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Insert rubber cathether to a male patient

Nurse Nabillah : Good morning, Mr. Athar.

Mr.Athar : Good morning nurse.
Nurse Nabillah : how are you in this morning?
Mr.Athar : It's getting better, but I'm having trouble urinating.
Nurse Nabillah : Okay, according to order from Dr. Jessica i have to insert this
rubber cathether into your bladder. helps in urination.
Mr.Athar : oh, so the rubber cathether help for taking out urine from
Nurse Nabillah : yes Mr.Athar, so you just wait here. i’ll prepare the instrument
for this procedure first.

In five minutes the nurse brings the instrument to Mr. Black's room.
Nurse Nabillah : Okay, would you mind laying down on your bed and putting off
your pant?
Mr.Athar : Okay.
Nurse Nabillah : Then cover yourself with this blanket, okay?
Mr. Athar : no problem.
Nurse Nabillah : Good and place your thighs slightly abducted, meanwhile I
clean my hand then put on the glove first.
Mr.Athar : Yes, nurse.
Nurse Nabillah : Very good I am going to clean your penis by soap and water
then dry it by towel.

Then the nurse puts the drape between Mr. Black's thighs and lubricates
the catheter with lubricant (Male : 12.5 - 17,5 cm and Female : 2.5 - 5 cm)
Nurse Nabillah : Well, Mr.Athar, I am going to insert this catheter into your
penis, I hope you can breathe normally, okay?
Mr.Athar : Okay.
While the nurse lifts the penis perpendicularly and inserting the catheter
through urethra until urine flows out catheter end then the nurse inflates
the balloon of catheter with some water and connects it to urinal bag
Mr.Athar : It's finished, nurse?
Nurse Nabillah : Yes, it has done perfectly and now I'll fix the tubing to top your
of thigh or your lower abdomen.
Mr.Athar : Good, Thank you very much, nurse!
Nurse Nabillah : Your welcome, Mr.Athar.

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