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In the past one decade the Indian Consumer has changed a lot but if we see, its a change that

has not
only come because of the increasing the purchasing power parity or higher disposable income or even
more an increase in the Income level, but another reason of it is that the marketers have also played an
important role in it. They have created demand in the people which has caused a lot of change, for e.g.
People were satisfied with a lantern, no one even thought about the oil crises that time, but bulb came,
and then it was followed by a tube light, n few years I believe CFL will take over and few years after
that something else will take over. Marketers will keep bringing a new product and ensure a demand is
created for the product.
As a growing country India's national income is also increasing, since an increase in the income the
disposable component in the income has increased, which means people are becoming materialistic. It
is a fact that Indians are often stereotyped as deeply spiritual people who reject materialistic values but
now the situation is that this stereotype no longer reflects reality. For instance, almost half of India’s
urban population had adopted a “work hard and get rich” ethos. People want to be rich, they want to
spend. They want to live their life hassle free and want material satisfaction.
Convenience has also become very important part in the Indian Youth, and as India is a young country
the major population comprises of the youth. Therefore it is an add on intensive to the industrialists or
the entrepreneurs to make products which makes the life easy for the people. Few years back, i.e. in
1990’s having a Maruti 800 car was a 'big deal', one Beamer on the road our eyes used to go hay-why,
but now we see our roads full the these machine which help in transportation of people from one place
to another. No one is satisfied with any car he or she has, they want to go to the next level as soon as
In the Indian mentality 'savings goals' underscores the 'increase in materialism'. Although long-term
plans remain a high priority, life’s pleasures in the here and now have gained importance over the past
decade. Indians’ desire to set money aside for electronics and durables has grown so dramatically that
it has nearly caught up with their desire to save for their children’s education. Travel and entertainment
have also gained ground. Now a days even in a village where electricity is not such a common thing,
houses have electronic durables of the highest order.
The Consumption patterns now has changed so much that the only permanent thing for the marketers
in 'change'. Indian markets have transformed both in terms of
Sophistication and variety, resulting in a substantial change in the disposition of the customers
Towards quality, price, delivery and service leading to new processes
Liberalization or the opening up of the market have brought about
Changes that would have been unimaginable a decade ago. As barriers come down, new players
Both from India as well as abroad are entering in different products. Presently there are many
National as well as international manufacturers in consumer durable products. They are fighting
An intense battle to get a foothold, while the existing players are putting in their entire counter
Strategies in this battle for survival.
In this fight new innovative products are coming up every day in the market space. This has
accelerated the time where a change could be seen. At the time of independence a product which came
in the market stayed in the market for at least for a period of time but now days if we observe, even
super hit products strive to stay in the market even for few days. Companies do all that is possible to
retain the customers and its market share that it has been able to absorb.
If we broadly see the India was more of a Seller’s market at the time of independence but gradually as
people are becoming more aware, more educated, more informed it has graduated into a buyer’s
market, which is characterized by intense competition, variety,
And consumer insistence for value for money
And has redefined necessities and luxuries. Something which was a luxury at the time of
Independence has now become a necessity for people.
If we see in today’s time the term market has been diversified in various aspects, it has been classified
into an urban, rural, youth, children, men, women etc. Products are made separately for urban and rural
markets with customizations. Even in the rural parts of India there are separate markets which are only
for women and have only products mainly of the use of the females of that region. Markets have
become very specific and only serve those products which are demanded in that particular area.
There is a huge change even in the way products are being distributed across the county. Shops or
market with shops today has emerged into convenience
Shops, departmental stores, discount stores, super markets, mail-order retailing, and video
Shopping, Internet shopping and multilevel
Selling. Goods today are being sold virtually even without an existence of a market place or a shop in
particular. Even E-Commerce has increased which has led to convenient shopping experience, and
hence increased the number of transaction in the market place.
Another reason which plays a vital role in the change of the consumer behaviors in India is because of
Emerging of the Service Sector. The service sector contributes more than 50% in the GDP of our
country. At the time of independence it was not more than a mere 10-12%. They service sectors like
education, health care, hotels, insurance and banking, consulting company, travel and tourism
. There is a lot of spending in this sector and even employs a large chunk of the population. They have
important areas where significant action is taking place for the growth of an economy and its people.
People's dependency on the service sector has also increased significantly.
As a result of all these changes, the role and functions of marketing have undergone a
Metamorphic change in recent years. Many new concepts and patterns of thought have emerged.
That apart, changes have also taken place in the consumer buying habits and spending behavior.
Consumers have become more knowledgeable, more adventurous and more demanding,
Compelling, in a way, redefinition of marketing strategies and orientations of companies. Since
Present day consumers are more concerned for value, brand image and performance than ever
Before, consumer satisfaction is viewed as an integral part of total quality package in terms of
Form utility, place utility, time utility and possession utility.


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