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Who are you?

If you are reading this I would like for you take about 3
minutes to ask yourself this question. For some, three minutes would seem like a
life-time of pondering and many thoughts racing through our minds.
About a year ago a colleague of mine in ministry asked me to Preside and
Speak for him one Sunday morning while he and his wife were out of town. I glaly
accepted. I prepared myself for what I thought I would say, based on the times I
had been there before. However, to my surprise when I got there I knew that that
would not be the appropriate message. As I I observed the audience and felt the
heaviness in my spirit, I understood why not. The ages present on that morning
were from 24-35. I sensed that some of them did not want to be there for
whatever reason.
Anyway, I told them all to huddle up and get closer, because we were going
to do something different, personal, but we were going to try to do this together.
They moved eagerly. I felt so much pain and agony in the room, but yet their
faces were sincere with desire for hope and empowerment. I immediately knew
what I was suppose to say..or rather ask , and then minister this much needed
I announced to this group that I wanted to go around the room and ask them
one simple question:
“I want each of you to tell me who you are.” One by one they took turns.
Some told us where they worked, how many children they had, married or single,
saved/sanctified, where they were from, and so forth. Then, there was a young
man present(I knew who he was) When it was his turn, he had tears in his eyes,
and he looked at me and said, “I don't know.” There was silence and he said
again “I don't know.” I said, “Baby, that's okay, because even though there is no
right or wrong answer, your response is more valid......Here's why..
How many times have we been asked who are you? We often feel a little
feeling come over us, and we may do just as this group did, tell of our external
make-up. We tell what we do, where we have been, how many children we have,
where we go to church, how long we have been “saved” etc. But we fail to say
who we are internally. We fail to reveal our authentic selves. I find this
response to be very prominent in the church. I am simply pointing out my
personal observation, this is not intended to offend, but I do hope it will challenge.
I really find this prevalent amongst clergy. If someone asks your name—the
response is usually whatever title or position your holding in your church, etc.
And some of our Titles can be real brow raisers for people who have no
ecumenical/ecclesiastical knowledge. But we maintain that our titles are our
identities. For example, if we are in the office of Pastor, Bishop, Apostle, and so
forth, we will say that's who we are!
No! That's a title-it's what you do in the Kingdom on behalf of the King, but
your title and your name/you are not synonymous. Unfortunately, many people in
church need a title to give themselves some type of identity, because without it,
they feel powerless. Please I am not demeaning anyone's office, that's not the
intent. I believe everyone who has earned or been appointed, 'called”, we should
give honor and respect! I am speaking to the inner person. I began this with
myself: There are layers of definitions that cover us, so we early in life adapt to
them, and agree to it. Our parent's, relatives, teacher's, and Oh Dear God, people
from church from an early age, tell us who we are, or more importantly who they
think and want us to be. And there begins this molding. There begins the
layering of so many things. Good intent. But unfortunately, some of the defining
came out of ignorance and fear. Some foundations of who we are today are
layered with fear and ignorance. Or should I say, the prevention of unveiling
who you really are, your authentic self is locked away because of this.
See the real authentic you is not your Families idea of who you are. It is not the
church's idea, definition, code, instructions of do's and dont's...that's not who you
are. That's why when I hear testimonies from people that say they are saved,
sanctified,filled, etc. I worry because I know some are hiding behind that.
Who are you? Well I discovered I was that person waiting to get out! See no, not
out of God, but get out of people. I realized that religion would and could no
longer define or hold me back. I discovered I was full of passion and life- not
limited by dogma.
Most often your authentic self is the person that nobody sees, its the
passionate person that does not need religious semantics to go by. Your authentic
person declares that you are not defined or limited by the church or what auxillary
you serve on. Your authentic self is not afraid to understand that your spiritual
and not religious. Your authentic self may enjoy to live life to it's fullest, even
though the church told you that movies were a sin. Your authentic self may enjoy
listening to Mary J. because she can put words in a song that “Amazing Grace:
doesn't. You may realize that you like some things that the person next to you in
Bible study would find repulsive—but you like . The authentic self that's been
trapped for eons, enjoys life and God's earth and the fullness thereof.
The authentic self is the one that realizes to love God does not mean having to
put yourself in a box, and being the sacrificial lamb.
I encourage you, that when you take God out of the box, your release date comes
soon!. To know HIM is to love HIM and yourself; No matter who you love, what
size you are, what church you go or don't go to, what your financial status is,
your disability, your orientation, race, and or creed. You will learn to love you and
HIM above the church, the doctrines, the statutes, the legalities, that keep YOU
trapped. When you love you,, and come out the Sanhendrin box of religion-- You
will be unleashed. As you make your debut---you can begin to answer who you

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