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RELAZIONE 1Ci Mario Liuzzi

My name is Mario. I’m 14 years old and my birthday is on 23th of May. I’m Italian and I’m from
Matera, a beautiful city. My favourite things to do are: to play computer games, I really like it
and I love going out with my friends. I hate doing homework and I don’t like singing. In my
freetime I do workout because my dream is to become a bodybuilder. At the weekend I play
soccer with my schoolfriends.

I live in a flat, with my parents, their names are Pietro and Imma. I have a sister but she lives in
Bari, her name’s Samantha. I have 3 uncles and 3 aunts and I have 4 cousins: 3 boys and 1 girl.

My best friend is a boy, his name’s Angelo, but we call it pepper because if it's embarrassed it
turns red. He enjoys football and his dream is to become a soccer player. He likes to dress
sporty and his favourite brand is Adidas. I met him for the first time in kindergarten.

I go in a high school, it’s a technical institute and is near my house. Its name is Pentasuglia. In
my class there isn’t an’interactive whiteboard and only one windows works, there are 21
benches because we are 21 people, we are only males. In this school the rules are very strict,
but I like it.

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