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Without commitment you can’t start but most
importantly without consistency you never finish. Its not
always easy there are some hurdles that shape you mould
you from a clay. Don’t give up get up and try, never ease
yourself because ease is the biggest threat to the progress
than hardships. It’s the worst part from you when you allow
other people to determine how you are are going to feel it.
Its like looking into broken mirror so that you can look
beautiful. Use what you have if you don’t need it share it
don’t allow it to get rotten other things. Dream get
disappointed that’s what teaches you shapes you and builds
you. Strong things are made not by external pressure but by
internal pressure face it to become the perfect and achieve
the goal. Work on your goal without thinking about the
conditions you have. Your experience gives you the energy
that boosts your confidence so just don’t care about
circumstances. If you care about it you would get more
entangled in it.
Anything you want you can get it so climb for it work for
it and when you get it get back pull someone else up don’t
just live, live to be different and never compromise to your
goals compromise other things for it. Just say to yourself
“Today, I choose to be the most beautiful version of myself,
inside and out”

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