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Pursuant to Director’s Shertzer’s comment on June 13, 2019 that the District Accountant

Michelin Wegem was not forthright in her dealings with the District. In view of the fact that
Michelin Wegem is an important witness on the Ryce Case, I had a discussion with Michelin
Wegem, she confirmed that the statement reported by Director Shertzer on June 13, 2019 is
false. In this regard, am of the view that Director Shertzer is trying to discredit Michelin Wegem
as a witness in the ongoing Ryce Case which is detrimental to the District standing on the case.

Pursuant to Section 10, subsection 10.2 of the District’s Board of Directors Policy Handbook
(Board Code of Ethics), once the Board takes action, members of the Board should commit to
supporting the action and not create a barrier to its implementation. I believe the actions of
Director Shertzer contravene these provisions. The Board took action to restructure the
District and since then, Director Shertzer has been working against the implementation of this
action despite the fact that the action has saved the District over $1.5 million over the past
three years.

It also contravenes Section 6 of the District Code of Ethics which stipulates that Directors shall
base their decisions on merits and substance of the matter at hand, rather than on unrelated

As a result, am urging the Board to approve Item 12 as it is written.

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