _time src_ip src_port dest_ip dest_port threat_name

threat_severity rule action

Added to Dashboard with search for Source IP, Source Port, Destination IP, and Destination

index=network type=THREAT src_ip=$src$ dest_ip=$dest$ src_port=$srcport$

dest_port=$destport$ | table _time src_ip src_port dest_ip dest_port threat_name
threat_severity rule action
SOC Experts
Cybersecurity Career Launcher

Sample search Destination IP =

Sample search: Destination Port = 22

Sample search: Destination Port = 443

4) Use geo-stats command and add a panel to your dashboard (You can use any log)

Network/FW Logs for outbound connections to Public IP’s and count for each City in Geo
index=network dest_ip!="" AND dest_ip!="" AND
dest_ip!="" | iplocation dest_ip | geostats count by City
SOC Experts
Cybersecurity Career Launcher

When added to Dashboard:

Entire Dashboard where searches were done at the same time:

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