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Q: Why am I missing characters?

A: This is most likely a problem with the linking to Scarlet Weather Rhapsody. Find
and open configex123.ini. It will either look like gibberish or Japanese. On line
6, you will find path=.\Touhou 10.5 - Scarlet Weather Rhapsody . Replace the text
after path= with the location of your Scarlet Weather Rhapsody folder. If you are
unsure how to get that, it can easily be obtained by navigating to the Scarlet
Weather Rhapsody folder in File Explorer and clicking on the address bar, and then
copying with the ctrl+C shortcut.

Q: When I open the game, I get an error 0xc000007b or "MVSCR100.dll is mising."

What do I do?

A: This is likely caused by a SWRSToys module. Ensure that you have the Microsoft
Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable package installed. If have installed it and the
issue persists, download msvcr100.dll and drop it in the same folder as th123.exe.
If that doesn't work, download msvcr71.dll, rename it to msvcr100.dll, and drop it
in the same folder as th123.exe. The last method sounds fishy, but it is a verified
fix. Alternatively, you can disable each SWRSToys module to figure out which is the
Link to Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable:

Q: When I open the game, I get an error 0x0000142. What do I do?

A: This is most likely a d3d9.dll error. Install DirectX9 in /directx/DXSETUP.exe

to fix this.

Q: When I open the game, there's just a black screen.

A: Try turning your computer off and on again.

Q: I can't seem to connect to my friend. What am I doing wrong?

A: Most likely, your friend hasn't port forwarded. See this pastebin for details,
steps 1 through 8:
Port forwarding allows your router to direct incoming traffic to the correct PC.

Q: I followed the guide, but I still can't connect. What am I doing wrong?

A: There are a number of things that could be wrong here. See lines 35 through 45
in the above pastebin link. If you are using open port checkers, they usually won't
work. Keep in mind that the most reliable checker is to have someone try to join
your host. Also consider searching for guides that reference your specific router
to ensure your port forwarding is up and working. Most common pitfalls include:
1. Using the wrong IP for forwarding. Double and triple check, because that
IP is what tells your router which computer to direct the connection to. This
private IP tends to start with 10, 172, or 192.
2. Using the wrong IPv4 when connecting. The IP you give to someone to
connect to is not the same one that you enter on your router page for forwarding.
Instead, you want your public IP. You can use various websites to find it,
including Be careful of accidentally using your IPv6, which
tend to include colons and letters.

Q: I could host before but now I can't. What happened?

A: The most likely cause is that your IP changed. Check your private IPv4 and
public IPv4 for changes since you did your forwarding. If your private IPv4 has
changed, you may need to redo your port forwarding.
Q: Why isn't the game reading my controller inputs?

A: Controllers need to be ON before starting th123.exe. This guide gives

instructions for troubleshooting controllers of various types
For the purposes of the guide, keep in mind DPadFix is already installed in this
Hisoutensoku download pack.

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