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REU MAJIC Ri ompartmentalg ational se ARANCE LE arized personn e by federal La this document@ persons requ ie MI—12 GRO duetio: anscribed notes TOP SECRET / MAJIC EYES ONLY CHAPTER 1 OPERATION MAJESTIC—12 Section |. PROJECT PURPOSE AND GOALS nual lus been prepared especially for Majestie—12: units, tts pur esent all aspeets of Maje horized personnel will « better understanding of the goals of the Group, be able to more uly deol with Unidentified Flying Objects, Extraterrestrial Technology ties, and inerenso tho efficioney of future operations kes the subject of UFOBs, Extraterrestrial ‘I werresteial Biological Entities 0 be a matter of the very hi ‘echnology, ard ry seriously and considers the entire est national security, For that reasan whe subject has been assigned the very highest sea. ossification, Three main points will be covered in this section eral aspects of MJ—12 to clear up any misconceptions that have, ‘he importance of the operations, Tie nwed for absolute secrecy in all phases of operation }. Security Classification Ml information relating to M.—12 has been classified MAJIC EYE LY and carries a seeurity level 2 points above that af Top Socrat «son for this has to do with the consequences that may arise not only from »yact upon the public should the existence of such inalters become son rwledge, but also the danger of having such advanced technology as wren recovered by the Air Force fall into the hands of unfriendly foreign Prvvers No information is released to the public press and the official gov- ment position is that no special group such as Md-—12 oxists History of the Group vation Majestic—12 was established by special classified presidential 8 24 September 1947 at the recommendation of Secretary of Defonse ve V Porrestal and Dr. Vannevar Bush, Chairman of the Joint pinient Board. Operations are carried out under a ‘Top ret Research ané Development Intelligence Group dircetly responsible rly 10 the President of the United States, ‘The goals of the MJ—-12 Group esearch and Develop ants 2 fOP SECRET / MAJIC EYES ONLY

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