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Assignment on Use Case, Change of password for ‘ Bank Account ‘

A national bank having branches, offices, and customers in all major states of the country
was recently informed of some security breach. The bank has sent a mail to all the
customers for resetting their password. The process as per instructions form the bank is:-

1) The customer will login to the account with current ID credentials.

2) The customer will be able to change the password with two step processes
a) Choose three new security questions from a set of six security questions
b) After successful change of the password, the system will give the option to the
customer to get information on each transaction nationally and internationally.
The customer will choose the amount as to what amount and above he/she
wants notification of the transaction (the notification can be sent $1.00 and up
on any amount).
c) On successful completion of the above steps the customer will receive a one-
time OTP by text on the phone number on file, at this stage the customer will
be provided with a choice to add a second number or decline the same and let
the existing information be on file.

The assignment is:-

1) Determine the number of Use cases in this assignment and define each Use Case.
2) Write Use case requirement document for each Use Case covering all the
3) Prepare a Use case UML diagram for each Use Case showing different relationships
between the Actors / Use Case / System.
4) Combine all Use case requirement documents in one Use case document for the
whole process.
5) Prepare a combined Use case UML diagram for the whole process.

Read the assignment carefully before attempting the same to decide in- scope/out of scope
for the assignment.

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